Matches in SemOpenAlex for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- W1000037301 abstract "Theodolites are a common instrument in the testing, alignment, and building of various systems ranging from a single optical component to an entire instrument. They provide a precise way to measure horizontal and vertical angles. They can be used to align multiple objects in a desired way at specific angles. They can also be used to reference a specific location or orientation of an object that has moved. Some systems may require a small margin of error in position of components. A theodolite can assist with accurately measuring and/or minimizing that error. The technology is an adapter for a CCD camera with lens to attach to a Leica Wild T3000 Theodolite eyepiece that enables viewing on a connected monitor, and thus can be utilized with multiple theodolites simultaneously. This technology removes a substantial part of human error by relying on the CCD camera and monitors. It also allows image recording of the alignment, and therefore provides a quantitative means to measure such error." @default.
- W1000037422 abstract "As the term „lithium nanotechnology” has become widely known, the application of lithium compounds in the construction industry has grown in popularity. The insertion of lithium silicate into silicate paste enhances the strength of the final product through the reduction of free spaces in the modified silicate structure. In consequence, the silicate paste gets denser as its macro-and microstructural properties improve, since lithium silicate has a beneficial effect both on the chemical reaction with silica and on its rate." @default.
- W100003807 abstract "The idea that computer systems should be designed through abstract representations of the use domain has been systematically challenged in the Scandinavian tradition of user involvement in design. In this paper it is suggested that ideal design should happen as a transformation of artefacts rather than through abstract representations of domains. Thus the paper emphasises that design and design representations have to be tied to concrete material reality. The transformation idea is based on notions of secondary artefacts and boundary objects. The general ideas in the paper are introduced through a case story about a design project involving a music festival organisation and a group of university researchers, aiming at developing computer support for the planning and production of the festival" @default.
- W1000038195 abstract "This scientific paper provides a systematic analysis of sociological relationships in the area of seafaring as well as management styles in maritime shipping industry, with particular emphasis on the specific features involved in the vocation of a seafarer. The research was carried out on a sample of seafarers attending training courses at Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split. Separation from family, friends and familiar environment represents one of the essential features of the seafarers’ life that are discussed in the paper. Another important sociological factor of the seafarers’ specific profession is their workplace, i.e. the ship." @default.
- W1000038438 abstract "Serum Cu (S-Cu) and Zn (S-Zn) levels were determined in 1468 out of 1856 male subjects aged 55-75 years living in the Rome area who participated, between 1989 and 1990, in the second examination in an epidemiological (New Risk Factors) survey. Mean S-Cu and S-Zn concentrations were 15.98 mumol/l (mean +/- 2SD: 10.38-21.58 +/- mumol/l) and 13.69 mumol/l (mean +/- 2SD: 8.94-18.44 mumol/l), respectively. S-Cu levels were directly related to serum calcium levels (S-Ca), serum magnesium levels (S-Mg), daily cigarette consumption, total cholesterol and age (years). S-Zn levels were directly related to S-Ca, S-Mg and cholesterol and inversely related to age. A weak inverse linear relationship existed between S-Zn and S-Cu. After adjustment for body mass index (BMI), smoking habit, alcohol consumption and blood biochemistry in a multiple linear regression model, the relationship of S-Cu (direct) and S-Zn (inverse) to age remained statistically significant." @default.
- W1000038613 abstract "Boken behandlar fastighetsmaklarlagen och begreppet god fastighetsmaklarsed. Reglerna om kop av bostadsratt behandlas ur ett fastighetsmaklarperspektiv. Vidare behandlas allmanna fragor om kommersiella fastigheter samt regler till forebyggande av diskriminering, maklares atgarder mot penningtvatt och finansiering av terrorism, fastighetskoparens miljorattsliga ansvar. Beskattning vid avyttring av fastigheter och bostadsratter behandlas ingaende samt maklarens ansvar i vissa mervardesskattefragor." @default.
- W10000400 abstract "Associations between tissue residues and toxicity to aquatic organisms were examined to evaluate the applicability of the critical body residue (CBR) approach across different chemical classes. Chemical classes and mode of action categories evaluated included narcotics (polar and nonpolar), excitatory agents, AChE inhibitors, reactives/irritants, CNS seizure agents, aryl hydrocarbon (Ah) receptor agonists, and inorganic metals and organometals. This evaluation indicated that empirical data do not support broad application of the CBR concept across chemical classes. This conclusion is particularly important for polar and nonpolar narcotics because the CBR concept was specifically developed for these chemical classes. The variability observed in tissue residues between chemicals within a given mode-of-action class appears to be generally of the same order of magnitude as the variability of aqueous measures of toxicity such as LC50 values (Table 3; Fig. 10). This observation suggests that either (a) the reported tissue residues were dependent on the aqueous dosing regime; (b) the tissue measurements do not accurately reflect the internal dose at target organs with substantially greater precision than water exposure measurements; or (c) many of the same sources of variability associated with aqueous exposures, such as chemical structure, individual species sensitivity, biotransformation processes, and lipid content, also apply to tissue-based measures of exposure. An additional source of uncertainty of CBRs is whether a chemical has been correctly assigned to a mode of action category. [figure: see text] The CBR approach outlined by McCarty (1986, 1987) and McCarty et al. (1993) underlines an important concept in aquatic toxicology, i.e., that internal chemical dose is the true measure of toxicity for many chemicals rather than imputed dose based on aqueous exposure. Nevertheless, without more refined and accurate examination of that actual internal dose and without additional consideration of differences in sensitivity between species, differences in toxic potency between chemicals, and differences in toxicity of environmentally modified or biotransformed compounds, the CBR approach may not offer practical advantages over conventional media-based exposure assessment." @default.
- W100004006 abstract "THIS ARTICLE DISCUSSES THE ROLE of wasta in contemporary village life in Lebanon, focussing on its use in, and impact on, local development projects. Wasta (coll. waseet in formal Arabic), which means either mediation or intercession, has had a long history in Middle Eastern societies. The term itself may be applied both to the person who mediates or intercedes or to the act of mediation or intercession. This paper deals with intercessory wasta , a social exchange which entails the intervention of a patron on behalf of a client or clients to obtain a service, a benefit or other resources for the client." @default.
- W1000040691 abstract "Telitetlen vegcsoportot tartalmazo mezogen monomereket allitottunk elő folyadekkristalyos elasztomerekhez. Ezek voltak a 4(10-undeceniloxi)benzoesav, a 4(10-undeceniloxi)-bifenilkarbonsav, a racem es optikailag aktiv (S)-4’-[10-undeceniloxi-4-(4’-(2-metilbutiloxi-benzoil))]benzoat, es a racem 4’-[10-undeceniloxi-4-(4’-(2-metilbutiloxibenzoilfenil))]-benzoat. Szerkezetuket FTIR-, 1H-NMR- es 13C-NMR-spektroszkopiaval bizonyitottuk, fazisatmeneteiket DSC-analizissel es polarizacios mikroszkopiaval, kristalyszerkezetuket rontgendiffrakcios analizissel hataroztuk meg. Homopolimerizaltuk a 4(10-undeceniloxi)-benzoesavat es a 4(10-undeceniloxi)-bifenilkarbonsavat. A homopolimerek folyadek-kristalyok, meghataroztuk fazisatmeneteiket, szerkezetuket igazoltuk. Folyadekkristalyos elasztomert allitottunk elő 4(10-undeceniloxi)benzoesav, valamint 4(10-undeceniloxi)bifenilkarbonsav EPDM-re ojtasaval. Karboxilfunkcios elasztomert modositottunk karboxilfunkcios mezogenekkel triglicidil izocianurat (TGIC) terhalosito felhasznalasaval. Mivel a TGIC harom kiralis szenatomot tartalmaz, antipodja nagy aktivitasu enantiomer. Alkalmazasaval befolyasolhato az optikailag aktiv mezogent tartalmazo elasztomer viselkedese. | Unsaturated mesogenic monomers for liquid crystal elastomers have been synthesized, such as 4(undec-10-enyloxi)benzoic acid, 4(Undec-10-enyloxi)biphenylcarboxylic acid, the racemic and optically active (S)-4’-[undec-10-enyloxi-4-(4’-(2-methylbutyloxibenzoyl))]-benzoate and the racemic 4’-[undec-10-enyloxi-4-(4’-(2-methylbutyloxibenzoylfenyl))]-benzoate. As co-monomers the 4-octyloxibenzoyloxi-ethyl acrylate and –methacrylate have been prepared. Purification took place by recrystallization or preparative coloumn chromatography. The structures have been confirmed by FTIR-, 1H-NMR- and 13C-NMR-spectroscopy. The phase transitions were determined by DSC and polarizing microscopy, the crystalline structures by XRD. Homopolymers of 4(undec-10-enyloxi)benzoic acid and 4(Undec-10-enyloxi)biphenylcarboxylic acid were synthesyzed and characterized. Liquid crystalline elastomers have been prepared by grafting 4(undec-10-enyloxi)benzoic acid and 4(undec-10-enyloxi)biphenylcarboxylic acid onto EPDM. Carboxyl-functional elastomer has been modified with carboxyl-functional mezogens by using triglycidylisocyanurate (TGIC) cross-linker. The antipodes of the two diastereomer racemates are of high optical activity, by their use the behaviour of the liquid crystalline elastomer can be taylored." @default.
- W100004108 abstract "In this paper we propose a novel multi-view feature fusion of gait biometric information in surveillance videos for large scale human identification. The experimental evaluation on low resolution surveillance video images from a publicly available database showed that the combined LDA-MLP technique turns out to be a powerful method for capturing identity specific information from walking gait patterns. The multi-view fusion at feature level allows complementarity of multiple camera views in surveillance scenarios to be exploited for improvement of identity recognition performance." @default.
- W1000041364 abstract "The wearing of a standard-approved motorcycle helmet has been the most significant step in reducing fatal and serious injury among motorcyclists worldwide. Mandatory helmet use for motorcyclists is now in place in many parts of the world. Nevertheless, some researchers have observed a high percentage and duration of hospitalisations in helmet-protected motorcyclists with the long-term outcome considerably influenced by head injury severity. The objective of this study was to investigate head and neck injuries sustained by helmeted motorcyclists in real world crashes and define the circumstances which result in injury. Data were collected by in-depth crash investigations of motorcyclist crashes in New South Wales (NSW), Australia. The crash investigations included inspections of the accident scene, the crash involved motorcycle and the helmet. Where possible, detailed helmet examination including helmet disassembly was performed to identify all crash related damage. The type of damage, damage location and damage severity on the helmets were recorded. The major head and neck injury types sustained by these helmeted riders were analysed for crash and helmet damage related factors which influenced the incidence of injury. Due to the recruitment procedures used, participants in this study were biased towards lower severity head injuries. A head injury was sustained in 23.9% of cases but serious (AIS 3+) head injury was sustained in only 2.3%. There was neck injury in 9.1% of cases but no serious (AIS 3+) neck injuries. The main head and neck injury types by frequency were superficial injury (13.6%), “diffuse” type brain injury (13.6%), facial/dental fracture (4.5%) and cervical spine fracture (4.5%). Helmet damage was observed in the majority of cases (86.4%) suggesting successful injury prevention in many instances. A high proportion of observed impact damage was to the front of the helmet (78.5% of cases), particularly the chin bar and visor of full-face helmets. Impact damage associated with a predominantly tangential force onto the head was more common than radially directed force damage. Superficial head injury and facial/dental fractures was significantly more common (p < 0.01) in riders who were wearing open face helmets, where the face and chin are exposed to direct impact, compared to full face protected riders. There were significantly more cervical spine fractures in cases with damage indicative of a radially directed force (p = 0.036) than where damage indicated a tangentially applied force. The circumstances resulting in “diffuse” brain injuries could not be clearly defined by the data in this study due to the small number of riders with this injury. The results highlight potential areas for improving the head and neck protection offered to motorcyclists including extending the required region of coverage, particularly to the face, and through mitigating the effect of tangential impacts on the helmet. Given the high frequency of diffuse intracranial injury even in lower severity head injury cases, assessment of helmet effectiveness should use performance criteria reflecting the mechanisms of this type of injury." @default.
- W1000041563 abstract "In electron microscopic studies on structure of the capsule surrounding Trichinella spiralis larva the techniques have been employed which permit demonstration of proteoglycans and collagen fibers at various stages of their formation, i.e. fixation in tannic acid and staining reaction with ruthenium red. The muscle cell has been demonstrated to produce both collagen fibers and glycoproteins plus proteoglycans. The products formed inner part of the capsule, separated from the outer part by the basement membrane. The outer part of the capsule contained collagen fibers and matrix, synthesized by the interstitial tissue cells, by fibroblasts and vascular endothelium cells in particular." @default.
- W1000041689 abstract "Purpose This study compares the dosimetric parameters in treatment of unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma between intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT) and intensity modulated x-ray radiation therapy (IMRT). Methods and Materials: We studied four patients treated at our institution. All patients were simulated supine with 4D-CT using a GE light speed simulator with a maximum slice thickness of 3mm. The average CT and an internal target volume to account for respiration motion were used for planning. Both IMRT and IMPT plans were created using Elekta's CMSXiO treatment planning system (TPS). The prescription dose was 58.05 CGE in 15 fractions. The IMRT plans had five beams with combination of co-planar and non-co-planar. The IMPT plans had 2 to 3 beams. Dose comparison was performed based on the averaged results of the four patients. Results The mean dose and V95% to PTV were 58.24CGE, 98.57% for IMPT, versus 57.34CGE and 96.68% for IMRT, respectively. The V10, V20, V30 and mean dose of the normal liver for IMPT were 23.10%, 18.61%, 13.75% and 9.78 CGE; and 47.19%, 37.55%, 22.73% and 17.12CGE for IMRT. The spinal cord didn't receive any dose in IMPT technique, but received a maximum of 18.77CGE for IMRT. The IMPT gave lower maximum dose to the stomach as compared to IMRT (19.26 vs 26.35CGE). V14 for left and right kidney was 0% and 2.32% for IMPT and 3.89% and 29.54% for IMRT. The mean dose, V35, V40 and V45 for small bowl were similar in both techniques, 0.74CGE, 6.27cc, 4.85cc and 3.53 cc for IMPT, 3.47CGE, 9.73cc, 7.61cc 5.35cc for IMRT. Conclusion Based on this study, IMPT plans gave less dose to the critical structures such as normal liver, kidney, stomach and spinal cord as compared to IMRT plans, potentially leading to less toxicity and providing better quality of life for patients." @default.
