Matches in climatepub4-kg for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- 33f20afe-5ce2-43e9-9676-c5f664fbc324 definition "A measurement of the level of vulnerability of a given area or environment The level of vulnerability is determined by physical social economic and environmental factors or processes which increase the susceptibility of a community to the impact of hazards" @default.
- 3466eed1-2fbb-49bf-ab0b-dc08731d502b definition "Satellites that are specifically designed to observe Earth from orbit similar to spy satellites but intended for nonmilitary uses such as environmental monitoring meteorology map making etcThe most common type are Earth imaging satellites that take satellite images analogous to aerial photographs some EO satellites may perform remote sensing without forming pictures such as in GNSS radio occultation" @default.
- 346cade5-801a-4afc-9652-48d02905bc4f definition "Study of the mass movement of air over the surface of the oceans" @default.
- 3526afb8-0dc9-43c7-8ad4-f34f250a1e91 definition "The range of dynamic natural bodies composed of mineral and organic materials and living forms in which plants grow" @default.
- 356e018f-f15d-462f-8403-887b726a4372 definition "The location and status of energy infrastructure especially in relationship to population and land use are important from many perspectives including access to energy development environmental impacts on land air and water resources disaster risk management and mitigation and adaptation to climate change This collection presently includes two datasets on the locations of nuclear power facilities with their associated attributes and on estimated countrylevel populations in proximity to those locations with at least one operating reactor in March 2012" @default.
- 35d2677c-619a-4a47-a5a7-3feb9973c5ab definition "A modeling process where multiple diverse models are created to predict an outcome either by using many different modeling algorithms or using different training data sets" @default.
- 35e1f93b-99b3-4430-b477-0ecafa80d67a definition "A measure of temperature at different levels of the Earths atmosphere" @default.
- 35f1c0af-8379-4812-a130-08d84514fc98 definition "Vessels or submarines that operate below the ocean surface" @default.
- 3668de06-8a7d-4667-beb8-d04dcac619b0 definition "A numerical representation of the chemical constituents of Earthsatmosphere and the roles they play in influencing the atmospherestemperature radiation and dynamics" @default.
- 3678d18c-9dca-4743-abc0-1442b4d438d2 definition "Drought should be considered relative to some longterm average condition ofbalance between precipitation and evapotranspiration ET in a particular areaa condition often perceived as normal Common to all types of drought is thefact that they originate from a deficiency of precipitation that results inwater shortage for some activity or for some group It is also commonlyrecognized that other meteorological elements such as temperature wind andrelative humidity may aggravate the severity and impacts of drought in someinstances BRBR A Drought Advisory may report on drought occurring in a particular region" @default.
- 36b98c25-719b-4893-9624-f5454d77eeb1 definition "The IOCs International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange IODE was established in 1961 to enhance marine research exploitation and development by facilitating the exchange of oceanographic data and information between participating Member States and by meeting the needs of users for data and information products Formally the IODE started out as a Working Group on Oceanographic Data Exchange which was created by the First IOC Assembly 1927 October 1961 through Resolution I9 The Working Group became a Working Committee in 1973 through Resolution VIII31 adopted by the 8th Session of the IOC Assembly 517 November 1973 The IODE system forms a worldwide service oriented network consisting of DNAs Designated National Agencies NODCs National Oceanographic Data Centres RNODCs Responsible National Oceanographic Data Centres and WDCs World Data Centres Oceanography During the past 40 years IOC Member States have established over 60 oceanographic data centres in as many countriesThis network has been able to collect control the quality of and archive millions of ocean observations and makes these available to Member States With the advance of oceanography from a science dealing mostly with local processes to one that is also studying ocean basin and global processes researchers depend critically on the availability of an international exchange system to provide data and information from all available sources Additionally scientists studying local processes benefit substantially from access to data collected by other Member States in their area of interest The economic benefit of obtaining data by exchange as opposed to collecting it oneself is huge The main objectives of the IODE Programme are i to facilitate and promote the exchange of all marine data and information including metadata products and information in realtime near real time and delayed mode ii to ensure the long term archival management and services of all marine data and information iii to promote the use of international standards and develop or help in the development of standards and methods for the global exchange of marine data and information using the most appropriate information management and information technology iv to assist Member States to acquire the necessary capacity to manage marine data and information and become partners in the IODE network and v to support international scientific and operational marine programmes of IOC and WMO and their sponsor organisations with advice and data management services Information provided by httpwwwiodeorgindexphpoptioncomcontenttaskviewid2Itemid34" @default.
- 382c2401-604b-44bb-bf78-5c201ea119e6 definition "Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment GLOBE isa worldwide network of students teachers and scientists workingtogether to study and understand the global environment The GLOBEgoals are to increase environmental awareness of individuals throughoutthe world to contribute to a better scientific understanding of theEarth and to help all students reach higher levels of achievement inscience and mathematicsThe GLOBE program is handson Students make environmentalobservations at or near their schools report their data to a GLOBEprocessing facility receive and use global images created from theirdata and study environmental topics in their classrooms The dataacquired by students are used worldwide by environmental scientists intheir research to improve understanding of the global environmentGLOBE is managed by an interagency team that includes the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA the NationalAeronautics and Space Administration NASA the National ScienceFoundation NSF the Environmental Protection Agency EPA and theDepartments of Education and State GLOBE leadership also includesthe Office on Environmental Policy and the Office of Science andTechnology Policy in the Executive Office of the President NOAA isthe lead agency for GLOBEMore information can be found on the WWW at httpwwwglobegovThis information was obtained from the GLOBE WWW pages" @default.
