Matches in climatepub4-kg for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- 005d192a-95b9-4fc2-afed-f87da3c3dc33 definition "Methods of expressing water vapor" @default.
- 00bb59aa-755d-4710-a097-f1e2836f4032 definition "The evolution of the RADARSAT program the RCM includes a trio of Earth observation satellites capable of scanning Earth day or night and in any weather conditions The threesatellite configuration allows for daily revisits of Canadas vast territory and maritime approaches as well as daily access to 90 of the worlds surface and the Arctic up to four times a day" @default.
- 0111fbd3-e6ec-464a-bc65-2323c2328e7c definition "The US Department of the Interior manages one of every five acres of land inthe United States providing opportunities for wilderness wildlife protectionrecreation and resource development They supply water for much of the west sothat farmers can grow food and people can turn on their taps They provideaccess to energy and minerals so that people can warm and cool their homes anddrive to their jobs They honor American Indians Alaska Natives andaffiliated Island communities and protect wildlife and improve theenvironmentWebsite httpwwwdoigovSummary provided by the US Department of the Interior" @default.
- 0142954a-f944-4d31-b2c4-ec6ac3716f2d definition "CH2M HILL Polar Field Services PFS and SRI now team as CH2M HILL Polar Services CPS to provide arctic logistics to National Science Foundation NSF funded researchers Staff field sites and services remain the same" @default.
- 01a84bc1-a571-4d23-b57f-1b04fd9542a6 definition "A long narrow channel of water that flows as a function of gravity and elevation across the Earths surface Many streams empty into lakes seas or oceans" @default.
- 02ea239e-4bca-4fda-ab87-be12c723c30a definition "Properties of aerosol particles including compositon size diameter" @default.
- 03caa2f1-1753-47c5-923d-49e2043dbf7d definition "Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Crop Harvesting kgC m2 s1" @default.
- 05ac9d3e-bc44-41fa-ace0-c41bf3ebee97 definition "Cloud Liquid Water The amount of liquid water per unit volume of airUsually expressed in grams per cubic meter Cloud Ice Ice crystalsthat are observed within a cloud" @default.
- 06180441-d4bb-4fed-b36a-9b3cb2cac0fe definition "The general term for a cyclone that originates over the tropical oceans" @default.
- 063177a9-14cd-4750-9aa4-ad5d266bd7ad definition "Numerical representation of the atmosphere and its phenomena over the entireEarth using the equations of motion and including radiation photochemistryand the transfer of heat water vapor and momentum" @default.
- 0692f19d-55bc-4fd7-8bf8-a0224e8715f9 definition "Methods to store water for human consumption or agricultural use" @default.
- 06c1281f-e306-4511-bdab-ed6c0694f0f9 definition "Explosions or emissions of lava ashes and toxic gases from deep inside the earth through volcanoes" @default.
- 071e792f-af6c-46e5-a9f4-732966defdfd definition "A new coupled general circulation climate model developed at the Met Offices Hadley Centre is presented and aspects of its performance in climate simulations run for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report IPCC AR4 documented with reference to previous modelshttpamsallenpresscomperlservrequestgetabstractdoi1011752FJCLI37121ct1" @default.
- 07825acf-619a-4689-b1ed-09c15166624c definition "Breaking down of Earths rocks soils and minerals through direct contact with the planets atmosphere Weathering occurs in situ or with no movement and thus should not be confused with erosion which involves the movement of rocks and minerals by agents such as water ice wind and gravity" @default.
- 07b53dde-6fea-4662-9d03-ccfd617ca710 definition "Photosynthesis is the synthesis of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide andwater by chlorphyll using light as energy with oxygen as abyproduct" @default.
- 080db90f-79ff-4900-941d-9c02fe2df862 definition "Chemical component of the ocean used to determine the movement of water masses" @default.
- 08a4f002-f368-414d-b923-83dd498452d8 definition "An ice core is a section of ice drilled from a glacier or ice sheet Ice deposits contain samples of the atmosphere at the time the ice formed they also record seasonal fluctuations of temperature and dust Thats why ice cores are extremely valuable sources of paleoclimate data on the Earths climate in the distant past Researchers drill sections of ice cores hundreds of meters long and then match sections at different depths with particular eras in the Earths past These sections can then be analyzed for clues about atmospheric gases and temperatures from hundreds of thousands of years ago" @default.
- 08bc1b7d-b27b-43e2-a728-4939efb88f08 definition "a vent in the crust of the earth or another planet or a moon from which usually molten or hot rock and steam issue also a hill or mountain composed wholly or in part of the ejected material" @default.
- 0976b778-91be-40e7-9ed7-ebbf214bb818 definition "The volume of water flow including any suspended solids which is transported through a given crosssectional area" @default.
- 099ab1ae-f4d2-48cc-be2f-86bd58ffc4ca definition "Glaciers are masses of land ice formed by the further recrystallization offirn flowing continuously from higher to lower elevations Ice sheets are acontinuous sheet of land ice that covers a very large area and moves outward inmany directions This type of ice mass is so thick as to mask the land surfacecontours in contrast to the smaller and thinner highland ice The continentalglacier of Greenland is sometimes called the Inland Ice This term is oftenused to describe the great ice masses that characterized the ice ages" @default.
- 09c21315-faba-446c-b060-136705972347 definition "Precipitation composed of white or translucent ice crystals chiefly in complex branch hexagonal form and often agglomerated into snowflakes" @default.
- 09d00879-6d96-4df4-9f50-73bd761118d9 definition "Refers to an official announcement typically a warning about bad environmental conditions" @default.