- W100004204 abstract "Over the past 5 yr, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) headquarters has undertaken a comprehensive nuclear facility management upgrade, much of which is reflected in its newly created nuclear safety orders in the DOE 5480 series. Implementation difficulties for the wide range of upgrades in this series of orders have been exacerbated by DOE organizational changes and changes in DOE management philosophies. In fact, due in part to the shift from decentralized management to centralized management and then back to a decentralized approach, the DOE nuclear safety upgrade efforts have tested nuclear facility management and operating (M&O) contractor and DOE Operations Office management. Management and technical interfaces are likewise being challenged, and it is at these interfaces that nuclear safety margins are most likely to be compromised through inaction or misdirection. This paper compares the critical management and technical interfaces of the DOE, the commercial nuclear power industry, and the Navy Nuclear Propulsion Program, providing insights regarding successful approaches to managing and strengthening these interfaces. Success depends on the observance of fundamental principles important to nuclear plant project interfaces with management and with supporting functional groups." @default.
- W1000042173 abstract "Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the static properties of vortices in rotating superfluid helium (He), emphasizing the similarities and differences between A and B phases, as well as the more familiar superfluid He. The chapter summarizes the properties of vortices in helium (He) to provide a basis for comparison with the more complicated situation in He. It also discusses the properties of superfluid, including the order parameter, and provides the Ginzburg–Landau (GL) description. There is clear evidence for some sort of transition in the vortex cores of He–B, but a theoretical description has proved elusive. Experiments indicate the presence of doubly quantized nonsingular vortices, independent of the order of cooling and rotating, yet theoretical calculations imply that singular singly quantized vortices have lower free energy per quantum of circulation for angular velocities. The experimental detection of the low-field structure of rotating He–A is predicted to contain a square array of singly quantized nonsingular vortices." @default.
- W1000042392 abstract "When Burma joined ASEAN in 1997, the military junta was attracted by the prospect of achieving some form of political legitimacy while gaining access to alternative markets to those that had been denied by Western sanctions. ASEAN, in turn, was more than happy to gain access to Burma’s abundant natural resources and justified its actions through its policy of “constructive engagement”. Burma had only emerged from relative isolation in the early 1990s and was experimenting with partial economic liberalization. ASEAN also hoped to offset the strategic impact that Burma’s close alliance with the People’s Republic of China could have in the region.As Western pressure increased on the military junta, and on ASEAN, the Burmese generals have discovered that the original terms of their membership agreement may have changed. ASEAN appeared to redefine its principle of non-interference in the domestic politics of member states following the Depayin incident of 2003 where Aung San Suu Kyi was attacked by members of the SPDC’s mass organization – the USDA. Her arrest and continued detention brought intense international pressure, and embarrassment, to bear upon ASEAN leading up to Burma’s chairmanship in 2006. Despite the announcement of a Road Map to “disciplined democracy”, Burma forfeited its Chair in 2005 and has since maintained cool relations with the regional organization while seeking support from its close ally in China. ASEAN continues to redefine its principle of “enhanced interaction” with Burma and will likely wish to be seen, in the eyes of the international community, to be criticizing the generals in order to protect its own credibility.However, signs have appeared that indicate the Burmese generals are returning to their isolationist tendencies and would welcome some kind of economic autarchy. While this is consistent with their traditional “neutral” foreign policy since independence, it also means that the debate over sanctions or engagement is becoming increasingly irrelevant. The generals are building themselves a new administrative capital in remote Pyinmana and hope to have all ministries, civil servants, and a military headquarters relocated to the new site this year. It has also been necessary for the generals to court China and Russia in order to counter a move by the US to have Burma placed on the UN Security Council’s agenda. Another indication of the generals’ isolationism is their fear of granting any autonomy to non-state organizations such as UN agencies, NGOs, and INGOs operating inside the country, as witnessed by their introduction of strict new guidelines relating to these groups.While ASEAN continues to redefine its position with Burma, it may increasingly find that Burma’s tightening of relations with China will help to define it for them. In addition, China’s presence in the ASEAN+3 concept opens new diplomatic avenues through which Burma could be approached. Because of the numerous regional security problems that continue to originate from inside Burma (drugs, HIV/AIDS, illegal cross-border migration), ASEAN will wish to maintain good relations with the country’s military leaders. However, it is difficult to see how any meaningful political influence ASEAN might bring to bear on Burma in the near future could come about without the generals seeking Beijing’s advice." @default.
- W100004271 abstract "The authors report on a study of the effect of sulfur dioxide on the activity of platinum and palladium catalysts with respect to oxidation of the principal toxic components in the exhaust gases of internal combustion engines: carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons (propylene (C/sub 3/H/sub 6/) and propane (C/sub 3/H/sub 8/)). The experiments were carried out in a flow system equipped with Beckman infrared analyzers to monitor the concentrations of CO and hydrocarbons and of sulfur dioxide. A series of thermal desorption experiments was carried out in a low-pressure flow system with mass spectrometric analysis of the gas phase. The results indicate that the low-temperature adsorption of sulfur dioxide on platinum (and also palladium) catalysts inhibits the oxidation of carbon monoxide and propylene. The poisoning effect of O/sub 2/ is due to blockage of the platinum centers for adsorption of the oxidizable compounds and oxygen." @default.
- W100004300 abstract "Dieses Buch liefert den umfassendsten State-of-the-Art des Internationalen Managements im deutschsprachigen Raum. In sieben Kapiteln werden die zentralen Themenfelder des Fachs kompetent und spannend vorgestellt. Anhand einer Vielzahl von Illustrationen und Fallbeispielen schlagen die Autoren dabei die Brucke zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Die klare Struktur und Pragnanz der Ausfuhrungen sowie die zahlreichen Querverweise und detaillierten Verzeichnisse ermoglichen ein systematisches Verstandnis von Zusammenhangen und machen das Buch gleichzeitig zu einem wertvollen Nachschlagewerk. Der Erfolg des Werks spricht fur sich – nicht ohne Grund ist das Buch fur Wissenschaftler, Dozenten, Studierende und Praktiker gleichermasen das unverzichtbare Standardwerk zum Internationalen Management. Im Dozentenportal des Verlags finden Dozenten zudem ausfuhrliches Vorlesungsbegleitmaterial." @default.
- W1000043584 abstract "The management of international agricultural researchfaces many challenges especially with regard topriority setting. Research managers have to provideclear direction in pursuing long-term strategic goals,and at the same time be responsive to change anddemonstrate accomplishment of short-term objectives.They also need to address international developmentconcerns and respond sensitively to wishes of a broadarray of beneficiary and stakeholder groups..." @default.
- W1000043755 abstract "This study examined the feasibility and acceptability of a body motion-activated videogame, targeting the prevention of opioid relapse among youth in the context of outpatient treatment.Participants attended four weekly gameplay sessions. Surveys were conducted at baseline and following each week's gameplay and assessed satisfaction with gameplay, craving intensity, and self-efficacy to refuse opioids.Participants expressed a high level of satisfaction with the videogame throughout the 4 weeks and agreed with the statement that they would be more likely to attend treatment sessions if the game was present (mean=4.6; standard deviation [SD]=0.7) and would recommend the videogame to other people in treatment (mean=4.2; SD=0.8). All participants recommended playing the videogame as part of treatment at least weekly, with a third recommending playing daily. Self-reported cravings declined over the 4-week period from baseline (mean=12.7; SD=8.4) to Week 4 (mean=9.8; SD=8.3), although the decline was not significant. Although participants stated that they liked the game, one-third of participants had dropped out of the study by the fourth session of gameplay.Preliminary evidence indicates that a motion videogame for addiction recovery may be feasible and acceptable within the context of outpatient treatment, although additional efforts are needed to keep youth in treatment. Future studies are needed to assess the impact of the game on long-term abstinence, treatment adherence, and engagement." @default.
- W100004448 abstract "The tachykinin peptides comprise a family of structurally related peptides that were originally discovered on the basis of their atropine resistant, rapid stimulation of smooth muscle contraction. These peptides have been isolated from vertebrate and invertebrate species and are structurally characterized by the conserved carboxyl-terminal region of Phe-X-Gly-Leu-MetNH2where the X residue usually is an aromatic or aliphatic amino acid. There exist at least five mammalian tachykinin peptides including substance P (SP), neurokinin A (NKA), neurokinin B (NKB), neuropeptide K (NPK), and neuropeptide y (NPy) that are synthesized, processed, and secreted from tachykinin secreting neurons, as well as certain nonneural tissues and cells. NPK and NPy are amino terminal extended forms of NKA. Each of the five peptides is an agonist at each of the currently characterized tachykinin receptors, although their rank orders of potency differ. Mammalian tachykinin receptors consist of three types based upon current pharmacological, biochemical, and molecular characterization. These receptors have been named neurokinin-1 (NK1), the receptor with highest affinity for SP; neurokinin-2 (NK2), the receptor with highest affinity for NKA, NPK, and NPy; and neurokinin-3 (NK3), the receptor with highest affinity for NKB." @default.
- W1000045035 abstract "(1925). XLVIII.—Descriptions de Coccinellides appartenant a la collection de M. Andrewes, de Londres. Annals and Magazine of Natural History: Vol. 15, No. 88, pp. 447-449." @default.
- W100004512 abstract "Many cancer survivors experience physical and/or psychosocial side effects, which can be severe, debilitating, and sometimes permanent. These NCCN Guidelines for Survivorship provide screening, evaluation, and treatment recommendations for common consequences of cancer and cancer treatment for health care professionals who work with survivors of adult-onset cancer in the posttreatment period. These introductory sections of the guidelines include the panel’s definition of cancer survivors, a discussion of the effects of cancer and its treatment, general principles and standards for survivorship care, and guidance regarding screening for problems that require further assessment." @default.
- W1000045344 abstract "The probability of finding gunshot primer residue particles when only a portion of a specimen is to be searched is calculated exactly, without the use of a simplifying assumption made by previous authors. Probabilities obtained by the exact method are compared with those published previously." @default.
- W1000045504 abstract "First run of the Texas Special Engine No. 101 enroute from San Antonio to St. Louis on April 21, 1948 as it enters Dallas at 2:00 pm." @default.
- W1000045804 abstract "This chapter discusses concepts related to frequency stability and the performance of various high-stability oscillators. There are two ways of looking at frequency stability— in the frequency domain and in the time domain. Spectral measurements tell the behavior of phase (or frequency) fluctuations of an oscillator. The spectral density of phase fluctuations can be visualized as the result of looking with a spectrum analyzer at the output from a perfect phase detector. The spectral density of frequency fluctuations is the result of analyzing the output from a perfect frequency discriminator. Spectral densities give the best clues about the inside workings of an oscillator because it is possible to relate the spectral behavior with noise processes in various parts of the oscillator, leading to certain models for the behavior of the oscillator. From these, it is possible to often find physical processes that cause the noise. Frequency-domain and time-domain measures of frequency stability and their relationship are explored in the chapter. Spectral-density models are analyzed, and phase and time prediction is elaborated. Normalized phase departure versus observation time for various frequency standards is also illustrated." @default.
- W1000047427 abstract "Abstract During a comprehensive total diet study extending from 1985 to 1988, foods were collected in 6 Canadian cities (in one of them, a pilot study was conducted twice). For each of the 7 collections, foods were processed into 112 composites (105 in the initial pilot trial). Total arsenic was determined in all samples. The mean, median, and range of arsenic concentrations in all samples were 73.2,5.1, and <0.1-4830 ng/g, respectively. Food groups containing the highest mean arsenic levels were fish (1662 ng/g), meat and poultry (24.3 ng/g), bakery goods and cereals (24.5 ng/g), and fats and oils (19.0 ng/g). The estimated daily dietary ingestion of total arsenic by the average Canadian was 38.1 μg and varied from 14.9 μg for the 1- to 4-year-old group to 59.2 μg for 20- to 39-year-old males." @default.
- W1000047545 abstract "The novel geometry of graphite fibers facilitates the study of various intercalation phenomena and is of particular importance for practical applications of GICs. Also in their pristine form, graphite fibers offer unique advantages over other forms of graphite for the study of novel phenomena and for a variety of practical applications. The synthesis, structure and properties of intercalated graphite fibers have much in common with intercalated bulk graphite host materials, such as kish graphite and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG),1 which are extensively discussed in this volume. We therefore briefly review here the structure and properties of intercalated graphite fibers and the differences between GICs prepared from fiber and bulk graphite host materials." @default.
- W1000047560 abstract "This is a general research guide for students enrolled in Educational Leadership courses or interested in related disciplines." @default.
- W1000048045 abstract "Not infrequently, one encounters a table in which a number of the cell counts are O’s. These cells sometimes cause problems when fitting log-linear models. Recall that, in our discussion of logistic regression in Section VII.3, we had a 2 × 200 table that was riddled with 0 counts. Except for the fact that some asymptotic results did not hold, the zeros caused no problems. Cells with zero counts merely have the potential to cause problems." @default.
- W10000484 abstract "To assure food security in the rice-consuming countries of the world, those countries will have to produce 50% more rice with improved quality to meet consumers’ demand by 2025. This additional rice will have to be produced on less land with less water, less labour, and fewer chemicals. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important crop of Tungabhadra project area and is cultivated over an area of 0.1 m ha. Timely planting and use of appropriate aged seedlings for transplanting are important non cash inputs for realizing the higher productivity in rice (Pattar et al., 2001)." @default.
- W1000048521 abstract "Publisher Summary An approach, based on multivariate control chart (MCC) methodology, was proposed by Li Vigni et al., that allows monitoring of flour quality and early identification of flour batches potentially leading to poor performance in production. Using this approach, all rheological properties of incoming flour batches are evaluated multivariately, and these values are projected on a model based on historical data, thus highlighting potential deviances from optimal flour batches employed in the past. This chapter extends this strategy to a more general framework that considers routine flour quality control at the miller and routine control of incoming flour batches at the bakery. This approach offers an interesting tool to detect anomalous flour batches; however, the relationship between technological parameters and bread properties is often poorly known. Multivariate evaluation of bread quality allows one to obtain a more compact and complete representation of production performance than considering univariate control charts for each property separately. Moreover, it allows a more realistic evaluation of product and departure from standards taking into account all different properties simultaneously. Evaluation of the rheological properties of incoming flour batches with an MCC approach helps in assessing the similarities and differences among new deliveries and historical data at a very preliminary step of the production chain so that rational planning of the best recipe to apply to exploit flour properties can be done at the beginning of production, instead of modifying it on the basis of the previous production outcome." @default.
