Matches in geoconnex for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- b1000684 description "Precipitation in in" @default.
- b1000685 description "Precipitation, total, inches / USGS-05548280-6562ad93dc7147bfa7d336e1a6c41d0f" @default.
- b1000688 description "Discharge / USGS-01047200-cbc8a6917b444af0b25a023c6022b307 in ft^3/s" @default.
- b1000693 description "Gage height / USGS-01047200-c9e9a21c22a2454984191cd0030a5e03" @default.
- b1000694 description "Discharge / USGS-01047200-cbc8a6917b444af0b25a023c6022b307" @default.
- b1000700 description "Gage height / USGS-01047200-c9e9a21c22a2454984191cd0030a5e03 in ft" @default.
- b1000705 description "Precipitation, total, inches / USGS-325224091520500-a78ce3e88eb94f3696866c9d094fb035" @default.
- b1000709 description "Precipitation in in" @default.
- b1000710 description "Discharge / USGS-01158000-4783be9c88194be3b3d92c0a1b2cc913 in ft^3/s" @default.
- b1000717 description "Discharge / USGS-01158000-4783be9c88194be3b3d92c0a1b2cc913" @default.
- b1000718 description "Gage height / USGS-01158000-c884c987205f488b975d340923fb89ad" @default.
- b1000723 description "Gage height / USGS-01158000-c884c987205f488b975d340923fb89ad in ft" @default.
- b1000728 description "Gage height / USGS-06820410-d4aded91620a40c99d02c35d4fc40142" @default.
- b1000729 description "Discharge / USGS-06820410-d4b4067bd3b34102abe2dcf220fd2724" @default.
- b1000731 description "Gage height / USGS-06820410-d4aded91620a40c99d02c35d4fc40142 in ft" @default.
- b1000735 description "Discharge / USGS-06820410-d4b4067bd3b34102abe2dcf220fd2724 in ft^3/s" @default.
- b1000739 description "Gage height / USGS-02395980-4e1724293fbc4dd7a6082faba28b712c in ft" @default.
- b1000740 description "Discharge, cubic feet per second / USGS-02395980-51537b2c52134fb9b92261a9907c5db0" @default.
- b1000743 description "Discharge in ft^3/s" @default.
- b1000748 description "Gage height / USGS-02395980-4e1724293fbc4dd7a6082faba28b712c" @default.
- b1000753 description "Discharge / USGS-03352988-c981369f32334398950bba74376ac1e4 in ft^3/s" @default.
- b1000754 description "Gage height / USGS-03352988-e45d15f5a5b94d0cbf11d8a9be445f10 in ft" @default.
- b1000759 description "Discharge / USGS-03352988-c981369f32334398950bba74376ac1e4" @default.
- b1000760 description "Gage height / USGS-03352988-e45d15f5a5b94d0cbf11d8a9be445f10" @default.
- b1000767 description "Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius / USGS-09380000-f02ab60f91f848cc809210026b7c1cf3" @default.
- b1000771 description "Specific conductance in uS/cm" @default.
- b1000774 description "Discharge, cubic feet per second / USGS-09380000-a62122d8ff094125b63bb2f73410b2b4" @default.
- b1000778 description "Discharge in ft^3/s" @default.
- b1000779 description "pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units / USGS-09380000-1241828e71084a6eba07b7519ae65bad" @default.
- b1000783 description "pH in pH Units" @default.
- b1000784 description "Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius / USGS-09380000-6a001d48ca364fce846d6e4f0664d387" @default.
- b1000787 description "Specific conductance in uS/cm" @default.
- b1000790 description "None / USGS-09380000-e1c4b44914ed43819cf8e2e2138e9064" @default.
- b1000794 description "None / USGS-09380000-e1c4b44914ed43819cf8e2e2138e9064 in in" @default.
- b1000802 description "None / USGS-09380000-c1d72c8390d144f78b51568a3755a5ad" @default.
- b1000806 description "None / USGS-09380000-c1d72c8390d144f78b51568a3755a5ad in ft" @default.
- b1000812 description "Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter / USGS-09380000-2995b14c17004b24894069ee6b29e487" @default.
- b1000813 description "pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units / USGS-09380000-622ea8526d06489e8de89d1f4827d8b6" @default.
- b1000814 description "Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter / USGS-09380000-7e3e976d5bd54bb581b310ca6fcc1daf" @default.
- b1000815 description "Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU) / USGS-09380000-94e85173c7e046efbdee7cb26d29a441" @default.
- b1000816 description "Temperature, water, degrees Celsius / USGS-09380000-b3c374548a8d4553868046dd9fda2582" @default.
- b1000817 description "Temperature, water, degrees Celsius / USGS-09380000-dd99b0288ede4744be36390e3f543363" @default.
- b1000818 description "Dissolved oxygen in mg/l" @default.
- b1000819 description "Temperature in degC" @default.
- b1000820 description "pH in pH Units" @default.
- b1000823 description "Temperature in degC" @default.
- b1000828 description "Dissolved oxygen in mg/l" @default.
- b1000829 description "Turbidity in _FNU" @default.
- b1000834 description "Gage height, feet / USGS-09106800-09df0231a819461c88191d4bbf8a6991" @default.
- b1000835 description "Stream water level elevation above NAVD 1988, in feet / USGS-09106800-6b2861aedcfc46cfaf7f6ac50c0bc9f7" @default.
- b1000836 description "Water velocity reading from field sensor, feet per second / USGS-09106800-d84fc687c85a4056a34f6b1a2386f0af" @default.