- 09ef7548-5e64-4296-8129-0ab625e15721 definition "Catchment model uses the Mosaic land cover classification and soils topographic and other modelspecific parameters were derived in a consistent manner as in the NASAGMAOs GEOS5 climate modeling system" @default.
- 0a184cdc-c074-4946-90a6-02f03c686341 definition "A mathematical model is a description of a system using mathematical concepts and language The process of developing a mathematical model is termed mathematical modeling Mathematical models are used in the natural sciences and engineering disciplines as well as in nonphysical systems such as the social sciences" @default.
- 0aad04f5-5438-4800-a0c9-6155656a720e definition "WIND was launched on November 1 1994 and is the first of two NASA spacecraft in the Global Geospace Science initiative and part of the ISTP Project WIND was positioned in a sunward multiple doublelunar swingby orbit with a maximum apogee of 250Re during the first two years of operation This was followed by a halo orbit at the EarthSun L1 pointThe science objectives of the WIND mission are Provide conplete plasma energetic particle and magnetic field input formagnetospheric and ionospheric studies Determine the magnetospheric output to interplanetary space in theupstream region Investigate basic plasma processes occuring in the nearEarth solar wind Provide baseline ecliptic plane observations to be used in heliosphericlatitudes from ULYSSES WIND carries the following instrumentsRadio and Plasma Wave experiment WAVESEnergetic Particle Acceleration Composition and Transport EPACTSolar Wind Experiment SWESolar Wind and Suprathermal Ion Composition Studies SWICSMASSSTICSMagnetic Fields Investigation MFI3D Plasma and Energetic Particle Analyzer 3DPTransient GammaRay Spectrometer TGRSGamma Ray Burst Studies KONUSFor more information seehttppwggsfcnasagovwindshtmlandhttpssedgsfcnasagovwavesGroup PlatformDetails EntryID WIND Group PlatformIdentification PlatformCategory SolarSpace Observation Satellites ShortName WIND EndGroup Group SynonymousPlatformNames ShortName GGSWind ShortName ISTPWind ShortName WindGGS ShortName WindISTP ShortName 23333 ShortName 1994071A EndGroup Group PlatformAssociatedInstruments ShortName SWIMS ShortName KONUS ShortName TGRS ShortName 3DP ShortName MFI ShortName SMS ShortName SWE ShortName EPACT ShortName WAVES EndGroup Group Orbit Perigee 235 ER Apogee 265 ER OrbitType LPO L1 Lissajous Orbit Halo Orbit EndGroup OnlineResource httpssedgsfcnasagovwaves SampleImage httpnssdcgsfcnasagovimagespacecraftwindjpg Group PlatformLogistics LaunchDate 19941101 LaunchSite Cape CanaveralKennedy Space Center USA PrimarySponsor NASA EndGroupEndGroup" @default.
- 0ac1326b-77cd-4b5a-a60b-32c5528ff9d0 definition "Winter snowstorms are frequent on the eastern seaboard and cause major disruptions to transportation commerce and public safety Snowfall within these storms is frequently organized in banded structures that are poorly understood by scientists and poorly predicted by current numerical models Since that last study on snowstorms the capabilities of remote sensing technologies and numerical weather prediction models have advanced significantly making now an ideal time to conduct a wellequipped study to identify key processes and improve remote sensing and forecasting of snowfallMore Information httpsesponasagovimpactscontentIMPACTS" @default.
- 0aee28fe-1c74-4743-8855-003bc1075174 definition "A series of uncrewed Soviet and then Russian satellites launched from the early 1960s to the present day As of 2020 there were 2544 satellites in the series The first was launched on March 16 1962 Kosmos satellites were used for a wide variety of purposes including scientific research navigation and military reconnaissance In the Soviet years failures of probes in other programs were given a Kosmos number Kosmos 26 and 49 both launched in 1964 for example were equipped to measure Earths magnetic field Others were employed to study certain technical aspects of spaceflight as well as physical phenomena in Earths upper atmosphere and in deep space A number of themsuch as Kosmos 597 600 and 602were apparently used to collect intelligence on the Yom Kippur War the fourth ArabIsraeli war in October 1973 Some Kosmos spacecraft had the ability to intercept satellites launched by other nations Other Kosmos satellites have proved much more notable for how their missions ended Kosmos 954 a Soviet navy satellite powered by a nuclear reactor crashed in the Northwest Territories of Canada on January 24 1978 scattering radioactive debris The first collision that destroyed an operational satellite happened on February 10 2009 when Kosmos 2251 an inactive Russian military communications satellite collided with Iridium 33 a communications satellite owned by the American company Motorola about 760 km 470 miles above northern Siberia shattering both satellites" @default.
- 0b513d8c-bfd3-44ee-976e-42757b8375a2 definition "A charged molecule composed of one atom of phosphorus and four atoms ofoxygen PO43 available to plants and phytoplankton as a nutrient" @default.
