Matches in climatepub4-kg for { <> ?p ?o ?g. }
Showing items 1 to 11 of
with 100 items per page.
- 2878f334-35dc-47a7-a3ae-8c5da1adccd3 MeasuredAt ba70b595-5263-4ffd-97a2-f86ba91681ae @default.
- 2878f334-35dc-47a7-a3ae-8c5da1adccd3 Outputs c297fda0-848a-4a9b-85be-86f29c92f212 @default.
- 2878f334-35dc-47a7-a3ae-8c5da1adccd3 ProvidedBy c297fda0-848a-4a9b-85be-86f29c92f212 @default.
- 2878f334-35dc-47a7-a3ae-8c5da1adccd3 type Instrument @default.
- 2878f334-35dc-47a7-a3ae-8c5da1adccd3 broader 2e38423f-a5e6-411a-88d3-8fdc00aaf30a @default.
- 2878f334-35dc-47a7-a3ae-8c5da1adccd3 broader 4f81c61c-f100-4bc4-9664-d9b70d2f162f @default.
- 2878f334-35dc-47a7-a3ae-8c5da1adccd3 broader 6015ef7b-f3bd-49e1-9193-cc23db566b69 @default.
- 2878f334-35dc-47a7-a3ae-8c5da1adccd3 broader 944b7691-af37-4fb4-9393-c114e7997829 @default.
- 2878f334-35dc-47a7-a3ae-8c5da1adccd3 broader b2140059-b3ca-415c-b0a7-3e142783ffe8 @default.
- 2878f334-35dc-47a7-a3ae-8c5da1adccd3 definition "The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer MODIS is a multidisciplinary keystone instrument on Aqua and Terra providing a wide array of multispectral daily observations of land ocean and atmosphere features at spatial resolutions between 250 m and 1000 m Approximately 40 data products are produced from the MODIS data Data are distributed not only through the EOS Data and Information Service EOSDIS Distributed Active Archive Centers DAACs at Goddard Space Flight Center the EROS Data Center in Sioux Falls South Dakota and the National Snow and Ice Data Center NSIDC in Boulder Colorado but also via over 100 Direct Broadcast DB stations distributed worldwideKey MODIS FactsHeritage AVHRR HIRS Landsat TM and Nimbus7 CZCSInstrument Type Mediumresolution multispectral crosstrack scanning radiometer daylight reflection and daynight emission spectral imagingSwath Width 2300 km at 110 degree 17755 degreeCoverage Global coverage every 1 to 2 daysSpatial Resolution 250 m 500 m 1 kmDimensions 104 m x 118 m x 163 mMass 229 kgThermal Operating Range 268 177 5 KPower 1625 W average 225 W peakDuty Cycle 100Instrument Nadir IFOV 250 m 2 bands 500 m 5 bands 1000 m 29 bandsPolarization Sensitivity 2 from 043 181m to 22 181m and 17745 degree scanSignaltoNoise Ratios From 500 to 1100 for 1km ocean color bands at 70 degree solar zenith angleNEDt Typically 005 K at 300 KAbsolute Irradiance Accuracy 5 for wavelengths 3 181m and 1 for wavelengths 3 181mGroup InstrumentDetails EntryID MODIS Group InstrumentIdentification InstrumentCategory Earth Remote Sensing Instruments InstrumentClass Passive Remote Sensing InstrumentType SpectrometersRadiometers InstrumentSubtype Imaging SpectrometersRadiometers ShortName MODIS LongName ModerateResolution Imaging Spectroradiometer EndGroup Group AssociatedPlatforms ShortName TERRA ShortName AQUA EndGroup Group SpectralFrequencyInformation WavelengthKeyword Visible NumberChannels 10 Channels SpectralFrequencyCoverageRange 04 07 181m EndGroup Group SpectralFrequencyInformation WavelengthKeyword Infrared Reflected NumberChannels 10 Channels SpectralFrequencyCoverageRange 075 3 181m EndGroup Group SpectralFrequencyInformation WavelengthKeyword Infrared Thermal NumberChannels 16 Channels SpectralFrequencyCoverageRange 30 145 181m EndGroup OnlineResource httpsmodisgsfcnasagov OnlineResource httpsmodislandgsfcnasagov OnlineResource httpslpdaacusgsgovdatasetdiscoverymodismodisproductstable OnlineResource httpsatmosphereimagergsfcnasagov OnlineResource httpsnsidcorgdatamodisindexhtml OnlineResource httpsladswebmodapseosdisnasagov OnlineResource httpsoceancolorgsfcnasagov OnlineResource httpsmcstgsfcnasagov OnlineResource httpsmodisgsfcnasagovdata OnlineResource httpsmodisgsfcnasagovdatadataprodindexphp SampleImage httpamodisgsfcnasagovaboutimagesmodisComponentsjpg CreationDate 20070416 Group InstrumentLogistics DataRate 62Mbps average 105 Mbps daytime 32 Mbps nighttime InstrumentStartDate 20020625 InstrumentOwner USANASA EndGroup Group InstrumentLogistics DataRate 62Mbps average 105 Mbps daytime 32 Mbps nighttime InstrumentStartDate 20000224 InstrumentOwner USANASA EndGroupEndGroup" @default.
- 2878f334-35dc-47a7-a3ae-8c5da1adccd3 prefLabel "MODIS" @default.