- W1000048530 abstract "This chapter presents several measures that need to be taken to avoid vibration problems, focuses on troubleshooting excessive vibration, and introduces vibration analysis and noise analysis. It is required to adequately balance all rotating components of diameter equal to at least one-third of the pump impeller diameter to avoid vibration problems. The entire rotor system should be check-balanced in the assembled condition. Accurate alignment is necessary to make the centerline of the driving and driven equipment coincide as closely as possible both in concentricity and parallelism. Design piping and pump supporting structures (including floors) should have natural frequencies that are at least 25% less or 25% more than the operating range of the key excitation frequencies in the pump. Rotordynamic analysis of the pump, compressor, or fan rotating system should be performed by the manufacturer or a third-party consultant. In performing vibration troubleshooting, generalized charts for matching symptoms to possible causes could be useful for many typical or simple problems but it is recommended not to rely too heavily on such lists, especially if their initial application does not lead to an immediate resolution of the problem. Vibration test data are usually plotted in three different forms that include a Cartesian plot of vibration amplitude versus frequency, a Cartesian plot of vibration amplitude versus time, similar to a typical oscilloscope trace, and a polar plot of vibration versus time in a plane perpendicular to the shaft axis." @default.
- W1000049079 abstract "This paper describes the generation of pulsed, high-speed liquid jets using the cumulation method.This work mainly includes (1) the design of the nozzle assembly, (2) the measurement of the jet velocity and (3) flow visualization of the injection sequences.The cumulation method can be briefly described as the liquid being accelerated first by the impact of a moving projectile and then further after it enters a converging section.The experimental results show that the cumulation method is useful in obtaining a liquid jet with high velocity.The flow visulization shows the roles of the Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in the breakup of the liquid depend on the jet diameter and the downstream distance.When the liquid jet front is far downstream from the nozzle exit, the jet is decelerated by air drag.Meanwhile, large coherent vortex structures are formed surrounding the jet.The liquid will break up totally by the action of these vortices.Experimental results showing the effect of the liquid volume on the jet velocity are also included in this paper.Finally, a method for measuring the jet velocity by cutting two carbon rods is examined." @default.
- W1000049092 abstract "A3-member delegation led by Su Guang, vice president of the CPAFFC and the ChinaUkraine Friendship Association (CUFA), paid a goodwill working visit to Kiev, capital of Ukraine,and Yalta from June 20 to 27." @default.
- W1000049223 abstract "SUMMARY The authors describe the three larval phases and the pupa of Heterocheira martellii Ardoin, 1974 (Coleoptera) an halophile Tenebrionidae from a Somalian beach. Furthermore, information is given on its biology." @default.
- W1000049360 abstract "to 30cm). The data calculated by the formula fits very well to the data currently used in clinics with the maximum error less than 1% and probable error of about 0.1%-0.3%. Using this formula can overcome the time-exhausting work in measurement of PDD and TAR." @default.
- W100004945 abstract "The characteristics of shear rate in an airlift nitrifying bioreactor and its influencing factors were studied. The results showed that the shear rate was different in different sections of the bioreactor. With inlet gas flowrate at 430 approximately 2700 L x h(-1), the overall shear rate was (0.702 approximately 3.13) x 10(5) s(-1), shear rate in riser was (1.07 approximately 31.3) x 10(5) s(-1) and in gas-liquid separator was (1.12 approximately 25.0) x 10(5) s(-1), respectively. It indicates that the highest shear rates prevailed in the riser part of bioreactor. The operational variables and the bioreactor configurations exerted a significant influence on the shear level of the bioreactor. When inlet gas flowrate was raised from 1300 to 2700 L x h(-1), shear rate in riser and separator ascended first and then descended subsequently. The diameter of draft tube (d) was negatively correlated with shear rate. When the draft tube with diameter of 5.5 cm was installed, the shear rates in riser, separator and overall shear rate were 85.5%, 82.3% and 80.6%, respectively less as compared with that with diameter of 4.0 cm. The number of static mixers (N) was positively correlated with the shear rate. When d was set at 4.0 cm, with N of 10 and 39, the shear rates in riser were 6.14 and 7.97 times higher respectively, than that of conventional bioreactor. The ratio of maximum local shear rate to overall shear rate was 3.68 approximately 7.66, and the homogeneity of the shear field in airlift bioreactors could be improved if d and N were set at 5.5 cm and 10 approximately 13, respectively." @default.
- W1000049802 abstract "In this paper, a quantitative analysis of the opening quality in friction spinning and its main ef-fecting factors is first made. Upon this basis the Box-Hunter’s experimental design method is usedto establish the quadratic regressional equations in terms of primary opening technologicalparameters and yarn quality for medium and fine count friction spinning. The results of analysisand discussion show that the proper choice of opening roller speed and its reasonable match withthe yarn count is singificant for ensuring the spinning quality index as well as reducing unevenness,thin and thick places of the yarn." @default.
- W1000050011 abstract "In light of the current shift in Latin American politics (the Pink Tide), this thesis looks to analyse the role of Pan-Americanism in U.S. foreign policy in the first half of the 20th century. It argues that rather than possessing a genuine belief in the principles of Pan-Americanism, U.S. leaders (namely Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt) used a Pan-American rhetoric to further the overarching policy goals of extending political and economic dominance over Latin America. It also argues that the American appropriation and misuse of the Pan-American movement in the 20th century is responsible for the current exclusion of the United States from new regional organisations such as CELAC, which are primarily designed to emancipate the Latin American states from U.S. guardianship. The thesis begins by offering an insight into the current political developments in Latin America and then gives a history of the Pan-American movement from its Bolivarian origins to the Americanisation of the movement in the late 19th century. The largest part of the thesis presents a comparative study between Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt, two presidents that adopted a clear Pan-American rhetoric to justify their Latin American policies. Primary research was conducted that revealed a continuity in policy goals but differing levels of success in achieving them. There were differences too in the rhetoric used by both men. Roosevelt had a much more well-developed rhetoric and achieved greater success because of this. Wilson appeared to be more rooted in 19th century ideas of manifest destiny and a civilising mission, leaving his rhetoric and his action less appealing to Latin Americans. Roosevelt dealt diplomatically with Latin Americans as equals (at least on the surface). The success of the two was measured by their ability to achieve economic and political goals. Both achieved economic growth, but Roosevelt laid stronger foundations for continued expansion in the post-war years. Roosevelt was also far more successful in achieving political goals. Political goals were generally to keep unwanted influences out of Latin America and cement the region as part of the United States’ sphere of influence. The goodwill that Roosevelt’s Good Neighbour Policy created showed itself when almost all of Latin America joined the Second World War after the United States were attacked at Pearl Harbour.To summarise, this thesis argues that Pan-Americanism was used to justify the expansion of the economic and political power of the United States in Latin America. Though this was successful in the short term, it has had lasting effects on the nature of U.S.-Latin American relations. Today, Latin American integration efforts appear to be reviving original Bolivarian ideas of Pan-Americanism and the United States has itself to blame for its exclusion from this movement." @default.
- W100005028 abstract "Overall coefficients for quality of neutron radiation were determined for a two-component dose-activity of bone marrow hemopoiesis function. It was established that these coefficients depend on the mean LET of neutrons with different energy spectra." @default.
- W1000050886 abstract "The main problem to be discussed in this chapter pertains to the interrelationship of the nucleus and the cytoplasm in the control of gene expression in eukaryotes. The presence of the nuclear envelope in eukaryotic cells results in the separation of transcription from translation in space and time. Hence, a number of questions arise as to the role of each of the cellular compartments in protein synthesis. For example, does the nucleus itself have total control over this process, with the cytoplasm acting merely to execute the orders issued from the nucleus? In other words, is the nuclear “supply” (via regulation at the transcriptional level) sufficient to specify qualitatively the spectrum of proteins to be synthesized in the cell and to regulate their rates of synthesis, or does cytoplasmic “demand” for certain messengers also play a role in this process? KeywordsNuclear EnvelopeGlobin GeneErythroid CellGlobin mRNAHistone Gene ExpressionThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves." @default.
- W100005122 abstract "We were told of disabilities, -- a long array of these, Till one would think that womanhood was merely a disease; And maternal sacrifice was added to the plan Of the various sacrifices we have always made--to man. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Women Do Not Want It DISABILITY, INTERSECTIONS, AESTHETICS Rosemarie Garland Thomson observes, Many parallels exist between the social meanings attributed to female and those assigned to disabled bodies (19). In this regard it would be hard to imagine early-twentieth-century psychoanalysis without so-called women's diseases like hysteria or neurasthenia. Female sexuality and reproduction have, historically, been monitored by male-dominated medical and psychoanalytic professions. Fashion, building design, and juridical definitions of identity have reinforced the idea that, as Iris Marion Young says, in sexist society are physically handicapped (qtd. in Wendell 15). Concepts of aesthetic perfection and beauty are often figured around idealized (often naked) female despite their armless (Venus de Milo) and headless (le Victoire de Samothrace) forms. Much Western literature is constructed around the volatile of the Medusa, the madwoman in the attic, and the consumptive heroine. Feminist and queer theory have been at the forefront in recognizing how gender and sexual difference have been articulated through the nontraditional, excessive, or abnormal body, making gender and sexuality visible by positing an idealized norm of physical and mental perfection. This special issue of Legacy features scholarship on American women writers from the antebellum period to the 1930s. Essays in the volume foreground issues of race, illness, cognitive disability, deafness, blindness, mobility, deuendency, and the related reform movements in which women were often activists. Despite our focus on more modern periods, we can see the intersection of disability and gender in the inaugural formations of US literature. Anne Bradstreet, speaking of her anxiety over the publication of her 1650 book, The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America, compared what she saw as her flawed poems with an unruly, crippled child: I wash'd thy face, but more defects I saw, And rubbing off a spot, still made a flaw, I stretcht thy joints to make thee even feet, Yet still thou run'st more hobling than is meet. (The Author to Her Book 13-16) Bradstreet's comparison of her uneven meters to the limping gait of a child instantiates a feeling among many early settlers that a woman who writes violates her proper maternal role and thus produces a defective child.' Bradstreet's deployment of what Wendy Martin calls subversive piety expresses a woman's darker anxiety about agency in a frontier environment, an anxiety expressed through male fears of uncontainable sexuality or demonic possession. Female biology often becomes the site for fears of contamination, both national and theological. Cotton Mather's account of the Salem witchcraft trials is filled with references to the physical disabilities resulting from contact with women heretics and freethinkers. In his history of the antinomian controversy, John Winthrop remarks on one of the heretics interrogated by the synod of 1637, Mistris Dier forth her birth of a woman child, a fish, a beast, and a fowle, all woven together in one, and without an head. He then describes Anne Hutchinson, who similarly brought forth not one ... but ... 30. monstrous births or thereabouts, at once; some of them bigger, some lesser, some of one shape, some of another; few of any perfect shape, none at all of them (as farre as I could ever learne) of humane shape (214). If Native people and a hostile climate were external threats to settlement, women often provided an internal threat to the community of saints. A later antinomian, Emily Dickinson, rearticulated these fears of female agency and biology by rhetorically cross-dressing as male and in the process undergoing a disabling physical transformation: Rearrange a Wife's Affection! …" @default.
- W100005187 abstract "Drug Prescribing for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease in General Practice: a Cross-Sectional Study" @default.
- W1000052761 abstract "The structure of a part of the northwestern Puente Hills, about four miles east of Whittier, California, is characterized by north dipping marine sandstone, conglomerate, and shale of Upper Miocene and Lower Pliocene ages. These sediments form the north limb of a broad regional anticline that has been faulted by the high-angle Whittier thrust fault which is located just south of the mapped area. The compressive forces that formed the Whittier fault are responsible for additional minor faulting and folding of the area covered in this report.There are two main fault systems in the area, the Rowland fault system and the English fault system. The Rowland fault system consists of a main high-angle thrust fault with two spur faults. This system has produced some minor folding, some of which Shoes overturning, and some just reversal in dips. Many of the folds have been due wholly to the drag effects of the faults, others due to compressional forces, while still others represent a combination of the two forces. The English fault system marks a change in the general strike of the formations. To the east of this system the formations trend east-northeast, and to the west of the system the trend is west-northwest.The only flexure that is not apparently connected with faulting is a broad plunging nose or anticline called theRepetto nose. Small anticlinal folds in the southern partof the area may reflect buckling north of theWhittier fault." @default.