- 0bf5fb56-9d29-438a-a84f-a60296a2e503 definition "httpsearthesainteogatewaysearchtextaloshttpglobaljaxajpprojectssatalosindexhtmlALOS is a Japanese EarthObservation satellite developed by JAXA Theobjective of the mission is to provide the user community with data ofsufficient resolution to be able to generate 125000 scale maps ALOSmission objectives as set by JAXA are to Develop digital elevation models DEMs and related geographic dataproducts Perform regional observation for sustainable developmentharmonization between Earth environment and development Conduct disaster monitoring around the world Survey natural resources Develop sensor and satellite technology for future EarthobservingsatellitesThe mission includes optical and an active Lband microwave sensorpayload whose highresolution data may be used for environmental andhazard monitoring ESA will provide the EuropeanAfrican node for datadistributionSummary provided by JAXAGroup PlatformDetails EntryID ALOS Group PlatformIdentification PlatformCategory Earth Observation Satellites ShortName ALOS LongName Advanced Land Observing Satellite EndGroup Group SynonymousPlatformNames ShortName ALOS EndGroup Group PlatformAssociatedInstruments ShortName AVNIR2 ShortName PALSAR ShortName PRISM EndGroup Group Orbit OrbitAltitude 69165 km OrbitInclination 9816 deg RepeatCycle 46 days OrbitType LEO Low Earth Orbit Polar SunSynchronous EndGroup CreationDate 20071114 OnlineResource httpwwwjaxajpprojectssatalosindexehtml SampleImage httpwwweorcjaxajpALOSimagesconfigurationgif Group PlatformLogistics LaunchDate 20060124 LaunchSite Tanegashima Island Japan DesignLife 35 years PrimarySponsor JAPANJAXA EndGroupEndGroup" @default.
- 0bf8eb19-ee5b-4ad5-b138-4f93ed49467e definition "Planetary Exploration Program PEP is a planetary data analysis tool that Combines imagery elevation and other data sets into an integrated map view Generates a virtual 3D world to fly over Downloads data directly from NASA servers Supports searching based on feature name geological type and size Provides easy to use image processing functions Draws sensor cross sections over top of imagery Easily handles over 100MB of imagery Alpha blends multiple layers Locally caches selected data setsSummary Provided byhttpwwwsiliconspaceshipscom" @default.
- 0cfcbaa7-727b-4199-8cca-93824b427e9b definition "Cloud processes growth evaporation etc taking place on the scale of the individual aerosol or precipitation particle as opposed to the scale of the visual cloud" @default.
- 0d209f3c-73b1-412d-828b-22b25da8fc3a definition "The steepness of the highest point to the lower elevations" @default.
- 0e098a6e-2123-4566-9069-6a3401775ca3 definition "The Paleozoic Era which ran from about 542 million years ago to 251 million years ago was a time of great change on Earth The era began with the breakup of one supercontinent and the formation of another Plants became widespread And the first vertebrate animals colonized land" @default.
- 0e53e397-7836-45ec-bc62-0d54f9f176e5 definition "The PNA pattern is one of the most prominent modes of lowfrequencyvariability in the Northern Hemisphere extratropics appearing in allmonths except June and July The PNA pattern reflects a quadripolepattern of height anomalies with anomalies of similar sign locatedsouth of the Aleutian Islands and over the southeastern UnitedStates Anomalies with sign opposite to the Aleutian center arelocated in the vicinity of Hawaii and over the intermountain regionof North America central Canada during the Winter and Fall Spring" @default.
- 0ec10fd9-492c-498a-b6d8-e2840cc3643b definition "A fixed site or location where an instrument or platform can be setup to conduct field work" @default.
- 0f07d4c2-cfee-43ff-86d1-289058fe5050 definition "Future scenario with high radiative forcing by the end of century Following approximately RCP85 global forcing pathway but with new forcing based on SSP5 Concentrationdriven As a tier 2 option this simulation should be extended to year 2300" @default.
- 0f50133b-1ef8-4c67-97a3-ac0604a41fc8 definition "The Pisces V is a threeperson batterypowered submersible with an operating depth range of 2000 m Along with its sister submersible the Pisces IV the Pisces V weighs 13 tons and has a payload of 200 pounds The personnel sphere of each sub is 7 feet in diameter and is made of HY 100 steel" @default.
- 0f816677-9e94-4e3b-b409-513335769af8 definition "The concentration of chlorophyll is a proxy for the number of photosynthetic plankton or phytoplankton present in the ocean Phytoplankton populations are influenced by climatic factors such as sea surface temperatures and winds" @default.
- 101c2cd2-b135-430b-a9c6-b710dee48d78 definition "The fraction of liquid phase 1 x which after flashing to the atmosphere remains suspended as an aerosol" @default.
- 10a9c153-f37d-48fe-920d-c790d946ab07 definition "The circulatory vertical motion in a fluid medium ocean water owing tothe variation of its density and the action of gravity" @default.
- 10ec2826-c4ac-4373-ad05-9bb4eb35b360 definition "The process by which surface sediment is incorporated into a fluid flow such as air water or even ice as part of the operation of erosion" @default.
- 11aca777-8a01-42ce-b076-b3059c3d8cae definition "A measure of the roughness of the sea surface a scale of surfacewave conditions related to the speed of wind" @default.
- 12e12fd9-0d3e-47fc-b818-cbbeb3f35413 definition "A new method for measuring plant canopy nonrandomness and otherarchitectural components has been developed using a 16 bit65535 gray scale levels chargedcoupled device CCD camerathat captures images of plant canopies in two wavelengthbands This complete system is referred to as a multibandvegetation imager MVI The use of two wavelength bandsvisible VIS 400620 nn and near infrared NIR 720950 nmpermits identification of sunlit and shaded foliage sunlit andshaded branch area clouds and blue shy based on the camerasresolution and the Varying spectral properties that scenecomponents have in the two wavelength bands This approach isdifferent from other canopy imaging methods such as fisheyephotography because it emphasizes measuring the fraction of animage occupied by various scene components branches shadedleaves sunlit leaves under different sky conditions ratherthan simply the canopy gap fraction under uniform skyconditionsSummary provided by the University of WisconsinMadison" @default.
