Matches in climatepub4-kg for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- 0006e246-4296-448c-9b81-a0831cad7f1c definition "An arm of the Atlantic Ocean between Greenland and Labrador, Canada." @default.
- 001002d4-28ec-4ee2-9ff6-99d83be2d705 definition "The instantaneous convective precipitation rate at the surface" @default.
- 00100b67-f930-4f88-84d8-2c271a59d168 definition "regridded zonal mean data reported on a grid other than the native latitude grid and other than the preferred latitude target grid" @default.
- 001d8e8c-e9b1-4418-9941-f41321c2c500 definition "WV110 was designed and developed at ITT Corporation's Space Systems Division of Rochester, NY. The objective of the WV110 instrument is to provide high-resolution panchromatic as well as 8-band multispectral imagery for enhanced mapping and monitoring applications (including stereo imagery due to rapid retargeting capability). In September 2008, BATC started with the integration of the WV110 camera. On Feb. 24, 2009 the WV110 camera had been integrated into the WorldView-2 spacecraft and system-level testing has commenced. Imager type Pushbroom imager (or a line scan imaging system) Imaging mode Panchromatic (Pan) Multispectral (MS) 8 bands (4 standard + 4 additional colors) Spectral range 450-800 nm 400-450 nm (coastal blue) 450-510 nm (blue) 510-580 nm (green) 585-625 nm (yellow) 630-690 nm (red) 705-745 nm (red edge) 770-895 nm (NIR1) 860-1040 nm (NIR2) Spatial resolution at nadir 0.46 m GSD (0.52 m at 20º off-nadir) 1.8 m GSD (2.4 m at 20º off-nadir) Swath width 16.4 km (multiple adjoining paths can be imaged in a target area in a single orbit pass due to S/C agility) Detectors Pan: Si CCD array (8 µm pixel size) with a row of > 35,000 detectors MS: Si CCD 4 arrays (32 µm pixel size) with a row of > 9,300 detectors Data quantization 11 bit Geolocation accuracy of imagery ≤ 3 m (using a GPS receiver, a gyroscope and a star tracker) without any GCP (Ground Control Points) Optics TMA telescope with an aperture diameter of 1.1 m, focal length = 13.3 m, f/12 TDI (Time Delay Integration) 6 selectable levels from 8 to 64 in Pan and MS FOV (Field of View) > 1.28º Instrument size 3 m tall Spectral band Center wavelength (nm) Minimum lower band edge (nm) Maximum upper band edge (nm) Pan (WorldView-1) imager 650 400 900 Pan (WorldView-2) imager 625 447 808 MS1 (NIR1) 831 765 901 MS2 (red) 659 630 690 MS3 (green) 546 506 586 MS4 (blue) 478 442 515 MS5 (red edge) 724 699 749 MS6 (yellow) 608 584 632 MS7 (coastal blue) 427 396 458 MS8 (NIR2) 908 856 1043 Parameter / Spacecraft QuickBird-2 (QB) WorldView-1 WorldView-2 Launch date Oct. 21, 2001 Sept. 18. 2007 Oct. 08, 2009 Orbital altitude (SSO) 450 km 450 km 770 km Spacecraft mass at launch 931 kg 2500 kg 2800 kg Spacecraft bus size 3 m x 1.6 m Ø 3.6 m x 2.5 m Ø 4.3 m x 2.5 m Ø Spacecraft bus type BCP-2000 BCP-5000 BCP-5000 Solar array span 5.2 m 7.1 m 7.1 m Spacecraft power 1.14 kW (EOL) single junction GaAs cells 3.2 kW (EOL) triple junction GaAs cells 3.2 kW (EOL) triple junction GaAs cells Battery 40 Ah NiH2 100 Ah NiH2 100 Ah NiH2 Attitude actuation Reaction wheels CMG assembly CMG assembly S/C body pointing capability ±30º (nominal in any direction) ±40º (nominal in any direction) ±40º (nominal in any direction) Onboard propulsion 4 x 4.4 N hydrazine thrusters Yes Yes Spacecraft design life 5 years 7.25 years 7.25 years RF Wideband downlink 320 Mbit/s 800 Mbit/s 800 Mbit/s Onboard data storage 128 Gbit 2.2 Tbit 2.2 Tbit Payload (builder) BHRC60 (BATC) WV60 (ITT) WV110 (ITT) Telescope aperture 60 cm Ø 60 cm Ø 110 cm Ø Swath width 16.5 km 16.4 km 16.4 km Pan resolution at nadir 0.61 cm 50 cm 46 cm MS resolution at nadir 2.4 m - 1.8 m (8 bands) Monoscopic area coverage 1 x > 4 x > 4 x Single pass mono coverage 1 strip of 350 km 1 strip of 650 km 1 area of 60 km x 110 km 1 strip of 650 km 1 area of 96 km x 110 km Single pass stereo coverage Single scene (<10º off nadir track) 3 strip x 55 km 2 strip x 110 km 1 strip x 220 km 3 strip x 55 km 2 strip x 110 km 1 strip x 220 km" @default.
- 001f18d3-7e61-430b-9883-1960c6256fe5 definition "The degree to which the ocean absorbs light, assuming vertical separation between light source and light receiver." @default.
- 00234a06-e40f-498c-8c65-05e587fe68a7 definition "The Information Technology and Systems Center (ITSC) conducts multidisciplinary research at the University of Alabama in Huntsville in many facets of information technology. Basic and applied research is performed to develop new techniques and systems that ultimately solve real-world problems by the transfer of innovative technologies and knowledge. Students, faculty and research scientists are involved in all aspects of the center. ITSC serves as the focal point for UAH research endeavors in information technology and systems and provides leadership in applications of information technology for multiple disciplines and computational environments. The ITSC performs research and development in information management and knowledge networks. The center is uniquely positioned to facilitate the integration of data, information, and knowledge sources across a diverse group of public, research, corporate, and government sectors. ITSC has extensive experience in the area of active archives, data cataloging and data ordering of geospatial data which has provided the foundation for research into areas such as efficient data storage and retrieval, subsetting of data, data integration, and cross site interoperability. The ITSC has formed the High Performance Networking Group in the Huntsville area, which focuses on the vision, policies, technologies and applications for high performance networks, as well as local peering among the high performance networks including vBNS, Abilene, NREN, and DREN. Website: Info: ITSC" @default.
- 00274700-26c1-4c44-88a4-10a7ec6214de definition "GLONASS or 'Global Navigation Satellite System', is a space-based satellite navigation system operating in the radionavigation-satellite service. It provides an alternative to GPS and is the second navigational system in operation with global coverage and of comparable precision. Manufacturers of GPS devices say that adding GLONASS made more satellites available to them, meaning positions can be fixed more quickly and accurately, especially in built-up areas where the view to some GPS satellites is obscured by buildings. Smartphones generally tend to use the same chipsets and the versions used since 2015 receive GLONASS signals and positioning information along with GPS. Since 2012, GLONASS was the second most used positioning system in mobile phones after GPS. The system has the advantage that smartphone users receive a more accurate reception identifying location to within 2 meters." @default.
- 003466f4-9ee7-4d3b-81ff-2013add292e2 definition "Mutualism is an interaction between two species in which both benefit from the association and cannot live separately." @default.
- 003f71a0-590f-4095-9ea6-ebb8155e4756 definition "" @default.
