Matches in climatepub4-kg for { ?s ?p ?o @default. }
- 0a184cdc-c074-4946-90a6-02f03c686341 TargetsLocation e384382c-fb2a-43ea-b064-610e6d4807e9 @default.
- 0a184cdc-c074-4946-90a6-02f03c686341 type Model @default.
- 0a184cdc-c074-4946-90a6-02f03c686341 type Platform @default.
- 0a184cdc-c074-4946-90a6-02f03c686341 broader 5cd7da77-cb95-40aa-8775-b6df68e0aa63 @default.
- 0a184cdc-c074-4946-90a6-02f03c686341 broader f3261de5-34c1-4980-af22-f9d7e7206d12 @default.
- 0a184cdc-c074-4946-90a6-02f03c686341 definition "A mathematical model is a description of a system using mathematical concepts and language The process of developing a mathematical model is termed mathematical modeling Mathematical models are used in the natural sciences and engineering disciplines as well as in nonphysical systems such as the social sciences" @default.
- 0a184cdc-c074-4946-90a6-02f03c686341 prefLabel "Models" @default.
- 0a3e3bc3-d878-44f0-9650-145a53062c36 type Model @default.
- 0a3e3bc3-d878-44f0-9650-145a53062c36 type Platform @default.
- 0a3e3bc3-d878-44f0-9650-145a53062c36 broader 3466eed1-2fbb-49bf-ab0b-dc08731d502b @default.
- 0a3e3bc3-d878-44f0-9650-145a53062c36 broader b39a69b4-c3b9-4a94-b296-bbbbe5e4c847 @default.
- 0a3e3bc3-d878-44f0-9650-145a53062c36 broader f3261de5-34c1-4980-af22-f9d7e7206d12 @default.
- 0a3e3bc3-d878-44f0-9650-145a53062c36 prefLabel "Echo" @default.
- 0a672f19-dad5-4114-819a-2eb55bdbb56a type Location @default.
- 0a672f19-dad5-4114-819a-2eb55bdbb56a broader 713eb469-abe4-4b6b-bad6-134187deabd8 @default.
- 0a672f19-dad5-4114-819a-2eb55bdbb56a prefLabel "CONTINENT" @default.
- 0aad04f5-5438-4800-a0c9-6155656a720e MeasuredAt b791f381-1c1c-4958-bc7d-b72a15da1174 @default.
- 0aad04f5-5438-4800-a0c9-6155656a720e type Platform @default.
- 0aad04f5-5438-4800-a0c9-6155656a720e type Variable @default.
- 0aad04f5-5438-4800-a0c9-6155656a720e broader 8e8b7689-0a8e-47a4-9c68-5f6a207104d5 @default.
- 0aad04f5-5438-4800-a0c9-6155656a720e broader b39a69b4-c3b9-4a94-b296-bbbbe5e4c847 @default.
- 0aad04f5-5438-4800-a0c9-6155656a720e broader f3261de5-34c1-4980-af22-f9d7e7206d12 @default.