- 3850efdc-1839-4881-a7c0-347b57587850 definition "Platforms that are based on the land and used to acquire data platforms include hand held cameras film or digital cranes ground vehicles tethered balloons and even towers Groundbased platforms typically provide up to 50 meters elevated remote sensing data and are useful for acquiring low altitude imagery with frequent coverage for dynamic phenomena These types of platforms are relatively inexpensive stable and due to their low altitude provide highresolution data" @default.
- 386eb378-1d17-4fdb-b0de-7aec4db7be59 definition "The World Meteorological Organization WMO started the Global Atmosphere Watch GAW programme in 1989 to improve the provision of systematic and reliable observations of greenhouse gases CO2 CH4 CFCs N2O etc and related gases eg CO NOx SO2 in the atmosphere This programme has integrated WMOs monitoring activities under the Global Ozone Observing System GO3OS and the Background Air Pollution Monitoring Network BAPMoN As one of the important functions of the GAW programme the World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases WDCGG was established in the Japan Meteorological Agency JMA in October 1990 for systematic collection archiving and distribution of the data on the concentrations of greenhouse gases and related gases in the atmosphere and the ocean The WDCGG collects the data on the gases from a number of observation stations around the world involved in not only GAW but also other institutions and research programmes The collected data are processed into databases which are then analyzed for concentration levels and trends of the gases on local regional and global scales The results are summarized and distributed as periodical publications to the institutions and individuals submitting the data and to other usersMailing addressWMO World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gasesco Japan Meteorological Agency134 Otemachi ChiyodakuTokyo 1008122 JapanTelephone 81332873439Fax 81332114640Email wdcggmetkishougojpWWW httpgawkishougojpwdcgg" @default.
- 38fb609b-2a10-4d4f-b2e8-7e51161ec974 definition "Areas that are used for farming including ranching or land that has biophysical attributes that make it suitable for agricultural use" @default.
- 39f5a91f-c5b6-4aa9-a0c6-05530306f17b definition "Reports providing information on changes in environmental factors includingwarnings of potential threat to life property resources andor theenvironment arising from hazards in and around navigable water" @default.
- 3a0d1a04-972c-4272-a34e-a57c77112d76 definition "A layer which is determined by a form of vegetation" @default.
- 3b20a141-8408-44b2-adf1-632ac9222c61 definition "atmospheric general circulation model run with prescribed ocean surface conditions and usually a model of the land surface" @default.
- 3b746299-cd6d-4aa9-8de2-f05f3d6897cc definition "Monteith 1964 developed a modified version of the Penman equation in which biophysics was introduced through a surface or canopy resistance the now wellknown PenmanMonteith combination equation that allowed for vegetation control on transpiration rates" @default.
- 3bafe2e0-c1a7-4bee-a02e-ac66964b4d7f definition "A strongly sprouting cumulus species with generally sharp outlines and sometimes with a great vertical development it is characterized by its cauliflower or tower aspect of large sizeMainly in the Tropics cumulus congestus may produce abundant precipitation It may also occur in the form of very high towers the tops of which are formed of kinds of cloudy puffs that detaching themselves successively from the main portion of the cloud are carried away by the wind then disappear more or less rapidly sometimes producing virga Cumulus congestus is the result of the development of cumulus mediocris and sometimes of that of altocumulus castellanus or stratocumulus castellanus Cumulus congestus often transforms into cumulonimbus this transformation is revealed by the smooth fibrous or striated aspect assumed by its upper portion The species congestus is unique to the genus cumulus" @default.
- 3be6270c-8554-467a-b2c7-9c13bc086b10 definition "The European Centre for MediumRange Weather Forecasts Shinfield Park Reading RG2 9AX UK" @default.
- 3c4fe00c-6fb1-403e-a053-3a0174a6dfe6 definition "Methods of transport of liquid to and from vapor form" @default.
- 3c9d4493-22fd-48a8-9af5-bf0d16b7ede5 definition "The URL for accessing supplementary metadata" @default.
- 3ce7f4f0-d2db-4352-8762-d88296f7aa15 definition "In the simplest terms the GCMS instrument represents a devicethat separates chemical mixtures the GC component and a verysensitive detector the MS component with a data collector thecomputer componentAdditional information available athttpcaagstatecausbfstoxlabgcmshtmSummary provided by the California Bureau of Forensic Services" @default.
- 3d25724b-832f-4a61-b0b2-4f2ccecdba94 definition "Instrument for monitoring measuring or recording the rate of flow pressure or discharge of a fluid particularly those with a distinct molecular composition that is produced by or used in a chemical process Group InstrumentDetails EntryID Chemical MetersAnalyzers Group InstrumentIdentification InstrumentCategory In SituLaboratory Instruments ShortName Chemical MetersAnalyzers EndGroupEndGroup" @default.
- 3d64f625-fb84-4178-ad08-4be2dd15979b definition "An area of land where surface water from rain melting snow or ice converges to a single point at a lower elevation usually the exit of the basin where the waters join another waterbody such as a river lake reservoir estuary wetland sea or ocean" @default.
- 3d8524ce-fa34-412e-9a92-95df9a0b6d10 definition "Primary Organic Carbon Production by All Types of Phytoplankton" @default.
- 3e59af3d-500b-4c66-a9a1-76db5cf4a00b definition "Areas that have been altered or obstructed by humans especially by structures relating to cities" @default.
- 3e822484-c94a-457b-a32f-376fcbd6fd35 definition "The general configuration of the land surfaceincluding its relief and the position of its natural features" @default.
- 3f84c899-1916-41c5-bf4e-c94ad77aaeee definition "Hydrological evaporation is the evaporation of water generally as part of a planetary water cycle" @default.