- 0041de3a-1bf8-45bb-a1f2-bd233e365241 definition "In the first decade of the 21st century, China is in the process of developing its own navigation satellite constellation known as CNSS (Compass Navigation Satellite System), or BeiDou-2 in its Chinese name. BeiDou is the Chinese name of the Big Dipper constellation. The BeiDou-2 system will be based on its current regional Compass Satellite Navigation Experimental System (BeiDou-1). Although the program was initiated by China's military forces, China established an agency, namely CSNPC (China Satellite Navigation Project Center) in the timeframe 2006/7, to take charge of the research, building, and management of CNSS. The BeiDou-2 program was officially started in 2005 and announced by China in October 2006. China gave also to a proper name to the rest of the world of its BeiDou-2 system, namely CNSS (Compass Navigation Satellite System) - BeiDou literally means 'Compass'. The new system will be a constellation of 35 satellites, which include 5 geostationary orbit (GEO) satellites and 30 medium Earth orbit (MEO) satellites, that will offer complete coverage of the globe. China has joined the UN-supported ICG (International Committee on GNSS) and has taken part in the ICG's Providers Forum (founded in Sept. 2007, Bangalore, India). The members of the Forum and their current and future systems include: China (CNSS), EU (Galileo, EGNOS), India (IRNSS, GAGAN), Japan (QZSS, MSAS), Russia (GLONASS), and USA (GPS, WAAS). The goal of the Providers Forum is to foster compatibility of the services/signals and interoperability among the various navigation systems for a better service to the user community. The Chinese plans call for a deployment of the full constellation by 2012. A more realistic timeframe for global service provision is probably 2015. China plans call also for a long-term and sustained navigation service and system performance for the global user community once the system is in full operation. 4) 5) In 2009, three BeiDou-2 spacecraft are planned to be launched. More than 10 satellites will be put into service within the next two years by Long-March launchers. Around 2011, the system will be capable to offer services on a regional scale." @default.
- 0043a3ff-a251-4fa1-b3ad-9cfa569119f2 definition "" @default.
- 004d93e3-1a3b-4308-9917-d522e822f1d3 definition "MERGE is an umbrella program that aims to understand the responses of terrestrial, limnetic and supraglacial polar ecosystems to climate change. Theme 1: Diversity and biogeography answers 'What taxa are present, how are the communities organized and how are they distributed, and where are they?' Conventional and modern techniques, i.e., culture-dependent to meta-genomic approaches will be used to analyze community structure and biogeography of Polar terrestrial, limnetic and supraglacial ecosystems. Addressing this theme will produce reference collections of Polar organisms and genetic material such as bulk environmental DNA. Selected groups of organisms will be studied to associate species diversification with geographical separation, and to screen for unique physiological and biochemical functions that occur in response to the extreme conditions of polar habitats. Theme 2: Food webs and ecosystem evolution will answer the question 'How do high-latitude biota interact and function?' Food webs in polar habitats have reduced complexity relative to lower latitudes and are thus likely to be sensitive to changes in species composition. Food web analyses have also highlighted the vulnerability of polar terrestrial ecosystems to climate changes. Palaeo-environmental analysis of diatoms, chemical biomarkers and other records in lake sediment cores have the potential to reveal how climate and environmental changes have driven species successions and ecosystem evolution. Process studies will include analysis of microbial production and interactions, in addition to carbon and nitrogen cycling including microbial controls on CO2 and CH4 dynamics. Theme 3: Linkages between biological, chemical and physical processes in the supraglacial biome lucidates 'How do physical, chemical and biological processes interact in icy ecosystems?' Supraglacial habitats include water-saturated snow, supraglacial channels, cryoconite holes and veins in ice. Biogeochemical processes in these environments transform atmospheric inputs to the glacier, in a similar way that watershed surfaces modify atmospheric inputs in temperate environments. This work will document the range and nature of aquatic ecosystems on the surfaces of glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctic. In doing so controls on biological productivity (physical, chemical, biological); key biogeochemical transformations; and linkages between biological activity and atmospheric fluxes of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus to glacial surfaces will be characterised. Some complementary studies will also be undertaken on ice shelf cryo-ecosystems that occur in both polar regions and that have some microbiological similarities to cryoconite systems. The major purpose of the MERGE umbrella is to provide and expand the chances for sharing/exchanging/offering data, samples, logistics, expedition opportunities, field facilities, laboratories, analytical instruments, etc between the research themes. MERGE contributes to the EBA SCAR programme." @default.
- 005a1614-38b1-4949-83bd-2bca330e5504 definition "The U.S ice core research community is conducting a deep ice coring project in West Antarctica to develop a unique series of interrelated climate, ice dynamics, and biologic records focused on understanding interacations among global earth systems. This project will collect a deep ice core from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) ice flow divide and integrate approximately 20 separate but synergistic projects to analyze the ice and interpret the records." @default.
- 005d192a-95b9-4fc2-afed-f87da3c3dc33 definition "Methods of expressing water vapor." @default.
- 00654c4d-6d26-4891-a899-09633f751493 definition "initialized near end of year 1973" @default.
- 006a1451-9ef8-4250-bb17-48a4e40bf96d definition "The Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) is the science arm of the National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS), which acquires and manages the nation's operational Earth-observing satellites. NESDIS provides data from these satellites, and conducts research to make that possible. STAR's mission is to transfer satellite observations of the land, atmosphere, ocean, and climate from scientific research and development into routine operations, and to offer state-of-the-art data, products and services to decision-makers." @default.
- 006b1ea6-222d-4740-b220-03886d49cd81 definition "The outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) refers specifically to the radiation emitted by the Earth and its atmosphere (the terrestrial radiation). Satellite measurements of the OLR from terrestrial surfaces and clouds show that OLR is low over cold land and high clouds and high over hot land surfaces. Climate variations, such as El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) can be measured from OLR anomalies from longer-term variations." @default.
- 006d842b-9c63-498f-b198-9afdc16c91b6 definition "The Coordinated Eastern Arctic Experiment (CEAREX) was conducted to study the processes regulating eastern Arctic Ocean exchange of momentum, heat, and biomass. The primary CEAREX objectives were to understand the structure and function of mesoscale and submesoscale process in the transport of heat northward, and to understand the ice behavior and associated acoustic ambient noise and coherence (CEAREX, 1990). CEAREX was a multi-national, multi-platform field program carried out in the Greenland and Norwegian Seas and north to Svalbard, from September 1988 through May 1989. Participating nations included Canada, Denmark, France, Norway, and the United States. The field program consisted of four phases: Polarbjorn Drift Phase, Whaler's Bay/SIZEX Phase, Oceanography Camp Phase, and Acoustic Camp Phase. CEAREX collected data on meteorological conditions, bathymetry, hydrography, acoustic and ambient noise, sea ice dynamics (acceleration, deformation, stress), positions from GPS satellite measurements, and biophysical data. Data were collected using ship platforms, ARGOS buoys, helicopter and aircraft, meteorology stations on the drifting ice, rawinsonde, CTD casts, and satellites. CEAREX was sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR). Reference: Pritchard, R.S., et al. 1990. 'CEAREX Drift Experiment', EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), Vol. 71, No. 40, October 2, 1990. Contacts: Dr. Robert S. Pritchard Ice Casting, Inc. 11042 Sand Point Way, NE Seattle, WA 98125-5846 Email: OMNET > r.pritchard Claire Hanson National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) CIRES, Campus Box 449 University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309 Phone: 303-492-1834 FAX: 303-492-5171 Email: OMNET > c.hanson Internet > Data Availability: The CEAREX data is available on CD-ROM from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). The CD-ROM contains CEAREX data as well as data from MIZEX 1983, 1984, 1987, and MIZEX West, SIZEX, and EUBEX. Claire Hanson National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) CIRES, Campus Box 449 University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309 Phone: 303-492-1834 FAX: 303-492-5171 Email: OMNET > c.hanson Internet >" @default.