- W100005291 abstract "The evocative power of words: Activation of visual information by verbal and nonverbal means. Gary Lupyan (, Sharon L. Thompson-Schill ( Institute for Research in Cognitive Science, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA such as visual recognition memory (e.g., Lupyan, 2008a) and even visual processing (Gilbert, Regier, Kay, & Ivry, 2006; Lupyan, 2008b; Winawer et al., 2007). For example, hearing a verbal label such as “chair” facilitates the visual processing of the named category compared to trials on which participants know the relevant object category but do not actually hear its name (Lupyan, 2007, 2008b; Lupyan & Spivey, 2010). Hearing a label can even make an invisible object, visible (Lupyan & Spivey, 2008). One way to think about such results is that processing a verbal label preacti- vates the sensory and higher-level representations of objects denoted by the label—over and above activation caused by just thinking about the object category. The present work addresses the question of how special words are in evoking visual information. Is a highly familiar concept accessed equivalently through verbal and nonverbal means with words being a merely convenient way to acti- vate conceptual information? Or, do words evoke concep- tual representations in a special way? We focus here on vis- ual representations and compare the power of verbal and nonverbal cues to evoke visual information of both familiar and novel categories. It has been long known that a response to a visual stimu- lus can be altered by a cue presented prior to the target sti- mulus. These cues can be nonverbal (Egly, Driver, & Rafal, 1994; Eriksen & Hoffman, 1972; Posner, Snyder, & David- son, 1980) as well as verbal. For example, verbal cues in the form of words like “left” and “right” produce automatic shifts of attention just as reliably as nonverbal cues such as directional arrows even when the words are entirely non- predictive of the target’s location (e.g., Hommel, Pratt, Col- zato, & Godijn, 2001). Words related to motion, e.g., “float,” have been shown to affect visual motion processing (Meteyard, Bahrami, & Vigliocco, 2007). Several studies have also shown visual object processing can be altered by verbal cues (Puri & Wojciulik, 2008; Vickery, King, & Ji- ang, 2005). Such effects of cues on visual processing have been linked to increases in category-specific cortical activ- ity. For example, after seeing the word “face,” participants are not only better at making a gender judgment of faces embedded in visual noise, but this enhanced discrimination correlates with activity in the fusiform face area (Esterman & Yantis, 2009). These experiments have typically used verbal labels as cues, as language is a natural way to convey information about objects. It is at present unknown whether a verbal label should be thought of as merely a convenient method of cuing—it is a primary function of language to convey information not presently in view—or whether there Abstract A major part of learning a language is learning to map spoken words onto objects in the environment. An open question concerns the consequence this learning has for cognition and perception. We show that hearing common words (e.g., dog) activates visual information more than equally informative non-linguistic information (e.g., a dog bark). The main results show that (1) pictures were verified more quickly after hear- ing a word than after hearing a nonverbal sound, even after hundreds of trials of practice. (2) Verbal labels activated vis- ual information more effectively than nonverbal sounds as tested by a simple visual discrimination task that required mi- nimal semantic processing. (3) The advantage of the verbal modality did not arise simply due to greater familiarity of verbal labels: when experience with novel labels and sounds was equated, verbal labels continued to activate the associated visual information more reliably than the equally well-learned nonverbal sounds. These results inform the understanding of how human cognition is shaped by language and hint at ef- fects that different patterns of naming can have on individu- als’ conceptual structure. Introduction Two hallmarks of human development are the develop- ment of conceptual categories—learning that things with feathers tend to fly, that animals possessing certain features are dogs, and that foods of a certain color and shape are edible (Carey, 1987; Keil, 1992; Rogers & McClelland, 2004), and learning names for those categories. The latter achievement is unique to humans. While many have com- mented on the transformative power of names (Clark, 1998; Dennett, 1994; Harnad, 2005; James, 1890; Vygotsky, 1962), it is only recently that the interplay between verbal labels and concepts has become a subject of rigorous em- pirical study. The learning of categories is, in principle, separable from the learning of language. A child can have a conceptual cat- egory of “dog” without having a verbal label associated with the category. However, in practice the two processes are intimately linked. Not only does conceptual develop- ment shape linguistic development (Snedeker & Gleitman, 2004), but linguistic development—specifically learning words—impacts conceptual development (Casasola, 2005; Lupyan, Rakison, & McClelland, 2007; Gentner & Goldin- Meadow, 2003; Spelke, 2003; Spelke & Tsivkin, 2001; Waxman & Markow, 1995; Yoshida & Smith, 2005). The effects of words on nonverbal cognition only begin at word- learning. The learned associations between words and their referents appear to continue to influence cognitive processes" @default.
- W100005374 abstract "The changes induced in prolactin levels during the first 6 days following delivery were studied. Blood samples for prolactin assay were taken from 9 women at 5-min intervals during breast feeding. The levels of lactation were followed via the amounts of milk produced during suckling. The highest prolactin levels were observed on days 2-4 following delivery. There appeared to be some correlation between the basal and breast-feeding-induced prolactin levels and the level of lactation. A relatively low basal level and a moderate feeding-induced response are early indicators of delayed and less productive lactation. In unfavourable cases the feeding-induced prolactin increases gradually disappeared and lactation stopped. The correlation between the prolactin level and the quantity of milk formed is not a close one, but the observed tendencies agree with the role of prolactin. From day 5 on, the prolactin demands of the breasts are lower." @default.
- W1000054270 abstract "Book abstract: Films covered include Titus, William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, Almereyda's Hamlet, Revengers Tragedy, Twelfth Night, The Passion of the Christ, Radford's The Merchant of Venice, The Lion King, and Godard's King Lear, among others. Essays chart the apocalyptic mise-en-scaenes, disorienting imagery, and topsy-turvy plots of these films, using apocalypse as a theoretical and thematic lens Chapter abstract: Claims of the “promised end” of cinema have sounded throughout every upheaval during the history of film production, from Thomas Edison’s Denunciation of the seventh art as having no future (Israel 288) to Jean-Luc Godard’s quip at the rise of the “New Hollywood” blockbuster, “I await the end of cinema with optimism” (Milne 210; cf. Lewis). In keeping with a host of manifesto-movements such as the French New Wave, New German Cinema, and the short-lived Dogme 95, cinema’s innovators and auteurs announced the death of one cinematic phase and the arrival of the new to champion their own discrete brand of originality. Suffice to say, cinema’s end is a recurrent event, one that is to be expected and, indeed, greeted with a certain amount of optimism if aesthetic energies are to be recharged at each technological, cultural, and ideological transition. By considering apocalyptic constructions of perceptual youth in Christine Edzard’s The Children’s Midsummer Night’s Dream (2001), and post-apocalyptic affirmations of aesthetic “new-ness” in Dogme 95’s The King is Alive (2000), this paper examines the ways in which Shakespeare’s texts are employed to articulate notions of an impending “end” of artistic and cultural production, in the same moment as Shakespeare serves as a legitimating negotiator of a new aesthetic system, indeed, a new cinema, at the commencement of the twenty-first century." @default.
- W100005428 abstract "UV absorbers and antioxidants topically applied to upholstery fabrics to reduce fading, separately and in conjunction with soil repellent finish formulations containing UV absorbers, were evaluated in this study. Over fifty upholstery fabrics were initially evaluated and fourteen were selected for further study. The fabrics were then topically treated with commercially available soil repellent finishes (a fluorocarbon and a silicone finish) containing UV absorbers or immersion-treated with one of thirteen UV absorbers or antioxidants. Following light exposure, color changes were evaluated visually and instrumentally. The results showed that neither the fluorocarbon nor silicone-based soil repellent finishes containing UV absorbers significantly reduced fading in the upholstery fabrics. Furthermore none of the UV absorbers and antioxidants applied to the upholstery fabrics improved lightfastness properties substantially, so they cannot be recommended as additives to soil repellent finish formulations. Upholstery and carpeting for residential and contract interiors are expected to be attractive, comfortable, durable, safe, and reasonably priced. Attractiveness and durability, particularly as they relate to color, are often the most important factors, because color is usually the first * Published in Textile Research Journal, 60, no.3 (March 1990), pp. 172–179. Copyright @ 1990 Textile Research Institute. UV Absorbers and Antioxidants for Upholstery Fabrics 2 aspect of a textile product the consumer notices. Color also is often the most influential factor in the salability of a product, whether clothing, upholstery, or carpeting [12]. Unfortunately, the loss of or change in color during use and laundering is one of the most frequent causes of consumer complaints [11, 19, 20, 21, 28, 32]. Powers [21] found that fading was the most frequently mentjoned problem with upholstery (38% of the respondents reported fading), and 25% of the respondents reported some carpet fading. Improving the colorfastness properties in consumer textiles products has been approached in a variety of ways, including development and use of after-treatments for better fastness properties. Most recently marketed are soil and stain repellent finishes containing ultraviolet (UV) absorbers that may be topically applied by the consumer, retail furniture store, carpet/upholstery cleaner, or fiber coatings and maintenance service company. The distributors of these multifunctional topical finishes claim in their promotional literature that treated fabrics and carpets resist fading as well as soiling [5, 22], but there is no published research on the ability of multifunctional topical finishes to reduce fading. One objective of our research was to evaluate the ability of two commercially available soil and stain repellent topical finishes containing UV absorbers to reduce fading in upholstery fabrics. Another objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of selected UV absorbers and antioxidants applied by immersion baths to reduce fading of uphblstery fabrics. Most earlier research [9, 15, 16, 18,24,29, 31] focused on the ability of ultraviolet absorbers to prevent yellowing of undyed wool and cotton, rather than on the reduction of fading in dyed textiles. Some researchers [7, 8, 10] have shown that UV absorbers improved the lightfastness of selected dyes from 10% to 600%, while others [6] found that ultraviolet absorbers provided little protection. The discrepancies in these findings have not been thoroughly explored, in part because most of the compounds are not washfast. However, the lack of washfastness is not a concern for their use as topical finishes for items such as draperies, upholstery, and carpeting, which are seldom, if ever, laundered. To date there has been little research on the effectiveness of other types of ultraviolet stabilizers (ultra-violet screeners, excited state quenchers, and ultraviolet-stable antioxidants) in reducing fading and degradation of fabrics. Antioxidants are of special interest because they are probably the most effective photostabilizers [1]. Patricia Cox Crews and David J. Clark 3 Antioxidants represent many chemical classes including amines, phenols, phosphites, and thiodipropionates [17]; most function as free radical scavengers while some function as hydroperoxide decomposers [13]. Antioxidants have been used in a wide variety of products including food, feeds, paints, plastics, and textile polymers. They are usually added to textile products as polymer additives rather than topical finishes. Research regarding the effectiveness of antioxidants in reducing polymer degradation has been well summarized in some excellent reviews of the subject [13, 17, 23, 25, 26]. Most research described in the reviews examined the effectiveness of antioxidants as polymer additives rather than as topical finishes for fabrics, but the use of antioxidants as polymer additives is applicable only to synthetic fibers. Fabrics from natural fibers must be treated topically by spray or immersion procedures. Recently, Asche and Crews [4] found that phosphite antioxidants applied by an immersion technique to undyed fabrics of cotton, linen, silk, and wool reduced yellowing and slightly reduced strength losses in fabrics exposed to light. A combination of antioxidants is often used to satisfy all requirements for a given application, including effectiveness, aesthetics, and price. Many antioxidants when applied in combination with ultraviolet absorbers or other antioxidants reduce fading and strength losses far more effectively than either compound does when applied alone [14, 17, 23, 30]. The synergism between UV absorbers and antioxidants is presumed to be due to the ability of antioxidants to react with free radicals or other oxidation products that may be formed even in the presence of UV absorbers [23] . Because of,the potential for synergism between absorbers and antioxidants, evaluation of them in multifunctional soil and stain repellent finishes for residential textiles and contract interiors merits further investigation. Despite advances in understanding the basic mechanisms of antioxidant and UV absorber behavior, authorities [17, 30] in the field contend that empirical testing remains necessary for evaluating their performance in end-use applications. UV Absorbers and Antioxidants for Upholstery Fabrics" @default.
- W1000054511 abstract "This chapter deals with thermodynamic analysis of systems subjected to external fields: gravitational, surface, radiation, electric, and magnetic. Not only are the resulting new effects of intrinsic interest, but the analysis sheds new light on the systematics of various procedures. The study of field effects serves as an excellent pedagogical tool for an understanding of thermodynamics as a systematic discipline. The analysis of thermodynamic properties of systems subject to gravitational fields introduces new complications, which are dealt with. Adsorption thermodynamics is important not only because of its intrinsic interest, but because it is pedagogically valuable to note thevarious descriptions that arise from the multitude of available choices for the basic thermodynamic potential functions. As a result of radiation processes, heat flows spontaneously from a colder to a hotter body, in contravention of the Second Law." @default.
- W1000054682 abstract "A parameterization of the class of linear state-feedback controllers that assign a set of desired self-conjugate eigenvalues to the closed-loop system is applied to give a method for maximal order reduction of proper transfer function matrices. By making the maximum number of closed-loop modes unobservable, while retaining arbitrary assignment of the remaining modes, a lower-order transfer function matrix is obtained. The method establishes that results concerning the existence, number, and cancellation of zeros of proper transfer-function matrices may be applied in the response insensitivity problem. The main result is a class of maximal order reducing fixed-gain state-feedback controllers explicitly specified by a set of free parameters which may be chosen to satisfy additional design requirements." @default.
- W1000054809 abstract "Microgrids are a key technology to help improve the reliability of electric power systems and increase the integration of renewable energy sources. Interconnection and networking of smaller microgrids into larger systems have potential for even further improvements. This paper presents a novel approach to a distributed droop control and energy storage in networked dc microgrids. Distributed control is necessary to prevent single points of failure along with flexibility and adaptability to changing energy resources. The results show that systems with random sources and fast update rates, a networked microgrid structure can minimize required energy storage requirements." @default.
- W1000055535 abstract "We investigated the effect of gintonin, a novel ginseng-derived G protein-coupled lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) receptor ligand, on the pacemaker activity of the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) in ..." @default.
- W100005586 abstract "The distribution of riparian vegetation in relation to channel morphology is poorly understood in canyon rivers, which are characterized by in-channel fluvial sediment deposits rather than flood plains. This study focuses on vegetation and sandbar characteristics in two reaches of the lower Little Colorado River canyon in Arizona–one reach with ephemeral flow from the watershed, and another with perennial baseflow from a spring. Both reaches have been colonized by the exotic Tamarix chinensis, a riparian species known for its geomorphic influence on river channels. On the basis of a sampling of 18 bars, results show that vegetation frequency and density is significantly greater in the perennial study reach. However, sandbar morphology variables do not differ between reaches, despite a significantly narrower and deeper ephemeral channel. Hydraulic calculations of flood depths and Pearson correlations between bar and vegetation variables indicate reach-specific biogeomorphic relationships. In the ephemeral reach, higher bars are less affected by flood inundation, support older vegetation, and may be more stable habitat for vegetation. In the wider perennial reach where bars are lower and more expansive, vegetation patterns relate to bar size, Tamarix being most common on the largest bars. Overall results suggest that (1) vegetation variation relates to baseflow hydrology, (2) bar formation relates to high discharge events, and (3) vegetation patterns respond to, rather than influence, sandbar form in this canyon riparian system." @default.