- 0aad04f5-5438-4800-a0c9-6155656a720e definition "WIND was launched on November 1 1994 and is the first of two NASA spacecraft in the Global Geospace Science initiative and part of the ISTP Project WIND was positioned in a sunward multiple doublelunar swingby orbit with a maximum apogee of 250Re during the first two years of operation This was followed by a halo orbit at the EarthSun L1 pointThe science objectives of the WIND mission are Provide conplete plasma energetic particle and magnetic field input formagnetospheric and ionospheric studies Determine the magnetospheric output to interplanetary space in theupstream region Investigate basic plasma processes occuring in the nearEarth solar wind Provide baseline ecliptic plane observations to be used in heliosphericlatitudes from ULYSSES WIND carries the following instrumentsRadio and Plasma Wave experiment WAVESEnergetic Particle Acceleration Composition and Transport EPACTSolar Wind Experiment SWESolar Wind and Suprathermal Ion Composition Studies SWICSMASSSTICSMagnetic Fields Investigation MFI3D Plasma and Energetic Particle Analyzer 3DPTransient GammaRay Spectrometer TGRSGamma Ray Burst Studies KONUSFor more information seehttppwggsfcnasagovwindshtmlandhttpssedgsfcnasagovwavesGroup PlatformDetails EntryID WIND Group PlatformIdentification PlatformCategory SolarSpace Observation Satellites ShortName WIND EndGroup Group SynonymousPlatformNames ShortName GGSWind ShortName ISTPWind ShortName WindGGS ShortName WindISTP ShortName 23333 ShortName 1994071A EndGroup Group PlatformAssociatedInstruments ShortName SWIMS ShortName KONUS ShortName TGRS ShortName 3DP ShortName MFI ShortName SMS ShortName SWE ShortName EPACT ShortName WAVES EndGroup Group Orbit Perigee 235 ER Apogee 265 ER OrbitType LPO L1 Lissajous Orbit Halo Orbit EndGroup OnlineResource httpssedgsfcnasagovwaves SampleImage httpnssdcgsfcnasagovimagespacecraftwindjpg Group PlatformLogistics LaunchDate 19941101 LaunchSite Cape CanaveralKennedy Space Center USA PrimarySponsor NASA EndGroupEndGroup" @default.
- 0aad04f5-5438-4800-a0c9-6155656a720e prefLabel "WIND" @default.
- 0ac1326b-77cd-4b5a-a60b-32c5528ff9d0 TargetsLocation 559411a8-5fe5-4d2c-ad6b-30849e650396 @default.
- 0ac1326b-77cd-4b5a-a60b-32c5528ff9d0 type Project @default.
- 0ac1326b-77cd-4b5a-a60b-32c5528ff9d0 type Provider @default.
- 0ac1326b-77cd-4b5a-a60b-32c5528ff9d0 broader af0968ce-ffe3-44a0-86de-2ec9b9a8fa5d @default.
- 0ac1326b-77cd-4b5a-a60b-32c5528ff9d0 broader fb0b9fcd-5c96-4989-8c64-a479bbed83ab @default.
- 0ac1326b-77cd-4b5a-a60b-32c5528ff9d0 definition "Winter snowstorms are frequent on the eastern seaboard and cause major disruptions to transportation commerce and public safety Snowfall within these storms is frequently organized in banded structures that are poorly understood by scientists and poorly predicted by current numerical models Since that last study on snowstorms the capabilities of remote sensing technologies and numerical weather prediction models have advanced significantly making now an ideal time to conduct a wellequipped study to identify key processes and improve remote sensing and forecasting of snowfallMore Information httpsesponasagovimpactscontentIMPACTS" @default.
- 0ac1326b-77cd-4b5a-a60b-32c5528ff9d0 prefLabel "IMPACTS" @default.
- 0aee28fe-1c74-4743-8855-003bc1075174 type Model @default.
- 0aee28fe-1c74-4743-8855-003bc1075174 type Platform @default.
- 0aee28fe-1c74-4743-8855-003bc1075174 broader 3466eed1-2fbb-49bf-ab0b-dc08731d502b @default.
- 0aee28fe-1c74-4743-8855-003bc1075174 broader b39a69b4-c3b9-4a94-b296-bbbbe5e4c847 @default.
- 0aee28fe-1c74-4743-8855-003bc1075174 broader f3261de5-34c1-4980-af22-f9d7e7206d12 @default.