- 00748b19-30cc-4d12-a7a3-0aa8b3be5a94 definition "Convective Available Potential Energy = in units of Joules per kilogram (J/kg) is a measure of the cumulative buoyancy of a parcel as it rises." @default.
- 0078686a-31a0-401e-9021-511e3702930b definition "The EPA's National Estuary Program was established by Congress in 1987 to improve the quality of estuaries of national importance. The Clean Water Act Section 320 directs EPA to develop plans for attaining or maintaining water quality in an estuary. This includes protection of public water supplies and the protection and propagation of a balanced, indigenous population of shellfish, fish, and wildlife, and allows recreational activities, in and on water, requires that control of point and nonpoint sources of pollution to supplement existing controls of pollution. In several cases, more than one State is participating in a National Estuary Program. Each program establishes a Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan to meet the goals of Section 320. EPA's National Estuary Program is proud of its progress and has had many successes. For these programs several funding mechanisms are available and many differing management structure have been developed by these programs. Website: '' [Summary provided by the EPA.]" @default.
- 007ab607-2ee1-484d-85fb-0bfb89f18c9b definition "The mass per unit volume of a substance. Oceanographic shorthand for density, sigma-t, may be included as a Detailed Variable." @default.
- 007c3084-89db-458e-8387-14e192b6cb8e definition "PREFERRED TERMS: 1A, S1B, S1C, S1D, Sentinel-1 DEFINITION Sentinel-1 is the European Radar Observatory, representing the first new space component of the GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) satellite family, designed and developed by ESA and funded by the EC (European Commission). The Copernicus missions (Sentinel-1, -2, and -3) represent the EU contribution to GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems). Sentinel-1 is composed of a constellation of two satellites, Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-1B, sharing the same orbital plane with a 180° orbital phasing difference. The mission provides an independent operational capability for continuous radar mapping of the Earth with enhanced revisit frequency, coverage, timeliness and reliability for operational services and applications requiring long time series. BROADER CONCEPT: Earth Observation Satellite ENTRY TERMS: SENTINEL-1 NOTE: A,B,C,D HOSTS: SAR URI:" @default.
- 007cc0a7-cccf-47c9-a55d-af36592055b3 definition "The Greenlandian is the earliest age or lowest stage of the Holocene epoch or series, part of the Quaternary. It is one of three subdivisions of the Holocene. The lower boundary of the Greenlandian Age is the GSSP sample from the North Greenland Ice Core Project in central Greenland (75.1000°N 42.3200°W). The Greenlandian GSSP has been correlated with the end of Younger Dryas (from near-glacial to interglacial) and a “shift in deuterium excess values." @default.
- 007eeff3-1c96-4b54-aa35-2de5ebb9971a definition "Illness or disease caused by consumption of foods or drinks contaminated with biological or chemical toxins or pathogens, including disease-causing microbes or toxic chemicals." @default.
- 008708ac-65a4-481a-8e03-640376f42f56 definition "Pertaining to the thickness of snow pack throughout the year." @default.
- 0088336a-1629-4793-a24b-567cc09c7e9b definition "Sea-Ice Mass Change Through Evaporation and Sublimation" @default.
- 008a1702-3d08-4a6d-ac3e-c7667bff5261 definition "The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) is a department (Directorate-General, DG) of the European Commission providing independent scientific and technological support for EU policy-making. It works closely on the development of EU legislation with the relevant Commission services, such as the Agricultural, Enterprise, Environment, and Health and Consumer Protection DGs. Knowledge comes from specific application- and issue-oriented research within the seven JRC Institutes and close co-operation with over 1000 public and private organisations in 150 networks in Member State and applicant countries. The JRC also liases with non-EU and global scientific and standard-setting bodies. Summary provided by" @default.
- 008fe051-cf19-4134-bf7e-0a65f9b5786e definition "Carbonate Ion Concentration" @default.
- 00923bad-d9ac-4093-aca3-83d3e9ae3171 definition "An international cooperative effort to increase tropical taxonomic expertise, conduct a taxonomically diversified global census of coral reef ecosystems, and improve access to and unify coral reef ecosystem information scattered throughout the globe. Coral reefs are considered to be the most biologically diverse of all marine ecosystems. While individual reef systems likely host tens of thousands of species, most of this diversity remains undocumented. Significant declines in key indicators of reef ecosystem health suggest a degradation of coral reefs globally in response to the combined effects of natural and anthropogenic stressors. The vulnerability of coral reef ecosystems is anticipated to increase significantly in response to climate change induced coral bleaching and disease, ocean acidification, sea-level rise, and changing storm tracks. There is a clear danger that much reef biodiversity could be lost before it is even documented, and researchers will be left with a limited and poor understanding of undisturbed reef communities on which to base future management decisions. Under these rapidly changing conditions, a key goal for reef resource managers and policy makers over the next several decades will be the development of tools to increase the resilience of global communities through effective conservation of coral reef biodiversity. In order to develop reasonable approaches to improve the resilience of coral reef biodiversity, and to effectively use the ecosystem approach to management, it is first necessary to understand existing biodiversity and changes over time. Summary provided by" @default.
- 0098e812-3fd1-4f8d-aaeb-ff22a4edf804 definition "ORG® Optical Rain Gauge ORG-815 OSi’s ORG® (Optical Rain Gauge) is a superior tool for rain measurement. The ORG® is the only instrument available to measure true rain rate. This means you avoid the reading errors due to mechanical limitations, which plague other low- tech gauges. No other rain sensor comes close to the ORG® in performance and features. Our scintillation technology has undisputed advantages over the competition." @default.
- 00a094b8-9066-41a8-a70b-534ceec44ebd definition "Same as land-hist except starting from either 1700 (for models that typically start in 1850) or 1850 (for models that typically start in 1700)" @default.
- 00a21e9c-0c1d-4931-b9fa-b0204625a98a definition "A general term referring to the radiation reflected from, or scattered back through, a given surface in response to radiation incident on the surface with the same wavelength or wavelength range." @default.
- 00a50ef2-5ed3-476d-bbfa-2b6558657672 definition "Southwest Research Institute is an independent, nonprofit, applied engineering and physical sciences research and development organization dedicated to technology development and transfer. SwRI conducts R&D projects for an even mix of private industries and government agencies. Industrial clients range from small manufacturers to blue chip corporations, in the U.S. and abroad. SwRI initiates contracts with clients, based on initial consultations. A research proposal outlines the scope of work and establishes a cost estimate. Programs remain confidential, subject to client wishes. SwRI has 11 technical divisions cooperating in multidisciplinary approaches to problem solving. Website: '' [Summary provided by Southwest Research Institute.]" @default.
- 00a97d0c-e05e-43c9-93d0-3c7a2527b3c0 definition "Sea Ice Model Intercomparison Project" @default.
- 00ab1bb7-6b30-4be0-9ef5-68b5af38d991 definition "The Baltic Drainage Basin Project (BDBP) is a multi-disciplinary research project under the EU 1991-1994 Environment Research Programme. It was developed as joint effort between the Beijer Institute, Stockholm, Department of Systems Ecology, Stockholm University and UNEP/GRID-Arendal. The GIS database, mainly focusing upon land cover/land use and population, was developed as a joint effort between the Beijer Institute, Stockholm; the Department of Systems Ecology, Stockholm University; and UNEP/GRID-Arendal. The database was used for analytical purposes during the BDBP. Following this, the GIS database was further refined and prepared for public dissemination. Concurrently, a number of maps in conventional graphical formats were prepared and included. The GIS and Maps database was first released in August 1995. Later, a number of statistical tables, also derived from the GIS database, were included. The available data sets include administrative units, arable lands, pasture lands, coastlines, land cover, population density, sub-watershed drainage basins, and wetland distribution. Additional information available at '' [Summary provided by UNEP/GRID-Arendal" @default.
