Matches in SemOpenAlex for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- W100000009 abstract "Los patrimonios nobiliarios espanoles del Antiguo Regimen que fueron heredados por los propios nobles son el objeto de estudio de este articulo. Su sistema de explotacion se baso en arriendos o aparcerias como formas de cesion de la tierra. Este sistema necesitaba una cadena de agentes que basicamente tenia tres eslabones: administradores, montaraces y colonos. El objetivo del trabajo es pormenorizar los vinculos (relaciones de agencia) que se establecieron entre el administrador (agente) y el propietario noble (principal), sin olvidar la existencia, por otro lado, del resto de agentes secundarios de la cadena (montaraces y colonos). El analisis de dichas conexiones se ha circunscrito al ambito ecologico de la dehesa del Oeste castellano, ya que en este medio perduro largo tiempo el sistema de los derechos de propiedad en el que se baso este modelo de explotacion de la tierra" @default.
- W1000000690 abstract "مدى الإلتزام بمعايير التدقيق الداخلي الدولية في شركات الكرباء الأردنية = The Extent of Compliance with International Internal Auditing Standards in Jordanian Electricity Companines، للحصول على النص الكامل يرجى زيارة مكتبة الحسين بن طلال في جامعة اليرموك او زيارة موقعها الالكتروني" @default.
- W100000094 abstract "Experimental and theoretical studies have been carried out on propagation in curved single-mode optical fibres. Mode conversion at the start of a bend produces a transition region which affects the bend loss, transverse energy distribution and gives rise to ray emission. It is shown that the modes of a curved multimode fibre can be conveniently and simply described using parabolic cylindrical co-ordinaces." @default.
- W100000140 abstract "Various compound parabolic concentrator (CPC) configurations are discussed, and the application of glass technology to CPC designs is discussed. CPC designs with flat absorbers, cylindrical absorbers, evacuated receivers, and evacuated tube receivers are considered. Also a floodlamp collector concept and a fluorescent tube collector concept are discussed. (WHK)" @default.
- W100000185 abstract "A double blind, placebo controlled, crossover design study examined overnight sleep physiology, pain, fatigue, and mood symptoms in 12 patients with fibromyalgia treated with cyclobenzaprine. Nine patients completed the study. Patients receiving cyclobenzaprine showed a decrease in evening fatigue (F = 4.7, p less than 0.05) and an increase in total sleep time (F = 4.4, p less than 0.05). Pain, including tender point count and dolorimetry, mood ratings, and alpha non-REM EEG sleep anomaly were unchanged by cyclobenzaprine." @default.
- W1000002278 abstract "Axonal and dendrictic degenerations were observed in non-skeleton fluorosis as the neurological manifestations. Microtubules, composed of the assembled tubulin dimers, are the essential cytoskeleton of axon and dendron. However, the effect of fluoride (F) on microtubules status and tubulin dimer expression in central nerves system remains largely unknown. In this study, the ultrastructure of microtubules and expression of Tubα1a and Tubβ2a were detected in hippocampus of mice orally administrated with 25, 50, or 100mgL(-1) NaF for 60d. Results showed that in F treatment groups, microtubules were broken into discrete fragments and bended, which were no longer stretched and went along the axon well. In addition, the expression of Tubα1a and Tubβ2a on both gene and protein levels were significantly reduced in high F group. The visual results of immunocytochemistry also confirmed the decreased protein expressions of Tubα1a and Tubβ2a. These findings suggested that microtubule lesions could be an important cause for neurodegeneration observed in fluorosis, and F may threaten the microtubule stability by affecting the expression of tubulin dimers." @default.
- W100000254 abstract "Abstract Analysing race as the metaphor of life - by means of which Thomas Hobbes describes the passions in The Elements of Law, natural and politic - seems to be the right occasion to underline the relationship between the mechanistic idea of human being and sports activity. This approach makes a paradigm come to the surface - where factors such as extreme competition, the pursuit of success at any cost, ineliminable fear of defeat confirm the relevance of the Malmesbury born philosopher's thought, even within the so popular but little investigated field of sport." @default.
- W100000282 abstract "Blood platelets take part in immune reactions of the organism, especially in anti-parasitic immunity. We conducted the phagocytic activity of blood platelets. This experiments were done on 40 patients infected with Giardia intestinalis (26), Ascaris lumbricoides (8), Entamoeba histolytica/Entamoeba dispar (6). Blood for analysis was collected thrice, before treatment (P1), after two weeks (P2), and after two months treatment with anti-parasitic drugs (P3). Control group consisted of 32 healthy people. The evaluation of platelet phagocytic activity revealed that the mean percentage of phagocytizing platelets in patients was 2.87 (P1), 2.94 (P2), 2.86 (P3), being significantly lower in controls (mean 2.15), the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05). No statistically significant difference was found in the mean phagocytic index between patients (P1, P2, P3) and controls. Our general conclusion is--parasites are able to stimulate phagocytic activity of blood platelets." @default.
- W100000325 abstract "1. CRONICA DE UN LIBERTARIO.—2. RACIONALISMO E IGUALDAD.—3. EL CONSTITUCIONALISMO DEMOCRATICO.—4. LA CUESTION DE LOS DERECHOS: 4.1. Los derechos civiles: la libertad de expresion y la libertad de conciencia. 4.2. Los derechos politicos. El derecho a la autodeterminacion. 4.3. Los derechos sociales: 4.3.1. Las aporias de un igualitarismo radical. 4.3.2. La necesidad de la intervencion publica. La propiedad como" @default.
- W100000396 abstract "In this paper we study the 2-d interface elliptic problem. Mapping techniques are used to obtain a perturbed problem, that work for finite elements of arbitrary order. Error estimates are discussed in the energy norm for linear Lagrangian finite elements. Optimal rates of convergence, with respect to meshwidth h, are recovered." @default.
- W1000004011 abstract "The hierarchical basis preconditioner and the recent method of Bramble, Pasciak and Xu are described and their structure is compared. Some algorithmic aspects are discussed and a numerical example for an adaptively generated, nonuniform grid is given." @default.
- W100000407 abstract "![Figure][1] [![Graphic][3] ][3][![Graphic][4] ][4][![Graphic][5] ][5]A 26-year-old man presented with gradually progressive dyspnea for the last 1 year. Chest x-ray revealed cardiomegaly (A) . Echocardiography showed a dumbbell-shaped mass in the left atrium intermittently" @default.
- W100000446 abstract "Im Vergleich mit den Wahlen seit 1949 zeichnet sich die Bundestagswahl 1998 durch einige Besonderheiten aus. An erster Stelle zu nennen ist die Konstellation im Wahlkampf: eine so klare Koalitionsalternative unterschiedlicher politischer Lager, also rot-grün auf der einen, schwarz-gelb auf der anderen Seite, wie sie den Wählerinnen und Wählern — wenn auch nicht ganz ohne Zurückhaltung — offeriert wurde, hat es zuvor bei keiner Bundestagswahl gegeben. An zweiter Stelle zu nennen ist das Wahlergebnis und seine Folgen: zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik wurde unmittelbar durch ein Wahlergebnis ein Regierungswechsel herbeigeführt. Nicht der Wechsel des Koalitionspartners, sondern das Wahlverhalten hat zu einer rot-grünen Mehrheit geführt. Drittens, das Wahlergebnis selbst: mit einem so klaren Ergebnis zugunsten der SPD hatte in den letzten Wochen vor der Wahl kaum noch jemand gerechnet. Drei maßgebliche Umfrageinstitute sahen in den letzten Vorwahlumfragen den Abstand zwischen CDU/CSU und SPD auf 2 Prozentpunkte oder weniger dahingeschmolzen, das tatsächliche Wahlergebnis erbrachte aber einen Vorsprung von 5,7 Prozentpunkten für die SPD vor der CDU/CSU. Lediglich zwei Umfrageinstitute wiesen in ihren letzten Vorwahlumfragen einen deutlichen Abstand zwischen den großen Kontrahenten von 4 bis 4,5 Prozentpunkten aus und nur eines war sehr dicht am amtlichen Endergebnis von 40,9 Prozent für die SPD und 35,2 Prozent für die CDU/CSU.2" @default.
- W1000004903 abstract "Anodic alumina attracts much research interest in many disciplines for its versatility. Meanwhile, some aspects regarding its growth are still not well-understood, such as the formation and properties of its bilayer structure. In this paper, along with capacitance measurement, pulse polarization is introduced to study the dissolution of bilayered porous anodic alumina (PAA). Combined with electron microscope observation, the electric field in the outer layer is estimated to be slightly higher than that in the inner layer. By comparing with (oxy-)hydroxide layers, the electric field distribution within barrier layer of PAA confirms that the bilayers are compact and are formed mainly by solid-state ionic migration. The changes of dissolution rates after annealing and application of electric pulses suggest that structure may be a determining factor for the dissolution behaviors of the bilayers." @default.
- W100000505 abstract "Acute otitis media is diagnosed commonly in the pediatric population. Numerous complications, one of which is facial palsy, may result. Facial paralysis may be the initial complaint in the child in whom acute otitis media later develops on the affected side, as was true in the case reported here. Dehiscence of the fallopian canal, physiologic canaliculi along the facial nerve to the periphery, and host resistance play an integral part in the development of facial nerve palsy from acute otitis media. The two most effective neurodiagnostic studies are the nerve excitability test and electromyography. The author also recommends daily acoustic reflex testing for denervation or reinnervation. Specific indications for conservative therapy (myringotomy, antibiotic, and decongestant) as well as for surgical intervention are discussed. The treatment in the present case was particularly conservative. It included only a broad-spectrum antibiotic, with good results." @default.
- W100000620 abstract "La percepcion y grado de satisfaccion de los ciudadanos en relacion al medio urbano en el que residen infl uye sobre su calidad de vida. La fi sionomia y funcionalidad de las expansiones urbanas recientes de numerosas ciudades presenta diferencias notables con la de barrios preexistentes. Se realizo un comparacion mediante encuestas sobre las preferencias de los ciudadanos entre el paisaje urbano de un barrio periferico de principios del siglo XXI situado en la periferia de Vitoria-Gasteiz (Salburua), en el que residen actualmente, y el paisaje de los barrios mas compactos preexistentes donde antes residieron. Se observo que la mayoria prefi ere su barrio actual en los aspectos de morfologia urbana, y su barrio anterior en los aspectos de sociabilidad y accesibilidad a lugares de interes. Se observo una prevalencia de los aspectos morfologicos sobre los de sociabilidad y accesibilidad en la valoracion global de la habitabilidad del medio urbano, dado que la mayoria mostro preferencia por su barrio actual como lugar comodo para vivir y como lugar adecuado para sentirse bien. No obstante, las personas que viven solas mostraron una preferencia general notablemente inferior por su barrio actual que las que conviven. Se detecto que tres de cada cuatro residentes en Salburua utilizan el coche a diario. Se discuten las implicaciones de los resultados obtenidos en la practica urbanistica." @default.