- 13215210-664a-4636-96a8-cf8713e94c76 definition "The National Science Foundation NSF is an independent agency of theUS Government established by the National Science Foundation Act of1950 as amended and related legislation 42 USC 1861 et seq andwas given additional authority by the Science and Engineering EqualOpportunities Act 42 USC 1885 and Title I of the Education forEconomic Security Act 20 USC 3911 to 3922The Foundation consists of the National Science Board of 24 parttimemembers and a Director who also serves as ex officio National ScienceBoard member each appointed by the President with the advice andconsent of the US Senate Other senior officials include a DeputyDirector who is appointed by the President with the advice and consentof the US Senate and eight Assistant DirectorsWebsite httpwwwnsfgovSummary provided by NSF" @default.
- 13927300-c59c-491a-91f3-f1540bcb2d8d definition "Units of motion in a fluid medium ocean running contraryusually circularly to the main current" @default.
- 13aeaea0-ab45-4148-abcf-c6becf7a8934 definition "A state of fluid wind flow in which the instantaneous windvelocities exhibit irregular and apparently random fluctuations so that inpractice only statistical properties can be recognized and subjected toanalysis UB" @default.
- 13df63e8-85ad-405d-9b43-256371e259c0 definition "coupled atmosphereocean global climate model additionally including explicit representation of at least the land and sea ice" @default.
- 14802b53-b702-438f-8c8a-f51506807ce6 definition "Vertebrates are chordates with a backbone either of cartilage or bone and abrain located inside a protective chamber of skull bones" @default.
- 1488b98d-6497-48b9-88db-6ee82a2e3ed3 definition "Winds that over a small area differ from those that would be appropriate to the general largescale pressure distribution or that possess some other peculiarity" @default.
- 15029eb0-6342-4066-8ac9-c50f7dbfb392 definition "Water substance in vapor form one of the most important of all constituents of the atmosphere" @default.
- 1532e590-a62d-46e3-8d03-2351bc48166a definition "All liquid or solid phase aqueous particles that originate in the atmosphere and fall to the earths surface" @default.
- 15cc550b-068c-49f4-b082-bc2a43675606 definition "The green pigment in plants responsible for absorbing the light energy required for photosynthesis" @default.
- 162e2243-3266-4999-b352-d8a1a9dc82ac definition "A visible aggregate of minute water droplets andor ice crystals inthe atmosphere above the Earths surface" @default.
- 167bba30-03d3-4898-8c53-6e50828d1749 definition "The Cambrian Period was the first geological period of the Paleozoic Era and of the Phanerozoic Eon The Cambrian lasted 556 million years from the end of the preceding Ediacaran Period 541 million years ago mya to the beginning of the Ordovician Period 4854 mya The Cambrian is unique in its unusually high proportion of lagerstätte sedimentary deposits sites of exceptional preservation where soft parts of organisms are preserved as well as their more resistant shells As a result our understanding of the Cambrian biology surpasses that of some later periods The Cambrian marked a profound change in life on Earth prior to the Cambrian the majority of living organisms on the whole were small unicellular and simple the Precambrian Charnia being exceptional Complex multicellular organisms gradually became more common in the millions of years immediately preceding the Cambrian but it was not until this period that mineralizedhence readily fossilizedorganisms became common The rapid diversification of life forms in the Cambrian known as the Cambrian explosion produced the first representatives of all modern animal phyla Phylogenetic analysis has supported the view that during the Cambrian radiation metazoa animals evolved monophyletically from a single common ancestor flagellated colonial protists similar to modern choanoflagellates Although diverse life forms prospered in the oceans the land is thought to have been comparatively barrenwith nothing more complex than a microbial soil crust and a few molluscs that emerged to browse on the microbial biofilm Most of the continents were probably dry and rocky due to a lack of vegetation Shallow seas flanked the margins of several continents created during the breakup of the supercontinent Pannotia The seas were relatively warm and polar ice was absent for much of the period" @default.
- 16bfcf54-f8e1-4c8e-9bd4-a1ac06ea95a0 definition "A measure of height especially of great height as a mountain top oraircraft flight level In meteorology altitude is used almost exclusivelywith respect to the height of an airborne object above the earthssurface above a constant pressure surface or above mean sea level" @default.
- 1715936c-434b-410c-aa94-c2f6b5c08c95 definition "PSAR operates in a stripmap mode with a swath illuminated by a single antenna beam ie an imaging configuration similar to that of the ERS12 SAR Global coverage is obtained by the interleaved stripmap operations among three complementary swaths as described previously The beam repointing is performed through a roll maneuver of the spacecraft as there is ample time over the poles for such operations This solution using the spacecraft rolling was preferred over the possibility of electronic beam switching due to its simplicity" @default.
- 17b1489c-fba7-4252-bf23-b981148343f1 definition "Satellites are objects launched to orbit Earth oranother celestial bodySource The American Heritage Dictionary" @default.
- 18e0fad3-b6f4-4120-9221-f82fb2ffd384 definition "Optically measurable component of the dissolved organic matter in the water" @default.