- 00b13a7e-4d16-4d89-bc47-2839331545e6 definition "The Hirnantian is the seventh and final internationally recognized stage of the Ordovician Period of the Paleozoic Era. It was of short duration, lasting about 1.4 million years, from 445.2 to 443.8 Ma (million years ago). The early part of the Hirnantian was characterized by cold temperatures, major glaciation, and a severe drop in sea level. In the latter part of the Hirnantian, temperatures rose, the glaciers melted, and sea level returned to the same or to a slightly higher level than it had been prior to the glaciation. Most scientists believe that this climatic oscillation caused the major extinction event that took place during this time. In fact, the Hirnantian (also known as the End Ordovician and the Ordovician-Silurian) mass extinction event represents the second largest such event in geologic history. Approximately 85% of marine (sea-dwelling) species died. Only the End Permian mass extinction was larger. Unlike many smaller extinction events, however, the long-term consequences of the End Ordovician event were relatively small. Following the climatic oscillation, the climate returned to its previous state, and the species that survived soon (within two or three million years) evolved into species very similar to the ones that existed before." @default.
- 00b28048-fdd0-48ca-80e5-21fe64b14b77 definition "Coastal environments are strongly influenced by upstream sources of pollution and freshwater inflow, and are subject to an ever-growing coastal population. EPA protects these resources through a watershed approach and its regulatory and cooperative management programs. Summary provided by" @default.
- 00b51912-17e1-4f98-b2df-9dfa8500b987 definition "University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) is an organization of 59 academic institutions and National Laboratories involved in oceanographic research and joined for the purpose of coordinating oceanographic ships' schedules and research facilities." @default.
- 00b6ae8f-c95d-404e-9300-79705f138ecb definition "The US Department of Energy's (DOE) Resource Assessment Program produces scientific descriptions and assessments of the nation's renewable energy resources, such as solar energy. Information about the resources --- for example, how solar energy varies with location and climate - is required to develop energy conversion technologies, design and site systems, and forecast the systems' performance. Summary Provided By:" @default.
- 00bb59aa-755d-4710-a097-f1e2836f4032 definition "The evolution of the RADARSAT program, the RCM includes a trio of Earth observation satellites, capable of scanning Earth day or night and in any weather conditions. The three-satellite configuration allows for daily revisits of Canada's vast territory and maritime approaches, as well as daily access to 90% of the world's surface and the Arctic up to four times a day." @default.
- 00c0412e-b0d6-401d-8945-efd2dcdeb022 definition "The North Carolina State University (NCSU) Water Quality Group is a multidisciplinary team that analyzes and conducts natural resource management programs with an emphasis on nonpoint source (NPS) pollution policy, assessment, and control technologies. Since 1980, the group has been involved in water quality project evaluation, watershed assessment, stream restoration, BMP implementation and education in cooperation with USDA, US EPA, state and local agencies. The mission of the NCSU Water Quality Group is to enhance NCSU's water quality programs by acting as a center for water quality information and technical assistance on natural resources and waste management, with an emphasis on NPS pollution issues from agriculture, forestry, urban land uses, construction, and on-site wastewater systems. The activities of the NCSU Water Quality Group improve the effectiveness and increase the benefits derived from research and extension efforts at North Carolina State University by facilitating inter-departmental and inter-institutional cooperative efforts to understand and address environmental problems. Website: Information provided by: water quality" @default.
- 00c1d7b9-61d8-40ad-8c33-f27006832866 definition "The characteristic of a surface for which a physical property, such as reflectivity, varies in value with the direction in or along which the measurement is made." @default.
- 00c3545f-06eb-427f-a11f-4a90459c8c1e definition "The Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) represents the first time NASA has partnered with epidemiologists and health organizations on a satellite mission to study human health and improve lives. Before launch, the MAIA team is working to test the software that will produce the MAIA data products and have generated simulated products in the same format as will be used during the actual mission. These simulated data products are available to MAIA Early Adopters, with the goal of facilitating the use of MAIA data post-launch. Early Adopters can determine whether the MAIA products contain the information needed for their work, and begin development of any code, tools, or procedures needed to integrate MAIA data into their workflow. Early Adopters are also invited to provide feedback to the MAIA project on the accessibility and usability of the MAIA data (obtaining the products, formats, content, available tools and user resources)." @default.
- 00ce4800-70ef-4346-aa15-0554280d0896 definition "Concerns about harmful algal blooms (HAB) have increased over the last decade largely because of the perceived increase in the number and duration of events. The toxins produced by these species cause finfish and shellfish poisoning, and mortality of marine animals, including mammals and birds. Advance warning of HABs increases the options for managing these events. The HAB Project develops and supports systems that provide information on the location and extent of red tide blooms in the Gulf of Mexico. The Experimental HAB bulletin alerts subscribers to developing blooms and changes in the location and extent of existing blooms. The HAB Mapping System (HABMapS) provides the position of an identified bloom and data from environmental conditions that may affect the extent or position. Both tools rely on remote sensing technology to provide the large spatial scale and high frequency of observations required to assess bloom location and movements. These tools can be used together to provide a regional perspective on HAB events. Additional information on HAB available at '' Additional information on the HAB Mapping System available at '' [Summary provided by NOAA]" @default.
- 00cfeb3e-249e-47bc-9e2a-0275131daa6b definition "University-wide Center for Climatic Research is an interdisciplinary center dedicated to bringing together scientists from the University, national, and international communities with interests in both basic and applied climatology in collaborative research. The Center emphasizes the University?s commitment to developing research in climatology and serves as an organization to attract external funding. Within the Center is an international center, sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization, dealing with issues on health and climate issues, the Office of the Delaware State Climatologist, and the Delaware Environmental Observing System. NASA, NOAA, NSF, NIGEC, and numerous state agencies and local municipalities have funded research within the Center. Website: [Summary provided by the University of Delaware.]" @default.
- 00d6fb2f-16d5-4949-afec-a1adbd600a58 definition "The frequency distribution of drop sizes (diameters, volumes) that is characteristic of a given cloud or of a given fall of rain. Most natural clouds have unimodal (single maximum) distributions, but occasionally bimodal distributions are observed. In convective clouds, the drop-size distribution is found to change with time and to vary systematically with height, the modal size increasing and the number decreasing with height. For many purposes a useful single parameter representing a given distribution is the volume median diameter, that is, that diameter for which the total volume of all drops having greater diameters is just equal to the total volume of all drops having smaller diameters. The drop- size distribution is one of the primary factors involved in determining the radar reflectivity of any fall of precipitation, or of a cloud mass." @default.
- 00de73fa-8d08-4e55-b4dc-605242f7e74d definition "The Southern Forest Experiment Station, Forest Inventory and Analysis (SO-FIA)involves supporting the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act (RPA) 1993 Assessment Update program. The experiment involves collecting information on current forest and rangeloand conditions." @default.
- 00e49fcb-d846-4b4e-8f45-b022c1713920 definition "A depositional feature of streams. Point bars are found in abundance in mature or meandering streams." @default.