- W1000006914 abstract "Brain mitochondria are fundamental to maintaining healthy functional brains, and their dysfunction is involved in age-related neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this study, we conducted a research on how both non-synaptic and synaptic mitochondrial functions are compromised at an early stage of AD-like pathologies and their correlation with putative changes on membranes lipid profile, using 3 month-old nontransgenic and 3xTg-AD mice, a murine model of experimental AD. Bioenergetic dysfunction in 3xTg-AD brains is evidenced by a decrease of brain ATP levels resulting, essentially, from synaptic mitochondria functionality disruption as indicated by declined respiratory control ratio associated with a 50% decreased complex I activity. Lipidomics studies revealed that synaptic bioenergetic deficit of 3xTg-AD brains is accompanied by alterations in the phospholipid composition of synaptic mitochondrial membranes, detected either in phospholipid class distribution or in the phospholipids molecular profile. Globally, diacyl- and lyso-phosphatidylcholine lipids increase while ethanolamine plasmalogens and cardiolipins content drops in relation to nontransgenic background. However, the main lipidomic mark of 3xTg-AD brains is that cardiolipin cluster-organized profile is lost in synaptic mitochondria due to a decline of the most representative molecular species. In contrast to synaptic mitochondria, results support the idea that non-synaptic mitochondria function is preserved at the age of 3 months. Although the genetically construed 3xTg-AD mouse model does not represent the most prevalent form of AD in humans, the present study provides insights into the earliest biochemical events in AD brain, connecting specific lipidomic changes with synaptic bioenergetic deficit that may contribute to the progressive synapses loss and the neurodegenerative process that characterizes AD." @default.
- W1000007653 abstract "The main challenge in the development of the CANDY Framework, a CAD system for Telecommunication Networks, is integration and interoperability of newly developed and existing design tools under an integrated network CAD workflow. The main problem of many existing workflow management solutions is their heavy-weight approach. A Workflow Management System has to provide an adequate trade-off between sufficient flexibility and consideration of the specifics of project and CAD work. Related approaches like PNML, XPDL, WS-BPEL, ARIS/SAP PI and multiple others exhibit absence of the wished flexibility due to their generality, complexity and/or binding to a specific platform. In contrast, this paper discusses a flexible Workflow Management system for CAD of Telecommunication Networks." @default.
- W1000007777 abstract "In the process of form control using bonnet polishing an influence function is of vital importance for establishing material removal rates. However, the effects of polishing cloth, workpiece hardness and polishing parameters (such as precess angle, head speed, tool pressure and tool offset) on influence function when polishing CoCr alloys are not yet established and these factors affect the deterministic polishing process. In order to obtain a controlled polishing process, this study has further investigated the effects of polishing parameters on the influence function, including geometric size and volumetric material removal rates (MRRs)." @default.
- W100000846 abstract "The major earthquake, which hit the southern portion of Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, just before dawn on January 17, 1995, caused a tremendous amount of damage in a very short time. It killed 6,348 individuals, injured more than 33,000, destroyed about 170,000 houses, and left more than 300,000 people homeless. The central area of Kobe City was almost completely destroyed. Communication and transportation networks as well as other life lines were severed in many places. As a result, Kobe city was almost completely cut off from the outside world. This paper will outline how the emergency care unit in the Kobe University Hospital, located in the center of Kobe City, provided emergency care after the great Hanshin-Awaji earthquake, in the face of the many unfavorable conditions encountered in a major disaster. Based on our experience, we will also propose modifications for future emergency care systems coping with large-scale disasters." @default.
- W1000008483 abstract "This chapter describes an assay method and the purification procedure for 4-hydroxy-2-ketopimelate (HKP) aldolase, which is a widely distributed bacterial enzyme that functions in all the pathways of aromatic catabolism for which homoprotocatechuate (3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetate) serves as substrate for a benzene ring-fission dioxygenase. Enzyme activity is assayed by spectrophotometric measurement of the rate of formation of pyruvate from HKP. HKP aldolase is elaborated by bacteria that are induced to oxidize homoprotocatechuate after growth, at the expense of L-tyrosine or 4-hydroxyphenylacetate, such as Bacillus, and Pseudomonas putida. The purification procedure involves preparation of cell extract, heat treatment, ammonium sulfate fractionation, diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-cellulose chromatography, and Sephadex G-150 chromatography. The aldolase attacks both enantiomers of HKP. The activity of the enzyme is maximum at pH 8.0, 70% of maximum at pH 7.0, and at pH 8.8, rapid nonenzymic fission of HKP occurs. The pure enzyme cleaves HKP without additions but 1 mM MgCl2 or MnCl2 stimulate activity twofold." @default.
- W100000949 abstract "1. Post-compulsory education 2. The practioner 3. Assessing learners' needs 4. Planning and preparing programmes of teaching and learning 5. Developing a range of techniques 6. Managing the learning process: Basic techniques 7. Managing the learning process: Further techniques 8. Providing learners with support 9. Assessing outcomes 10. Evaluation 11. Meeting professional requirements 12. Further development Index" @default.
- W100000956 abstract "A multicenter randomized study was performed. One hundred and seventy patients were selected. The patients were 18 years and older. They presented signs and symptoms of genital candidiasis and had positive smear culture for Candida. Eighty five patients were assigned to receive Cicloprox olamine 1%, and eighty five patients were assigned to receive Terconazol 0.8%. The treatment lasted six days with the objective to compare the clinical and antifungal efficiency and safety with both treatments. The result of mixed efficiency (clinical and microbiology) for Cicloprox olamine was 48 cases (62.3%) at the end of the treatment were cured--day 7-; and at the continuation--day 21-42 of them had the same result (55.3%); improvement was seen at the end in 25 cases (32.5%) and at the continuation 21 cases had the same result (27.6%). For Terconazol the result was 45 cases (61.6%) were cured at the end of the treatment, and at the continuation 39 had the same result (57.4%); improvement was seen at the end in 23 cases (31.5%) and at the continuation 22 cases had the same result (32.4%). We conclude that both treatments are effective and well tolerated for genital candidiasis treatment." @default.
- W1000009618 abstract "油和天然气工业的在上游的部门在 2005 在中国成为最有利的工业,根据中国的 StateInformation 中心在释放的调查中间 --2 月。学习的结果从 2004 证明油和天然气采矿在油和气体的在上游的部门成为工业的 2927 亿元(大约 360 亿美元) 赢利了,在 68% 上面。" @default.
- W1000010212 abstract "Rumahsakit sebagai bagian integral dari sistem pelayanan kesehatan dalam 20 tahun belakangan ini mengalami peningkatan pesat. Hal ini menimbulkan tantangan yang besar bagi pengelola maupun pemilik rumahsakit agar kegiatannya dapat survive. Pengelolaan manajemen sumber daya manusia yang baik, keselarasan antar nilai dan disiplin ilmu yang ada merupakan tujuan yang harus dicapai oleh manajemen Rumahsakit. Kompensasi moneter langsung non gaji yang salah satu tujuannya untuk memacu kinerja di RSUD Sleman belum dapat dicapai. Bila rumah sakit ingin memperoleh peningkatan kinerja melalui kompensasi, maka pekerja harus merasa puas dengan upah atau kompensasi yang mereka terima. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji hubungan kepuasan kompensasi moneter langsung non gaji dengan kinerja perawat di RSUD Sleman. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif non eksperimental menggunakan rancangan cross sectional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data diperoleh dari responden dengan menggunakan kuisioner kepuasan kompensasi moneter langsung non gaji dan kuisioner kinerja perawat. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 48 orang perawat rawat inap di RSUD Sleman. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kepuasan kompensasi moneter langsung non gaji dengan kinerja perawat dengan koefisien korelasi R=0,510 (p=The number of hospitals as an integral of the health service system, in the last 20 years have increased rapidly. It has become a big challenge for hospital manager or the owners Indonesia that their business survive. A good human resources management, harmonies with the values and sciences are the aims to be achieved by hospital management. Compensation, one of its aim, to bolster the work productivity hasn’t been achieved the optimum level yet in in Sleman district general hospital.If the hospitals want to get work productivity by compensation, the workers must feel satisfied with their wages or compensation they get. This study intends to survey the relationship between direct satisfaction of non wages bonus compensation with nurse work productivity in Sleman district general hospital. This study is non experimental desciptive using cross sectional design with quantitative aproach. Data obtained from respondents by using direct satisfaction of non wages bonus compensation questionnaire for nurse. Survey sample 48, all subject were nurses. The survey results show that there’s a significant relation between satisfaction of non wages bonus compensation quistionnaire and work productivity of nurse with correlation coefficient R= 0,510 (p=" @default.
- W1000010775 abstract "Bid management is increasingly being recognized as a value adding activity within organizations and a valid, satisfying careers for individuals. This paper introduces some of the drivers for bid management existence as a separate discipline, and the key activities involved." @default.
- W100001087 abstract "Radio buttons and check boxes let users select from multiple options. Unfortunately, each time you need to display another option, you also need to display another radio button or check box, which takes up space. The more radio buttons or check boxes displayed, the more cluttered and confusing your user interface will look." @default.
- W1000011047 abstract "This chapter illustrates the importance of hiring individuals well versed in all aspects of correct coding, including the rules and regulations. It discusses the importance of having a comprehensive information technology platform and software resources that ensure accuracy and completeness. The chapter explains the need for laboratory personnel to be involved in the billing process and to maintain a close working relationship with members of the billing department and the relationship between complete and accurate billing and the generation of sufficient income to continue to perform expected functions. An understanding of the specific requirements for billing laboratory services and a systematic approach for ensuring that the processes are carried out as specified are key to the financial success of a laboratory. While the entire laboratory test process from test order to test result reporting to payment for services involves several categories of individuals, the actual billing process can be considered in terms of two main categories: provider mix and payor mix. Each individual payor sets criteria for payment for services. Both Medicare and Medicaid are third-party payors; payment for services provided by a healthcare provider to a patient is made by a contracted entity. Each payor may interact with each provider through one of two main types of payments: retrospective and prospective. Claims for payment are generated for submission to thirdparty payors, while invoices are generated for contractual payment by clients or by patients." @default.