- W1000056 abstract "In sepsis, toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 modulates the migration of neutrophils to infectious foci, favoring bacteremia and mortality. In experimental sepsis, organ dysfunction and cytokines released by activated macrophages can be reduced by gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) receptor (GRPR) antagonist RC-3095. Here we report a link between GRPR and TLR-4 in experimental models and in sepsis patients. RAW 264.7 culture cells were exposed to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and RC-3095 (10 ng/mL). Male Wistar rats were subjected to cecal ligation and puncture (CLP), and RC-3095 was administered (3 mg/kg, subcutaneously); after 6 h, we removed the blood, bronchoalveolar lavage, peritoneal lavage and lung. Human patients with a clinical diagnosis of sepsis received a continuous infusion with RC-3095 (3 mg/kg, intravenous) over a period of 12 h, and plasma was collected before and after RC-3095 administration and, in a different set of patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) or sepsis, GRP plasma levels were determined. RC-3095 inhibited TLR-4, extracellular-signal-related kinase (ERK)-1/2, Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK) and Akt and decreased activation of activator protein 1 (AP-1), nuclear factor (NF)-κB and interleukin (IL)-6 in macrophages stimulated by LPS. It also decreased IL-6 release from macrophages stimulated by TNF-α. RC-3095 treatment in CLP rats decreased lung TLR-4, reduced the migration of cells to the lung and reduced systemic cytokines and bacterial dissemination. Patients with sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome have elevated plasma levels of GRP, which associates with clinical outcome in the sepsis patients. These findings highlight the role of GRPR signaling in sepsis outcome and the beneficial action of GRPR antagonists in controlling the inflammatory response in sepsis through a mechanism involving at least inhibition of TLR-4 signaling." @default.
- W100005618 abstract "This thesis investigates the development of ultrasonic Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems, based on guided waves propagation, for the localization of low-velocity impacts and the detection of damage mechanisms in isotropic and anisotropic structures. For the identi- cation of the impact point, two main passive techniques were developed, an algorithm-based and an imaging-based method. The former approach is based on the dierences of the stress waves measured by a network of piezoelectric transducers surface bonded on plate-like structures. In particular, four piezoelectric sensors were used to measure the antisymmetrical A0 Lamb mode in isotropic materials, whilst six acoustic emission sensors were employed to record the wave packets in composite laminates. A joint time-frequency analysis based on the magnitude of the Continuous Wavelet Transform was used to determine the time of arrivals of the wave packets. Then, a combination of unconstrained optimization technique associated to a local Newton's iterative method was employed to solve a system of non linear equations, in order to assess the impact location coordinates and the wave group speeds. The main advantages of the proposed algorithms are that they do not require an a-priori estimation of the group velocity and the mechanical properties of the isotropic and anisotropic structures. Moreover, these algorithms proved to be very robust since they were able to converge from almost any guess point and required little computational time. In addition, this research provided a comparison between the theoretical and experimental results, showing that the impact source location and the wave velocity were predicted with reasonable accuracy. The passive imaging-based method was developed to detect in realtime the impact source in reverberant complex composite structures using only one passive sensor. This technique is based on the re- ciprocal time reversal approach, applied to a number of waveforms stored in a database containing the impulse responses of the structure. The proposed method allows achieving the optimal focalization of the acoustic emission source (impact event) as it overcomes the limitations of other ultrasonic impact localization techniques. Compared to a simple time reversal process, the robustness of this approach is experimentally demonstrated on a stiened composite plate. This thesis also extended active ultrasonic guided wave methods to the specic case of dissipative structures showing non-classical nonlinear behaviour. Indeed, an imaging method of the nonlinear signature due to impact damage in a reverberant complex anisotropic medium was developed. A novel technique called phase symmetry analysis, together with frequency modulated excitation signals, was used to characterize the third order nonlinearity of the structure by exploiting its invariant properties with the phase angle of the input waveforms. Then, a virtual reciprocal time reversal imaging process was employed to focus the elastic waves on the defect, by taking advantage of multiple linear scattering. Finally, the main characteristics of this technique were experimentally validated." @default.
- W100005710 abstract "An 11-year-old girl presented with a refractory hypochromic microcytic anemia, hypoferremia, normoblastic hyperplastic bone marrow, hypergammaglobulinemia, and growth retardation. Many varied treatments failed to produce any improvement. Ferrokinetic studies revealed rapid plasma clearance and increased plasma iron turnover, but impaired incorporation of 59Fe. Excretion of 57Co after an oral dose indicated an increased iron absorption. A (99M)Tc-sulfur colloid scintigram of the abdomen failed to demonstrate abnormal uptake. A nodal mass showing the plasma-cell variant of angiofollicular hyperplasia was removed from the gastrolienal ligament. Follow-up studies at 3 and 6 months revealed complete correction of the anemia, a 4.8-cm increase in height, and normal serum gamma-globulin levels. Serum obtained before operation inhibited the incorporation of 59Fe that was induced by a standard dose of erthyropoietin in the exhypoxic mouse system, and this inhibition persisted in serum obtained 3 days after surgery but disappeared by 6 days. The data suggest that the hyperplastic angiofollicular lymph node (plasma-cell variant) secreted a substance the inhibited erythropoiesis." @default.
- W1000057306 abstract "Over time and across continents, women have struggled to achieve the same rights as men in employment. Education is promoted as pivotal in the attainment of this fundamental human right. While women from all walks of life struggle to achieve gender equity, greater parity would seem likely for women academics in universities because they are well educated." @default.
- W1000057649 abstract "Distance estimation identifies the distance between two machines in wireless network. The Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) of Bluetooth can be used to estimate distance between smart devices. The characteristic of Bluetooth RSSI value is different as environments. So, we have tested the relation between distance and Bluetooth RSSI value in several environments, such as indoor hall, meeting room, and ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) chamber environment. This paper shows the distance characteristic of Bluetooth RSSI from these experiment results. There are a lot of measurement errors at Bluetooth RSSI raw data. The minimum RSSI value is -88 dBm and the maximum RSSI value is -66 dBm at 11m of the indoor hall environment. The difference between maximum value and minimum value is 22 dBm. So, it is hard to estimate the distance using Bluetooth RSSI raw data. Therefore, we use the Low Pass Filter (LPF) for reducing the measurement errors. The minimum RSSI value is -80.6 dBm and the maximum RSSI value is -71 dBm in the same environment. The difference between maximum value and minimum value is just 8.4 dBm. The measurement error is significantly reduced. We compare the distance estimation between the Bluetooth RSSI raw data and LPF data at the EMC environment. This paper shows that the distance estimation is possible with small error rates using Bluetooth RSSI LPF data." @default.
- W1000058543 abstract "The paper explores the close connection between social work and feminist movement and theory. The tradition and history of social work are incomplete without social workers – women activists. The aim of the paper is to examine the historical context of the professionalization of social work in close connection with the first wave of feminism, and to interrogate positions which refuse feminist approaches in social work as marginal, ideological – not objective, or curious and even dangerous, improper.Women’s movement is one of the sources of development and professionalization of social work. Political and social activism of many outstanding women – “Mothers” of social work – was an integral part of their professional career. This aspect of their lives is, however, all too often “forgotten” in textbooks. The importance of pride, roots and the tradition is a fundamental aspect for every social work graduate and practitioner, especially as the status of social work in society has been falling." @default.
- W1000058998 abstract "Ralstonia sp. strain U2 was chemotactically attracted to naphthalene. The chemotactic response of strain U2 to naphthalene could be induced by naphthalene and salicylate. Strain U2 was also chemotactically attracted to salicylate and gentisate without any inducer. Fig 3, Ref 22" @default.
- W1000059990 abstract "Measuring the magnetic is a common practice in industrial processes. We can cite the voltage measurements through PTs (potential transformers). This is a classic example of inductive measuring, predicting to be measured quantity is of oscillatory nature, with the circuit instrumentation scaled and calibrated for a typical frequency of 50/60 Hz. For a long time, only the binary information: field and missing field is needed. For example, only with this information can we identify the frequency of the rotating shaft. Currently, new technologies employ magnetic sensors for measuring positions (distances, angles, etc.) from the intensity of the magnetic field. Inductive sensors are inefficient on measurements of static fields, such as magnets, opening spaces for new linear Hall effect sensors, and static which deal with these situations without difficulty. The present study examines the behavior of the Hall sensor, making the measurement of the intensity of the static magnetic of the rotating magnet and the same, verifying the effect of the speed at which the magnet passes the sensor in some way alter the measurement. The results are favorable manda and the versatility of these sensors in many different applications." @default.
- W1000060443 abstract "An alternative thermal insulation method based on natural circulation of heated seawater has been developed to meet flow assurance requirements for deepwater subsea oil production systems. To avoid the formation of hydrate plugs during unplanned production shutdowns, thermal insulation is applied to piping to keep it above the critical hydrate temperature for a specified time period. This is especially challenging for a gas lift riser base because the heat input is low during operation while parts of the structure also have to be retrievable for maintenance. The subsea Heat Bank stores the available heat in the water surrounding the steel piping and prevents heat loss with an insulated enclosure. The warming of cold spots by natural convection is essential to achieving the specified cooldown time of the riser base system. As any leakage of heated water to the surroundings undermines the efficiency of the insulation, controlling the exchange of seawater with the outside environment is essential. Extensive CFD analysis assisted in the design of a modular system consisting of three insulated chambers containing seawater and various piping components. The construction of the chambers had to be structurally robust and thermally stable with a repeatable sealing method at interfaces. Leak testing of the Heat Bank assembly involved very low flow rates using air as test medium and comparison to equivalent water flow rates. The units have been constructed and installed subsea in 1000 m water depth. This paper will describe the design principles of the insulation system as well as the implementation." @default.
- W1000060585 abstract "This is a review article on modeling convective flows due to either buoyancy force or surface tension gradient force during protein crystallization that have been studied in the past. The modeling and computational studies of such flows have provided useful results about the effects of the undesirable convection, which need to be minimized in order to produce protein crystal with higher quality and better order in the structure. Ramachandran et al. [1] developed analytical and numerical models to describe the flows and transport associated with the protein crystal growth. Lee and Chernov [2] carried out analytical and numerical studies of convective and diffusional mass transport to an isolated protein crystal growing from solution, with slow linear interface kinetics. Very recent modeling and computational studies by Bhattacharjee and Riahi [3, 4] of compositional convection during protein crystallization and under the external constraint of rotation indicated beneficial effects of rotation in reducing the effect of convection under certain range of the parameters values. The results by these authors also provided conditions under which convective flow transport during the protein crystallization can approach the diffusion limited transport, which is desirable for the production of higher quality protein crystals." @default.
- W100006108 abstract "The results of geodynamic investigations, in a space of ten years (1953-1963) obtained in the Vajont's gorge during and after construction of the « Carlo Semenza » dam, they are here resumed. On their basis, it is examined the probable reasons of the October 9th 1963 tragic event. It is taken into consideration the seismic activity's awaking -towards the eastern zone of the dam- in the first ten days of September 1965 occurred." @default.
- W1000061918 abstract "Much of the success of insects is due to their effective solution of the two major physiological problems of water retention and oxygen supply. The oxygen supply to flight muscles that may metabolize aerobically at rates equaled only by certain bacteria is brought in through an elaborate system of tracheae and tracheoles, which in many species terminate alongside the mitochondria by means of indenting the cell walls. Ventilation arises from an endogenously produced rhythm in the central nervous system (CNS). In several insects the third embryonic abdominal ganglion may act as a pacemaker for the rhythm, regardless of whether it migrates to the thorax or remains in the abdomen. The action of proprioceptive and chemo receptive input on the pacemaker is variable in different species; in some, pacemaker activity is not strictly endogenous and ceases in the absence of input. In one-muscle spiracles activity is dually controlled from the CNS and at the periphery. The CNS acts largely by grading the response of the spiracle muscle to CO2. Movements of spiracles, synchronized with ventilation, are brought about by interneurones which run from ventilation centers and superimpose various patterns of activity on the free running or spontaneous behavior of the spiracle motor neurones. The pterothoracic tracheal system is much modified for flight. The pathway from a spiracle to the tracheoles is divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary sections, and the relative parts played by ventilation and diffusion in these sections in insects of different sizes are discussed. Finally, some of the methods employed for ensuring that the resting flight muscles receive an adequate supply of oxygen are discussed, with particular emphasis on the period immediately following flight." @default.
- W100006205 abstract "Unter den gegenwärtigen Entwicklungsszenarien, in denen das Konzept vom Europa der Regionen diskutiert und verfahrenstechnisch vorangetrieben wird, stellt der Prozeß des Interregionalismus zweifellos eines der attraktivsten Foren im Hinblick auf eine Regionalisierung der europäischen Strukturen dar. Mit Interregionalismus ist hier gemeint die transnationale Verflechtung und Kooperation von subnationalen Gebietskörperschaften, welche sich meist auf die Überwindung bzw. Auflockerung nationalstaatlicher Grenzen beziehen. Die Bedeutung solcher interregionaler Verbindungen in den Grenzräumen der Nationalstaaten liegt auf der Hand: Zu Recht versteht die Brüsseler Kommission die transnationalen Verbindungen in den Grenzgebieten als „Keimzellen der europäischen Integration“ (Kommission 1995, 127). Hierbei ist allerdings gegenwärtig und wohl auch für die nahe Zukunft die Bereitschaft der nationalen Regierungen für den Interregionalismus das Maß der Dinge. Vor allem sind diesbezüglich sehr starke Unterschiede hinsichtlich der jeweiligen nationalen Einstellung zu konstatieren." @default.
- W100006207 abstract "Clinical, radiographic and histologic features suggest that inflammation is central to the pathogenesis of erosive osteoarthritis (OA). Since mediators of inflammation may activate osteoclasts and stimulate release of metalloproteinases in joint cartilage, we hypothesized that patients with erosive OA may have more joint space narrowing and less proliferative bone response (osteophytes, sclerosis) than those with idiopathic nodal OA. Hand radiographs of 33 patients with erosive OA and 33 age and sex matched patients with nodal OA were evaluated for prevalence and severity of joint space narrowing, osteophytes, subchondral sclerosis, subchondral cysts, erosions and subchondral collapse. While the prevalence and severity of OA was greater at each joint in erosive OA than in nodal OA, significant differences (p less than 0.05) were confined largely to the interphalangeal joints. Among patients with erosive OA, radiographic features of OA were more severe in joints with erosive changes than in joints that did not show erosive change (p less than 0.01 in most cases). Notably, when joints with erosive change were excluded, only joint space narrowing was more severe in patients with erosive OA than in the corresponding joints of patients with nodal OA (p less than 0.001). Our analysis did not support the hypothesis that inflammatory mediators modify chondro or osteoneogenesis in erosive OA." @default.