- 00eabfc6-2a48-4c76-89ee-76d634479059 definition "The Department of Plant Sciences and outreach programs focuses on increasing sustainability of managed landscapes by developing plants with reduced maintenance requirements and by promoting environmentally sensitive management methods including pest controls. The Department of Plant Sciences Manages the arthropod-vectored diseases of humans, concentrating on those vectored by ticks and mosquitoes, and the Management of invasive plants, insects, and pathogens. Undergraduate teaching programs prepare students for careers in ornamental horticulture and turf grass management, and provide support courses in our academic disciplines for other undergraduate majors, including those preparing for advanced degrees. The graduate teaching program provides traditional academic training in entomology, horticulture, plant pathology, and plant science, emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches and contemporary research techniques for the degrees of M.S. and Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences. Website: [Summary provided by the University of Rhode Island.]" @default.
- 00ec5488-5161-4b23-9368-5c95b63eb846 definition "Through partnerships with public and private organizations, the Coastal Remote Sensing (CRS) Program delivers high-quality products useful for coastal resource management decision-making. Our products and services include * tools to deliver remotely sensed imagery and derived products * land cover and land cover change data sets * high-resolution beach topography data * benthic habitat and change data sets * tools to monitor harmful algal bloom movement * models and techniques to evaluate water quality in estuarine habitats * training modules for coastal applications * methodologies for conducting mapping projects" @default.
- 00ef1fd4-005f-4baa-8ffd-cb7496ea29c2 definition "NO3 Aerosol Mass Mixing Ratio" @default.
- 00f8ab1f-040f-40b4-ba64-9f6a4c2ca7ed definition "MICOM is a primitive equation numerical model that describes the evolution of momentum, mass, heat and salt in the ocean." @default.
- 00fc45e0-400d-4024-a82a-4d6544735f64 definition "The generic term for a non-frontal synoptic scale low-pressure system over tropical or sub-tropical waters with organized convection (i.e. thunderstorm activity) and definite cyclonic surface wind circulation." @default.
- 01021105-60ed-479a-a35b-faa73e286264 definition "A principal cloud type, forming in the middle levels of the troposphere, and appearing as a white and/or grey layer or patch with a waved aspect. In aviation forecasts and reports it is coded as AC." @default.
- 0105c1c8-53f4-454e-ae3c-ca200fff0c6e definition "The Department of Computer Science at UNC-Chapel Hill was one of the first in the United States to be established as an independent computer science department. It was founded in 1964 by Dr. Frederick P. Brooks Jr. Many of his founding philosophies still guide us. He strongly believed in creating an atmosphere of cooperation, in which students are seen as colleagues to faculty members. The department's primary missions are research and graduate and undergraduate teaching. It offers B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in computer science. The B.S. curriculum is a traditional liberal arts-based computer science degree. The M.S. and Ph.D. curricula are oriented toward the design and application of real computer systems and toward that portion of theory that guides and supports practice. The M.S. program prepares highly competent and broadly skilled practitioners. A majority of the master's graduates work in industry, in companies ranging from small start-up operations to government labs and large research and development corporations. The Ph.D. program prepares teachers and researchers for positions with universities, government research laboratories, and industry (list of Ph.D. dissertations.) Academic employment ranges from four-year colleges, where teaching is the primary focus, to positions at major research universities. [Summary provided by UNC-Chapel Hill.]" @default.
- 0111fbd3-e6ec-464a-bc65-2323c2328e7c definition "The U.S. Department of the Interior manages one of every five acres of land in the United States, providing opportunities for wilderness, wildlife protection, recreation, and resource development. They supply water for much of the west so that farmers can grow food and people can turn on their taps. They provide access to energy and minerals so that people can warm and cool their homes, and drive to their jobs. They honor American Indians, Alaska Natives, and affiliated Island communities, and protect wildlife and improve the environment. Website: '' [Summary provided by the U.S. Department of the Interior.]" @default.
- 0112e132-30d0-4bd2-a939-4a56eccdab8e definition "Idealized Northern Hemisphere high-latitude eruption emitting 28.1 Tg of SO2. Experiment initialized from PiControl" @default.
- 0116b01d-3d3e-49b8-8007-ca407f0cdf2d definition "Ocean Tracer XY Biharmonic Diffusivity" @default.
- 0118eaaa-ff56-4797-8b76-62be16e3ef5c definition "CODIAC is accessible: Via the WWW - The Cooperative Distributed Interactive Atmospheric Catalog System (CODIAC) offers on-line access to research and operational atmospheric science data sets distributed across geographically dispersed data centers. The system provides the means to identify data sets of interest, the facilities to view associated metadata, and the ability to automatically obtain data and metadata via Internet file transfer or removable media. The data system currently provides access to carefully quality-controlled data sets from research campaigns such as the U.S. Weather Research Program's STORM-FEST campaign, GEWEX/GCIP Initial Data set - 1 (GIDS-1), and the Central Equatorial Pacific Experiment (CEPEX). It also provides access to numerous operational data sets archived at NCDC via the OASIS node. Contact: User assistance is provided by submitting email to" @default.
- 0119b833-c9db-41e9-a525-e559490e9883 definition "The University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) is a federal-state-county partnership dedicated to developing knowledge in agriculture, human and natural resources, and the life sciences, and enhancing and sustaining the quality of human life by making that information accessible. While extending into every community of the state, UF/IFAS has developed an international reputation for its accomplishments in teaching, research and extension. Because of this mission and the diversity of Florida ’s climate and agricultural commodities, IFAS has facilities located throughout Florida. Summary Provided By:" @default.
- 011bd4b2-3b6c-4f51-af8a-edbb9dde9073 definition "Mawson organised and led the British, Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition (BANZARE) during the summers of 1929-31 to explore the region of Antarctica directly south of Australia." @default.
- 011bed30-f5b6-4b46-a7ce-797851f24f24 definition "The deviation of atmospheric pressure in a given region over a specified period from the long-term average value for the same region." @default.
- 011eeb7b-f264-460d-8796-15613b511612 definition "The Department of Earth Sciences is part of IUPUI, Indiana's main urban university, at the heart of Indiana's largest metropolitan area. Our location gives us the advantage of a large local job market for our graduates; research collaboration with government and industry leaders; and collaborations with IUPUI's other major schools. If you are interested in natural sciences that combine the most exciting aspects of laboratory and field research, you will find descriptions of many unique opportunities on these pages. Earth Sciences faculty and students are exploring Earth history and Earth processes all over the world." @default.
- 01223b3b-bdbc-4093-9bb4-19e77f5918dd definition "Change in River Storage" @default.
- 012398b7-7d4a-4b31-b2a7-0b428ab616f1 definition "SEISCAN was a MAST III funded project to rescue early seismic reflection profiles, that exist only as paper records, computer scanning and archiving to a CD-ROM database of image files. Between 1997 and 2000 over 8000 images covering 1,000,000 line kilometres were scanned and returned to owners free of charge. These would cost 23,000,000 Euros to re-survey at current costs. Information provided by" @default.
- 012a6415-f410-467f-92a8-5196cfd211f4 definition "The NASA Langley Research Center and University of Wisconsin Regional Air Quality Modeling System (RAQMS) is used to estimate the tropospheric ozone budget over east Asia during the NASA Global Tropospheric Experiment (GTE) Transport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific (TRACE-P) mission. The computed ozone budget explicitly accounts for stratosphere/troposphere exchange (STE) and in situ ozone production using on-line chemical calculations. The east Asian O3 budget is computed during the period from 7 March to 12 April 2001. Gross formation dominates STE by a ratio of 7 to 1 in east Asia during TRACE-P. However, this ratio is strongly influenced by altitude of the tropopause. Approximately 30% of the ozone that is advected across the tropopause over east Asia is subsequently advected out over the western Pacific within the upper 4 km of the troposphere by the Japan jet. The average net photochemical production (gross formation-gross destruction) within the regional domain is 0.37 Tg d−1 or 7% of the average flux at the eastern boundary of the domain during the TRACE-P time period. The budget analysis shows a very close balance between sources and sinks within the RAQMS regional domain during the TRACE-P time period. This balance results in very small average accumulation (∼1 Tg) of O3 in the east Asian region and very little net export averaged over the period (0.03 Tg d−1). The low ozone export from east Asia predicted by RAQMS during TRACE-P is a consequence of relatively high dry deposition rates, which are 37% of the gross ozone formation (1.469 Tg d−1) within the TRACE-P regional domain." @default.