- 3fe9c479-3cb5-45bf-8f4d-637282dccfa3 definition "The Arctic will experience some of the more dramatic environmental changes in the 21st century as surface air temperatures continue to rise in response to anthropogenic forcing This will lead to an intensification of the Arctic hydrologic cycle At regional scales however it remains unknown how precipitation evaporation and river discharge are evolving in a warmer world This study will investigate the role of largescale atmospheric anomalies in the Canadian northern hydrologic cycle with a focus on the IPY Specifically we will address the following science questions1 What are the dominant largescale atmospheric teleconnections that affect northern Canada2 What is the role of these teleconnections and their relative contributions to the atmospheric and surface water budgets of highlatitude river basins in a changing environment3 How will the meteorological and hydrological variables differ from their mean state during the IPY and how will they evolve in the near futureTo answer these important science questions the following work will be conducted according to the proposed timeline20062007 Historical meteorological and hydrological data will be analysed Relationships between atmospheric teleconnections such as the Arctic Oscillation AO El NiñoSouthern Oscillation ENSO and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation PDO and the state of the hydrologic budget over northern Canada will be evaluated The European Centre for MediumRange Weather Forecasts ECMWF Reanalysis ERA40 data set will provide global meteorological data that will be supplemented by observed river discharge from the Canadian Hydrometric Database HYDAT and observed precipitation and temperature from the Climate Research Unit CRU of the University of East Anglia The analysis will cover the period 19642004 for which spatial and temporal coverage is best and focus on the Mackenzie and Hudson Bay river basins20072008 During the IPY intensive observing period realtime monitoring of the atmospheric teleconnection indexes and of the hydrologic budget in northern Canada will be maintained The daily and recent state of atmospheric and hydrologic variables including daily assessments of their deviations from the mean will be reported on our website to provide other researchers this valuable information20082009 A diagnostic study of the atmospheric and hydrologic state over northern Canada during the IPY will be conducted This work will focus on the anomalies during the IPY from the mean state 19642004 An assessment of trends in the atmospheric teleconnection indexes and in the hydrometeorological variables will provide insights on the possible future state of northern Canadas hydrologic cycleSummary provided by httpclassicipyorgdevelopmenteoiproposaldetailsprintphpid159" @default.
- 40386eea-beb0-4b83-906b-75c6bfa24b73 definition "A 3hourly planetary index of geomagnetic activity calculated by the Institut fur Geophysik der Gottingen Universitat FR Germany from the K indexes observed at 13 stations primarily in the Northern Hemisphere The Kp indexes which date from 1932 are used to determine the ap indexes" @default.
- 40aacf7a-aba0-4ba2-bf85-ea7c39c3322c definition "Incoming radiant energy incident upon a particular area In the water thiscan be measured as downwelling irradiance at various wavelengths Suchmeasurements of downwelling irradiance are included as detailedvariables" @default.
- 41191de9-be66-45e2-b4de-95d5090df8d8 definition "Source is the data used in reference in order to create label annotations in a machine learning workflow" @default.
- 41adc080-c182-4753-9666-435f8b1c913f definition "Describes the process of inspecting cleansing transforming modeling and visualizing data with the goal of discovering useful information suggesting conclusions and supporting decisionmaking Visualization helps people understand the significance of data by placing it in a visual context Patterns trends and correlations that might go undetected in textbased data can be exposed and recognized easier with data visualization software" @default.
- 426aee98-764c-4c21-ab65-1e9d4bd6b0d0 definition "Ozone O3 that is measured in the lowest 1020 km of the AtmosphereWhile the maximum concentration of ozone occurs between 2025 km ahigh concentration of ozone close to the Earths surface is considered apublic health threat" @default.
- 427e5121-a142-41cb-a8e9-a70b7f98eb6a definition "Generally some measure of the water vapor content of air" @default.
- 429d42ef-9b58-4068-b389-0a9e60e55486 definition "An area seen as a dark spot on the PHOTOSPHERE of the sun Sunspotsare concentrations of magnetic flux typically occurring in bipolarclusters or groups They appear dark because they are cooler than thesurrounding photosphere Sunspots are classified as to their groupcharacteristics called the Zurich Sunspot Classification older sunspotcounting schemes may have used the Wolf Sunspot Number classificationSatellite observations of the sun notably by the ACRIM and ERBE sensorshave demonstrated a correlation between sunspot luminosity changes andsunspot numbers a possible influencing factor in Earths climatedynamics" @default.
- 42c653df-d2e4-44ce-b0b7-63d587768cb5 definition "The NCEPNCAR Reanalysis Project is a joint project between the National Centers for Environmental Prediction NCEP formerly NMC and the National Center for Atmospheric Research NCAR The goal of this joint effort is to produce new atmospheric analyses using historical data 1948 onwards and as well to produce analyses of the current atmospheric state Climate Data Assimilation System CDASUntil recently the meteorological community has had to use analyses that supported the realtime weather forecasting These analyses are very inhomogeneous in time as there have been big improvements in the data assimilation systems This played havoc with climate monitoring as these improvements were often produced changes in the apparent climate Even fundamental quantities such as the strength of the Hadley cell has changed over the years as a result of the changes in the data assimilation systemsSummary provided by httpwwwcpcncepnoaagovproductswesleyreanalysishtml" @default.
- 42c6d91b-afef-4638-95c5-0d130828b2e7 definition "Foreign agents that are present in water which may produce a physical or chemical change" @default.