- W1000063019 abstract "Bubbles in a sound field emit the acoustic cavitation noise which shows chaotic behavior with the increase of the intensity of the sound [1]. To date, in order to clarify the fundamental nature of the cavitation noise, many numerical simulations were performed for the oscillations of bubbles. However, numerical models used before were virtually restricted to the single bubble case [2-4]. Since thousands of tiny bubbles are oscillating and moving in the actual cavitation state, it seems to be important to cast light on the effect of the interaction of the bubbles on their oscillatory motions.KeywordsTranslational MotionSound FieldParametric ExcitationBubble SurfaceDriving FrequencyThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves." @default.
- W100006313 abstract "In a wire spark-chamber experiment the squared matrix element |M|2 has been measured for the processes τ± (K± → π±π±π∓). Our previous results showed no significant difference between τ+ and τ−. The final results, based on ∼1.5 million τ± decays, are expressed in the form |M|2 ∝ 1 + aY + bX2 + cY2 + …, where X and Y are the Dalitz variables. The data are adequately fitted by a quadratic expansion where a = 0.2752 ± 0.0033; b = −0.038 ± 0.009; c = 0.025 ± 0.010. Results are also given for τ+ and τ− separately. Finally we have determined the difference between the Q values of τ+ and τ− to be: Q+ − Q− = −60±55 keV." @default.
- W1000063497 abstract "利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、日本气象厅提供的TBB资料研究了1998年7月西太平洋副热带高压突然偏南的原因。结果表明,西太平洋副高脊线突然“南撤”有其一定局限性,事实上应是副热带高压脊线在南侧的一次“重建”过程。针对这次重建,发现1998年7月上中旬在西太平洋副热带地区存在南北两个高压脊,据此本文提出了副热带高压双脊线的概念,并着重揭示了这次西太平洋副热带高压双脊线的基本演变特征、环流场和温湿场结构、可能的形成机制及其对1998年夏季长江流域“二度梅”的影响。分析表明西太平洋副热带高压双脊线时期具有与单脊线时期明显不同的环流特征和温湿场结构,其北侧脊线附近的特征与传统上单脊线副热带高压的特征较一致,但南侧脊线附近则更多的具有低纬度系统的特点;这次双脊线过程与赤道缓冲带北上并与副热带高压打通合并变性及热带对流云团的演变有密切关系。此外,文中还通过中国台站降水资料探讨了副热带高压双脊线的维持对中国东部雨型的影响,指出西太平洋副热带高压双脊线的出现改变了原有的水汽输送路径,从而在中国东部出现两条雨带,呈倒7字型,分别与副热带高压北、南侧脊线相对应。这些结果为西太平洋副热带高压演变规律和机制的研究提供了新的线索。" @default.
- W1000063566 abstract "Jeder Teilbereich der Psychologie befast sich mit Fragen, die einen bestimmten Aspekt menschlichen Daseins betreffen. Diese Fragen mogen in erster Linie fur Praktiker von Bedeutung sein — etwa fur Lehrer, Eltern und Erzieher oder fur Manager, die versuchen mussen, Losungen fur aktuelle Probleme zu finden; sie konnen aber auch Aspekte beleuchten, die erst durch die Tatigkeit der Wissenschaftler ins Gesprach gekommen sind. Jedenfalls vermag sich ein Gegenstand nicht zu entwickeln, solange keine geeigneten Denkmodelle und Theorien sowie Forschungsmethoden zur Sammlung und Analyse relevanter Daten gefunden sind. Erst wenn beides vorliegt, namlich das Interesse an einer bestimmten Problematik wie auch die Moglichkeit, diese zu untersuchen, stehen wir am Anfang eines neuen Gegenstandes („Feldes“)." @default.
- W1000063853 abstract "This paper provides a self-healing strategy to deal with catastrophic events when power system vulnerability analysis indicates that the system is approaching an extreme emergency state. The system is adaptively divided into smaller islands with consideration of quick restoration. Then an adaptive load shedding scheme based on the rate of frequency decline is applied. The proposed scheme is tested on a 179-bus, 20-generator sample system and shows very good performance." @default.
- W100006394 abstract "Simple laws have long-since been put forward from the chirality of observed features to derive the direction of the axial magnetic field inside solar filaments. These are the so-called chirality rules. Here, we report on two uses of these rules applied to THEMIS and SVST observations and to MHD simulations. Being the first to apply these rules to the 180 ◦ disambiguation of the direction of the photospheric transverse magnetic field around filaments, we found the unprecedented evidence of magnetic support in filament feet, as predicted by former magnetostatic and recent MHD models. By combining these rules with 3D weakly twisted flux tube models, we identified the sign of the magnetic helicity in several filaments. Following their interactions with one another over a few days, we found that the observational condition for two filaments to merge is that their flux tubes must have the same helicity sign. We theoretically recovered these results, by conducting a parametric study of 3D numerical MHD simulations of sheared bipoles. This study also provided new conditions for filament merging, in yet-unobserved configurations in which sheared bipoles are oppositely oriented." @default.
- W1000064253 abstract "O presente artigo apresenta uma reflexão a respeito do papel do museu como instituição que reelabora e transmite valores e significados do patrimônio, devolvendo-os para a sociedade. Nesse aspecto, destacamos a exposição museológica enquanto veículo primordial de comunicação com o público, enfatizando sua contribuição para a construção de novas miradas sobre o patrimônio produzido por mulheres artistas. Partindo de uma perspectiva que integra sociomuseologia e gênero, fizemos uma análise comparativa de duas exposições museológicas recentes, realizadas no Brasil e em Portugal, que expuseram exclusivamente obras de mulheres artistas: O Museu Sensível – Uma Visão da Produção de Artistas Mulheres na Coleção do MARGS (Brasil) e Museu no Feminino – Mulheres Artistas na Coleção do MFTPJ (Portugal). Além da pesquisa historiográfica e qualitativa, foram entrevistados os diretores-curadores do Museu de Arte do Rio Grande do Sul Ado Malagoli (MARGS) e do Museu Francisco Tavares Proença Júnior (MFTPJ) quanto às respectivas exposições abordadas neste estudo, a fim de complementar as informações obtidas sobre os dois casos e propiciar a fundamentação para a análise comparativa." @default.
- W100006434 abstract "Contemporary rhetorician Richard M. Weaver believes that values are inseparable from rhetoric. For him, to be a rhetorician to direct toward good or evil and to be a rhetorical critic to determine whether that direction the right one and/or judge whether the rhetorician is a master of his art. To determine if the rhetorical critic's rhetoric a reflection of the critic's view of reality it necessary to address whether a Weaverian model of ethical criticism based on standards for ethical rhetoric can be applied to rhetorical critics' critiques in order to :lassify types of critics in light of their value system (philosophical orientation or metaphysics). The Weaverian model would have three ascending levels of criticism: description/reconstruction, analysis, and evaluation. Weaver's all-encompassing standard for ethical rhetoric the obligation for the rhetorician to acknowledge the metaphysical reality of truth, the ideal good. Weaver continually points out that rhetoric has intention and that noble rhetoric's intention to point toward ultimate metaphysical reality. These standards and the three levels of criticism will not only be useful to label types of critics, but also to classify their metaphysical dreams. This model demonstrates both that every member of a cultcre has a responsibility for what he says, and that what he says a reflection of who he is. (Sixty-three notes are included.) (MS) 3000EM*ENMMMM300000ENMM30000000000000000000000000EN X Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made 3( 3( from the original document. 3( )800080080000008000800000000000800000000000000000080000000000000EM" @default.
- W1000064434 abstract "The Math You Need, When You Need It (TMYN) is a set of online tutorials designed to help students develop and review mathematical skills that are applied in undergraduate geoscience courses. We present results of a three-year study of more than 4000 students in 106 geoscience courses at a variety of post-secondary schools who were assigned TMYN tutorials as supplemental mathematics instruction. Changes in student scores from preto post-test suggest that the support provided by programs such as TMYN can begin to reduce the gap between mathematically well-prepared and underprepared students; in essence, TMYN levels the quantitative playing field for all geoscience students. On average, both highand low-performing students who fully participated in the use of TMYN as a part of their course showed learning gains, although gains were larger for students who performed poorly on the pre-test. Our findings emphasize the conclusion that students who interact with context-specific quantitative problems can potentially improve their mathematical skills, regardless of initial level of mathematical preparation. We suggest that this type of support could generalize to other science courses." @default.
- W1000064551 abstract "The calibration and quantitative measurement is the “Achilles heel” of the LIBS technique. This paper deals with a method developed for the direct measurement of K and Mg in plant samples. Instrumental parameters were optimized and the best condition found was a 50 μm spot size, 10 Hz laser repetition rate, 75 accumulated laser pulses with 25 mJ/pulse and 0.25 μs of delay time. For method calibration, the use of synthetic standard calibrating material prepared by the addition of increasing concentrations of K and Mg in wood, filter paper and babassu mesocarp was proposed in order to assess the feasibility of using these various matrices in plant samples analysis. The limits of detection of proposed method were 2–30 and 6–27 μg g−1 for K and Mg, respectively. The use of the carbon emission wavelength at 247.856 nm was used as internal standard to improve the analytical results. Certified reference materials of plants were used to check the accuracy of the proposed method and recovery around 82% and 100% were obtained in all cases." @default.
- W100006471 abstract "The production of multi-lepton events at high transverse momentum is measured in ep scattering at HERA. Within the Standard Model it proceeds mainly via photon-photon interactions. Former published analyses are extended, combining new HERA II data taken in 2003–2005 with the previous HERA I data samples. All event topologies with high PT electrons and muons are investigated. Yields of di-lepton and tri-lepton events are measured and a general good agreement is found with the Standard Model prediction. Events are observed with leptons of high transverse momenta in a domain where the Standard Model prediction is low. Similar final states could also result from the single production of a double-charged Higgs boson (H) decaying into a high mass pair of same charge leptons. This possibility has been investigated and Hdecays involving electron, muon and taus are considered. No evidence for doubly-charged Higgs production is observed and mass-dependent upper limits are derived on the Yukawa couplings hi j of the Higgs boson to leptons of flavor i and j." @default.
- W1000065615 abstract "This introduction to Scottish property law encompasses: the nature of ownership; heritable and moveable property rights; intellectual property; the forms of land ownership; acquiring and disposing of heritage; rights in security; matrimonial homes; leases; assured and short assured tenancies; public sector housing; the right to buy; and homelessness. Part of the Green's Concise Scots Law series, this work is intended for students and those already in legal practice." @default.
- W10000668 abstract "To the Editor: Illicit “bath salts” are synthetic cathinones that have been marketed as bath salts, research chemicals, plant foods, etc. They are available via the Internet in the forms of tablets, capsules, and powder and are generally labeled as “not for human consumption.” Other names for these substances include “Ivory Wave,” “Vanilla Sky,” “Meow Meow,” and “Bubbles.”1Bath salts are known to be used as drugs of abuse, but very little information is available to help psychiatrists manage these cases when patients present to the emergency room in a state of delirium. Most of the bath salts consist of mephedrone, methylone, methylenedioxypyrovalerone, or other cathinone derivatives with psychoactive properties similar to those of amphetamine and cocaine.2 They are often sold as cocaine substitutes. The alarming increase in emergency room visits linked to bath salts has led to the introduction of legislation in several states to ban these products.We present the case of an obese 39-year-old white woman who was brought to the emergency room in a delirious and agitated state after using bath salts.Case report. Ms A was brought to the emergency department by the police after she was found lying in the woods. She was very aggressive and hostile and had pressured speech. She also had fluctuating consciousness, poor cognition, poor memory, and perceptual disturbances. The patient had a history of polysubstance dependence and depression and at the time of presentation was on treatment with duloxetine.On physical examination, multiple small punctate lesions were present on her face and upper and lower extremities. Ivermectin was administered, although scabies was later ruled out. Her left eye was artificial. Mydriasis of the right eye was present. Her chest was clear to auscultation bilaterally, and no rhonchi, rales, or wheezing were noted. On cardiac auscultation, S1 and S2 were heard, and no murmurs were noted. On chest x-ray, no infiltrates were observed. A head computed tomography scan was obtained, and no acute hemorrhages were found.Her urine drug screen was negative, and her blood alcohol level was less than 0.3 units. Most of the laboratory results were normal, except her sodium level was low, at 129 mmol/L, and her blood urea nitrogen/creatinine ratio was 15.2/1.0. Results of a complete blood count and liver function tests were normal. Her white blood cell count was high, at 12.41 × 109/L. Urinalysis results were normal. The patient’s creatine kinase level was elevated, at 592 IU/L. Tests for salicylate and acetaminophen were negative. Results of a prothrombin time and international normalized ratio test were normal. Blood cultures and urine cultures were sent, and the findings were negative. Medical causes of delirium were ruled out.Ms A appeared paranoid, was responding to internal stimuli, and was hypersensitive to sounds. She was not oriented to time, place, or person. Her level of arousal was fluctuating, and she could not focus or concentrate. This presentation differed from her earlier appointments, when she had been alert and oriented. As the clinical picture was unclear with regard to the cause of the delirium, an extensive workup was done, which revealed nothing. Other medical causes of delirium were ruled out.The psychiatry department was consulted, intramuscular treatment with lorazepam 2 mg every 6 hours and haloperidol 2 mg every 4 hours was initiated on an as-needed basis, and Ms A was transferred to the medicine department. On the medicine floor, she was treated with multiple doses of lorazepam and haloperidol. Intramuscular lorazepam was continued as needed, and the patient improved in the next 5 days. She stayed in the hospital for 4–5 days until she was finally doing better and was discharged. An apartment search by her family and the police later revealed that she had been using “AMP,” a type of illicit bath salt.The neurochemical properties of mephedrone resemble those of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), but mephedrone also produces an amphetamine-like effect, which leads to rapid release of dopamine in the reward system of the brain, possibly contributing to its potent reinforcing properties.3 Patients may present with extreme sympathetic stimulation.4Sympathetic effects may consist of physical effects and psychiatric effects. Physical effects may include tachycardia, hypertension, vasoconstriction, arrhythmias, hyperthermia, sweating, mydriasis, seizures, stroke, cerebral edema, respiratory distress, cardiovascular collapse, and death. Psychiatric effects may include anxiety, agitation, aggressive behavior, insomnia, paranoia, hallucinations, self-mutilation, suicidal ideations, and homicidal ideations.4 Skin lesions ranging from necrotizing fasciitis to milder soft-tissue lesions are seen when the salts are injected in the skin.5 Bath salts intoxication delirium is reported to be a form of psychosis, and antipsychotics and sedatives are thought to be the drug treatments of choice.6If a delirious and agitated patient presents with a clinical picture similar to cocaine and amphetamine intoxication, but has negative urine toxicology screens, bath salts should be in our differential list. Until laboratory tests are available to screen for the presence of bath salts, increased awareness of their availability, use pattern, and symptoms of intoxication and a high degree of suspicion are important in medical settings to better manage these patients." @default.