- 012ab78f-225d-429a-92f4-a375f2d2541e definition "The goal of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Cartography and Spatial Services is provide cartographic and GIS support for the Region 5 Refuges and Wildlife Division. Our customers include land acquisition planners, appraisers, surveyors, and realty management specialists in Region 5's Office of Realty. We serve Regional and Refuge biologists, North American Waterfowl Management Plan biologists, the Regional Fire Management Officer, and the Regional Archaeologist in Region 5's Refuges and Wildlife Division. We share data and expertise with colleagues in federal, state, local agencies as well as individuals in academia, private firms, and the public. We maintain and distribute boundary files and maps as well as land ownership information for all National Wildlife Refuges in Region 5. We generate products, including maps, graphics, statistics, and geographic analyses from digital geospatial data. We also provide technical support in the areas of cartography, GIS, and GPS for our data users in the Regional Office and on the refuges. We maintain expertise in processing U.S. Geological Survey, National Wetlands Inventory, and national refuge boundary datasets. We use Arc/Info, ArcView, and AutoCadMap software on UNIX and WindowsNT computer platforms. We use large format color plotters, digitizing tables, scanners, and CD writers. We maintain an ftp server and a web server. Contact Information: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Cartography and Spatial Data Services 300 Westgate Center Drive Hadley, MA 01035 (413) 253-8292 (877) 289-8495 ext. 8292 (Toll Free) (413) 253-8480 FAX Homepage:''" @default.
- 012b978e-bf30-498b-8d9b-51dfc34e94a5 definition "Established in 1977, the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) is one of the 16 centers strategically located all over the world and supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). With its main research station and offices based in Aleppo, Syria, ICARDA works through a network of partnerships with national, regional and international institutions, universities, non-governmental organizations and ministries in the developing world; and with advanced research institutes in industrialized countries. Website: '' [Summary provided by ICARDA]" @default.
- 012eeb36-8c6e-442d-92c2-16f2714dbc79 definition "Future climate ScenarioMIP SSP5-8.5 simulation using "offline" ice sheet models. Forcing for ice sheet model is the standard dataset based on ScenarioMIP ssp585" @default.
- 01321412-556f-43fd-b494-370a8293d62f definition "The Computer Science Department at RPI consists of 24 faculty, renowned nationally and internationally for their work. Major research areas include bioinformatics, computational science and engineering, computer vision, database systems, networking, parallel computing, pervasive computing, robotics, software design, and theoretical computer science. The Department confers B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees. Currently there are about 670 undergraduates and about 100 graduate students. Website: Info: RPI" @default.
- 01391b8e-33dd-4703-9881-dfb1ade8bcc7 definition "The Climate and Global Change Program represents a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) contribution to evolving national and international programs designed to improve our ability to observe, understand, predict, and respond to changes in the global environment. This program builds on NOAA's mission requirements and long-standing capabilities in global change research and prediction. The NOAA Program is a key contributing element of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), which is coordinated by the interagency Committee on Environmental and Natural Resources. NOAA's program is designed to complement other agencies' contributions to that national effort." @default.
- 013b44e9-df5c-4ef8-a99f-7351d16bfd14 definition "The property of a soil that is based upon three components of hue, chroma (intensity or brightness), and value (lightness or darkness)." @default.
- 014007ae-39f8-4b84-9a98-bc5c12262754 definition "" @default.
- 01400b09-68a3-4e3e-b076-1687e30bed56 definition "A significant vertical, or near vertical, rock exposure. Cliffs are formed as erosion landforms due to the processes of erosion and weathering that produce them. Cliffs are common on coasts, in mountainous areas, escarpments and along rivers." @default.
- 01406abd-c93d-40d1-9bc3-7bc6388bc508 definition "The Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program was established to identify, evaluate, and acquire data from commercial sources that support NASA's Earth science research and application goals. NASA's Earth Science Division (ESD) recognizes the potential impact commercial small-satellite (smallsat) constellations may have in encouraging/enabling efficient approaches to advancing Earth System Science and applications development for societal benefit." @default.
- 01407ecf-45af-4fcc-8a1b-9b383636e2e4 definition "HYDRA is a plasma experimental investigation on the POLAR spacecraft. HYDRA is a collection of electrostatic analyzers designed for high resolution observations of electron and ion velocity distributions in the earth's polar magnetosphere and was designed and constructed by a consortium of institutions for the purpose of improving our understanding of the complex interactions of the polar magnetosphere with the solar wind and the ionosphere. HYDRA subsystems are: - Duo-Deca-Electron-Ion-Spectrometer (DDEIS) - Parallel Plate Analyzer (PPA) - Data Processing Unit (DPU) and UV Intracalibration System For more information, see: and Group: Instrument_Details Entry_ID: HYDRA Group: Instrument_Identification Instrument_Category: Solar/Space Observing Instruments Instrument_Class: Particle Detectors Short_Name: HYDRA Long_Name: Hot Plasma Analyzer End_Group Group: Associated_Platforms Short_Name: POLAR End_Group Online_Resource: Sample_Image: Group: Instrument_Logistics Instrument_Start_Date: 1996-02-24 Instrument_Owner: University of Iowa End_Group End_Group" @default.
- 0142954a-f944-4d31-b2c4-ec6ac3716f2d definition "CH2M HILL, Polar Field Services (PFS) and SRI now team as CH2M HILL Polar Services (CPS) to provide arctic logistics to National Science Foundation (NSF) funded researchers. Staff, field sites and services remain the same." @default.
- 01536059-6bd9-4d5e-941d-55f33ddb5efa definition "PREFIRE will document, for the first time, variability in spectral fluxes from 5-45 μm on hourly to seasonal timescales.Two 6U CubeSats in distinct 470–650 km altitude, near-polar (82°-98° inclination) orbitseach carrying a miniaturized IR spectrometer, covering 0- 45 μm at 0.84 μm spectral resolution, operating for one seasonal cycle (a year). The Arctic is Earth’s thermostat. It regulates the climate by venting excess energy received in the tropics. Nearly 60% of Arctic emission occurs at wavelengths > 15 μm (FIR) that have never been systematically measured. PREFIRE improves Arctic climate predictions by anchoring spectral FIR emission and atmospheric GHE." @default.
- 01549b6d-91e1-40de-bd7c-5ed5ee59d14e definition "Phylum Chordata. Class Actinopterygii. Order Acipenseriformes, which includes sturgeons and paddlefish, are ray-finned fish with a cartilaginous endoskeleton and no vertebral centrum" @default.
- 015ba8fd-e81f-44ae-973c-f8b5432f1b45 definition "The World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development (WDC- Ukraine) was created as a Ukrainian branch of the World Data Center for Solar and Terrestrial Physics of the Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the structure of the Institute for Applied Systems Analysis and the National Technical University of Ukraine Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in the 2006 on the base of Agreement about the Collaboration and Scientific Exchange between Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute for Applied Systems Analysis of the National Technical University of Ukraine Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and is responsible for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development." @default.