- 0aee28fe-1c74-4743-8855-003bc1075174 definition "A series of uncrewed Soviet and then Russian satellites launched from the early 1960s to the present day As of 2020 there were 2544 satellites in the series The first was launched on March 16 1962 Kosmos satellites were used for a wide variety of purposes including scientific research navigation and military reconnaissance In the Soviet years failures of probes in other programs were given a Kosmos number Kosmos 26 and 49 both launched in 1964 for example were equipped to measure Earths magnetic field Others were employed to study certain technical aspects of spaceflight as well as physical phenomena in Earths upper atmosphere and in deep space A number of themsuch as Kosmos 597 600 and 602were apparently used to collect intelligence on the Yom Kippur War the fourth ArabIsraeli war in October 1973 Some Kosmos spacecraft had the ability to intercept satellites launched by other nations Other Kosmos satellites have proved much more notable for how their missions ended Kosmos 954 a Soviet navy satellite powered by a nuclear reactor crashed in the Northwest Territories of Canada on January 24 1978 scattering radioactive debris The first collision that destroyed an operational satellite happened on February 10 2009 when Kosmos 2251 an inactive Russian military communications satellite collided with Iridium 33 a communications satellite owned by the American company Motorola about 760 km 470 miles above northern Siberia shattering both satellites" @default.
- 0aee28fe-1c74-4743-8855-003bc1075174 prefLabel "Cosmos" @default.
- 0b3765f7-20f7-4425-bd50-d1bb99d09d86 ComparedTo 559411a8-5fe5-4d2c-ad6b-30849e650396 @default.
- 0b3765f7-20f7-4425-bd50-d1bb99d09d86 ComparedTo 9e29690c-079c-4429-afed-ef061ab0c41e @default.
- 0b3765f7-20f7-4425-bd50-d1bb99d09d86 ComparedTo d40d9651-aa19-4b2c-9764-7371bb64b9a7 @default.
- 0b3765f7-20f7-4425-bd50-d1bb99d09d86 MeasuredAt 507794a1-9563-49a4-b2d3-8a28347c1fd7 @default.
- 0b3765f7-20f7-4425-bd50-d1bb99d09d86 TargetsLocation 1972d5b3-339a-4d27-9542-df9d9eabfd0e @default.
- 0b3765f7-20f7-4425-bd50-d1bb99d09d86 TargetsLocation 48b7925c-f8e0-4b82-953a-d15ad2d5ba6a @default.
- 0b3765f7-20f7-4425-bd50-d1bb99d09d86 type Location @default.
- 0b3765f7-20f7-4425-bd50-d1bb99d09d86 broader 0a672f19-dad5-4114-819a-2eb55bdbb56a @default.
- 0b3765f7-20f7-4425-bd50-d1bb99d09d86 broader 713eb469-abe4-4b6b-bad6-134187deabd8 @default.
- 0b3765f7-20f7-4425-bd50-d1bb99d09d86 prefLabel "EUROPE" @default.
- 0b513d8c-bfd3-44ee-976e-42757b8375a2 MeasuredAt 41cd228c-4677-4900-9507-70144d8b50bc @default.
- 0b513d8c-bfd3-44ee-976e-42757b8375a2 type Science_Keyword @default.
- 0b513d8c-bfd3-44ee-976e-42757b8375a2 type Variable @default.
- 0b513d8c-bfd3-44ee-976e-42757b8375a2 broader 1eb0ea0a-312c-4d74-8d42-6f1ad758f999 @default.
- 0b513d8c-bfd3-44ee-976e-42757b8375a2 broader 6eb3919b-85ce-4988-8b78-9d0018fd8089 @default.
- 0b513d8c-bfd3-44ee-976e-42757b8375a2 broader 91697b7d-8f2b-4954-850e-61d5f61c867d @default.
- 0b513d8c-bfd3-44ee-976e-42757b8375a2 broader e9f67a66-e9fc-435c-b720-ae32a2c3d8f5 @default.
- 0b513d8c-bfd3-44ee-976e-42757b8375a2 definition "A charged molecule composed of one atom of phosphorus and four atoms ofoxygen PO43 available to plants and phytoplankton as a nutrient" @default.
- 0b513d8c-bfd3-44ee-976e-42757b8375a2 prefLabel "PHOSPHATE" @default.