- W100001107 abstract "Screening for prostate cancer by use of serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) remains controversial. In the recent Cochrane analysis, an attempt is made to clarify the issue by conducting a meta analysis of available randomized screening trials. Two large trials are considered to provide data of similar and sufficient quality to conduct a separate meta analysis. However, in the view of this author, this analysis fails because standard Cochrand quality criteria are not observed. Details are given and the outcome suggests that one of the trials, the European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC) should be considered superior to the Prostate, Lung, Colon, Ovary screening trial (PLCO) conducted in the USA." @default.
- W100001109 abstract "Sodium nitrate was administered through rumen cannulae to produce NO-3 intoxication in four cows (382 to 445 kg body wt) fed prairie grass hay and a protein-mineral supplement. The cows were fed 0, 1.6 or 3.2 kg of dry rolled corn daily for 10 d prior to sodium nitrate administration. Sodium nitrate administration was followed by a marked increase in intraruminal NO-2 and NH3 and blood NO-2 and methemoglobin. Six of eight cows fed 0 and 1.6 kg of corn were given methylene blue to treat severe methemoglobinemia, while none of the cows fed 3.2 kg corn required such therapy. Feeding of 3.2 kg of corn protected against nitrate poisoning by reducing intraruminal nitrite and blood methemoglobin (P less than .05)." @default.
- W1000011346 abstract "The molecular structure of the title compound, C9H16O4, is described by a trans-planar configuration of the propyl chains. The molecule has an approximate pseudo-twofold rotation axis in the crystal structure. The molecules are interconnected by strong O - H...O hydrogen bonds and form an R-2(2)(8) ring structure." @default.
- W100001234 abstract "Perikanan karang merupakan salah satu pusat kegiatan penangkapan ikan nelayan kecil di daerah tropis. Seiring dengan perubahan ekonomi dan ekologi, telah mengakibatkan berubahnya pendapatan dan strategi operasi penangkapan ikan. Nelayan telah menggunakan berbagai macam strategi untuk mempertahankan usahanya. Untuk mengkaji hal tersebut, telah dilakukan penelitian di Karimunjawa. Hasil penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa komposisi ikan hasil tangkapan, produktivitas alat tangkap dan alat tangkap yang digunakan oleh nelayan telah mengalami perubahan dalam periode 2003 – 2005 dan 2009 – 2011. Bila pada periode 2003 – 2005 operasi penangkapan ikan didominasi oleh muroami, maka pada periode 2009 – 2011 trip penangkapan ikan didominasi oleh speargun (panah). Perubahan tersebut, diduga disebabkan oleh berubahnya permintaan pasar khususnya ekor kuning (Caesio sp), biaya operasi penangkapan dan hasil tangkapan baik dalam jumlah maupun komposisi ikan" @default.
- W1000012380 abstract "Objectives Previous investigations of the population dynamics of P. aeruginosa in the CF airways have been based on longitudinally collected single isolates, but recently this approach has been questioned. The aim of this study is to determine whether genotypic characterization of single isolates can represent the adaptation of P. aeruginosa populations in CF airways. Methods Five metagenomes from sputum samples from four CF patients were sequenced without pre-culturing. The metagenomes were analysed and compared with single isolates from the same patients. Results For all the investigated patients the most recent clone type identified among the single isolates was compared with the metagenome of the specific patient. In all cases the metagenomes were linked to a significantly higher degree of the mutations found in the single isolates sampled from the same patient, than to single isolates sampled from other patients(p Conclusion Our results document that single isolates represent the dominant clone type in the population of P. aeruginosa in CF lungs, as observed by the comparison between single isolate genomes and corresponding metagenomes. Furthermore, single isolates also show the same mutational patterns as metagenomes sampled from the same patient, and is different from metagenomes and single isolates sampled from other patients. The evolutionary dynamics of the population represented by single isolates is supported by the dominant SNP alleles from metagenomes. According to these results, the genomic information from longitudinally collected single isolates is sufficient for investigations of the dynamics of P. aeruginosa populations in the CF airways." @default.
- W1000012751 abstract "A custom built freezer for usage in the experimental food laboratory at the North Dakota Experiment Station is the focus of this article on this freezer's construction, capacity and energy usage." @default.
- W1000012860 abstract "Este texto apresenta uma leitura critica do urbanismo moderno (progressista e culturalista), de sua influencia nos chamados primeiros urbanistas paulistas, bem como, das respectivas propostas e efetivas intervencoes urbanas realizadas na Sao Paulo do final do seculo XIX ate os anos 1940. Destaca-se o uso das varzeas dos rios Tiete e Pinheiros para a execucao do Plano de Avenidas de Prestes Maia." @default.
- W100001460 abstract "Non-coding small RNAs of the micro-RNA class (miRNA) are conserved regulators of gene function with a broad impact on biological processes. We screened miRNA levels for age-related changes in individual worms and investigated their influence on the lifespan of the nematode C. elegans. We measured the abundance of 69 miRNAs expressed in individual animals at different ages with over thirty five thousand discrete quantitative nano-fluidic polymerase chain reactions. We found that miRNA abundance was highly variable between individual worms raised under identical conditions and that expression variability generally increased with age. To identify expression differences associated with either reproductive or somatic tissues, we analyzed wild type and mutants that lacked germlines. miRNAs from the mir-35-41 cluster increased in abundance with age in wild type animals, but were nearly absent from mutants lacking a germline, suggesting their age-related increase originates from the germline. Most miRNAs with age-dependent levels did not have a major effect on lifespan, as corresponding deletion mutants exhibited wild-type lifespans. The major exception to this was mir-71, which increased in abundance with age and was required for normal longevity. Our genetic characterization indicates that mir-71 acts at least partly in parallel to insulin/IGF like signals to influence lifespan." @default.
- W100001502 abstract "Although sexuality is an intrinsic part of one's humanity throughout the lifespan, health professionals frequently ignore the sexual needs and concerns of the elderly. Deterrents to sexual activity may include society's disapproval of sexual expression by the elderly, lack of a partner, the elderly person's own lack of sexual knowledge or belief that nonreproductive sexuality is wrong, and lack of privacy. Physicians must accept elderly people's sexuality and develop attitudes and skills which facilitate communication. It is particularly important to make elderly patients aware that they do not have to have intercourse in order to express their sexuality, and to educate them about the physiological and pathological changes with aging, so they realize these changes need not mean the end of sexual expression." @default.
- W100001534 abstract "There is increasing evidence that the common condition of hypogonadism in older men when associated with symptoms responds well to testosterone replacement. Over the last few years there has been a marked increase in the awareness and treatment of the andropause [137]. Long-term side effects of testosterone are uncertain with only eight people over 50 years having been studied for 10 years [138]. Testosterone needs to be considered a quality-of-life drug, similar to sildenafil, and at present it should be used only if it produces symptomatic improvement. There is a need for a men's health study to determine the long-term efficacy and safety of testosterone replacement in older persons." @default.
- W1000015476 abstract "Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the kinetic analysis of cellular populations by means of quantitative radioautography. Three types of tissues are discerned according to proliferative ability: (1) tissues that proliferate continuously, (2) tissues whose cells do not proliferate, and (3) tissues whose cells are usually non proliferating but can begin mitosis under the action of a specific factor. The kinetic characteristics of a tissue can be determined according to these three types by calculating the ratio of the number of cells in which mitoses are seen to the total number of cells.The ability to detect cells that have incorporated a radioactive marker into their DNA provides applications that largely exceed the problem of the cell cycle. Thus, cells that lose their ability to divide, such as neurons, can be labeled in an indelible way if the radioactive precursor is provided during the S phase that precedes their last division. It is then possible to follow these cells during their migration and to locate them at their final site." @default.
- W1000015724 abstract "BioTechniquesVol. 33, No. 6 BenchmarksOpen AccesspRL-TK Induction Can Cause Misinterpretation of Gene Promoter ActivitySimone A. Osborne & Kathryn F. TonissenSimone A. OsborneGriffith University, Nathan, Queensland, AustraliaSearch for more papers by this author & Kathryn F. Tonissen*Address correspondence to Dr. Kathryn Tonissen, School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science, Griffith University, Nathan, Qld, Australia 4111. e-mail: E-mail Address: University, Nathan, Queensland, AustraliaSearch for more papers by this authorPublished Online:17 Sep 2018 ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack Citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinkedInReddit FiguresReferencesRelatedDetailsCited ByPotentials and pitfalls of transient in vitro reporter bioassays: interference by vector geometry and cytotoxicity in recombinant zebrafish cell lines23 May 2020 | Archives of Toxicology, Vol. 94, No. 8Deciphering fact from artifact when using reporter assays to investigate the roles of host factors on L1 retrotransposition22 November 2016 | Mobile DNA, Vol. 7, No. 1Porcine SOX9 Gene Expression Is Influenced by an 18bp Indel in the 5’-Untranslated Region2 October 2015 | PLOS ONE, Vol. 10, No. 10Unbiased Discovery of Interactions at a Control Locus Driving Expression of the Cancer-Specific Therapeutic and Diagnostic Target, Mesothelin12 October 2012 | Journal of Proteome Research, Vol. 11, No. 11Liganded Thyroid Hormone Receptor Inhibits Phorbol 12-O-Tetradecanoate-13-Acetate-Induced Enhancer Activity via Firefly Luciferase cDNA13 January 2012 | PLoS ONE, Vol. 7, No. 1Factors modulating expression of Renilla luciferase from control plasmids used in luciferase reporter gene assaysAnalytical Biochemistry, Vol. 396, No. 2Adrenal transcription regulatory genes modulated by angiotensin II and their role in steroidogenesisPhysiological Genomics, Vol. 30, No. 1Interleukin-8 Induction by Helicobacter pylori in Gastric Epithelial Cells is Dependent on Apurinic/Apyrimidinic Endonuclease-1/Redox Factor-1The Journal of Immunology, Vol. 177, No. 11Comparison of the responsiveness of the pGL3 and pGL4 luciferase reporter vectors to steroid hormonesDawne C. Dougherty & Michel M. Sanders30 May 2018 | BioTechniques, Vol. 39, No. 2A quantitative method for normalization of transfection efficiency using enhanced green fluorescent proteinAnalytical Biochemistry, Vol. 342, No. 2Transcriptional regulation of connexin 43 expression by retinoids and carotenoids: Similarities and differences1 January 2005 | Molecular Carcinogenesis, Vol. 43, No. 2Activation of the control reporter plasmids pRL-TK and pRL-SV40 by multiple GATA transcription factors can lead to aberrant normalization of transfection efficiency30 April 2004 | BMC Biotechnology, Vol. 4, No. 1Nonspecific enhancement of gene expression by compounds identified in high-throughput cell-based screeningSteven C. Cunningham, Byungwoo Ryu, Taylor A. Sohn & Scott E. Kern6 June 2018 | BioTechniques, Vol. 37, No. 1Thioredoxin-mediated redox control of the transcription factor Sp1 and regulation of the thioredoxin gene promoterGene, Vol. 319Hoechst 33342 Alters Luciferase Gene Expression in Transfected BC3H-1 MyocytesArchives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Vol. 127, No. 9Normalization of Luciferase Reporter Assays under Conditions that Alter Internal ControlsRobert J. Sims, Andrew S. Liss & Paul D. Gottlieb24 September 2018 | BioTechniques, Vol. 34, No. 5 Vol. 33, No. 6 Follow us on social media for the latest updates Metrics Downloaded 226 times History Published online 17 September 2018 Published in print December 2002 Information© 2018 Author(s)PDF download" @default.