- 01632b62-a796-417d-83fb-0d944296aa7b definition "The USGS mission is to provide water information that benefits the Nation's citizens: Publications, data, maps, and applications software. USGS Water-Resources offices are located in every State. Summary provided by" @default.
- 0167d180-262b-4f18-b389-15f2a95cc167 definition "Time slice at 2100 (G6sulfur)" @default.
- 0168947c-5f28-46d8-b643-cb31af02a6de definition "These particles include atomic constituents such as electrons, protons, and neutrons (protons and neutrons are actually composite particles, made up of quarks), as well as other particles such as photons and neutrinos which are produced copiously in the sun. However, most of the particles that have been discovered and studied are not encountered under normal earth conditions; they are produced in cosmic rays and during scattering processes in particle accelerators." @default.
- 016afaa2-87bf-43b2-9cdc-f439dcf4312a definition "initialized near end of year 1962" @default.
- 01715ff7-03da-4665-b50d-b70c3af56d4f definition "The Northeast Regional Climate Center (NRCC) is located in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell University. It serves the 12-state region that includes: Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and West Virginia. Major funding is provided by a grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The Centers staff works cooperatively with the National Climatic Data Center, state climate offices and other interested scientists in the Northeast to acquire and disseminate accurate, up-to-date climate data and information. The mission of the Northeast Regional Climate Center is to facilitate and enhance the collection, dissemination and use of climate data as well as to monitor and assess climatic conditions and impacts in the twelve-state, northeastern region of the United States. Its activities are intended to further the economic efficiency and general welfare of public and private institutions and individuals in the region. Implementing this mission involves three programmatic objectives: 1. Development and maintenance of regional climatic databases 2. Dissemination of information and climate services 3. Performance of applied climate research Website: '' [Summary provided by the NRCC]" @default.
- 0174d18c-4d86-418c-90b8-5b70c4053c12 definition "The Office of Systems Development (OSD) manages NOAA's operational geostationary and polar-orbiting environmental satellite programs. Our objective is to provide the spacecraft, launch services, and ground systems necessary to maintain the uninterrupted flow of remotely-sensed environmental data required to protect life, property and the environment and to promote economic well being. We are responsible for defining user requirements and development of conceptual engineering design of future satellite systems to meet those requirements. We cooperate closely with other NOAA offices, Federal agencies, foreign technical agencies, international scientific and technical organizations and our constituents in carrying out our responsibilities on behalf of the American public." @default.
- 01777598-ba70-4e5f-84ca-84e6735dcd3a definition "Square of Brunt Vaisala Frequency in Sea Water" @default.
- 017c0d8c-20ad-4e54-a9bb-9dc87c6fc07e definition "We propose to coordinate the synchronized observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds (PMC) and aurora between the International Space Station (ISS), ground sites, and satellites. We also propose to coordinate observations from other International Polar Year (IPY) activities that might benefit from ISS observations. The orbit of the ISS takes it to north and south latitudes of 51.6 degrees at altitudes of 400 km. This provides a human operated platform from which to observe artic and Antarctic phenomena on a length scale of half a continent. This compliments ground site observations and satellite data that can be synchronized in both space and time to record seasonal variations. Observations from the ISS offers an above the cloud vantage including wide angle oblique views, sun-glint textures, day-night terminator lighting, and perhaps most important, human guided observations that can fall outside the purview of pre-programmed field of view instrumentation. The ISS offers a unique platform for Antarctic atmospheric observations since it gives repeated coverage circumscribing the continent every few days where cloud cover the general lack of observation sites limits routine ground observations over long periods of time. We propose to use the current observational equipment on ISS including a suite of digital still cameras, standard video cameras, and a medium resolution, fiber optic coupled visible region spectrograph. We are planning the fabrication for use on ISS of an IMAX-sized format, CCD camera optimised for low light level video if funding permits. With the NASA presidential directive for human exploration beyond Earth orbit, NASA is considering astronaut training in polar regions as analogues for human planetary missions. We propose to coordinate these polar analogue activities with ISS observations. Participation in this proposal will be open to all international partners to ISS as well as any other project that wishes to coordinate observations with ISS. All ISS collected data will be archived and publicly distributed using current NASA infrastructure. This activity offers great potential for educational outreach by linking human exploration from Earth polar extremes to Earth orbital extremes to Lunar and Martian extremes. The outreach will use current NASA educational infrastructure. Background This proposal resulted from prior collaborations when the Lead Contact was a crewmember and Science Officer on Expedition 6 to ISS. During this expedition, synchronized aurora observations were made between ISS and ground observers in Finland. Observations of Antarctic PMC were routinely made and subsequently correlated with SNOE satellite data with collaborators from University of Colorado and University of Alaska. These efforts proved the utility of making synchronized observations between ISS, ground, and satellite and resulted in this proposal. This proposal has been submitted with the approval of Dr. Jim Garvin, NASA Chief Scientist, in the NASA Washington DC office. D. R. Pettit, D. W. Rusch, G. E. Thomas, A. Merkel, S. Bailey, J. M. Russell III, M. DeLand, “Near-simultaneous Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from the International Space Station and from Orbiting Optical Instruments”, AGU poster, Nov. 2004. Summary provided by" @default.
- 018159fa-b94f-444c-9dbe-c2d2dd753593 definition "The Oregon State University Remote Sensing Ocean Optics (ORSOO) group's mission is to further the understanding of the world's oceans on both local and global scales by using optical measurements in combination with physical, biological, and chemical measurements, and models. Website: Info: Oregon State University Remote Sensing Ocean Optics" @default.
- 01824b77-bae5-4bc2-96d4-2630dc9d6aa1 definition "The Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research Data and Information System (IAIDIS) is a distributed database system based on the Internet, with the following main objectives: 1) Disseminate global change research information produced by the IAI, and other affiliated institutions 2) Contribute for the standardization and exchange of scientific data between different institutions. The intention of the IAI is to create a distributed network of Data and Information Systems throughout the Americas, with one Coordinator Node located at the IAI Directorate, and other nodes (National Nodes) located in the IAI member countries. Website: '' [Summary provided by IAIDIS.]" @default.
- 0182b483-26de-4ba5-b0dd-2d44a5daeab2 definition "During a month in the summer of 1999, individual aerosol particles were sized and analyzed using a Rapid Single-particle Mass Spectrometer (RSMS) in Atlanta. RSMS aerodynamically focuses one particle size at a time to the source region of a mass spectrometer and employs a 193 nm excimer laser to desorb and ionize the particle components.The ions are analyzed in a single time-of-flight mass spectrometer and the spectrum is digitally recorded. Spectra are only saved if the ion peak in the spectrum is above a threshold level. Background spectra were determined and flagged. Particle size scans were initiated periodically and each size was sampled until 30 particle hits were obtained, unless the sampling time became excessive. Aerodynamic particle sizes ranged from about 40 to 1300 nm and were partitioned into nine discrete size classes logarithmically spaced, roughly, over the range. Single particle data are valuable because for instance a) they are collected and analyzed real ti me so have excellent temporal resolution, b) the particle-to-particle composition variations (external mixing properties) can be assessed, and c) key particle sources are easily identified since the particles retain source characteristics. The data resulting from these measurements consist of an aerodynamic particle size and a positive mass spectrum of the components for each particle, along with the date and time of measurement and other incidental measurement parameters such as the laser pulse energy. Support for RSMS measurements has been provided by the EPA Supersite program and additional funding from the EPA and NSF. [Summary provided by NASA]" @default.