- 4315c66b-86e9-4127-a456-e549687012cf definition "JAMSTEC Japan Agency for MarineEarth Science and Technology Kanagawa 2360001 Japan AORI Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute The University of Tokyo Chiba 2778564 Japan NIES National Institute for Environmental Studies Ibaraki 3058506 Japan and RCCS RIKEN Center for Computational Science Hyogo 6500047 Japan" @default.
- 4487cb97-df49-421f-8c00-5c5f12dd8af1 definition "Rate speed and direction at which the position of ice has changed" @default.
- 44941da4-aae8-4776-8db0-f2c3eb5eb5e6 definition "EQUATORS is a lowcost mission designed to study the Earths equatorialmagnetosphere out to distances of 67000 km and it forms an element of thecloselycoordinated fleet of satellites that comprise the IASTP programhttpwwwistpgsfcnasagovistpscioperationswwwsiteshtml It isbased on a simple spacecraft design and carries a science payload consisting ofadvanced instruments that were developed for other IASTP missions Uniquefeatures of EQUATORS are its nearly equatorial orbit and its high spin rateIt was launched as an auxiliary payload on an Ariane4 on December 2nd 1997The mission is intended for a twoyear lifetimeThe idea of an equatorial satellite dates back to NASAs GGS Global GeospaceScience program originally conceived in 1980 When the equatorial element ofthe program was abandoned in 1986 and several subsequent attempts to rescue themission had failed the MaxPlanckInstitut fr extraterrestrische Physik MPEdecided in 1991 to fill this gap in the GGS and in the international IASTPprogram because of its interest in the global magnetospheric science andbecause it provided an opportunity for a test of an advanced instrument EDIto measure electric fields with dual electron beams The realization ofEQUATORS was possible through a grant from the German Space Agency DARAmeanwhile part of DLR that was approved in late 1994 but also throughMPEinternal funds and personnel For more information seehttpwwwmpegarchingmpgdeEQSeqsspacecrafthtmlGroup PlatformDetails EntryID EQUATORS Group PlatformIdentification PlatformCategory SolarSpace Observation Satellites ShortName EQUATORS EndGroup Group SynonymousPlatformNames ShortName EQUATORS EndGroup Group PlatformAssociatedInstruments ShortName MAGNETOMETERS EndGroup CreationDate 20080114 OnlineResource httpwwwmpegarchingmpgdeEQS SampleImage httpwwwmpegarchingmpgdeEQSPIFICONSeqsspacecraftgifEndGroup" @default.
- 457883c4-b30c-4d26-bed8-6c2887ebbc90 definition "Scientific field of study of light in the oceans Variables includemeasurable characteristics of underwater light" @default.
- 45abac35-586f-4fed-ac38-5dcd59af2cc5 definition "The P3B is a specialized aircraft operated as an airborne platform in support of NASAs Science Mission Directorate The aircraft supports scientific investigations by NASA and visiting scientists from universities other agencies and organizations worldwide With instruments installed the aircraft serves an economical test bed for studying the Earth and for new concepts in satellite design The aircraft supports scientific studies across all disciplines of Earth Science such as forest ecology atmospherics ocean and ice dynamics land processes and many more The P3 aircraft can carry instrument payloads consisting of one to several at once while supporting Earth studies all over the globeScientific instrument installations on the aircraft generally consist of external components such as a sensors antennas or probes while inside the aircraft the supporting control and data analysis computers are installed in specially designed rack modules Multiple instrument payloads are an economical way for cooperating scientists to intercompare data when studying Earth processes A diverse mix of engineers technicians scientists pilots and managers all team together to safely complete the aircraftinstrument integration designs and hardware fabrications and conduct the flight portions of studies Once designed all components can be quickly and economically" @default.
- 46206e8c-8def-406f-9e62-da4e74633a58 definition "A measure of the average kinetic energy of the vibration of water molecules" @default.
- 46a26fc7-95f0-409e-8bfa-eb623b3a3f8d definition "Pertaining to land managed primarily for the production of introduced forage plants for livestock grazing" @default.
- 46e4aaa4-349c-4049-a910-035391360010 definition "Areas in which vegetation is dominated by trees with their crowns overlapping generally forming 60 100 cover" @default.
- 46ed8c0c-f962-4e58-929d-a10fa38bdee6 definition "A hemispherical electrostatic analyzer measured the directional intensity ofpositive ions and electrons in the solar wind magnetosheath and magnetotailIons as heavy as oxygen were resolved when the solar wind temperature was lowEnergy analysis was accomplished by charging the plates to known voltage levelsand allowing them to discharge with known RC time constants In the solar windpositive ions from 200 eV to 5 keV 15 spacing 3 resolution and electronsfrom 5 eV to 1 keV 30 spacing 15 resolution were studied In themagnetosheath positive ions from 200 eV to 5 keV 15 spacing 3 resolutionand from 200 eV to 20 keV 30 spacing 15 resolution and electrons from 5 eVto 1 keV 30 spacing 15 resolution were studied In the magnetotailpositive ions from 200 eV to 20 keV 30 spacing 15 resolution and electronsfrom 5 eV to 1 keV 30 spacing 15 resolution and from 100 eV to 20 keV 15resolution were studied For further details see W C Feldman et al JGeophys v 80 p 4181 1975SeehttpnssdcgsfcnasagovdatabaseMasterCatalogsc1973078Aex10" @default.
- 47be68db-d10d-43e7-b150-61cfd3f06126 definition "Pertaining to the area of the ocean near the seashore including coastal embayments" @default.