- W1000015943 abstract "A little-known United States Naval Intelligence document (declassified in 1973) for the first time identified Dr. Edmund Forster as the psychiatrist who treated Adolf Hitler during his recovery in Pasewalk Military Hospital." @default.
- W1000016463 abstract "Some concerns have been raised regarding the oxidative stability of vegetable oil-based fluids. Lack of oxidative stability will increase the rate of oxidation and degradation of the oil. Oxidation causes sludge and deposits formation, clogging of oil passages and corroding the equipment that they lubricate. Earlier findings have indicated that oxidative stability is partly due to the presence of partial ester in the lubricant. The hydroxyl group present in the partial ester increases the oxidative stability of the lubricant. Thus, a wide range of palm-based trimethylolpropane esters (TMPE), which contain different percentages of partial esters, were synthesized. The palm-based TMP esters (mono esters, diesters and triesters) were esterified from palm oil methyl esters (PME) with trimethylolpropane [2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol;TMP] and sodium methoxide (CH3ONa) as catalyst. Quantification of unreacted palm oil methyl esters (PME), monoesters, diesters, and triesters were performed using gas chromathography (GC), with a high temperature capillary column (SGE HT5), operated at a temperature gradient of 6°C/min starting from 80°C to 340°C. The influence of operating variables (temperature, pressure, molar ratio PME:TMP and catalyst amount) on diester formation were studied and analyzed. Palm oil TMP esters containing 5–30% (w/w) partial esters (monoesters and diesters) were successfully synthesized at different operating variables. The effects of partial ester on lubrication properties were also studied. Hydroxyl group in partial esters can, under certain conditions, give a positive effect on lubrication properties such as viscosity and viscosity index, thermal oxidative stability and wear and friction. Kinematic viscosity of the TMP esters increases with the partial esters content. The optimum hydroxyl value (OHV) for thermal oxidative stability of the oils was observed at 27.2, while the optimum diesters (DE) %(w/w) in the oils for wear and friction characteristics was observed at 26.8 %(w/w), corresponding to the OHV value of 39.5." @default.
- W1000017077 abstract "The primary goal of the present study aimed to evaluate the prophylactic effect of Hypericum Perforatum L. extract on memory dysfunction induced by scopolamine in adult male albino rats (Rattus norvegicus Berkenout). Rats administered daily P.O Hypericum Perforatum L. extract (350 mg/kg) for two, four, eight weeks and the group of rats at the end of each interval intraperitoneally administered scopolamine (0.4 mg/kg). Scopolamine administration significantly increased the latency time in Morris Water Maze (MWM) task and significantly increased acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity and significantly decreased noradrenaline, dopamine and serotonin levels in cortex and hippocampus and serum thyroid function (T3, T4 and TSH levels). In groups administered Hypericum Perforatum L. pre-scopolamine injection recorded significant decrease in the latency time in MWM, decrease in ACHE activity and significant increase in the monoamines in cortex and hippocampus and serum T3, T4 and TSH levels. The study highlights the prophylactic efficacy of the neuro-protective effect of Hypericum Perforatum L. extract against scopolamine-induced cognitive impairment." @default.
- W100001730 abstract "The Raman spectra of the parent compound NaxCoO2 (x=0.75) and the superconducting oxyhydrates NaxCoO2.yH2O with different superconducting temperatures (Tc) have been measured. Five Raman active phonons around 195 cm-1 (E1g), 482 cm-1, 522 cm-1, 616 cm-1 (3E2g), 663 cm-1 (A1g) appear in all spectra. These spectra change systematically along with the intercalation of H2O and superconducting properties. In particular, the Raman active phonons (A1g and E1g) involving the oxygen motions within the Co-O layers show up monotonous decrease in frequency along with superconducting temperature Tc. The fundamental properties and alternations of other active Raman phonons in the superconducting materials have also been discussed." @default.
- W100001743 abstract "The main task of nanomedicine is to fabricate, normally by chemical engineering, nanoscale systems that can play various functions of both diagnosis and treatment. This report aims to present some researches, carried out by the Laboratory of Biomedical Nanomaterials (IMS/VAST in Hanoi), on fabrication and characterization of nanovectors for the disease of cancer. The first part deals with magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles (MNPs) based nanoconjugates, functionalized by coating with several polymers as well as loaded with a drug of curcumin. The used MNPs were obtained by co-precipitation, exhibited spherical shape of diameter of 15-20 nm, saturation magnetization of Ms ~ 65-70 emu/g. The coating polymers were acrylic acid (PAA), chitosan (CS) and Alginate (Alg) which were confirmed using the infrared (FTIR) spectra. Magnetic Inductive Heating (MIH) measurements demonstrated that the fabricated MNPs-based conjugates exhibited quite high heating performance, perspective for hyperthermia application. The application of Fe3O4@PAA for in-vivo hyperthermia treatment of cancer incubated on mice will be shown. As for imaging application, the Fe3O4@CS@Cur was used to demonstrate a dual possibilities, fluorescence and magnetic resonance, of monitoring cell penetration by macrophage. In the second part, we show a recent study on targeted delivery systems of paclitaxel/doxorubicin/curcumin-loaded copolymer/polymer nanoparticles, which were prepared by a modified solvent extraction/evaporation technique and decorated by folic acid. The obtained spherical nanoparticles were negatively charged with a zeta potential of about − 30 mV with the size around 50 nm and a narrow size distribution. The targeting effect of anticancer-drugs nanoparticles with folate decoration was investigated in vitro by the uptake in cancer cell lines and in nude mouse. The results indicate that the targeted paclitaxel/doxorubicin/curcumin-loaded copolymer/polymer nanoparticles are successful anticancer-targeted drug delivery system for effective cancer chemotherapy." @default.
- W1000018171 abstract "Each system has its own definition of reliability. Reliability in mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET) could be interpreted as, the probability of reaching a message from a source node to destination, successfully. The variability and volatility of the MANET configuration makes typical reliability methods (e.g. reliability block diagram) inappropriate. It is because, no single structure or configuration represents all manifestations of a MANET. Thus, new methods should be developed to analyze the reliability of this new networking technology. In this paper we first introduce a simple technique for calculating reliability in MANET which is appropriate for small size of the networks. It is shown that this way is time consuming and costly in a larger network domain. Then, a heuristic method based on a Monte Carlo simulation is presented, which has less overall time consuming even for large size of the network. For a better investigation, the effect of network size (number of nodes) and probability of link existence have been studied and evaluated on network reliability for the proposed method." @default.
- W100001823 abstract "peech dysfunction is a major focal neurologic disability. The type of speech abnormality that a patient manifests allows the clinician to localize the lesion. We present a case of a patient who developed acute dysarthria without dysphasia. The CT brain revealed a hematoma in the pre-frontal cortex rather than the motor cortex or sub-cortical tracts. Considering the discrepancy between the clinical findings and the CT brain, an MRI of the brain was performed which, in fact, revealed an acute sub-cortical lesion, which explains the patients symptomatology. This study confirms again the importance of the physical examination in diagnosing neurological diseases rather than blindly depending on ancillary studies. An 80-year-old man, not known hypertensive or diabetic, non-smoker, with no history of coronary artery disease or cerebrovascular disease, presented to the emergency unit with acute onset isolated dysarthria. No headache, fever, diplopia, motor weakness or altered level of consciousness. The patient understood and followed orders accurately. He answered questions correctly, but with a difficult to comprehend dysarthric speech. He had no apraxia of speech. He could read and write adequately. He had no weaknesses, normal gait, no disequilibrium, normal deep tendon reflexes and no Babinski signs, normal cranial nerves and fundi, no cerebellar signs, and was afebrile with no neck stiffness. A CT scan of the brain revealed an acute hemorrhage in the left superior frontal cortex. This lesion could not explain the isolated dysarthria. An MRI of the brain carried out on the same day revealed 2 acute lesions; a hemorrhagic lesion in the left superior frontal cortex and an ischemic lesion with restricted diffusion in the left pre-central primary motor cortex (" @default.
- W1000018889 abstract "Both in the cloud and mobile environments, a large number of online services is daily accessed through smartphones and tablets. Since several security, safety and trust concerns may arise when using these services, providers may require a usage policy to be enforced on the devices while accessing these services. This kind of policy enforcements enables service providers to have assurance that remote devices are in an acceptable state when using the provided service, according to their terms and conditions.In this paper, we propose a framework which allows service providers to have assurance about the enforcement of some functional policies directly on the device. The proposed framework inserts an enforcer into the client's device, which is responsible for enforcing the provider's policy to abide by the terms and conditions of the service. To assure the integrity of the enforcer and of the policy, the framework exploits Trusted Computing techniques to remotely attest the enforcer's measurements. Preliminary experiments and a first prototype implementation for Android-based smartphones suggest that the approach is both viable and effective." @default.
- W1000019141 abstract "Beginning with the problem of the appropriate language in which to discuss the aspiration to transform the nature of rule, Chapter 3 moves on to explore three aspects of the historiographical challenge. First, is the nature—institutions, procedures and processes—of rule and this raises the question of the historiography of the state. Second, the relationship between government and society is crucially significant in a period of profound socio-political upheaval. Third, the nature of society and the mechanism and/or cultures which can effectively govern it will figure in radical transformative responses to them. Each of these dimensions is shown to have a contested history. But, using what appears to be an emerging consensus on all three, this chapter explores three case studies—the Levellers, Gerrard Winstanley and James Harrington—to suggest fresh ways of reassessing them." @default.