- 0bd7d518-6e4d-455e-95cd-2add85fc88fa ComparedTo 4b75a3a2-9811-43b9-8f8c-64d0ae4d9ca8 @default.
- 0bd7d518-6e4d-455e-95cd-2add85fc88fa TargetsLocation 10a9c153-f37d-48fe-920d-c790d946ab07 @default.
- 0bd7d518-6e4d-455e-95cd-2add85fc88fa type Location @default.
- 0bd7d518-6e4d-455e-95cd-2add85fc88fa broader 0a672f19-dad5-4114-819a-2eb55bdbb56a @default.
- 0bd7d518-6e4d-455e-95cd-2add85fc88fa broader 2ca1b865-5555-4375-aa81-72811335b695 @default.
- 0bd7d518-6e4d-455e-95cd-2add85fc88fa broader 713eb469-abe4-4b6b-bad6-134187deabd8 @default.
- 0bd7d518-6e4d-455e-95cd-2add85fc88fa prefLabel "WESTERN_AFRICA" @default.
- 0bf5fb56-9d29-438a-a84f-a60296a2e503 ProvidedBy c297fda0-848a-4a9b-85be-86f29c92f212 @default.
- 0bf5fb56-9d29-438a-a84f-a60296a2e503 type Platform @default.
- 0bf5fb56-9d29-438a-a84f-a60296a2e503 type Provider @default.
- 0bf5fb56-9d29-438a-a84f-a60296a2e503 broader 3466eed1-2fbb-49bf-ab0b-dc08731d502b @default.
- 0bf5fb56-9d29-438a-a84f-a60296a2e503 broader 6cca285c-edc4-4147-ba57-9cbbffbc0ae6 @default.
- 0bf5fb56-9d29-438a-a84f-a60296a2e503 broader b39a69b4-c3b9-4a94-b296-bbbbe5e4c847 @default.
- 0bf5fb56-9d29-438a-a84f-a60296a2e503 broader f3261de5-34c1-4980-af22-f9d7e7206d12 @default.
- 0bf5fb56-9d29-438a-a84f-a60296a2e503 definition "httpsearthesainteogatewaysearchtextaloshttpglobaljaxajpprojectssatalosindexhtmlALOS is a Japanese EarthObservation satellite developed by JAXA Theobjective of the mission is to provide the user community with data ofsufficient resolution to be able to generate 125000 scale maps ALOSmission objectives as set by JAXA are to Develop digital elevation models DEMs and related geographic dataproducts Perform regional observation for sustainable developmentharmonization between Earth environment and development Conduct disaster monitoring around the world Survey natural resources Develop sensor and satellite technology for future EarthobservingsatellitesThe mission includes optical and an active Lband microwave sensorpayload whose highresolution data may be used for environmental andhazard monitoring ESA will provide the EuropeanAfrican node for datadistributionSummary provided by JAXAGroup PlatformDetails EntryID ALOS Group PlatformIdentification PlatformCategory Earth Observation Satellites ShortName ALOS LongName Advanced Land Observing Satellite EndGroup Group SynonymousPlatformNames ShortName ALOS EndGroup Group PlatformAssociatedInstruments ShortName AVNIR2 ShortName PALSAR ShortName PRISM EndGroup Group Orbit OrbitAltitude 69165 km OrbitInclination 9816 deg RepeatCycle 46 days OrbitType LEO Low Earth Orbit Polar SunSynchronous EndGroup CreationDate 20071114 OnlineResource httpwwwjaxajpprojectssatalosindexehtml SampleImage httpwwweorcjaxajpALOSimagesconfigurationgif Group PlatformLogistics LaunchDate 20060124 LaunchSite Tanegashima Island Japan DesignLife 35 years PrimarySponsor JAPANJAXA EndGroupEndGroup" @default.
- 0bf5fb56-9d29-438a-a84f-a60296a2e503 prefLabel "ALOS" @default.
- 0bf8eb19-ee5b-4ad5-b138-4f93ed49467e MeasuredAt 41cd228c-4677-4900-9507-70144d8b50bc @default.