- 4818b698-7333-4ced-9394-fb654c49c429 definition "A one year field study of four stations in the Gulf of Bothnia during 1991 showed that the biomass was ca two times and primary productivity ca four times lower in the north Bothnian Bay than in the south Bothnian Sea during the summer Nutrient addition experiments indicated phosphorus limitation of phytoplankton in the Bothanian Bay and the coastal areas in the northern Bothnian Sea but nitrogen limitation in the open Bothanian SeaSummary provided by httpwwwspringerlinkcomcontentw562443714p722r8" @default.
- 48b7925c-f8e0-4b82-953a-d15ad2d5ba6a definition "FACE provides a technology by which the microclimate around growingplants may be modified to simulate climate changeconditions Typically CO2enriched air is released from a circle ofvertical pipes into plots up to 30m in diameter and as tall as 20 mMeasurements of photosynthesis and carbon sequestration under presentconditions do not reveal how these processes will behave in theCO2enriched atmosphere of the future FACE creates realisticmid21st century CO2 conditions in which processes regulating plantand ecosystem responses to future conditions are quantifiedFACE technology now has a long track record of operating efficientlyand cost effectively for a broad range of ecosystems providing aresearch platform for many hundreds of investigatorsFor more information link to httpwwwfacebnlgovface1htm" @default.
- 48ec6449-373c-41f6-8a61-8f1e9ed95737 definition "Also called the surface zone The ocean mixed layer is the upper layerof ocean in which temperature and salinity are relatively constant withdepth Depending on local conditions the surface layer may reach to 1000meters 3300 feet or be absent entirely" @default.
- 4962dabc-b426-4c84-8147-12e15645baff definition "Measure of any form of Phosphorus such as Phosphate a macronutrient in the soil" @default.
- 4a426aab-4a95-4bf4-8449-19a72a251541 definition "A mass of land ice formed by the further recrystallization of firn flowingcontinuously from higher to lower elevations" @default.
- 4ad0c52d-6449-48ff-8678-adc6b2cebcb7 definition "Radiation budget refers to the difference between the absorbed solarradiation and the net infrared radiation The radiation budget takes intoaccount the sum of all radiation transferred in all directions throughthe Earths atmosphere and to and from space The radiation budget orradiation balance controls the Earths temperature and rainfall" @default.
- 4b0e986f-5dce-48ca-8bad-794c97482553 definition "Maximum wind gust recorded from a tropical cyclone" @default.
- 4b73bff8-7c3c-4195-bc7f-5cce55ed8d70 definition "Evaporation Including Sublimation and Transpiration" @default.
- 4c09d43f-68d5-469d-aaed-f9ef8968ef2e definition "Type of wetland featuring grasses rushes reeds typhas sedges and other herbaceous plants possibly with lowgrowing woody plants in a context of shallow water" @default.
- 4ca02520-1345-475c-9a54-b562a042c4e1 definition "Liquid precipitation that reaches the Earths surface in the form of drops" @default.
- 4cc8def9-a825-4ede-9e34-4e11cf89488d definition "The concentration of ions in water Ions are positively or negatively charged atom or group of atoms" @default.
- 4cc9b4fa-5097-447f-914c-eb90820938c6 definition "Oxygen O and molecular oxygen O2 is the second most abundant species in the atmosphere The abundance of O2 remains fairly constant in the atmosphere up to about 80km where it photodissociates to atomic oxygen Atomic oxygen is formed from the photolysis of molecular oxygen O2 ozone O3 or nitrogen dioxide NO2 in the atmosphere Below about 40 km atomic oxygen recombines with O2 to form ozone Above 40 km oxygen can participate in other chemical reactions that cause the destruction of ozone" @default.
- 4dc1cdff-04bf-4498-b2ab-6ce1c1f91dce definition "The CarbonTracker website is targeted at carbon cycle scientists looking for information on and results from our atmospheric data assimilation system" @default.
- 4ea1b3cc-d4d2-4803-a416-753cdd1ec451 definition "The contamination of groundwater and soils with arsenic As and manganese Mn is associated with major public health remedial and environmental policy problems Both arsenic and manganese are found at numerous Superfund sites This Superfund Research Program SRP seeks to obtain new knowledge facilitate the translation of these findings into policy applications and train multidisciplinary pre and postdoctoral students concerning the health effects geochemistry and remediation of As and Mn with a particular focus on groundwater The program has involved substantial work at the single most seriously Asaffected Superfund site in Vineland New Jersey It also encompasses epidemiologic studies of As and Mnexposed adults and children residing in Bangladesh New Hampshire and Maine As in the past the Columbia University SRP includes a unique balance of highly integrated biomedical and nonbiomedical researchAs indicated in the list on below the program includes three biomedical research projects intimately intertwined with three nonbiomedical projects these projects are supported by research support cores An Administrative Core is responsible for the supervision coordination and financial accountability of the entire SRP The Research Translation Core Collaborating with Government the Public As Mn Exposure via Groundwater provides additional mechanisms for sustained communications among the SRP research projects cores government agencies and interested parties The RTC also helps government agencies and the public evaluate and address local groundwater contamination by providing geospatial data integration mapping and field assistance Finally the newly created SRP Community Engagement Core aims to reduce health risks of residents in Maine who rely on domestic wells for water supply and who are exposed to arsenic and other contaminants including radon Rn uranium U and manganese MnFor more information please visit httpsuperfundciesincolumbiaeduniehsWebindexjsp" @default.
- 4f81c61c-f100-4bc4-9664-d9b70d2f162f definition "Remote sensing that involves measuring the natural emission of radiation An example is weather satellites Group InstrumentDetails EntryID Passive Remote Sensing Group InstrumentIdentification InstrumentCategory Earth Remote Sensing Instruments ShortName Passive Remote Sensing EndGroupEndGroup" @default.