- W1000019144 abstract "0ne way of conceiving the mission of the Church is in terms of the characteristics noted in the traditional creeds. The Church seeks to be one, holy, catholic or apostolic, a process which will be completed in the eschaton.As noted in the Westminster Confession of Faith, in the actual historical Church these characteristics are more or less visible, as the essence of the Church emerges moreor less purely. Throughout the Church, there are tensions in the practical development of these characteristics.This article discusses the tension found a t the local level, between the mission of the Church to be 'Holy' and to be 'catholic'." @default.
- W100001948 abstract "We started the Conversations Project because we wanted to find out what things were most important to disabled young people and what they thought about the services and activities that they used and what they would like to see developed. The project involved 65 disabled young people from across Scotland. They were recruited from 10 organisations and were aged between 9 and 22; 39 were male and 26 female. The conversations took place in a variety of places including schools, youth groups and short breaks centres. Six main themes emerged from the young people’s discussions. These were: 1. Consultation and participation The young people felt that it was important they were listened to, and that they understood the reasons for decisions that affected them. Many of the young people who took part in the Conversations Project felt that they were listened to. They felt that they had opportunities to put their views forward and to say what they liked and disliked about many things. Many of the groups the young people attended encouraged them to plan their own activities and some young people were also involved in self-advocacy work and had spoken at conferences. The young people did not always agree with decisions that affected them but generally understood why they had been made. Not having the opportunity to put their views forward, or being provided with explanations for important decisions, made young people feel frustrated and lacking in control. The young people wanted to be treated as individuals and for people not to make assumptions about them based on their age or the fact that they were disabled. 2. Involvement in activities outside school Young people enjoyed a range of activities including swimming, computer games and socialising with friends. They wanted to have ‘normal’ social lives and to spend time with people their own age. However many of the children who took part in the project did not experience this. Difficulties with accessing public transport meant that many young people had to rely on their parents or, in some cases, stay at home when not at school. Some young people felt that there was not much for them to do in the local area while those who did not attend school locally felt isolated as they did not know other children where they lived. Many of the young people talked about their positive experiences with groups and clubs for disabled children and young people. These were an opportunity for them to enjoy activities with others their own age. 3. Relationships Having friends their own age was very important to the young people who took part in the project. Groups and clubs gave people the opportunity to do things with other young people but did not always lead to real friendships. Various barriers to making friends were identified. Difficulty meeting up with people outside of school was a common problem. The need to arrange personal support or transport meant that some young people could not easily get together with others. It also meant that they were often accompanied by adults. Some young people found school to be a lonely experience. Those who attended a ‘special’ unit at a mainstream school did not feel that they were part of the main school and other pupils were not always accepting of difference. People who attended a special school had difficulty maintaining friendships outside of schools. Times of transition could make it hard to maintain friendships as people moved away or went on to do different things. 4. Physical and attitudinal barriers faced by the young people Access to transport was a major barrier mentioned by many of the young people. There were practical difficulties using buses and trains whilst the negative attitudes among some drivers had put some young people off using public transport. A lack of disability awareness was also highlighted and several young deaf people had experienced poor deaf awareness in audiology services. These issues could be addressed with better training. 5. Transitions The young people needed more information about moving from school to college, university or work. The move from school to college made some people nervous. They were often unaware of other options that might be available or how going to college might benefit them in the long term. This meant they could not make informed decisions about whether or not to go to college or what to study. The transition from school to university had been positive for those who had experienced it. However, some young people believed it would not be possible for them due to their support needs. Again, better information is needed about the options and support available. 6. Aspirations for the future The young people expressed a variety of hopes and ambitions for the future. They hoped to have their own homes and families. They wanted to work and many had ideas about what jobs they would like to do. They wanted support and guidance to achieve this. Aspirations were often focussed on the short term. Young people needed to be encouraged to think about what they might want to achieve in the long term and the support that they would need to do this. Conclusion The young people involved in this study felt positive about many aspects of their lives, including being listened to and the support they received from voluntary organisations. However, many of the young people lacked opportunities to develop friendships with people their own age and felt socially isolated. More needs to be done to make sure that disabled young people are fully included in their local community. Finally, the project showed that young people did not always have the information they required to be able to make informed decisions. If consultation is to be meaningful and young people are to be able to have a greater say about their lives, then they need access to advice and support." @default.
- W100002005 abstract "To diagnose and differentiate iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) from anaemia of chronic disorders (ACD) using serum concentration of soluble transferrin receptors (sTfR).One hundred and seventy six adult anaemic patients were diagnosed on bone marrow examination as IDA and ACD in the Department of Haematology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Rawalpindi from November 2001 to May 2003. They were further evaluated with sTfR, serum iron, total iron binding capacity (TIBC) and serum ferritin. These biochemical investigations were compared with results of bone marrow iron status, which served as gold standard. Absence of stainable iron in the bone marrow was diagnostic of iron deficiency, whereas abundance of iron along with decreased siderocytes and sideroblasts was considered diagnostic of ACD. Data was collected on a proforma and analysed using software SPSS (version 11.0) and t-test was used to test the statistical significance. Specificity, sensitivity positive and negative predictive value of the sTfR test was calculated.Out of 176 patients studied, 90 (51.1%) were diagnosed as ACD whereas 86 (48.8%) as IDA. The mean +/- SD sTfR levels in IDA patients was 9.68 +/- 2.48 mg/I, whereas mean +/- SD sTfR levels in ACD patients was 2.96 +/- 1.28 mg/I, thus clearly separating the two categories of anaemic patients. Both the sensitivity and specificity of sTfR in IDA was found to be 100%, whereas in ACD, these were 66.6% and 100% respectively. The positive and negative predictive value, in case of IDA was 100%, whereas in ACD it was 100% and 74.1% respectively. The results of serum iron, TIBC and serum ferritin correlated well in IDA, with a fall in serum iron, raised TIBC and decreased serum ferritin, except in few cases in which concomitant inflammatory conditions resulted in falsely high serum ferritin level. Serum iron and TIBC were not useful in cases of ACD. However, the serum ferritin cutoff level of 90 ng/ml was evaluated which virtually excludes IDA, and found this highly effective in cases of IDA alongwith chronic inflammatory conditions.The results show that in case of simple IDA, sTfR concentration is significantly raised and it has a very high test efficiency in this condition. However in case of ACD the positive predictive value is high (100%) but the negative predictive value is compromised (74.1%). It is therefore a reliable laboratory index of IDA and in distinguishing IDA from ACD)." @default.
- W1000020869 abstract "Stemming from the time of early British industrial philanthropists what we now refer to as corporate social responsibility (CSR) has had a long and influential history in the United Kingdom and across large swathes of the world through colonial and post-colonial periods. In this chapter, the roots of contemporary policies and actions being implemented in the name of CSR are explored. This then enables a review of the fluctuating profile and practices over the last 200 years before going on to concentrate on the post 1980 period when CSR became a more widely recognised concept to differing degrees within British based Transnational Corporations (TNCs) and Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs). National and international reasons for greater public interest and corporate engagement are outlined. The chapter concludes with analysis of CSR in today’s post financial meltdown period and some tentative thoughts on future directions." @default.
- W1000021462 abstract "Coronaviruses are spherical, lipid-containing, enveloped particles with tear-dropshaped surface projections or peplomers. The genome is one molecule of ssRNA and the virions characteristically contain three major structural protein classes. The antigenic relationships of coronaviruses present a complex pattern. The geographic distribution of many coronaviruses is worldwide. Biological vectors of coronaviruses have not been reported, and the natural hosts form the major reservoirs for further infection. Coronavirus particles contain three major protein classes, within which the polypeptides vary in number and molecular weight between species. The apparent size and shapes of coronaviruses can vary considerably. Coronavirus particles are spherical, although negatively stained air-dried particles are often pleomorphic. The morphology of coronavirus surface projections can vary considerably between different strains. The conventional structure on negative staining consists of tear-drop-shaped projections, although cone-shaped projections are also observed. In all these cases, the projections have the same length of about 20 nm. Other coronaviruses have short as well as 20-nm projections. Projections with blebs on thin stalks have been reported for other coronaviruses." @default.
- W100002239 abstract "Aim: To determine the correlation between treatment medications, pathophysiological changes in the gastrointestinal tract [GIT] and therapeutic efficacy of a Green‐Lipped Mussel (GLM) extract and Glucosamine Sulphate (GS) in the treatment Osteoarthritis [OA]. Introduction: OA and GIT dysfunction are proposed to co‐exist1 providing a scientific explanation, not previously considered, for the contentious results associated with clinical trials of Glucosamine and GLM in the treatment of OA. Medications prescribed to manage OA are known to induce GIT symptoms [e.g. NSAIDs, 1‐4 steroids1 acetaminophen4] that exacerbate the problem. GIT symptoms prevalent with rheumatic conditions and medication intake include dyspepsia, GIT mucosal permeability, inflammation, constipation, and diarrhoea.1‐4 Proinflammatory cytokine production [seen in OA]5 and medication intake, concomitantly affect GIT morphology and physiology, altering digestion, absorption and barrier function. It is hypothesized that GIT dysfunction significantly influences the therapeutic efficacy of GLM and GS in the treatment of OA. Methodology: Forty patients with OA of the knee will be randomised/allocated to GLM or GS (3000mg/day) for 12 weeks. Assessments will be at W0, W6 and W12 for knee pain/mobility and Quality‐of‐Life using validated questionnaires. Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale, Stool Profile and Urinary Intestinal Permeability [IP] analyses will assess GIT function and inflammation. Stool, IP and blood analysis [safety and inflammatory markers] will be performed at W0 and W12. Patients will record daily pain severity and rescue mediation intake in diaries for the 12 weeks. Discussion: Preliminary clinical trial data from 20 participants with knee OA treated with GLM [3000mg/d] for 8 weeks duration has shown statistically significant improvements in GIT function congruent with knee pain. Medication use was observed to adversely influence therapeutic outcomes. This next clinical trial phase will advance knowledge of GS and GLM efficacy for OA with stool and IP analyses assisting in determining whether GIT dysfunction impinges on efficacy outcomes." @default.