- 1972d5b3-339a-4d27-9542-df9d9eabfd0e definition "Past Global Changes PAGES is the International GeosphereBiosphereProgram IGBP Core Project charged with providing a quantitativeunderstanding of the Earths past environment and defining the envelope ofnatural environmental variability within which we can assess anthropogenicimpact on the Earths biosphere geosphere and atmosphere In order topermit validation of their effectiveness models intended to predictfuture environmental changes must be capable of accurately reproducingconditions known to have occurred in the pastPAGES seeks to obtain and interpret a variety of palaeoclimatic records toprovide the data essential for the validation of predictive climaticmodels PAGES seeks the integration and intercomparison of ice ocean andterrestrial palaeorecords and encourages the creation of consistentanalytical and database methodologies within the palaeosciencesPAGES research is divided into five focus areas with associatedactivities and tasksFocus 1 Global Paleoclimate and Environmental VariabilityPaleoclimate of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres PANASH PEP I PoleEquatorPole I The Americas Transect PEP II The AustralAsian Transect PEP III AfroEuropean TransectFocus 2 CLIVARPAGES IntersectionFocus 3 International Marine Past Global Changes IMAGESFocus 4 Polar Programs Circum Arctic Paleoenvironments CAPE Quaternary Environment of the Eurasian North project Queen International TransAntarctic Scientific Expedition ITASE Antarctic Ice Margin Evolution ANTIMEFocus 5 Past Ecosystems Processes andHumanEnvironment Interactions HITE Human Impacts on Terrestrial Ecosystems LUCIFS Land Used and Climate Impacts on Fluvial Systems during the Period of Agriculture LIMPACS Human Impact on Lake EcosystemsContactPAGES International Project OfficeBaerenplatz 2CH3011 BerneSwitzerlandTel 4131 312 3133Fax 4131 312 3168Email pagespagesunibechURL httpwwwpagesunibechPAGES data is archived at the World Data Center for PaleoclimatologyBoulder COSee httpwwwpagesunibechdatadatahtml for mirror sites andhttpwwwngdcnoaagovpaleoThis information was obtained from the IGBP and PAGES websites" @default.
- 199e3af8-4cf3-48ba-8b28-b9b54756b3db definition "The range of dynamic natural bodies composed of mineral and organicmaterials and living forms in which plants grow" @default.
- 1abdb52f-5a0f-4c6f-8812-f642223f6517 definition "NearSurface Air Temperature" @default.
- 1c08d8f3-f733-41d8-a01b-2f4044043224 definition "A cloud is a visible mass of aerosolised liquid droplets or frozen crystals suspended in an atmosphere above the surface of a planetary body" @default.
- 1c0ebf89-f115-4e0d-9942-8ff8289bd330 definition "The ratio of the area of the water surface covered by ice as a fraction of the whole area Sea ice concentration has been monitored by polar orbiting satellites at all wavelengths" @default.
- 1cbefa2a-484e-4742-ad3d-d347d27272bd definition "a structure formed in a cave by the deposition of minerals from water eg a stalactite or stalagmite" @default.
- 1e76ccc7-2729-4de1-8c01-f295476ebb35 definition "The deviation of temperature in a given region over a specified period from the longterm average value for the same region" @default.
- 1e7afff2-cd50-4d26-968b-bffd2d738edd definition "The capacity of a soil for producing a specified plant or sequence of plants under a specified system of management emphasizing the ability to produce crops" @default.
- 20dea6db-e5d4-42a9-a1d5-0421c65fced8 definition "CMIP6 historical" @default.
- 210325d0-ab30-4c08-8ceb-1f0ee1bf49c2 definition "Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Ecosystem Productivity on Land kgC m2 s1" @default.
- 22b339b5-1af5-46e3-8191-d93729001eeb definition "Sharp temperature boundaries between water masses" @default.
- 233a4d81-44f8-4b0e-8ad3-695f641729f8 definition "Ecosystem functions are the physical chemical biological and manmadeprocesses that contribute to the selfmaintenance of an ecosystem" @default.
- 23703b6b-ee15-4512-b5b2-f441547e2edf definition "Climate Indicators are a set of parameters that describe the changing climate without reducing climate change to only temperature They comprise key information for the most relevant domains of climate change temperature and energy atmospheric composition ocean and water as well as the cryosphere" @default.
- 250ce118-46e7-4dec-9e44-8054c9318cff definition "Radiative forcing measured in Watts per square meter can be estimated in different ways for different components For the case of a change in solar irradiance ie solar forcing the radiative forcing is simply the change in the average amount of solar energy absorbed per square meter of the Earths area Since the crosssectional area of the Earth exposed to the sun πr2 is equal to 14 of the surface area of the Earth 4πr2 the solar input per unit area is one quarter the change in solar intensity This must be multiplied by the fraction of incident sunlight that is absorbed F1R where R is the reflectivity or albedo of the Earth equal to approximately 07 Thus the solar forcing is the change in the solar intensity divided by 4 and multiplied by 07" @default.
- 251c87cd-03b3-464f-8390-8ede2fec28fc definition "Pertaining to the measurement of the average kinetic energy of oceanic water" @default.
- 25d4368e-3b66-40d5-bac1-2343b127fa32 definition "In 1971 Roland Madden and Paul Julian stumbled upon a 4050 dayoscillation when analyzing zonal wind anomalies in the tropicalPacific They used ten years of pressure records at Canton at 28B0 Sin the Pacific and upper level winds at SingaporeThe oscillation of surface and upperlevel winds was remarkably clearin Singapore Until the early 1980s little attention was paid to thisoscillation which became known as the Madden and JulianOscillationMJO and some scientists questioned its globalsignificance Since the 198283 El Nino event lowfrequencyvariations in the tropics both on intraannual less than a year andinterannual more than a year timescales have received much moreattention and the number of MJOrelated publications grew rapidly" @default.
- 267606d3-4918-4651-b40d-be12b09dd2fe definition "Platforms used for scientific observation that are based in the water such as a buoy boat or submarine" @default.