- 4fad64ce-32fe-413d-8b55-c78000d1980c definition "A change imposed upon the climate system which modifies the radiativebalance of that system The causes of such a change may include changes inthe sun clouds ice greenhouse gases volcanic activity and otheragents Radiative forcing is often specified as the net change in energyflux at the troposphere watts per square meter Radiative forcing maysometimes be referred to as external forcing or perturbations of theclimate" @default.
- 4fde380a-38c5-4d46-bc80-4f2515a43983 definition "A charged molecule composed of one atom of nitrogen and three atoms ofoxygen NO3 available to plants and phytoplankton as a nutrient" @default.
- 502ea6bd-45e9-45af-9092-a4cbe6ba2e7e definition "The Global Precipitation Climatology ProjectGPCP is an element ofthe Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment GEWEX of the WorldClimate Research program WCRP It was established by the WCRP in1986 with the initial goal of providing monthly mean precipitationdata on a 25 x 25 degree latitude longitude grid for the period19861995 This was recently extended to the year 2000 The GPCP willaccomplish this by merging infrared and microwave satellite estimatesof precipitation with rain gauge data from more than 30000stations Infrared precipitation estimates are obtained from GOESUnited States GMS Japan and Meteosat European Communitygeostationary satellites and National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration NOAA operational polar orbiting satellites Microwaveestimates are obtained from the US Defense Meteorological SatelliteProgram DMSP satellites using the Special Sensor Microwave ImagerSSMI These data sets will be used to validate general circulationand climate models study the global hydrological cycle and diagnosethe variability of the global climate system Data are availablebeginning in January 1986 Merged satellite and gauge data areavailable starting with July 1987The GPCP is developing new products One product that is underdevelopment is a one degree global daily product Another set ofproducts under development include SSMI derived rain variabilityparameters rainfall variance aerial coverage etc Contact Arnold Gruber Office of Research and Applications NESDIS ERA Washington DC 20233 Ph 3017638127 Fax 3017638108 email ArnoldGrubernoaagov For more information link to httpcicsumdeduGPCP" @default.
- 505c52f6-94ef-4160-a8d8-5e6bd2eb7d08 definition "The Atmospheric Tracer Transport Model Intercomparison Project TransCom aims to quantify and diagnose the uncertainty in inversion calculations of the global carbon budget that result from errors in simulated atmospheric transport TransCom consists of four phases each with unique sets of experiments" @default.
- 50b8fe04-9149-4b7f-a8b2-b33b1e3aa192 definition "Pertaining to the study of frozen water over theEarths surface" @default.
- 510c5f78-e19e-4ce4-b59a-8937aeb84631 definition "Horizontal flow of water in an established defined pattern" @default.
- 51273f3b-9024-46eb-a0dd-4981e1ad268f definition "Refers to the process of inspecting cleansing transforming and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information informing conclusions and supporting decisionmaking Data analysis has multiple facets and approaches encompassing diverse techniques under a variety of names and is used in different business science and social science domains In todays business world data analysis plays a role in making decisions more scientific and helping businesses operate more effectively" @default.
- 513faab8-e479-4836-9867-68d0b79bb181 definition "Proposal URL httpclassicipyorgdevelopmenteoiproposaldetailsphpid313The Dome A region is the highest plateau of the Antarctic ice sheet and could be the coldest place on the Earths surface The transect from Prydz BayAmery Ice ShelfLambert Glacier BasinDome A is an interconnected ocean iceshelf and ice sheet system which plays a very important role in east Antarctica mass balance sea level and climate change Dome A is a little known region of the Antarctic and as it is the highest part of Antarctic ice sheet it is an ideal place for observing the earths environmental background and making new scientific findings in a range of disciplines The ice thickness at the summit of Dome A was measured as over 3000 m by the 21st Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition CHINARE21 in the austral summer of 20042005 Snow accumulation occurs mostly by diamond dust sublimation directly from the troposphere and the oldest ice in Antarctica may be found there It is hence a potential site to reconstruct a 12M year recordof the past climate and environment With the extremely cold dry and stable air found at the summit of Dome A the area provides the best site on the Earths surface for the conduct of a wide range of astronomical observations from optical to millimetre wavelengths Beneath the ice at Dome A and near the centre of the Antarctic Continent lie the unexplored Gamburtsev subglacial mountains Study of these may contribute greatly to theoretical earth science and to understanding the geological history of Antarctica Observations along the ZhongshanDome A are important for studying ice dynamic processes and mass balance recent climate history and SolarWindMagnetosphereIonosphere coupling The ocean circulation in Prydz Bay is one of the major gyres around the Antarctic and it both affects and is affected by interaction beneath the Amery Ice Shelf Improved oceanographic studies are required of the Prydz Bay circulation its role in Southern Ocean circulation and the potential impacts of change on both physical and biological systemsWhat we will do for PANDAPANDA presents a integrated view of the Prydz BayAmeryLambert glacier basinDome A system with Chinese scientific and logistical leadership partnership coordination and cooperation for many international IPY efforts focused on this region and on Antarctica Specifically Chinese leadership and partnership as part of PANDA will support IPY through the following objectives To construct a scientific research station at the summit of Dome A supporting future scientific programs in this region nationally and internationally To establish a longterm observingmonitoring system for climate change research along the Prydz Bay Amery Ice Shelf Lambert glacier basin and Dome A transect a data sparse region of Antarctica This will involve partnerships with other meteorological glaciological and oceanographic projects during