- W1000022707 abstract "A b s t r a c t. We present this note to point out that the finitevalued polynomial-time computable functions are closed with respect to iteration. This fact is not a difficult result, however it can be useful in constructions not exceeding the class of polynomialtime computable functions." @default.
- W10000229 abstract "Dalam perkembangan e-business, banyak contoh bidang usaha yang menjadi lebih efisien dengan penggunaan TI. Salah satu bidang tersebut adalah e- procurement yang dipraktekkan untuk mengatasi masalah pengadaan material dan memudahkan hubungan dengan supplier PT Multi Eraguna Usaha. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan sistem procurement dengan melakukan analisis dan merancang aplikasi sistem e-procurement. Sedangkan metode yang digunakan dalam perancangannya menggunakan pendekatan berbasis objek (Object Oriented Analysis and Design Method) dengan pengembangan aplikasi berbasis web. Hasil yang dicapai diharapkan mampu meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas proses pengadaan material perusahaan. Simpulan yang didapat adalah dengan adanya sistem e-procurement ini, selain dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas proses pengadaan material, juga mampu memperkecil kemungkinan terjadinya kekosongan stock material, mengurangi biaya administrasi, dan meminimalkan proses kesalahan pencatatan dan pemasukan data dalam pemesanan." @default.
- W1000023103 abstract "The equalizer remote-control system performs the role of a master control for the adjustable equalizers in the lines of an L-4 system. A control center located at an attended main station repeater may have jurisdiction over several hundred equalizers, some of which may be as distant as 300 miles. The required equalizer adjustments are determined from the relative powers of signals received from remotely controlled test oscillators at the equalizing locations. When necessary, the equalizers are remotely adjusted in discrete steps by means of commands sent out by the control center. Memory circuits associated with the equalizer networks maintain the network gain settings between adjustments. At each distant main station in a control system, a loop-back unit provides decoding and switching that control equalizers at the location and complete far-end looping paths to the lines to be equalized or checked. The looping paths pass the commands used to address the equalizing repeaters, which are located between the main station repeaters. The control system also comprises part of a fault-location scheme, which includes a monitoring oscillator at each repeater." @default.
- W100002384 abstract "The performance criteria of piezoelectric polymers based on polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) in complex space environments have been evaluated. Thin films of these materials are being explored as in-situ responsive materials for large aperture space-based telescopes with the shape deformation and optical features dependent on long-term degradation effects, mainly due to thermal cycling, vacuum UV exposure and atomic oxygen. A summary of previous studies related to materials testing and performance prediction based on a laboratory environment is presented. The degradation pathways are a combination of molecular chemical changes primarily induced via radiative damage and physical degradation processes due to temperature and atomic oxygen exposure resulting in depoling, loss of orientation and surface erosion. Experimental validation for these materials to be used in space is being conducted as part of MISSE-6 (Materials International Space Station Experiment) with an overview of the experimental strategies discussed here." @default.
- W1000023992 abstract "Which is worth more to the regional economy of western China: dams and hydropower, or conservation and tourism? As China grows richer, the balance tips to tourism. Dams last decades, and by then China will be as wealthy as the USA. The Colorado Grand Canyon grew to a global tourism icon, and mainstay of the regional economy, in just a few decades. The great gorges of the Nu, Lancang and Yangtze are larger, deeper and equally spectacular - but hardly anyone has yet seen them. There are two billion domestic tourist trips in China every year, and the number is growing. If we want these tourists to travel and spend in China, not overseas, we must keep places for them to visit. Based on a Colorado model, for example, the Great Bend section of the Yangtze could earn about the same through tourism as it could from hydro power - because power operations are intermittent, costs and losses in transmission to eastern cities are high, and bulk purchase prices are well below retail. And tourism has far lower social and environmental costs than hydropower dams, and far lower risks. The Western USA learnt this lesson at the last moment, conserving only the Grand Canyon for tourism when equally beautiful sections upstream and downstream were already dammed. Should not China also keep its great gorges, for its own people to visit as tourists? It will be worth more than hydropower." @default.
- W1000024373 abstract "SOME 2,500 years ago Duke Huan, ruler of the State of Qi in the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B.C.), gave an audience to famous doctor Bian Que who, upon observing the monarch's complexion, told him that he had a potentially fatal illness." @default.
- W100002443 abstract "The low levels of glutathione-peroxidase in blood from patients with dermatitis herpetiformis increased after 5 months selenium and vitamin E treatment. In this double-blind study no significant clinical improvement was, however, noted." @default.
- W100002459 abstract "In order to behave effectively in a complicated world, it is important that we can focus our attention selectively on certain stimuli at the expense of others. Here, we review evidence from behavioral and neuroscientific studies of this process of selective attention in vision, hearing, and touch. Our particular focus for this chapter is the enduring debate over the stage of processing at which unattended information is excluded. This chapter describes the origins of this debate and highlights some of the most important empirical and theoretical work to have emerged from studies of this issue in recent years." @default.
- W1000024696 abstract "The paper uses a multi-parameter based feature detection algorithm which efficiently detects the embossed dots from a braille print.This is further utilized to make a vision based analysis of the achieved printing quality of the braille printer developed by Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI). A simple approach is also proposed for the recognition of the braille characters for converting them into normal text.The technique is further modified to apply it on character recognition from interpoint braille print." @default.
- W100002485 abstract "The mass spectrometer equipped with a diffusion catheter can detect partial pressures of gases in tissues and blood vessels. The catheter consists of a small gauge stainless steel conduit with small openings at one end covered by a thin teflon or silicone membrane. The entire catheter can be inserted through the lumen of a sixteen gauge needle." @default.
- W1000025135 abstract "In many essays over a large number of years, Leibniz attacked the Cartesian doctrine that extension constitutes the essence of a substance. In some of these essays, he, nonetheless, advocated a doctrine of corporeal substance, although, perhaps, his enthusiasm for it flagged as the years went on. In the letters he wrote to Arnauld, between 1686 and 1690, both the critical attack and Leibniz's own account of bodily substance are prominent. At this stage, he was presenting this theory of substance to a truly formidable critic, perhaps for the first time. He did not insist that it is true, but he did set himself up to explain what the theory is: given that no substance could be merely extended, what would be required for a substance to be corporeal? Substantial forms, in a word. Arnauld immediately raised a couple of central questions. As the correspondence proceeded, he learned more about Leibniz's proposal, but he kept coming back to these two central points. The strategy of this chapter is to exploit the fact that Leibniz's responses occur in the context of this ongoing dialogue. Each letter of Leibniz can – I would say, must – be understood in light of the ground covered in previous letters. The mutual understanding built up between the two is directly relevant to an appreciation of the force of Arnauld's final queries and the demands they make on his correspondent. Any extended exchange between philosophers uniquely creates this sort of interpretive resource." @default.
- W100002529 abstract "In 1996, the artillery regiment, A4, in Ostersund was disbanded. Their former premises underwent remodelling to serve as the new campus for the Mid Sweden University. The express intention was that ..." @default.
- W1000025490 abstract "Wood is a porous material. In a dry state the unit volume of wood consists of water-free volume of the wood substance, the so-called wood skeleton, and of the air-filled pores. The variable humidity produces the internal forces within the loaded wood bulk loading to destruction in the form of loosening wood fibers, cracks and twists. In the paper the yield criterion or the transition of the softwood into the plastic state is discussed. The outset of yielding is examined in accordance with the Hill criterion for anisotropy with various ratios of humidity. The case of plane stress with the orthotropic structure is used as an example for which the material constants are identified, resulting in a special form of the yield criterion." @default.
- W1000026562 abstract "Galantamine has been recently approved for the symptomatic treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Apart from inhibiting acetylcholinesterase, galantamine modulates the nicotinic receptors, although the clinical significance of this action remains uncertain. Through a broad research program, it has been shown that galantamine produces a cognitive, functional and behavioral benefit in patients with either mild or moderate AD. Initially, the maintenance dose must be 16 mg a day. Later on, 24 mg dose attempts are justified on an individual patient basis. A clinical stabilization for almost one year is observed. After that time, treated patients deteriorate at a similar pace than the non-treated ones, but they remain above the non-treated during at least one more year. Additional data suggest that positive effects of galantamine spread both caregiver burden and pharmacoeconomic areas. Tolerability is good, provided that titration is made slowly. The only contraindications of this drug are atrioventricular blockade and uncontrolled bronchospasm. Galantamine has also shown efficacy in mixed dementia. New possible indications are mild cognitive impairment and vascular dementia." @default.
- W100002660 abstract "Abstract : The impact of organizational climate on physicians and their patients is not well understood. The Minimizing Error, maximizing Outcome (MEMO) Study investigates this question through a conceptual model that relates office working conditions to quality of care, as mediated by physician reactions. MEMO is longitudinal study of physicians and patients in New York, Chicago, and the state of Wisconsin, including Milwaukee and Madison. Physician surveys assessed office environment and organizational climate (OC). Stress was measured using a 4-item scale, past errors were self reported, and the likelihood of future errors was self-assessed using the OSPRE (Occupational Stress and PReventable Error) measure. Factor analysis revealed new domains of OC. Regression analyses assessed predictor of stress, past errors, and future errors. Among 420 physician respondents, predominantly from general medicine and family medicine practices, 38 percent described their office environment as busy, tending toward chaotic, while another 10 percent described their office environment as hectic or chaotic. Sixty-one percent agreed their work was stressful; 27 percent noted burnout symptoms; and 31 percent of respondents said they were at least moderately likely to leave their jobs within 2 years." @default.