- 26d3953e-be79-46e4-b746-efb1983c3f5c definition "Graphical mathematical symbolic physical or verbal representation or simplified version of a concept phenomenon relationship structure system or an aspect of the real world" @default.
- 26fc4850-7ba9-44d8-a156-5c623e17b72f definition "The combined processes through which water is transferred to the atmosphere from open water and ice surfaces bare soil and vegetation that make up the earths surface" @default.
- 27a62e86-0b64-4e21-9766-cfdcd95ff87b definition "Specific subsystems or modules that together constitute a comprehensive climate model" @default.
- 27dd85c2-3403-438d-8b0c-8d424df60468 definition "Soil moisture is difficult to define because it means different things in different disciplines For example a farmers concept of soil moisture is different from that of a water resource manager or a weather forecaster Generally however soil moisture is the water that is held in the spaces between soil particles Surface soil moisture is the water that is in the upper 10 cm of soil whereas root zone soil moisture is the water that is available to plants which is generally considered to be in the upper 200 cm of soil" @default.
- 283df7dc-58e0-41c5-80b1-e9cdeae9e79e definition "The NEE of CO2 with the atmosphere is a fundamental measure of the balance between carbon uptake by the vegetation GPP and carbon losses through autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration" @default.
- 286d2ae0-9d86-4ef0-a2b4-014843a98532 definition "Also called aqueous vapor moisture Water substance in vapor form one of the most important of all constituents of the atmosphereAir in motion relative to the surface of the earth" @default.
- 2878f334-35dc-47a7-a3ae-8c5da1adccd3 definition "The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer MODIS is a multidisciplinary keystone instrument on Aqua and Terra providing a wide array of multispectral daily observations of land ocean and atmosphere features at spatial resolutions between 250 m and 1000 m Approximately 40 data products are produced from the MODIS data Data are distributed not only through the EOS Data and Information Service EOSDIS Distributed Active Archive Centers DAACs at Goddard Space Flight Center the EROS Data Center in Sioux Falls South Dakota and the National Snow and Ice Data Center NSIDC in Boulder Colorado but also via over 100 Direct Broadcast DB stations distributed worldwideKey MODIS FactsHeritage AVHRR HIRS Landsat TM and Nimbus7 CZCSInstrument Type Mediumresolution multispectral crosstrack scanning radiometer daylight reflection and daynight emission spectral imagingSwath Width 2300 km at 110 degree 17755 degreeCoverage Global coverage every 1 to 2 daysSpatial Resolution 250 m 500 m 1 kmDimensions 104 m x 118 m x 163 mMass 229 kgThermal Operating Range 268 177 5 KPower 1625 W average 225 W peakDuty Cycle 100Instrument Nadir IFOV 250 m 2 bands 500 m 5 bands 1000 m 29 bandsPolarization Sensitivity 2 from 043 181m to 22 181m and 17745 degree scanSignaltoNoise Ratios From 500 to 1100 for 1km ocean color bands at 70 degree solar zenith angleNEDt Typically 005 K at 300 KAbsolute Irradiance Accuracy 5 for wavelengths 3 181m and 1 for wavelengths 3 181mGroup InstrumentDetails EntryID MODIS Group InstrumentIdentification InstrumentCategory Earth Remote Sensing Instruments InstrumentClass Passive Remote Sensing InstrumentType SpectrometersRadiometers InstrumentSubtype Imaging SpectrometersRadiometers ShortName MODIS LongName ModerateResolution Imaging Spectroradiometer EndGroup Group AssociatedPlatforms ShortName TERRA ShortName AQUA EndGroup Group SpectralFrequencyInformation WavelengthKeyword Visible NumberChannels 10 Channels SpectralFrequencyCoverageRange 04 07 181m EndGroup Group SpectralFrequencyInformation WavelengthKeyword Infrared Reflected NumberChannels 10 Channels SpectralFrequencyCoverageRange 075 3 181m EndGroup Group SpectralFrequencyInformation WavelengthKeyword Infrared Thermal NumberChannels 16 Channels SpectralFrequencyCoverageRange 30 145 181m EndGroup OnlineResource httpsmodisgsfcnasagov OnlineResource httpsmodislandgsfcnasagov OnlineResource httpslpdaacusgsgovdatasetdiscoverymodismodisproductstable OnlineResource httpsatmosphereimagergsfcnasagov OnlineResource httpsnsidcorgdatamodisindexhtml OnlineResource httpsladswebmodapseosdisnasagov OnlineResource httpsoceancolorgsfcnasagov OnlineResource httpsmcstgsfcnasagov OnlineResource httpsmodisgsfcnasagovdata OnlineResource httpsmodisgsfcnasagovdatadataprodindexphp SampleImage httpamodisgsfcnasagovaboutimagesmodisComponentsjpg CreationDate 20070416 Group InstrumentLogistics DataRate 62Mbps average 105 Mbps daytime 32 Mbps nighttime InstrumentStartDate 20020625 InstrumentOwner USANASA EndGroup Group InstrumentLogistics DataRate 62Mbps average 105 Mbps daytime 32 Mbps nighttime InstrumentStartDate 20000224 InstrumentOwner USANASA EndGroupEndGroup" @default.
- 28dc7895-3365-4bab-9946-3b247f4137b0 definition "Phytoplankton is the plant portion of the plankton the plant communityin marine and freshwater situations that floats free in the water andcontains many species of algae and diatoms" @default.
- 295c1f0b-bb76-4cbc-88cf-a42e6fb83bfb definition "The summation of all mass within 20 km of the Earths surface ie groundwater soil moisture surface water snow atmosphere expressed on the surface of the Earth" @default.