IPY To improve understanding on variability and physical processes of the ocean and sea ice in the Prydz Bay region and on their response and feedback to climate change This will involve partnership with the IPY SASSI programme To understand processes of interaction between ocean and ice shelf and their effect on the stability of the ice shelf and ice sheet To obtain a series of shallow ice cores between Zhongshan and Dome A for investigation of recent climate variability and change and a medium depth ice core at Dome A To determine site characteristics for deep ice core drilling at Dome A to potentially reconstruct a 12M year climate record This assessment during IPY will lead to new efforts to start deep ice core drilling in the summer of 20092010To assess site characteristics at Dome A for astronomical observationsTo find a suitable site for subglacial geological drilling in the Gamburtsev Mountains areaTo establish a chain of magnetometers between Zhongshan and Dome A for studying the dynamics of the solar windmagnetosphericionospheric coupling This will include comprehensive upper atmosphere observations at Zhongshan Station and will involve cooperation with the IPY solarearth coupling and magnetosphere dynamics programmesMany of these activities will leave a legacy of an infrastructure capability for international research after IPYPlanned field activities during 200720101 Prydz Bay and Amery Ice ShelfDuring austral summers of 20052006 20072008 and 20082009 oceanographic and ice shelf surveys in Prydz Bay and Amery Ice Shenlf20072008 deploy hydrographic instruments into the cavity beneath the Amery Ice Shelf in collaboration with an Australian hot water drilling project Obtain 2 years continuous measurements from the instruments2 ZhongshanDome A traverse and activities at the summit of Dome A20072008 season Glaciological observations along ZhongshanDome A transect To carry out glaciological observations and recover a 350500m ice core at the summit of Dome A Undertake an ice radar survey in the Gamburtsev sub glacial area to search the suitable site for a geological drilling Determine a deep ice core drilling site and transport a deep ice core drill to the summit of Dome A from Dome F To set up a 100 m2 building at Dome A To install several instruments for assessing astronomical conditions at Dome A Install 4 low power magnetometers along the track Establish fuel depots at Dome A and at a site 800km south of Zhongshan Station20082009 season To complete Dome A Station with a building area of 250 m2 and facilities for 10 winterers To make a pilot hole for deep ice core drilling and set up deep ice core drilling system Undertake further glaciological observations of the area Other observations20092010 season To operate the Dome A station and start deep ice core drilling there Other observation including astronomy observations etcPrevious work at ZhongshanDome A Amery Ice Shelf and Prydz Bay by CHINAREDuring the last decade CHINARE has carried out following research workFour inland traverses from the Zhongshan Station towards Dome A have been made in the summers of 19961997 1997199819981999 and 20042005 Glaciological observations were obtained and samples were obtained from shallow cores and snow pits along the route During the latest traverse the CHINARE team reached the summit of the Dome by snow mobiles A series of measurements in glaciology and meteorology were carried out and two automatic weather stations were installed in collaboration with Australia one is at the summit of the Dome and one at the midpoint of the transectGlaciological field programs have been conducted on the Amery Ice Shelf in the summers of 20022003 20032004 20042005 The major work has included ice radar surveys of ice thickness GPS measurements of ice velocity estimation of ice shelf mass balance recovery of a 296m ice core and hydrographic observations along the edge of the Amery Ice ShelfPhysical oceanography chemical oceanography marine biology and geochemistry observations in the Prydz Bay region have been carried out since 1989 A series of data have been obtainedGroundbased observations of the ionosphere imaging riometer optical aurora geomagnetic fields etc have been carried out at Zhongshan Station for more than ten years" @default.
- 5237fae3-c98e-4d4a-9013-d7c824b3862b definition "Paleoclimatic information can be inferred from biogenic material in ocean sediments oxygen isotopic analyses of sea water via deep sea cores coral growth inorganic material such as from weathering and erosion lake levels and glacial varves and ocean circulation changes as a result of glacialinterglacial cycles" @default.
- 5273c8c2-d30b-4666-b2d5-0388ce2741d0 definition "Information about the atmospheres and oceans state and health" @default.
- 533f562c-e9d7-48c1-a9ad-21901da68ce9 definition "A cloud is a visible mass of aerosolised liquid droplets or frozen crystals suspended in an atmosphere above the surface of a planetary body" @default.
- 536a86bd-3dd1-4f4a-9b4a-222a12746db5 definition "An increase in the average height of the sea surface over a vertical datum" @default.
- 53fb0557-9f7f-4504-b0e8-adf329146c52 definition "Carbon flux refers to the direction and rate of transfer or flows of carbon between Earths carbon pools such as the oceans atmosphereland other living things Carbon fluxes can be natural exchanges such as landatmosphere and oceanatmosphere fluxes or anthropogenic exchanges such as urban carbon fluxes" @default.
- 5527d704-a0fe-45ab-99f9-90fa64f4af7f definition "The mission of the US Department of Commerce DOC is to create theconditions for economic growth and opportunity by promoting innovationentrepreneurship competitiveness and stewardshipGoals of the department are toProvide the information and tools to maximize US competitiveness and enableeconomic growth for American industries workers and consumersFoster science and technological leadership by protecting intellectualproperty enhancing technical standards and advancing measurement scienceObserve protect and management the earths resources to promoteenvironmental stewardshipManagement Integration Goal Achieve organizational management excellenceWebsite httpwwwcommercegovSummary provided by the US Department of Commerce" @default.
- 55f26126-eba6-44e1-9734-a629b7c1ee8a definition "initialized near end of year 2007" @default.
- 569a2936-7543-434e-92e2-6f75a5be68c0 definition "Net Primary Production on Land as Carbon Mass Flux kgC m2 s1" @default.