- W100002674 abstract "A bstract: - In Turkey’s tourism centre, Antalya, within the framework of country’s tourism policies, other than Sun-Sea-Sand trilogy, encouragement of alternative tourism possibilities has been brought to the agenda. Concepts like eco- tourism, upland tourism, congress tourism have been developed, however as country and province, Cultural heritage tourism has remained as a potential which cannot be used efficiently. The purpose of this announcement is to put forward the proposal in order to bring in one of Antalya’s rural settlement areas, Elmalo, in the context of Natural and Cultural Heritage wealth. Being established in the proximity of Elmalo Mountain and reflecting the culture of Anatolia, Elmalo is an old settlement place with it’s historical houses, narrow streets and old Ottoman markets. The region carries the magnificence of the past to our recent days and it assumes a great tourism potential with its climate, natural beauties and Cedar Forests. Elmalo takes place in the rural region and to the question of ‘’How should Sustainable Planning be?’’ in the context of tourism and protection, application of the relevant international codes have been used as the method with the Presentation of Cultural Tourism and Cultural Heritage by making the assessments of powerful and weak sides of the region. The tourism sector which has economic importance all over the world is dependent on natural, historical and cultural resources and at the same time is a means connecting culture, heritage and economy one another. In order to enable sustainable tourism it is necessary to plan the tourism in a conscious way and to handle it in an integrated way with the management of cultural heritage which functions as a resource for tourism. In Elmalo, not having adequate number of touristic facilities such as the ones for accommodation and vacation, inadequate publicity, transportation difficulty from the main tourism centre and not being able to present the possessed natural, historical and cultural heritage assets within the framework of a concept have prevented the development of natural and cultural heritage in terms of tourism. Tourists come here on daily basis and they mostly continue their ways without accommodating here. With a sustainable planning to be prepared, nature, history and cultural protection, regional progress, social development and economy will be influenced positively in the result of publicity of the region, it’s application to tourism within the framework of protection, protection of authenticity, formation of a self-sufficient economical cycle, formation of sustainable presentation interpretation and by building up accommodation and social facilities." @default.
- W1000026908 abstract "This chapter discusses the quantitative determination of carotenoids in photosynthetic tissues. A useful separation of carotenoid pigments into nonpolar carotenes and carotenoid esters in one group, and polar xanthophylls (containing hydroxyl groups) in the other may be accomplished by partitioning the pigments between petroleum ether and aqueous methanol. This can be done by dissolving the extract in aqueous methanol in a separatory funnel and adding an equal amount of petroleum ether. In cases where the carotenoid components are stable toward alkali, it is advantageous to include saponification in the isolation procedure for removing chlorophyll and other saponifiable matter. The pigment is taken to dryness (oil pump); all acetone must be removed from the extract to avoid base-catalyzed formation of condensation products of acetone. The residue is dissolved in a small volume of ether, and the same volume of 10% methanolic KOH solution is added. The approximate content of total carotenoids in an extract may be determined by measuring the optical density of a sample suitably diluted." @default.
- W1000026981 abstract "Program Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat (PHBM) merupakan upaya pemerintah untuk melakukan perbaikan kembali hutan yang telah rusak. Desa Bayem merupakan salah satu desa yang ikut terlibat dalam program Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat (PHBM). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keterlibatan perempuan tani pada program Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat (PHBM) dalam rangka mencapai kesejahteraan rumah tangga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Penentuan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive) yaitu di Desa Bayem, Kecamatan Kasembon, Kabupaten Malang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah petani hutan (pesanggem) baik laki-laki (suami) maupun perempuan (istri), yang berdomisili di Desa Bayem, Kecamatan Kasembon, Kabupaten Malang. Metode penetapan sampel yang digunakan adalah non probability sampling (pengambilan sampel disengaja). Teknik penentuan informan menggunakan snowball sampling . Jumlah informan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 14 informan petani hutan (pesanggem) baik suami maupun istri yang melakukan kegiatan di lahan lodenan. Selain 14 informan, juga terdapat 9 orang sebagai key informan . Key informan terdiri dari: tokoh masyarakat, baik formal maupun non-formal, perangkat desa, dan petugas dari perhutani. Dengan menggunakan analisis gender, analisis kualitatif, dan analisis kontribusi pendapatan diperoleh hasil bahwa peran perempuan tani dalam program Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat (PHBM) masih belum optimal, sementara itu perempuan tani mampu memberikan kontribusi terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga yang sama besarnya dengan laki-laki yaitu Rp. 16.981.900,-/ tahun atau 50%. Meskipun demikian, perempuan tani mampu mengalokasikan waktunya untuk tetap melakukan peran reproduksinya dalam rumah tangga sementara laki-laki tidak. Kata kunci: Keterlibatan, Perempuan Tani, Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat, Kesejahteraan Rumah Tangga" @default.
- W100002715 abstract "Roots of many weed and crop species contribute biologically active chemicals into the environment known as root exudates. Root exudates are known to influence growth and establishment of crop and weed species, and these are released from living root systems. Many perennial woody and herbaceous plants have deep and extensive root/rhizome subterranean systems, which can produce prolific amounts of root exudates over long periods of time. Root exudates contribute many types of organic compounds to the rhizosphere. In addition to simple and complex sugars and growth regulators, root exudates contain different classes of primary and secondary compounds including amino acids, organic acids, phenolic acids, flavonoids, enzymes, fatty acids, nucleotides, tannins, steroids, terpenoids, alkaloids, polyacetylenes, and vitamins (Table 10.1; Rovira 1969; Schonwitz and Ziegler 1982; Rice 1984; Uren 2000). Uren (2000) suggested that the amount of root exudates produced varies with the plant species, cultivar, the age of the plant, and substrate and stress factors." @default.
- W1000027208 abstract "Seryl/threonyl-protein kinases in cytosolic and particulate fractions from rat liver and AH-13, a rat ascites hepatoma, have been studied by chromatographing these fractions on DEAE-cellulose and assaying the eluates with casein, phosvitin, histone and protamine as substrates. Liver cytosolic fraction contains a group of well-characterized seryl/threonyl-protein kinases, namely, casein kinases I and II and histone kinases I and II. Liver particulate fraction, on the other hand, is almost totally devoid of casein kinase I and histone kinase I but contains an additional peak of casein kinase tentatively designated casein kinase III. In AH-13, cytosolic casein kinase I is markedly increased and particulate-associated casein kinases II and III are moderately increased as compared with liver. Moreover, it was found that in AH-13, the histone kinase I level is high in the particulate fraction but markedly decreased in the cytosolic fraction. It is suggested that particulate-associated histone kinase I may be of cytosolic origin." @default.
- W1000027408 abstract "In this paper we use Klepper's (2008) theory of the evolution of industrial concentrations to study the roleof entrepreneurial activity in the evolution of the Irish biotechnology sector. Specifically, we study thecharacteristics of new entrants, and the relationships between new entrants and existing private firms andhigher education institutes. Two distinct evolutionary processes involving, on the one hand, the universityspin-offs and on the other hand private sector spin-offs are observed to have shaped the Irish biotechindustry's development. We also add to Klepper's (2008) theory by relating the theoretical concept ofinherited company traits to a different typology of spin-offs – university spin-offs versus private sectorspin-offs." @default.
- W1000028423 abstract "Three of 4 cases of dural arteriovenous fistulas (DAVFs) in the anterior cranial fossa were detected incidentally by magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, and one case manifested as intracerebral hemorrhage. Cerebral angiography revealed fistulas located in the anterior cranial fossa. Three patients underwent surgery, and the fistulas were successfully obliterated. One patient with nonruptured DAVF requested conservative medical management. Incidental detection of asymptomatic or nonruptured DAVFs in the anterior cranial fossa has increased with the wider use of MR imaging. Increase in the size of a venous varix is the indicator for aggressive therapeutic intervention in a patient receiving conservative medical management for asymptomatic or nonruptured DAVFs in the anterior cranial fossa." @default.
- W100002856 abstract "R. Beheran examines the world heritage site of The City of Colonia del Sacramento and the issues on conservation and management plans. He stresses the importance of the community in these matters." @default.
- W1000028715 abstract "Acute renal failure (ARF) is a rapid decline in renal excretory function. Its clinical hallmark is rapidly progressive azotemia, which is usually, but not necessarily, accompanied by oliguria and overall altered body homeostasis. The significance of the syndrome is accentuated by the fact that ARF is one of the few instances of organ failure that is completely reversible, provided that the cause is rapidly recognized and appropriate treatment is instituted. The major causes of acute renal failure are listed below on the basis of the classical, but still valid classification of prerenal (impaired perfusion), intrarenal (due to damage to renal structures), and finally postrenal causes (obstructive pathologies of the lower urinary tract): ARF is rarely seen today as a separate, well-defined entity, although it was frequently seen less than 20 years ago in almost all surgical wards. It has recently become fairly rare to find isolated ARF following shock, bleeding, or trauma." @default.
- W100002928 abstract "Preface. 1. Service Users and Social Workers. 2. Social Work and Informal Care. 3. Health, Illness and Social Work. 4. Institutions and Social Work. 5. Stigma, Discrimination and Social Work. 6. Delinquency, Social Work and the Police. 7. Relative Deprivation, Sociology and Social Work. 8. Sociology and Social Work. Bibliography. Index." @default.
- W1000030475 abstract "Research into the glass cliff indicates that adverse company circumstances, compared to favorable ones, increase the likelihood of women to be appointed in leadership positions. Study 1 refined the conditions under which a glass cliff occurs by demonstrating a preference for a female leader when a company's performance was attributed to past leadership (an internal, controllable cause) but not when it was attributed to global economic circumstances (an external, uncontrollable cause). Study 2 replicated the glass cliff for a controllable context and revealed that the female candidate's potential to signal change, rather than her quality and suitability as a leader, accounted for the preference of the female candidate. We conclude that women, as non-traditional leaders, are strategic choices of companies with the aim to signal change to the outside world (e.g., investors) when past leadership is held responsible for a crisis. However, they are not expected to actually impact on the company's performance through their leadership quality." @default.
- W100003053 abstract "The Ask and Act program of the American Academy of Family Physicians promotes family physician tobacco cessation counseling. Smoking and cessation counseling rates were obtained by cross-sectional analysis of electronic medical record data before and after initiation of the Ask and Act program in Delaware. Before the intervention, 24% of the patient population sampled were smokers and 70% of smokers had been counseled to quit smoking. After the intervention, 17% of the patient population sampled were smokers and 98% of smokers had been counseled. Our observations suggest that the Ask and Act program increases counseling, thereby increasing smoking cessation." @default.
- W1000030978 abstract "Nearly 80% of the people living in developing countries depend on medicinal plants (MPs) for primary healthcare, and homegardens are an important source of production of these plants. Homegardens can fulfill the dual role of production and in situ conservation of MPs to overcome their dwindling supplies and threat of extinction from natural sources. MPs in homegardens are either deliberately cultivated or they come up spontaneously. They are an important constituent of homegardens, next only to food crops and fruit trees; yet their economic value is not fully recognized, let alone exploited. Homegardens offer an economically and socially viable option for large-scale production of phytochemicals from important MPs under organic cultivation. Promoting organic production of selected commercially valuable species of MPs through homegardening can, thus, augment the farmers' income, enhance rural employment opportunities, and help reduce migration of rural youth to urban centers in search o f jobs. Research is needed to improve the existing germplasm, introduce suitable commercial MPs in different agroecosystems, and develop cultivation and processing techniques to increase yield and improve product quality, and exploit indigenous knowledge and market opportunities." @default.