- W100006734 abstract "Brillouin backscatter is calculated in an inhomogeneous laser produced plasma. Equations for the spatial dependence of the incident reflected and sound wave are numerically integrated through the underdense plasma. Effects investigated are the stabilizing effects of ion heating or nonlinear sound wave dissipation, flow velocity magnitude and gradient, electron heating and broad band incident laser light. We find that the effect of velocity gradient and broad band light can be very important in reducing the backscatter." @default.
- W1000067768 abstract "<title>Abstract</title> This chapter on mango covers the following: soils mineral diagnosis and sampling; tissue mineral diagnosis and sampling; interpretation of soil and leaf analyses; uptake and translocation of nutrients (N, P, K, Mg, S, Zn and Mn); nutrient deficiency and toxicity; and effect of nutrients on crop production and fruit quality." @default.
- W10000678 abstract "espanolEste ensayo trata de aclarar el sentido mural de la pintura de lbarrola en la comparacion (formal e ideologica) con el muralismo americano. euskaraSaio honek lbarrolaren pinturan datzan hormatasun sentzua amerikanar horma-pinturarekin harremanean, forma eta ideologia aldetik, argitaratzea bilatzen du. EnglishThis essay is intended to point out the mural painting character in lbarrola's work, comparing it formally and ideoiogically with American muralish. DeutschDieses Essay will den wandmalerischen Charakter der Malerei lbarrolas im (formalen und ideologischen) Vergleich mit der Amerikanischen Wandmalerei aufzeigen." @default.
- W1000067887 abstract "为了降低传统丙烯酰胺(AM)/ N,N-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺(MBAM)凝胶体系的毒性, 制备高固相量、低粘度的超细ZrO 2 ( D 50 =0.19um)浆料及高性能的生坯和陶瓷, 研究了低毒的N, N-二甲基丙烯酰胺(DMAA) /MBAM凝胶固化工艺及pH值和聚甲基丙烯酸铵(NH4PMAA)分散剂对浆料流变性的影响. 最终采用低粘度、高固相量、低毒性的浆料制备了性能优异的生坯和陶瓷. 浆料的固相量高达56vol%, 生坯表面光洁、不起皮、不开裂, 强度接近30MPa, 其内部颗粒结合紧密, 孔径呈单峰分布, ZrO 2 陶瓷的抗弯强度及断裂韧性分别为960MPa和17.3MPa . m 1/2 , 其结构均匀、致密性好、四方相ZrO 2 含量高." @default.
- W1000067951 abstract "“Am I Jewish?” and “What Does it Mean?”:The Jewish Flying University and the Creation of a Polish-Jewish Counterculture in Late 1970s Warsaw Rachel Rothstein (bio) Describing the atmosphere in late 1970s Warsaw, Konstanty Gebert, a member of the “March ’68 Generation” and one of the leaders of today’s Polish-Jewish community, said: Try to imagine Warsaw in the late 1970s where doing something oppositional was the in thing, right? I mean, if you weren’t collecting money for political prisoners or distributing underground newspapers, or at least participating in a Flying University, you basically ruled yourself out of the company of anybody you wanted. And since this had all been going on for two years, three years, the run of the mill flying university… this was something new, something sexy.1 When Gebert said “something new, something sexy,” he was referring to a group of young Poles who began to gather every other week in Warsaw in the fall of 1979 to discuss Jewish topics. Calling their group the Żydowski Uniwersytet Latający (ŻUL), or Jewish Flying University (JFU), the self-labeled “March ’68 Generation” participated in widespread Polish opposition to the Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza (PZPR), or the Polish United Workers’ Party, and its ideologically driven attempts to control Polish society. This article explores the development of a new, post-1968 Polish Jewishness in Warsaw that emerged as part of a wider Polish civil society at the time. A group of young Poles in Warsaw, not all of whom were Jewish, used the relatively open atmosphere in the city, made possible by societal changes, to explore Jewishness in ways that had been impossible before, given the historical and political circumstances in post-Holocaust communist Poland. The Jewish Flying University reflected the more global trend of burgeoning youth countercultures, which included Jewish youth sub-countercultures. I demonstrate that the concurrent American-Jewish counterculture served as an adaptable model for these young Poles, who created their own Polish-Jewish counterculture, and I argue that their experiences highlight the interrelated, transnational nature of the modern Jewish experience. The Jewish Flying University, [End Page 85] while certainly part of Polish and Polish-Jewish history, also belongs to a more global Jewish history. In his book on Jewish socialism in America, historian Tony Michels pointed out that, “New York served as a laboratory of political and cultural innovation that influenced Eastern Europe in ways historians are just beginning to realize.”2 While Michels wrote about the period of mass immigration into the United States at the turn of the twentieth century, this transnational connection between Jews in New York—and more broadly, America—and Eastern Europe continued after the Holocaust, permeated the Iron Curtain, and played a major role in maintaining Jewishness throughout the Soviet Bloc. The relationship forged between young Jews from Poland and the United States in the late 1970s and early 1980s reflects the wider connection between Jews on either side of the curtain.3 This connection depended on significant social, political, and economic changes in Poland that developed in the 1960s and 70s. A decade before the formation of the Jewish Flying University, in March 1968, students protested the government’s ban on the Warsaw National Theater’s performance of Adam Mickiewicz’s Dziady, or Forefathers’ Eve.4 Riot police and the militia arrested hundreds of young people and university administrations throughout Poland expelled about 1,500 students.5 Although a response to a particular Polish incident, the students’ reaction to the ban echoed global student protests of that time. Just as popular culture and consumerism influenced youth protests in the United States and Western Europe in the 1960s, improved living conditions in Poland, stronger connections with the West, and the emergence of a Polish youth culture mobilized Polish youth to speak out against their repressive government. The regime attacked the children of economically privileged and high-ranking intellectuals and party members, referring to the students as the “banana youth,” for their seemingly decadent consumer behavior in the midst of the Polish shortage economy. Thus, the regime politicized the very consumer culture that it introduced as part of its post-Stalinist reforms.6 While the Polish government..." @default.
- W100006898 abstract "The First World War originated in new and huge problems for both military authorities and military health service. The modern war which begun in 1914 overflowed this Service reformed in 1912. Famous journalists and political men such as Barrès and Clémenceau took part against dramatic conditions encountered by wounded soldiers. The First World War saw the introduction of many new technologies to the art of killing one's enemy among them the machine gun and the heavy use of artillery. It resulted in massive amount of wounded and ill soldiers which overflowed the military health service and every evacuation mean to the rear front. From August 2nd, 1914 to December 31st, 1914, 798. 833 French wounded soldiers and 322.672 ill soldiers were treated by the French Army 7th direction, in charge of the military health service. In such circumstances, a voluntary, parallel and the efficient sanitary organisation took an importance unknown until yet. This organisation, the Red Cross, associated the Société française de secours aux blessés militaires (French society for help to the wounded soldiers), the Union des Femmes de France (French Women Union) and the Association des Dames françaises (French Ladies Association). These three organisations, associated to many religious ones, brought a real sanitary structure so necessary in the troubled period as the beginning of the First World War. Everywhere in France, health service structures such as the hôpital temporaire no. 103 (Temporary Hospital number 103) in Paris, model hospital from the Union des Femmes de France, associated volunteers civilian doctors and surgeons. To increase the professional value of the paramedical staffs, a very specific effort was done for the formation of nurses in number, as correctly and as quickly as possible. During the first year of the First World War, nurses will be estimated since they had been able by their action to balance the disorder of the very first time of the conflict." @default.
- W1000069 abstract "The National Council for Accreditation of Education (NCATE) has moved from a set of standards in teacher preparation that is process-based to one which focuses not only on the performance of an accredited institution's students but also on the outcomes of P-12 students taught by graduates of these accredited institutions. Standard I summarizes this premise as follows: Teacher candidates and candidates Preparing for roles other than teaching in schools know the content of their fields, demonstrate and professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills at levels expected by the profession; and have a positive effect on student learning. Under the new NCATE guidelines, accredited institutions must be with such national professional organizations as the Interstate New Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) and the National Board for Professional Standards (NRPTS) as well as complying with all the licensure standards of the appropriate state departments of education. For each major in an academic discipline, accredited institutions also must conform to the standards of the nationally recognized specialty organizations. Under the new NCATE standards, which have been adopted by the Tennessee State Department of Education, graduates of accredited/approved institutions must demonstrate the dispositions, knowledge, and performance expectations of the INTASC standards at a level appropriate for novice teachers. In the past, it was sufficient to validate that graduates had completed coursework which covered content stipulated under the various standards; but under the new NCATE/state guidelines, program completers also must demonstrate mastery of essential precepts in a P-12 educational setting. Graduates also must demonstrate and knowledge related to diversity in their work with student populations and communities ..., and they must effectively integrate technology into instruction in support of student learning ... Again, simply presenting evidence of having taken the appropriate courses will not suffice for future NCATE accreditations and state approvals. Graduates will be expected to validate their dispositions in a variety of ways. Effective Fall Semester 2001, highlighting process as evidence of excellence in its teacher preparation programs will no longer be enough for an institution. Instead, the performance of an institution's program completers and graduates and the performance of its students' students will be expected to meat acceptable standards in the national accreditation and state approval process. The University of Tennessee at Martin (UT Martin) has for many years recognized that, as a teacher preparation institution, it will be evaluated by its constituents not by how its students are taught but rather by what its graduates accomplish. In this sense, UT Martin has already aligned itself with the new NCATE/state standards. To document this alignment, the number of field experiences required in teacher education has increased for all disciplines, and the accountability of students assigned to these experiences has been better defined. In conjunction with their regular on-campus classes, students now are required to work and learn in their assigned P-12 classrooms under the mentorship of experienced teachers; and they must document their performance in portfolios which respond to accreditation/approval guidelines and UT Martin's conceptual framework. …" @default.
- W100006915 abstract "This thesis describes the general character of thechildren's television drama transmitted on Telefis Eireann/RTE from 1962 to 1987, reviews the programming context of the provision, and evaluates the drama transmitted to dramatic, developmental and cultural criteria.The thesis identifies and analyses a representativeselection of the home-originated and imported children’stelevision drama in the schedules over the period under review. Details of the identified drama transmissions are provided in the Appendices. The Appendices also Include details of home produced children's programmes and of relevant home-originated adult drama.Chapter One outlines some dramatic criteria forclassification and evaluation of the schedule content, constructs a developmental perspective of children as users of television drama, and examines the cultural contexts of Irish children as viewers.The selected schedule provision, relevant formativefactors, and the programming environment are examined in general terms in Chapter Two.The selected provision is analysed in generic andthematic categories in Chapters Three, Four and Five. Chapter Three examines drama in the fantasy paradigm, which is predominantly animation drama; Chapter Four analyses the live action provision, discussing films originally made for cinema, drama particularly relevant to the actuality of children's lives, adventure drama, situation comedy and family-centred drama, and drama featuring animals. Chapter Five examines two categories characterised by heavy value-loading— drama based on literature and drama based on history; this chapter also discusses sources for research on thesis topics and gives a brief summary of developments in home produced television drama for children from 1987 to date.Chapter Six sets out the conclusions and areas offurther enquiry indicated by the study of the provision and the analysis." @default.
- W100006967 abstract "Green house studies were carried out to test the suitability of certain plant species for the phytostabilization of manganese mine waste. A number of wild and native plants were selected and raised directly or after suitable amendments with NPK and capping with 10% soil on the manganese mine waste. Only few of the plants survived and showed a tendency to establish and stabilize the waste. In 10% soil + 2 NPK amended waste, Ziziphus mauritiana showed good growth and resulted in an increase of 1966.66% after a period of six months." @default.
- W10000698 abstract "Eine Demokratie verdient ihren Namen nicht, wenn sie sich nicht als eine Regierung durch und für die Bürger versteht.1 Folglich kann Demokratie auch nicht ohne politisches Engagement der Bürger funktionieren. Dabei sind diese nicht nur gefordert, ihre eigenen Interessen zu vertreten und somit kollektive Entscheidungen mitzugestalten. Klassisch ist auch der Gedanke, dass eine Demokratie ihren Bürgern die Möglichkeit bieten soll, sich auf der Basis der Beteiligung an diesen kollektiven Entscheidungsprozessen weiterzuentwickeln und zu entfalten. Also ist Demokratie nicht nur eine besondere Prozedur zur gemeinsamen Konflikt- und Problemlösung; sie ist auch eine Realisierung des humanistischen Ideals des autonomen Individuums. Eine Demokratie stellt somit hohe Anforderungen an ihre Bürger. Nur wenn sie die Demokratie akzeptieren und sich politisch engagieren, kann ein System demokratisch sein. Und nur wenn Menschen sich beteiligen, können sie sich entfalten und sich von Untertanen in Bürger verwandeln." @default.