- 0bf8eb19-ee5b-4ad5-b138-4f93ed49467e type Provider @default.
- 0bf8eb19-ee5b-4ad5-b138-4f93ed49467e type Variable @default.
- 0bf8eb19-ee5b-4ad5-b138-4f93ed49467e broader 1bb6821d-8534-40ce-a6ee-7c88ce4d3c9f @default.
- 0bf8eb19-ee5b-4ad5-b138-4f93ed49467e broader a158f804-b000-4013-9513-cee7790381c3 @default.
- 0bf8eb19-ee5b-4ad5-b138-4f93ed49467e definition "Planetary Exploration Program PEP is a planetary data analysis tool that Combines imagery elevation and other data sets into an integrated map view Generates a virtual 3D world to fly over Downloads data directly from NASA servers Supports searching based on feature name geological type and size Provides easy to use image processing functions Draws sensor cross sections over top of imagery Easily handles over 100MB of imagery Alpha blends multiple layers Locally caches selected data setsSummary Provided byhttpwwwsiliconspaceshipscom" @default.
- 0bf8eb19-ee5b-4ad5-b138-4f93ed49467e prefLabel "SSS" @default.
- 0c89f3f4-7ab1-43ce-89ee-795d35f0e30a type Project @default.
- 0c89f3f4-7ab1-43ce-89ee-795d35f0e30a prefLabel "A_C" @default.
- 0cd8148f-6feb-42ea-b867-5af9a933d673 type Location @default.
- 0cd8148f-6feb-42ea-b867-5af9a933d673 prefLabel "WESTERN_EUROPE" @default.
- 0cfcbaa7-727b-4199-8cca-93824b427e9b RunBy 10a9c153-f37d-48fe-920d-c790d946ab07 @default.
- 0cfcbaa7-727b-4199-8cca-93824b427e9b type Model @default.
- 0cfcbaa7-727b-4199-8cca-93824b427e9b type Science_Keyword @default.
- 0cfcbaa7-727b-4199-8cca-93824b427e9b type Variable @default.
- 0cfcbaa7-727b-4199-8cca-93824b427e9b broader 162e2243-3266-4999-b352-d8a1a9dc82ac @default.
- 0cfcbaa7-727b-4199-8cca-93824b427e9b broader 1eb0ea0a-312c-4d74-8d42-6f1ad758f999 @default.
- 0cfcbaa7-727b-4199-8cca-93824b427e9b broader c47f6052-634e-40ef-a5ac-13f69f6f4c2a @default.
- 0cfcbaa7-727b-4199-8cca-93824b427e9b broader e9f67a66-e9fc-435c-b720-ae32a2c3d8f5 @default.
- 0cfcbaa7-727b-4199-8cca-93824b427e9b definition "Cloud processes growth evaporation etc taking place on the scale of the individual aerosol or precipitation particle as opposed to the scale of the visual cloud" @default.
- 0cfcbaa7-727b-4199-8cca-93824b427e9b prefLabel "CLOUD_MICROPHYSICS" @default.
- 0d209f3c-73b1-412d-828b-22b25da8fc3a MeasuredAt 2a9bce94-c391-4834-96bb-a9685d3590b1 @default.
- 0d209f3c-73b1-412d-828b-22b25da8fc3a type Location @default.
- 0d209f3c-73b1-412d-828b-22b25da8fc3a type Science_Keyword @default.
- 0d209f3c-73b1-412d-828b-22b25da8fc3a broader 1eb0ea0a-312c-4d74-8d42-6f1ad758f999 @default.
- 0d209f3c-73b1-412d-828b-22b25da8fc3a broader 5debb283-51e4-435e-b2a2-e8e2a977220d @default.
- 0d209f3c-73b1-412d-828b-22b25da8fc3a broader 885735f3-121e-4ca0-ac8b-f37dbc972f03 @default.