- 018e1ad9-a5ad-4fae-a712-ba376144fcc3 definition "A graphical representation for data visualization, in which data is represented by symbols, such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart, or slices in a pie chart. A chart can represent tabular numeric data, functions or some kinds of quality structure and provides different info." @default.
- 0193fb28-9bb9-4d55-b8cc-55a2fa6fd7bb definition "Eastward Wind" @default.
- 0195e50b-7039-41aa-9fac-70bedd0304a2 definition "The Antarctica-centered project achieved: 1) the development of a GIS database as a repository for ten geological data sets from the Ford Ranges, West Antarctica, acquired through NSF-OPP funded research from 1989 to 2010; and 2) computation of digital elevation models (DEMS) using newly-available high resolution stereographic imagery provided by the Polar Geospatial Center. Undergraduate interns and research students received GIS training and undertook these activities as a means to acquire fundamental skills and analytical experience in GIS through original research focused on a contemporary question in Antarctic science. The topics for original research for undergraduates were determined on the basis of priorities determined by the international ANTscape: Antarctic paleotopography working group ( formed under the auspices of the Antarctic Climate Evolution (ACE) initiative. DigitalGlobe imagery was integrated in the GIS and draped upon DEMS in order to examine and quantify aspect of areas determined to be of significance for climate, ice sheet, or tectonics. The database management and construction component educated students and provided a framework for acquisition of fundamental skills through use of ArcGIS, ENVI, and GlobalMapper. Students learned about a tectonically active region of Earth that is undergoing deglaciation and climate change. The students used the GIS and satellite imagery for inquiry and interpretation of a geological-glacial setting within the region of West Antarctica, a dynamic region that had never been examined within a single geospatial framework such as that provided by LIMA ( During the time of the award, seven undergraduates developed proficiency in GIS to aid their future employment or academic pursuits, while exploring research questions relating to bedrock structure and Antarctic climate evolution. Four of these completed internships at the Polar Geospatial Center, University of Minnesota, who supported the research. Server configuration and internet formats are being finalized in 2013-14, in preparation to provide electronic access to the scientific community in USA and abroad will gain access to the on-line repository of Ford Ranges geological data and digital elevation models that provide the first accurate elevation data for this region. The host institution is in the process of reconfiguring servers in 2013; once this is completed URLs for access to the online geology GIS and DEMs will be provided at this site." @default.
- 019649df-3682-44bb-92ee-c6af8aa6b0a5 definition "FENGYUN Satellite Data Center is the archive center for FY-3, FY-2, and FY-1 satellites' data. Storm III (FY-3) satellite is China's second-generation polar orbit meteorological satellite, which is the basis of FY-1 meteorological satellite technology on the development and improvement in function and technology a big step forward with qualitative change, specific requirements to solve the three-dimensional atmospheric detection, ability to obtain substantial increase in global data to further enhance the cloud and surface characteristics of remote sensing capabilities, enabling access to global, all-weather, three-dimensional, quantitative, multi-spectral atmosphere, surface and sea surface parameters. FY-3 meteorological satellite applications for purposes such as four aspects: - the provision of global numerical weather prediction for the medium-term resolution of the meteorological parameters uniform. - study of global change, including climate variation, climate prediction for the variety of meteorological and geophysical parameters. - monitoring of large-scale natural disasters and the surface environment. - for a variety of professional activities (aviation, maritime, etc.) of any region to provide global weather information, meteorological support services for the military" @default.
- 01992a08-d5a3-4eb6-8b46-7e3caa395022 definition "GYROS are compass systems that do not depend on magnetism but uses a gyroscope instead; a rotating mechanism in the form of a universally mounted spinning wheel that offers resistance to turns in any direction." @default.
- 019b76a2-3576-4a03-a91f-8519319d66ee definition "Space Transport System STS-62 Mission Objectives: The 14-day mission is the latest in a series of Extended Duration Orbiter (EDO) flights which will provide additional information for on-going medical studies that assess the impact of long-duration spaceflight, 10 or more days, on astronaut health, identify any operational medical concerns and test countermeasures for the adverse effects of weightlessness on human physiology. The United States Microgravity Payload (USMP) will be making its second flight aboard the Space Shuttle. The USMP flights are regularly scheduled on Shuttle missions to permit scientists access to space for microgravity and fundamental science experiments which cannot be duplicated on Earth and provide the foundation for advanced scientific investigations that will be done on the international space station. The Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology (OAST-2) payload contains six experiments that will obtain technology data to support future needs for advanced satellites, sensors, microcircuits and the space station. Data gathered by the OAST-2 experiments could lead to satellites and spacecraft that are cheaper, more reliable and able to operate more efficiently. STS-62 will help scientists calibrate sensitive ozone- detecting instruments with the sixth flight of the Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SSBUV) Instrument. This highly calibrated tool is used to check data from ozone-measuring instruments on free-flying satellites -- NASA's Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) and Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA-9 and NOAA-11 satellites. The Protein Crystal Growth (PCG) experiments and the Commercial Protein Crystal Growth (CPCG) experiments aboard Columbia will help scientists understand the growth of crystals to study the complex molecular structures of important proteins. By knowing the structure of specific proteins, scientists can design new drug treatments for humans and animals and develop new or better food crops. NASA's efforts in the important field of biotechnology are represented by the fourth flight of the Physiological Systems Experiment which is designed to evaluate pharmaceutical, agricultural or biotechnological products, and the first flight of the Biotechnology Specimen Temperature Controller (BSTC), designed to test the performance of a temperature control device being developed for use with the Bioreactor, a cell- culture growth device. Also flying again on the Shuttle is the Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus (CGBA) payload which will support more than 15 commercial life science investigations that have application in biomaterials, biotechnology, medicine and agriculture. The Middeck 0-Gravity Dynamics Experiment (MODE) will make its second flight on STS-62. MODE investigates how the microgravity of space flight influences the behavior of large space structures. The MODE test article can be configured in different shapes typical of space structural forms-- the truss of a space station, for example -- to help engineers develop and verify an analytical modeling capability for predicting the linear and nonlinear modal characteristics of space structures in a microgravity environment. MODE also will gather force measurements of nominal, crew-induced disturbance loads on the Shuttle. Astronauts will demonstrate a new magnetic end effector and grapple fixture design for the Shuttle's Canadian-built robot arm that engineers believe will increase the arm's dexterity and alignment accuracy, provide operators with a sense of touch and allow the use of more compact 'handles' on satellites and other Shuttle payloads. Additional information available at '' [Summary provided by NASA]" @default.
- 019f4278-fc66-4862-9d4e-2d41f43278c2 definition "ASRU develops and implements state-of-the-art simulation models RZWQM, GPFARM, decision support systems (GPFARM Information System), and other products aimed at improving our understanding of how agricultural systems work and how we can best manage them. We are concerned with sustaining integrated agricultural production systems while minimizing destructive impacts on the environment and maintaining economic viability. Unit Vision Provide leadership in systems research for developing sustainable and adaptive integrated agricultural systems. Summary provided by:" @default.
- 01a4a324-cad3-441d-b0f1-02dc9742784a definition "An important baseline measurement in ice cores is electrical conductivity. Electrical conductivity measurements (ECM) of the core is a very rapid method to indicate how acidic the core is without the chemical detail of the ion analyses. The value of the measurement is that it can be done for the whole length of the core in high resolution and provide an immediate picture of the core and allow quick detection of interesting areas, such as a volcanic eruptions. Because it is a high resolution, continuous measurement it can be used, along with the other measurements, for time frequency analysis in order to identify cycles in the climate signal." @default.
- 01a579e8-f7f5-45d0-a029-0afd7fcf8688 definition "Omega (=dp/dt)" @default.