- W1000070119 abstract "Perawatan beton dengan menggunakan metode steam curing pada umur awal mempengaruhi kecepatan proses pengerasan beton. Metode steam curing menyebabkan proses hidrasi beton berlangsung lebih cepat khususnya pada umur-umur awal. Abu sekam padi berpotensi sebagai bahan pozolan yang baik. Pemanfaatan limbah ini memberikan hasil sifat beton dan mortar yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan beton tanpa abu sekam padi setelah beton berumur lebih dari 60 hari. Hal ini dikarenakan panas hidrasi yang rendah sehingga proses hidrasi berlangsung lambat. Dengan steam curing pada beton dengan penambahan abu sekam padi diharapkan akan dapat mengeliminir kelemahan tersebut di atas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu perawatan pada proses steam curing terhadap beton dan mortar abu sekam padi pada umur awal. Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah kuat tekan dan modulus elastisitas beton, kuat tekan dan tarik mortar. Abu sekam padi yang ditambahkan pada penelitian ini sebesar 15% dari berat semen portland dan f.a.s. 0,5. Pengujian beton dan mortar dilakukan saat berumur 1, 3, 7, 14, 28, dan 90 hari. Dimensi benda uji untuk pengujian tekan beton menggunakan dua jenis silinder yaitu diameter 70 mm, tinggi 140 mm serta diameter 150 mm, tinggi 300 mm. Pengujian kuat tekan mortar menggunakan bentuk kubus bersisi 50 mm. Benda uji kuat tarik mortar dengan bentuk menyerupai angka 8. Pengujian modulus elastisitas statik dan dinamik beton dengan silinder berdiameter 150 mm, tinggi 300 cm. Suhu puncak yang digunakan pada proses steam curing 45°C, 60°C, 75°C, 90°C, yang ditahan selama 8 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses steam curing menaikkan kecepatan proses hidrasi. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh hasil pengujian saat umur 1 hari pada kuat tekan dan modulus elastisitas dinamik beton, kuat tekan dan kuat tarik mortar abu sekam padi steam curing suhu 90°C berturut-turut sebesar 156,7%, 112%, 199,5%, 167,9% dibandingkan beton abu sekam padi normal curing. Umur 28 hari, hasil pengujian kuat tekan dan modulus elastisitas statik beton, kuat tekan dan kuat tarik mortar pada beton abu sekam padi steam curing suhu 60°C berturut-turut sebesar 104,9%, 102,6%, 99,3%, 114,3% dibandingkan beton abu sekam padi normal curing. Umur 90 hari, hasil pengujian kuat tekan beton, kuat tekan dan kuat tarik mortar pada beton abu sekam padi steam curing suhu 90°C berturut-turut sebesar 83,7%, 82,6%, 98,4% dibandingkan beton abu sekam padi normal curing, sedangkan terhadap beton tanpa abu sekam padi normal curing berturut-turut sebesar 101,4%, 92,2%, 118,8%.Rice husk ash as added pozzolanic material could increase the compressive strength after 90 days of age. In order to avoid such a weakness, the steam curing method at the early age may apply since the high temperature activates C3S in the cement and increases the degree of hydration process. The research was done in order to investigate the effect of the rice husk ash addition on the characteristics of concrete and mortar cured with various temperatures of steam. In this research, 15% of the portland cement weight of rice husk ash was added into concrete and mortar having w.c. ratio of 0.5. The concrete and mortar samples were tested at 1, 3, 7, 14, 28, and 90 days of age. The maximum temperatures of steam curing used in this research were of 45°C, 60°C, 75°C, 90°C, and maintained to be constant in 8 hours. The steam curing was done after the concrete and mortar was 6 hours of age. The research result indicates that the steam curing increases the degree of hydration process. By comparing the results to the concrete with rice husk ash in normal curing, the samples showed that the compressive strength and dynamic elasticity modulus of concrete, the compressive and tension strength of mortar in 90°C of curing temperature in 1 day were of 156.7%, 112%, 199.5%, and 167.9% respectively. On the age of 28 days, the samples cured in 60°C, were of 104.9%, 102.6%, and 99.3%, 114.3% respectively. On the age of 90 days, the compressive strength of concrete, the compressive and tension strength of mortar in 90°C of curing temperature were of 83.7%, 82.6%, and 98.4%. On the other hand, by comparing the result to the concrete without rice husk ash in normal curing the samples shows that the parameters are of 101.4%, 92.2%, and 118.8% respectively." @default.
- W100007026 abstract "Gilts (n = 187) were randomly assigned to either the Hurnik-Morris housing system (HM) or a conventional gestation crate system (GC) prior to breeding. The Hurnik-Morris system provides housing for sows in small groups. Gilts were synchronized for estrus and bred to Duroc Hampshire commercial crossbred boars. Gilts were reared in their respective housing systems through their gestation period. Housing system during breeding and gestation of sows did not affect their respective piglet mortality and piglet viability levels. The slightly higher feet and leg problem scores for the HM sows at weaning may indicate a necessity for farrowing accommodation that will allow movement of sows during lactation." @default.
- W1000070553 abstract "The study aims at providing a short summary of issues associated with verb sequencing and, more specifically, verb serializing in some of the world's languages, and to confront them with the linguistic situation of Arabic. Since the analytic structures stand relatively closer to the process of sequencing than fully inflected synthetic ones, the evidence gathered from the colloquial varieties of Arabic will constitute the chief material basis for the present inquiry." @default.
- W10000712 abstract "Many patients in the internal medicine ward have anemia. The etiology for the anemia may be multifactorial and, in the setting of inflammatory process when the ferritin is increased, it is difficult to diagnose iron deficiency anemia. Soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) had been suggested as an indicator for iron deficiency. No study has investigated the meaning of high sTfR as the only positive marker of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) caused by gastrointestinal tract (GIT) bleeding in hospitalized patients.To demonstrate the importance of high levels of sTfR as a marker for further GIT investigation in cases of anemia where the level of ferritin was normal or increased.We retrospectively assessed all patients in an internal medicine ward in our facility who had anemia, high sTfR levels (> 5.0 mg/L) and normal or high ferritin levels and who underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy.Of 32 patients with anemia and normal or high ferritin levels and high sTfR, 22 patients (68%) had findings that explained IDA (in some patients more than one finding). Those findings were colonic polyps (n=9), carcinoma of colon (n=4), duodenal ulcer (n=4), carcinoma of stomach (n=3), colitis (n=3), atrophic gastritis (n=1), erosive gastritis (n=1) and angiodysplasia (n=1).High sTfR may be a good indicator of IDA caused by GIT bleeding when the ferritin level is normal or high. GIT investigation is warranted in such cases." @default.
- W100007127 abstract "We assessed the metabolic and heart rate (HR) responses to a single session of circuit resistance training (CRT) in six subjects with complete paraplegia (T5-T12 levels) in order to determine the caloric cost of the exercise.Subjects underwent isoinertial weight training exercises with interspersed periods of high-cadence, low-resistance arm ergometry (AE). Following protocol familiarization, subjects completed one session of CRT during which continuous monitoring of HR, oxygen uptake (VO2), and respiratory exchange ratio (RER = VCO2/VO2) was performed. Caloric cost was calculated from the exercise VO2 values across the CRT session. A peak arm exercise test allowed data to be expressed as percentages of peak VO2 and HR.Subjects displayed mean VO2 values of 11.6 +/- 2.4 ml/kg/min (mean +/- SD) and a mean HR of 136 +/- 17 beats/min across the CRT session, corresponding with 49.0% of peak VO2 and 76.8% of peak HR. The RER values ranged from 0.96 to 1.19 and averaged above unity throughout the CRT session.Despite the modest absolute VO2 during exercise, CRT satisfies operational criteria developed for cardiorespiratory exercise prescriptions in persons without disability. The RER values recorded indicate that CRT is intense work that relies primarily on glycolytic metabolism." @default.
- W1000071398 abstract "The study on global changes is an important international scientific program of IGBP organized by ICSU. It is also one of the most active programs in the area of natural sciences.Obviously, the study of global climate change in the past should be a focus of the modern scientific research. Its first task is to reconstruct historical sequences of climate. The research is not only the basis of knowing the climatic change in the past, but also the key to predict the climatic change trend in the coming 21st century. In the past two years, we have carried out some preliminary study of environmental magnetism by systematical sampling of modern sediments at a section in the Kunming Lake in the Sum-" @default.
- W100007165 abstract "In the first stage of site selection, areas lacking in coolant sources and areas of high population density are excluded from the region of interest. The objective of stage two is to identify potential sites within the remaining area. Aerial photography is recommended in the analysis of the geo-characteristics (geologic faults and fractures, mine subsidence, sinkholes, landslides, flood-prone areas), the ecological characteristics (e.g., unique natural areas or resources), and the transportation network of the candidate areas. During stage three the candidate sites are further evaluated using aerial photography to provide data concerning soil types, design for site preparation, and support for environmental assessments. The use of the remote sensing data from Landsat satellites and Skylab missions, available at low cost, is recommended. 10 references, 3 figures, 2 tables. (CKK)" @default.
- W1000074510 abstract "Reflexiones sobre las prácticas electorales en el reinado de Isabel II." @default.
- W1000074574 abstract "摘要 基于密度泛函理论框架下的赝势平面波方法,计算了B1(氯化钠结构)、B2(氯化铯结构)、B3(闪锌矿结构)、Bk(六方氮化硼结构)、Bh(碳化钨结构)和B81(砷化镍结构)6种TiN多型体的晶体结构、体积弹性模量和相对稳定性.计算指出,不存在B4(纤锌矿)结构的TiN.通过不同外压下的晶格弛豫得到每种结构的焓,发现外压 关键词: 氮化钛 / 赝势 / 高压相变 / 密度泛函理论 Abstract Based on a plane wave pseudopotential method within the framework of density functional theory, equilibrium structure, bulk modulus, and relative stability were calculated for 6 kinds of TiN polytypes including B1 (NaCl structure), B2 (CsCl structure), B3 (zincblende structure), Bk (hexagonal BN structure), Bh (WC structure) and B81 (NiAs structure). Theoretical calculation also showed that TiN can not exist in B4 (wurtizite) structure. Through geometry optimization under hydrostatic pressure, the enthalpy of each TiN phase at different pressures was obtained. It was found that TiN with B1 structure is the most stable phase at pressure lower than about 345 GPa, whereas B2 TiN is the most stable at pressure above 345 GPa. Volume discontinuity and bulk modulus change can be observed during the transition from B1 to B2 phase. Keywords: TiN / pseudopotential / high pressure phase transition / density functional theory 作者及机构信息 顾雄, 高尚鹏 1. 复旦大学材料科学系,上海 200433 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:10804018)和教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助的课题. Authors and contacts Gu Xiong, Gao Shang-Peng 1. Department of Materials Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China 参考文献 [1] Schwarz K 1987 Crit. Rev. Solid State Mater. Sci. 13 211 [2] Rickerby D S, Burnett P J 1987 Surf. Coat. Technol. 33 191 [3] Valvoda V 1996 Surf. Coat. Technol. 80 61 [4] Yan P X, Wu Z G, Xu J W, Zhang Y J, Li X, Zhang W W 2004 J. Synth. Cryst. 33 974(in Chinese)[闫鹏勋、吴志国、徐建伟、张玉娟、李 鑫、张伟伟 2004 人工晶体学报 33 974] [5] Pickard C J, Needs R J 2010 Nat. Mater. 9 624 [6] Silas P, Yates J R, Haynes P D 2008 Phys. Rev. B 78 174101 [7] Yu R, Zhan Q, De Jonghe L C 2007 Angew Chem. Int. Edit 46 1136 [8] Alptekin S, Durandurdu M 2009 Solid State Commun. 149 345 [9] Ma X G, Liang P, Miao L, Bie S W, Zhang C K, Xu L, Jiang J J 2009 Phys. Status Solidi B 246 2132 [10] Guan P F, Wang C Y, Yu T 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 3040 [11] Zhu J, Yu J X, Wang Y J, Chen X R, Jing F Q 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 2216 [12] Feng H J, Liu F M 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 1574 [13] Tan L N, Hu C E, Yu B R, Chen X R 2007 Chin. Phys. 16 3772 [14] Chen D, Chen J D, Zhao L H, Wang C L, Yu B H, Shi D H 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 0738 [15] Ji Z H, Zeng X H, Hu Y J, Tan M Q 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3753 (in Chinese) [季正华、曾祥华、胡永金、谭明秋 2008 物理学报 57 3753] [16] Ji G F, Zhang Y L, Cui H L, Li X F, Zhao F, Meng C M, Song Z F 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 4103 (in Chinese) [姬广福、张艳 丽、崔红玲、李晓凤、赵 峰、孟川民、宋振飞 2009 物理学报 58 4103] [17] Lü M Y, Chen Z W, Li L X, Liu R P, Wang W K 2006 Acta Phys. Sin.55 3576 (in Chinese)[吕梦雅、陈洲文、李立新、刘日平、王文魁 2006 物理学报 55 3576] [17] Stampfl C, Mannstadt W, Asahi R, Freeman A J 2001 Phys. Rev. B 63 155106 [18] Marlo M, Milman V 2000 Phys. Rev. B 62 2899 [19] Liu L M, Wang S Q, Ye H Q 2005 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 17 5335 [20] Wang A J, Shang S L, Du Y, Kong Y, Zhang L J, Chen L, Zhao D D, Liu Z K 2010 Comput. Mater. Sci. 48 705 [21] Perdew J P, Burke K, Ernzerhof M 1996 Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 3865 [22] Monkhorst H J, Pack J D 1976 Phys. Rev. B 13 5188 [23] Pfrommer B G, Cote M, Louie S G, Cohen M L 1997 J. Comput. Phys. 131 133 [24] Clark S J, Segall M D, Pickard C J, Hasnip P J, Probert M J, Refson K, Payne M C 2005 Z. Kristallogr. 220 567 [25] Vanderbilt D 1990 Phys. Rev. B 41 7892 [26] Schöenberg N 1954 Acta Chem. Scand. 8 213 [27] Guo Z T, Peng F, Chen H H 2010 J. Southwest Univ. National. (Nat. Sci. Edit.) 36 145[郭振堂、彭 放、陈海花 2010 西南民族大学学报(自然科学版)36 145] [28] Chen H H, Peng F, Mao H K, Shen G Y, Liermann H P, Li Z, Shu J F 2010 J. Appl. Phys. 107 113503 [29] Jeanloz R, Ahrens T, Mao H K, Bell P M 1979 Science 206 829 [30] Sato Y, Jeanloz R 1981 J. Geophys. Res. 86 B 11773 [31] Liu H, Mao H, Maddury M, Ding Y, Meng Y, Höusermann D 2004 Phys. Rev. B 70 094114 [32] Alfè D, Alfredsson M, Brodholt J, Gillan M J, Towler M D, Needs R J 2005 Phys. Rev. B 72 014114 [33] Murakami M, Hirose K, Ono S, Tsuchiya T, Isshiki M, Watanuki T 2004 Phys. Earth. Planet. Inter. 146 273 施引文献" @default.