- 56f2cdbd-2a91-4267-97eb-1680e8582322 definition "Particles in the atmosphere composed of water eg ice raindrops snow etc" @default.
- 572eccb2-aac2-43b9-a139-eee985bc186f definition "The Institute for Biogeochemistry was founded on September 1st 1997 and is dedicated to the study of longterm interactions among the biosphere atmosphere geosphere and the oceans The research aims of the Institute includequantifying the role of these interactions in the control of the Earths climate in a time of increasing anthropogenic impact developing a quantitative and predictive understanding of the regulation of processes in ecosystems and their attendant biogeochemical cycles in the face of climate change and investigating feedback mechanisms at the Earths surface that involve vegetation atmospheric composition and climateSummary Provided ByhttpwwwbgcjenampgdempgwebsiteBiogeochemieenglishinstUeberInstitutinstGeschichteindexhtml" @default.
- 57383ac5-614c-4b84-9202-e137b000422b definition "SunEarth Interactions refer to the effects of the suns variability are evident in a variety of physical and chemical processes in the upper layers of the earths atmosphere" @default.
- 57441436-5372-484e-983c-f96cbc51ef72 definition "A new type of atmospheric model which resolve nonhydrostatic accelerations globally with kilometerscale resolution" @default.
- 5796ebd9-7dcb-4968-b876-1e678484cc62 definition "Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project" @default.
- 584dd91f-bbf4-4c20-8d4b-f5b5e57cd001 definition "The Coastal Change Analysis Program is designed to monitor change interrestrial land cover and nearshore benthic resources within coastalenvironments of the United States including the Atlantic Pacific andGulf of Mexico the Great Lakes Alaska Hawaii and allUS Territories and possessions CCAP classifies types of landcover analyzes and monitors changes in coastal submerged habitatswetland habitats and adjacent uplands using remote sensing techniquessatellite imagery and aerial photography Through this analysisscientists can correlate the changes in terrestrial regions with thosein coastal aquatic habitats and with changes in the distributionabundance and health of living marine resources The program ismanaged through the NOAA Coastal Services Center in Charleston SouthCarolina in coordination with the National Marine Fisheries ServiceLaboratory in Beaufort North Carolina and with technical supportfrom the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge Tennessee" @default.
- 592d49c4-e8ae-4ab4-bf24-ae4a896d0637 definition "Generally the wind speeds and directions at various levels in the atmosphere above the domain of surface weather observations as determined by any of the methods of windsaloft observation" @default.
- 5953d403-41e8-48f7-a4a8-06aaa633e12a definition "Precipitation in the form of liquid water drops that have diameters greater than 05 mm or if widely scattered the drops may be smaller" @default.
- 59920ad4-85fb-4cee-ba56-f39bc5857a3d definition "Volume of a colloidal system in which the dispersed phase is composed of either solid or liquid particles and in which the dispersion medium is some gas usually air" @default.
- 59b97a6c-385e-40a2-8422-ecbdb6023c4c definition "Vessels that operate at the ocean surface" @default.
- 59f6d5f2-fb62-4e44-8132-b27a122a2795 definition "ICONESMLR" @default.
- 5a7bb095-4d12-4232-bc75-b8e82197cb92 definition "In meteorology the temperature of the ambient air near the surface of the earth almost invariably determined by a thermometer in an instrument shelter" @default.
- 5b2a974e-0461-4eb1-86bd-807a29dccfc9 definition "The mixture of gases roughly by molar contentvolume 78 nitrogen 2095 oxygen 093 argon 0038 carbon dioxide trace amounts of other gases and a variable amount average around 1 of water vapor that surrounds the planet Earth" @default.
- 5b8e4067-db4e-42d4-b4a5-7de5e683125d definition "An airplane powered by one or more jet engines" @default.
- 5bac3ef6-5e30-4f14-a5dc-8065c7fcba55 definition "In meteorology the result of radiative cooling of the earths surface and adjacent airRadiational cooling occurs as is typical on calm clear nights whenever the longwave emission from the surface is not balanced by significant amounts of absorbed shortwave radiation or downwelling longwave from the atmosphere above the surface and there are no nonradiative sources of sufficient energy to make up the difference" @default.
- 5c8ba9c0-b3bb-4b46-96a6-ab2906a238a3 definition "The Transient Tracers in the Ocean TTO study was an experiment to investigate ocean mixing as deduced from the distribution of radiochemical tracers introduced into the atmosphere and subsequently into the oceans during the 19581962 nuclear bomb tests The results of this study together with knowledge about the chemistry of oceanic COsub 2 can be used to help understand oceanic uptake of fossil fuel COsub 2 The experiment lasted 4 years and consisted of the following parts 1 1981 3 laboratory analysis 1982 and 4 completion data analysis and reporting 1983 Shipboard measurements were published by the Scripps Physical and Chemical Oceanographic Data Facility as the TTO Preliminary Hydrographic Data Reports Vols IIV Recently revisions to some of the previously reported measurements have been made and estimates of total COsub 2 have been calculated Information provided by httpwwwifremerfravanonotices00063808htm" @default.
- 5cc02028-9fc6-4af8-bde8-a44b635d56ae definition "Convective Cloud Area Percentage" @default.
- 5cd7da77-cb95-40aa-8775-b6df68e0aa63 definition "Refers to other types of nontraditional platforms categories used in Earth Science data analysis and include charts maps models photographs and reports" @default.
- 5d5426f6-e7ce-41c1-a3d3-b93adf748f0f definition "A region with a mean annual precipitation of 10 inches or less and so devoid of vegetation as to be incapable of supporting any considerable population" @default.