- 29b61359-ebec-42c2-be05-2d7be2275954 definition "Also known as cloud genus The main characteristic form of a cloud used inits indentification" @default.
- 29cce9aa-e040-4ff1-88d5-e12ec10d91d7 definition "The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis IIASA is anongovernmental research organization located in Austria Theinstitute conducts interdisciplinary scientific studies onenvironmental economic technological and social issues in thecontext of human dimensions of global change We are sponsored by ourNational Member Organizations in Africa Asia Europe and NorthAmericaIIASA researchers study environmental economic technological andsocial developments In doing so they generate methods and toolsuseful to both decision makers and the scientific community The workis based on original stateoftheart methodology and analyticalapproaches and links a variety of natural and social sciencedisciplinesWebsite httpwwwiiasaacatSummary provided by IIASA" @default.
- 29f04f16-3652-4210-bd9e-1578718aac70 definition "Scientific Objectives Growing concerns with effects of climatic anomalies have brought therealization that climate itself is dynamic and that observations from theoceans require the same detailed study that has been devoted to observationfrom stations on land for over a century These considerations formed the starting point for the construction of aComprehensive OceanAtmosphere Data Set COADS Development of COADS is acontinuing cooperative effort between the National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration NOAA its Environmental Research Laboratories NationalClimatic Data Center NCDC and Cooperative Institute for Research inEnvironmental Sciences CIRES and the National Science Foundations NationalCenter for Atmospheric Research NCAR Initiated in 1981 the COADS projecthas used modern formats to minimize storage volume and other innovations indata organization to provide for the firsttime convenient and efficientaccess to a unique record of oceanatmosphere behavior beginning in 1854 andcontinuing into the futureProject Description Global marine data observed during 18541979 primarily byshipsofopportunity have been collected edited and summarizedstatistically for each month of each year of the period using 2 degreelatitude times 2 degree longitude boxes Products now available in a firstrelease from this Comprehensive OceanAtmosphere Data Set include fullqualitycontrolled trimmed reports and summaries Each of the 70 millionunique reports contains 28 elements of weather position etc as well asflags indicating which observations were statistically trimmed Thesummaries give 14 statistics such as the median and mean for each of eightobserved variables of air and sea surface temperatures wind pressurehumidity and cloudiness plus 11 derived variables Relatively noisyuntrimmed individual reports and summaries giving 14 statistics for each ofthe eight observed variables are available for investigators who prefer theirown quality control Two other report forms inventories and decademonthsummaries are among the other data products available FORTRAN 77 softwareavailable to help read packed binary data products and processing detailssuch as the method of identifying duplicate reports are also describedData Products COADS products currently available from NCAR or NCDC are listed in thefollowing table Product numbers correspond to Release 1 gaps in numberingrefer to earlier versions of available products that are no longer supportedType of product is indicated by R individual marine reports M 2 degreesyearmonth summaries D 2 degrees decademonth summaries or otherThe number of tapes is based on a tape density of 6250 charactersinchFootnotes to commonly selected products give some additional details minorproducts may later be reviewed for retention All tapes are availablethrough NCAR except product number 19 which is available through NCDC PRODUCT TYPE No of TAPES1 Long Marine Reports LMR R 482 Inventories INV 16 Decadal Summary Untrimmed Limits DSUL 18 Trimming Performance TRP 29 Decadal Summaries Trimmed DST D 210 Compressed Marine Reports CMR R 1812 Decadal Summaries Untrimmed DSU D 213 Monthly Summaries Untrimmed Timesort MUST M 914 Monthly Summaries Untrimmed Boxsort MSUB M 915 Monthly Summaries Trimmed Timesort MSTT M 1816 Monthly Summaries Trimmed Boxsort MSTB M 1717 Monthly Summary Untrimmed Groups MSUG M 418 Monthly Summary Trimmed Groups MSTG M 1019 NCDC Result TD1129 R 115 The complete observational record stored in a variablelength formatSort is by 10 degree box year month 1 degree box day hour and deckDuplicate reports have either been eliminated or flagged Coverage18001969 56 suspect reports in 18001852 are included 197079separately landlocked reports are flagged Volume 395 Gbit A selection of 28 frequently used elements Individual ship number or callsign is omitted as are wave and swell fields etc Variables outsidetrimming limits were flagged Sort is by 10 degree box month 2 degree boxyear day hour longitude latitude Coverage 18541969 197079separately landlocked reports are flagged Volume 137 Gbit Five trimmed groups each containing four variables with eight statisticsincluded for each variable Sort is by year month 2 degree box Coverage18541979 landlocked data are deleted Volume 172 Gbit per group 45million yearmonth2 degree boxes Two tapes per group file thus 4untrimmed and 10 trimmed tapes total The full observational record except for some nearduplicate reports inan ASCIICharacter TD1129 format Sort is by Marsden Square MSQ yearmonth 1 degree MSQ day hour deck or for 197079 MSQ 1 degree MSQ yearmonth day hour deck Coverage 18001969 197079 separately landlockedreports are flagged Volume 846 GbitContactsNational Center for Atmospheric ResearchData Support SectionNCARSCDPO Box 3000Boulder CO 80307Phone 3034971219FAX 3034971298Email datahelpncarucareduNCAR Home Page httpwwwucareduNational Climatic Data Center151 Patton Avenue Room 120Federal BuildingAsheville NC 288015001Phone 7042714800FAX 7042714876email ordersncdcnoaagovNCDC Home Page httpwwwncdcnoaagovFTP ftp hurricanencdcnoaagov login storm password researchReferences Woodruff SD RJ Slutz RL Jenne and PM Steurer Bulletin of theAmerican Meteorological Society Vol 68 No 10 October 1987 USA Slutz RJ SJ Lubker JD Hiscox SD Woodruff RL Jenne DHJoseph PM Steurer and JD Elms 1985 Comprehensive OceanAtmosphere DataSet Release 1 NOAA Environmental Research Laboratories Climate ResearchProgram Boulder Colo 268 pp NTIS PB86105723" @default.