- W1000031447 abstract "This chapter discusses the organic and hydride chemistry of transition metals. Olefin complexes and metal carbonyls were not considered to be organometallic compounds, any more than were the complex cyanides. The trans–directing effects of ligands in the substitution reactions of platinum complexes resemble superficially the directing effects in aromatic chemistry, ligands of high-trans effect corresponding to strongly ortho-para-directing substituents. The higher alkyl platinum complexes were less stable because of the elimination of olefin with the formation of a platinum hydride complex, but this was only discovered years later; the platinum hydride complexes had not even been thought of when the methyls were isolated. The series of phosphine-stabilized alkyl and aryl complexes was extended to include those of octahedral configuration, and the organo derivatives of rhodium, ruthenium, osmium, and rhenium were obtained. In the middle of the 1950s, the only transition-metal hydride complexes definitely identified were those containing carbon ligands in addition to the hydride ligand. Infrared spectroscopy had failed to demonstrate its presence in the metal carbonyl hydrides, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was just beginning. Diphenylacetylene was readily available for such experiments." @default.
- W10000321 abstract "Our technology utilizes acoustic, thermal, and electric fields to separate out contaminants such as debris or pollen from environmental samples, lyse open cells, and extract the DNA from the lysate. The objective of the project is to optimize the system described for a forensic sample, and demonstrate its performance for integration with downstream assay platforms (e.g. MIT-LL's ANDE). We intend to increase the quantity of DNA recovered from the sample beyond the current {approx}80% achieved using solid phase extraction methods. Task 1: Develop and test an acoustic filter for cell extraction. Task 2: Develop and test lysis chip. Task 3: Develop and test DNA extraction chip. All chips have been fabricated based on the designs laid out in last month's report." @default.
- W1000033066 abstract "Gastrointestinal (GI) plasmacytomas, though relatively uncommon, can occur with or without multiple myeloma. The small intestine is the most commonly involved GI site, followed by stomach, colon, and esophagus. Synchronous plasmacytomas involving 2 anatomically distinct regions of gastrointestinal tract have never been reported in the literature. We report a case of a multiple myeloma patient who had acute-onset hematochezia and was found to have synchronous plasmacytomas of the colon and stomach." @default.
- W1000033101 abstract "The traditional method for solving radical equations requires a final step of checking answers to identify and reject extraneous solutions. In this article, I introduce the reasonable restriction approach, a method that eliminates the extraneous solutions at the beginning of the solution process instead of at the end. This method offers students good “up-front” thinking rather than tail-end checking and adds to the understanding of extraneous roots and why they occur. It also offers opportunities to solve radical equations that are either impossible or very tedious to solve by the traditional checking method, as later examples show." @default.
- W1000033909 abstract "This chapter describes some of the methods of observation which have been used to detect and quantitate changes in cultured cells infected by known tumor viruses. The longest and perhaps best known examples of tumor viruses are found among the C-type RNA-containing group. Structurally, these viruses consist of an inner nucleoprotein core, containing approximately 10 million daltons of RNA, and an outer membrane envelope. Avian and murine viruses of this group are well established as agents causing various leukemias and sarcomas in their natural hosts. In contrast to the RNA tumor viruses which form a single structural class, DNA-containing tumor viruses are known from several distinct families possessing marked differences in size and structure. Herpes and poxviruses form the two major classes of enveloped DNA viruses. Five general properties reflecting alterations in regulation and patterns of cell growth have been particularly useful in detecting, isolating, and characterizing cells transformed by tumor viruses: (1) morphological alterations, (2) decreased density dependent inhibition of growth, (3) decreased serum requirement for growth, (4) ability to grow in semisolid suspension cultures, and (5) tumorigenicity. Changes in one or some combination of the first four properties form the bases for essentially all viral transformation assays with DNA and RNA viruses." @default.
- W100003392 abstract "The origins of the Jewish National and University Library go back to 1892, more than 50 years before the State of Israel was born. It survived as a small public library in Jerusalem with national pretensions until 1920, when it was taken over by the Zionist Organization and assumed a further role as the library of the newly founded Hebrew University. In 1930 it moved to its new building in the HU campus on Mount Scopus, and in 1960, after 12 years of exile, it settled down in its present building in Giv'at Ram. Its function as a central library for the university has changed following automation and networking of the HU library system. The library collects all publications printed in Israel or about it; all works related to history and culture of the Jewish people as well as all works in Jewish languages or Hebrew script; and works in other fields, mainly the humanities, for general research. It is entitled by law to two depository copies of all Israeli printed publications, while obligation to deliver non-print material still awaits enactment. Its holdings of some 3,000,000 volumes of printed material (i.e. excluding maps, manuscripts, archives, sound recordings and more) include 500,000 bibliographical units of Hebrew/Israeli/Jewish works. Current and retrospective microfilming projects comprise Israeli and Jewish press, Hebrew manuscripts, and more. Digitization of special items has started. Cataloguing was automated in the early 1980s, but retrospective conversion is still going on. Publications include the current national bibliography and a current index to articles in Jewish studies." @default.
- W100003410 abstract "There is a “ painfully” absent chapter in pharmacological textbooks, which could be entitled: “Drugs acting on sensory neurons” or “Sensory neuron-blocking analgesics.” For over 100 years, varieties of narcotic analgesics, analgesic-antipyretics, and local anesthetics have provided the repertoire of drugs used for pain management. In contrast to effector neurons (particularly their peripheral neurotransmission processes, which have become multiple targets for drug development), sensory neurons and their receptors have remained almost unexplored as sites for the selective action of drugs in clinical practice. The main reason for this situation resides in a very simple fact. In the field of neuroeffector transmissions, delicate molecules produced by nature, such as curare, ergot alkaloids, or atropine, had served as excellent guides by highlighting special features of each neural mechanism as suitable sites for selective blockade and possible starting points for further drug development. Similar approaches in sensory pharmacology, however, have received less attention." @default.
- W100003442 abstract "This research was aimed to study the influences of ingredients on texture properties of fishballsproduced from Bigeye snapper surimi. Modified tapioca starch (0, 4, 8 and 12 percent w/w of surimi)and eggwhite powder (0, 1, 2 and 3 percent w/w of surimi) were chosen as the two main ingredientsin fishball processing. It was found that the fishball samples with an increase in both eggwhite powderand modified tapioca starch showed a decrease in the hardness value but an increase incohesiveness and the springiness values. It was concluded from this research that the fishball samplewith 8 percent modified tapioca starch and 3 percent eggwhite powder gave texture attributes closeto those of the accepted commercial fishball. Keywords : Fishball / Modified Tapioca Starch / Eggwhite Powder / Texture" @default.
- W100003536 abstract "The Country (Compound) Model is one of a set of simulation models developed during a research project to study the implications of the explosion of international migration in the Middle East and North Africa Region for both labor-importing and labor-exporting countries. The models have been applied to study manpower problems and planning issues in several countries and was proven to be a useful tool. This user's guide describes the input, output, use, and operation of the model, which is a manpower forecasting model, implemented for IBM 370 systems." @default.
- W1000035849 abstract "This chapter reviews a list of some of the most conspicuous transport systems for the amino acids observed in cells of the higher animal. It tabulates the approximate range of the reactivity to transport of several of the well characterized systems, using mainly the results with the Ehrlich cell to compare in an approximate way how much each amino acid is transported by each of the several systems for neutral amino acids. Synthetic amino acids designed as model substrates for two transport systems mimic very closely the action of some typical substrates of these systems in causing hormone release. It seems to settle unequivocally the question whether amino acids need to be catabolized to have these effects. One metabolic consequence of the presence of the norbornane amino acid has been noted by Matschinsky et al.—a stimulation of lactate production. This stimulation is produced by a number of amino acids including both the levo- and the dextrorotatory isomers of the reactive form of the norbornane amino acid. Therefore, this metabolic effect does not parallel precisely the insulin-releasing potency of these amino acids. Another metabolic effect of the amino acids can, however be correlated with the insulin-releasing activity." @default.
- W1000036331 abstract "Este articulo trata sobre el uso progresivo del derecho constitucional y la ley para enfrentar problemas socio-ambientales. El trabajo se especializa en la produccion legislativa de regulaciones a la megamineria en provincias argentinas, a traves de procesos de participacion activa de asambleas ambientales en su elaboracion. Se analizan en particular, el caracter de la participacion social en la produccion legislativa, los espacios semanticos sobre los que se fundaron los acuerdos (y divergencias) entre legisladores y asambleas a la hora de suscribir a la restriccion de ciertos usos mineros, como solucion especifica a la problematica, y las transformaciones de la identidad ambientalista acaecidas en el curso de la accion legal. De manera mas general, el articulo entreve en las innovaciones operadas en el repertorio ambientalista y, secundariamente, en las transformaciones de la accion publica de base territorial desde los anos noventa a esta parte." @default.
- W100003644 abstract "First posted April 1, 2005 For additional information, contact: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research CenterU.S. Geological Survey8711 37th Street SoutheastJamestown, ND 58401Contact Pubs Warehouse" @default.
- W100003682 abstract "The first time I saw this news about Heineken’s new logo I thought to my self: NO! Heineken can NOT change it’s logo! My faith in brands will stop if one more major company changes it’s most powerful symbol that we’ve known to love over the years! The truth is – the news is only half bad; the…" @default.
- W10000371 abstract "According to current research findings, women are more likely than men to suffer from depression, eating disorders, and multiple personality disorder. The authors review recent advances in the understanding of female psychology, family systems theory, and psychoanalytic theory to show how women's unique developmental challenges and complex social conditions interact to determine the form and expression of these disorders. After discussing contributing factors, the authors suggest appropriate approaches to diagnosis and treatment. They conclude that therapists of both genders must appreciate the complex causes of these disorders to be most helpful to their female patients." @default.
- W1000037274 abstract "根据自由地线性的 Rossby 波浪理论,全球 1 ° x Rossby 变丑半径和阶段速度的 1 ° c limatology 在扁平的底部液体近似下面被学习。在阶段速度的轮廓的地理变异很类似于形成的 Rossby 半径的那些,它被层化主要影响,旋转,水深度,地形学,等等。第一个 baroclinic Rossby 波浪的盆十字路口时间在全球海洋盆被获得并且分析。结果是有用的听说重要性和大规模海洋循环的断热的调整 Rossby 波浪。" @default.