- b1000840 description "Gage height in ft" @default.
- b1000844 description "Water velocity reading from field sensor in ft/s" @default.
- b1000845 description "Stream water level elevation above NAVD 1988 in ft" @default.
- b1000849 description "Discharge / USGS-05405000-6c1e7c8a07c047bea4363c661960fa28" @default.
- b1000853 description "Discharge / USGS-05405000-6c1e7c8a07c047bea4363c661960fa28 in ft^3/s" @default.
- b1000855 description "Stream water level elevation above NAVD 1988 in ft" @default.
- b1000859 description "Gage height / USGS-05405000-7d355af2e41645e293411156389995c5 in ft" @default.
- b1000863 description "Stream water level elevation above NAVD 1988, in feet / USGS-05405000-7a2f76eabcba4946b0882e70ffecc502" @default.
- b1000864 description "Gage height / USGS-05405000-7d355af2e41645e293411156389995c5" @default.
- b1000872 description "Discharge in ft^3/s" @default.
- b1000876 description "Gage height / USGS-05094000-41c664a234dd4b61ac41a7fd65e7ea60" @default.
- b1000877 description "Stream water level elevation above NAVD 1988, in feet / USGS-05094000-67f709f76213479fb07b845fe24f0787" @default.
- b1000878 description "Discharge, cubic feet per second / USGS-05094000-77f25ebb30c343bca9bc7d543ada333d" @default.
- b1000881 description "Gage height / USGS-05094000-41c664a234dd4b61ac41a7fd65e7ea60 in ft" @default.
- b1000886 description "Stream water level elevation above NAVD 1988 in ft" @default.
- b1000891 description "Gage height / USGS-03145000-270992c69aad40c09eeebc606919b4b0 in ft" @default.
- b1000892 description "Discharge, cubic feet per second / USGS-03145000-4a6dd53121f1491a8db984ad79340328" @default.
- b1000896 description "Discharge in ft^3/s" @default.
- b1000898 description "Gage height / USGS-03145000-270992c69aad40c09eeebc606919b4b0" @default.
- b1000907 description "Gage height, feet / USGS-08380070-16358c12aaf148a09680b5e64f55d9d3" @default.
- b1000911 description "Gage height in ft" @default.
- b1000918 description "Precipitation in in" @default.
- b1000919 description "None / USGS-08380070-81cdc684b4ee4e9caff04ae0c730a0d7" @default.
- b1000923 description "None / USGS-08380070-81cdc684b4ee4e9caff04ae0c730a0d7 in in" @default.
- b1000925 description "Turbidity in _NTU" @default.
- b1000927 description "Precipitation, total, inches / USGS-08380070-83bba183dfbe4b8f8486cbf63ac232b9" @default.
- b1000928 description "Turbidity, water, unfiltered, broad band light source (400-680 nm), detection angle 90 +-30 degrees to incident light, nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) / USGS-08380070-9be8ec806127483498d103aab39c35e6" @default.
- b1000933 description "Discharge / USGS-02071530-9a3648953fa14d61abf5a4408622462a" @default.
- b1000934 description "Gage height / USGS-02071530-a6c7437bcd5342879c3d7dee2a1dbe2d" @default.
- b1000937 description "Gage height / USGS-02071530-a6c7437bcd5342879c3d7dee2a1dbe2d in ft" @default.
- b1000940 description "Discharge / USGS-02071530-9a3648953fa14d61abf5a4408622462a in ft^3/s" @default.
- b1000946 description "Depth to water level in ft" @default.
- b1000949 description "Depth to water level, feet below land surface / USGS-364818094185301-35e2c57b5c004772a17ca85b77ffb69e" @default.
- b1000953 description "Gage height, feet / USGS-01151500-9b248cdba5ee4029ba17840be00424ad" @default.
- b1000957 description "Gage height in ft" @default.
- b1000962 description "Discharge / USGS-01151500-c0fa4ac7121a41af9ad524180609f833" @default.
- b1000963 description "Discharge / USGS-01151500-c0fa4ac7121a41af9ad524180609f833 in ft^3/s" @default.
- b1000971 description "Elevation, GW, NAVD88 / USGS-290514082270701-5bb1a46cd25e4b178a16cae9ce1998c7" @default.
- b1000972 description "Elevation, GW, NGVD29 / USGS-290514082270701-94fb09e50f1447868b7d87b2b976a46e" @default.
- b1000975 description "Elevation in ft" @default.
- b1000979 description "Elevation in ft" @default.
- b1000980 description "Stream water level elevation above NAVD 1988, in feet / USGS-04176617-184bb0a5610b458f9368a77d4223b6f0" @default.
- b1000984 description "Stream water level elevation above NAVD 1988 in ft" @default.
- b1000990 description "Discharge / USGS-04176617-29d38b513cc9449c867fabb8e3fee9bb" @default.
- b1000991 description "Gage height / USGS-04176617-6b88e847d38c4c95b88f2bd64c387ea3" @default.
- b1000995 description "Discharge / USGS-04176617-29d38b513cc9449c867fabb8e3fee9bb in ft^3/s" @default.
- b1000997 description "Gage height / USGS-04176617-6b88e847d38c4c95b88f2bd64c387ea3 in ft" @default.
- b1001003 description "Discharge / USGS-01349810-12f2e0bfd5ca477f828102bd98b973d9" @default.
- b1001004 description "Gage height / USGS-01349810-e86c57ffc69c4d2593346ed689a3644d" @default.