- 29f386e9-84fb-4e5d-9733-20233c63b1be definition "Pertaining to the net increase or decrease in energy due to snow formation melting evaporation etc" @default.
- 2a60df4a-a0d7-4e4b-b02a-372a083f0170 definition "With respect to pollution the discharge of gases or particles from asource such as a smokestack or exhaust pipe into the atmosphere perhapsresulting in environmental pollution With respect to radiation thegeneration and sending out of radiant energy" @default.
- 2a9bce94-c391-4834-96bb-a9685d3590b1 definition "The negative log of Hydrogen ion concentration" @default.
- 2ab4134d-1ac7-4421-a7a6-659a542aff4c definition "The sulfate ion is a polyatomic anion with the empirical formula SO42 and a molecular mass of 9606 daltons it consists of a central sulfur atom surrounded by four equivalent oxygen atoms in a tetrahedral arrangement The sulfate ion carries a negative two charge and is the conjugate base of the bisulfate or hydrogen sulfate ion HSO4 which is the conjugate base of H2SO4 sulfuric acid Organic sulfates such as dimethyl sulfate are covalent compounds and esters of sulfuric acidSulfates occur as microscopic particles aerosols resulting from fossil fuel and biomass combustion They increase the acidity of the atmosphere and form acid rain" @default.
- 2b1f7993-2d54-40de-abc4-3909f619ad4e definition "Pertaining to areas of intensive use with much of the land covered by structures" @default.
- 2b91245e-a779-42fa-89c2-303217463b95 definition "The distance in inches that plant roots extend into the soil Knowing theaverage root depth for the plants in each watering zone is important todetermine an efficient watering schedule Shallow roots require more frequentwatering than deep roots which can draw water from a larger soil profile Average root depths vary with plant type Trees will have root depths of 24inches or more Xeriscape plants will have root depths around 10 inches Shrubsand perennials will have roots of 8 inches or more Grass can have deep rootsgreater than 6 inches depending on region Annuals and bedding plants havethe shallowest roots at 45 inches" @default.
- 2b9ad978-d986-4d63-b477-0f5efc8ace72 definition "Refers to the Earth beneath our feet the planets solid surface and its interior" @default.
- 2c74f390-9d82-4903-98e0-bddf0d3247fb definition "Pertaining to areas used for the production of adapted crops for harvest" @default.
- 2de06b90-4abe-4c71-a537-978679bf8aea definition "Fisheries scientist Steven Hare coined the term Pacific DecadalOscillation PDO in 1996 while researching connections betweenAlaska salmon production cycles and Pacific climate PDO has sincebeen described as a longlived El Ninolike pattern of Pacificclimate variability because the two climate oscillations have similarspatial climate fingerprints but very different temporal behaviorTwo main characteristics distinguish PDO from El Nino SouthernOscillation ENSO first 20th century PDO events persisted for20to30 years while typical ENSO events persisted for 6 to 18months second the climatic fingerprints of the PDO are most visiblein the North PacificNorth American sector while secondary signaturesexist in the tropics the opposite is true for ENSOSeveral independent studies find evidence for just two full PDO cyclesin the past century cool PDO regimes prevailed from 18901924 andagain from 19471976 whilewarm PDO regimes dominated from 19251946and from 1977 through at least the mid1990s Shoshiro Minobe hasshown that 20th century PDO fluctuations were most energetic in twogeneral periodicities one from 15to25 years and the other from50to70 years" @default.
- 2e5a401b-1507-4f57-82b8-36557c13b154 definition "Suspension of particles of condensed matter liquid solid or mixed ina carrier gas usually air Aerosols are important in the atmosphere asnuclei for the condensation of water droplets and ice crystals asparticipants in various chemical cycles and as absorbers and scatterersof solar radiation thereby influencing the radiation budget of theearthatmosphere system which in turn influences the climate on thesurface of the Earth" @default.
- 2e83362e-d8f8-4bca-83fd-bae360ebe94b definition "Any change in the suns appearance or behavior The suns activityis described as being very low low moderate high or very highSolar activity changes over a period of on average 11 years Atsolar maximum the solar activity is high and so too the ExtremeUltraviolet EUV radiation output which affects the ionosphere At solar minimum the opposite is true" @default.
- 3306fdd4-c844-4280-ac37-226d2272dcd4 definition "Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Livermore CA 94550 USA" @default.
- 33f0ec3e-cd6d-498c-9468-749741fc12e2 definition "Solar irradiance at the top of the atmosphere on a plane normal to theincidentradiation and at the mean distance of the Earth from the Sun Solarirradianceis also referred to as the solar constant In satellite remotesensing thesolar irradiance is used as an onboard calibration of visible bandsensorsSome climate studies suggest that small variations in the solarirradianceassociated with solar activity over days to decades may have aneffect theEarths climateThe intensity of the suns radiation at different wavelengths The radiation isgenerally given in terms of solar constant S defined in terms of flux oftotal radiation received outside the earths atmosphere per unit area at meansun earth distance and has the value S 134 X 106 ergs cm2 sec1" @default.