Matches in Ubergraph for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- AISM_0000002 IAO_0000232 "Articulations are 'anatomical clusters', collections of not direclty connected (continuous) sclerite surfaces that are adjacent to another sclerite. The cranio-mandibular articulation is the articular surface of the cranium and the adjacent articular surface of the mandible. The articular surfaces are sometimes located on the same sclerite." @default.
- AISM_0000004 IAO_0000232 "Conjunctivae are more flexible and usually less thick than sclerties of the cuticle allowing the sclerites to move relative to each other. Micro-CT based methods cannot be used to accurately differentiate slcerites from conjunctiuvae. CLSM (the excitation wavelengths of sclerites and conjunctivae are different in response of 488 nm emission vawelength), histological sections or simple dissections need to be applied to define relative flexibility of the insect cuticle. If a conjunctiva entirelly encircles a sclerite, then the 'encircles' and 'encircled by' object properties are used to link the sclerite and the conjunctiva even in cases in which the encircled sclerites or conjunctivae are part of an evagination allowing to model spatial relationship between appendage segments: the pedicel is encircled by the scapal-pedicellar conjunctiva, which is encircled by the scape or the the coxa encircles the coxo-femoral conjunctiuva that encircels the femur." @default.
- AISM_0000005 IAO_0000232 "External cuticular depression. The surface of the cuticle in insects is the entire surface of an organism, and it is composed of flat, concave and convex regions. Concavities sometimes correspons with invaginations of the cuticle and the underlaying sinlge layer epidermis, somtimes correspond to a decreased cuticular thickness." @default.
- AISM_0000008 IAO_0000232 "The surface of the cuticle in insects is the entire surface of an organism, and it is composed of flat, concave and convex regions. Convexities sometimes correspons with evaginations of the cuticle and the underlaying sinlge layer epidermis and sometimes correspond to an increased cuticular thickness."" @default.
- AISM_0000040 IAO_0000232 "The difference between an appendage and a spur is the lack of muscles attached to the spur, otherwise, the mandible would be also a spur. Spines are multicellular evaginations that are not encircled by conjunctivae. Moveable beetle horns are spurs while not moveable beetle horns are spines." @default.
- AISM_0000086 IAO_0000232 "All of the coxal muscles, except the second sternal-metacoxal muscle, are attached to the thorax." @default.
- AISM_0000090 IAO_0000232 "The usually cylindircal evagination of the cuticle that is resilin rich and is continuous with somatic muscles." @default.
- AISM_0000108 IAO_0000232 "The hind leg muscles sometimes attach to the second abdominal sternite. The abdominal sopiracles are different in their structure from tghe thoracic spiracles as they are opened and closed by two articulating sclerites that are moved by two sets of muscles whereas the thoracic spiracles are closed by only one occlusor muscle and opened by the flexibility of the distal tracheal region. The border between the thorax and the abdomen is sometimes marked by the anterior first abdmonial tergal conjunctiva. In Hymenoptera, the border between the abdomen and the thorax cannot be defined as the anterior first abdmonial tergal conjunctiva is absent, the sclerite that receives muscles from the metacoxa also contains the first abdominal spiracle." @default.
- AISM_0000109 IAO_0000232 "The thorax is defined based on local properties (e.g. attachment sites of coxal muscles) and therefore we can reference this class for the definition of the abdomen." @default.
- AISM_0000126 IAO_0000232 "Should coincide with 'exactly one' epithelial cell, but that violates OWL specs." @default.
- AISM_0000127 IAO_0000232 "Should coincide with 'exactly one' epithelial cell, but that violates OWL specs." @default.
- AISM_0000130 IAO_0000232 "Should coincide with 'exactly one' pore canal, but that violates OWL specs." @default.
- AISM_0000134 IAO_0000232 "Should coincide with 'exactly one' epithelial cell, but that violates OWL specs." @default.
- AISM_0000136 IAO_0000232 "Branching cuticular invaginations porvide important models for branchig morphogenesis." @default.
- AISM_0000138 IAO_0000232 "The apophysis in HAO refers to an ivagination of the cuticle that is cylindrical as opposed to a ridge that is elongate. Beutel et al. 2014 differentiate apodemes from apophyses in that apodemes are solid and apophyses are hollow." @default.
- AISM_0000149 IAO_0000232 "There are usually two muscle bands of the pretarsal muscle, one is arising from the femur, the other from the tibia. The muscle usually inserts on a resilin rich basal sclerite of the pretarsus, the unguitractor plate." @default.
- AISM_0000157 IAO_0000232 "The cuticular depression (concavity on the surface of the cuticle) that does not correspond to a cuticular invagination (epithelial fold). The cuticule is less thick at the site of a cuticular impression." @default.
- AISM_0000173 IAO_0000232 "These conjunctivae can be used as stable reference points in insects that poseess legs, and can be used to define sclerites on the lateral side of the thorax." @default.
- AISM_0000174 IAO_0000232 "The AISM focuses on anatomical structures that are part of the insect (chitinous) cuticle. These structures are acellular regions of the integument. Regions of the insect cuticle with different mechanical properties (i.e. increased and descresed flexinility, thickness, and elasticity) are continuous with each other (e.g. sclerites are continuous with conjunctivae or resilin rich regions are continuous with regions with less resilin content)." @default.
- AISM_0000177 IAO_0000232 "Should coincide with 'exactly one' epithelial cell, but that violates OWL specs." @default.
- AISM_0000178 IAO_0000232 "Should coincide with 'exactly one' epithelial cell, but that violates OWL specs." @default.
- AISM_0000186 IAO_0000232 "Hairlike seta that is long." @default.
- AISM_0000190 IAO_0000232 "The cuticular protrusion (process, protuberace) that bears the cranial articular surface of the cranio-antennal articulation." @default.
- AISM_0000191 IAO_0000232 "The paired apophysis that connects the posterior (ventral in prognathous head) and anterior (dorsal in prognathous head) walls of the head capsule and serves as site of isertion of atennal and mouthpart muscles." @default.
- AISM_0004145 IAO_0000232 "In Coleoptera the scutum is divided into two lateral scuta." @default.
- AISM_0004204 IAO_0000232 "For muscular terminology, tergum has been traditionally used instead of notum, even though "notum" is the prererred term to refer to the dorsal region of the cuticle of the insect thorax that is attached to the dorsal margin of the pleuron." @default.
- COLAO_0000200 IAO_0000232 "In Scarabaeinae, an apodeme attached to the anterolateral and to the anterior margins of pronotum." @default.
- COLAO_0000238 IAO_0000232 "An endophallite that is located in the distal region of the endophallus when the endophallus is everted." @default.
- COLAO_0000239 IAO_0000232 "An endophallite that is located in the medial region of the endophallus when the endophallus is everted." @default.
- COLAO_0000253 IAO_0000232 "In Scarabaeinae, this carina (when present) is located in the proximalmost margin of the surface of the 8th tergite (pygidium) that is not covered by elytra." @default.
- COLAO_0000257 IAO_0000232 "Corresponds with the region of the clypeal margin next to the distal end of the genoclypeal sulcus." @default.
- ENVO_01001851 IAO_0000232 "This will usually be a part of a rocky planet's crust, with that planet being of sufficient size and age to allow geothermal activity. Such activity may also arise from gravitational effects of large bodies near a rocky astronomical body." @default.
- ENVO_06105236 IAO_0000232 "Add an equivalence axiom to autopopulate this once we have ion exchange in as a process." @default.
- ENVO_06105237 IAO_0000232 "This class will be moved under K+ once it has been imported from CHEBI" @default.
- ENVO_06105239 IAO_0000232 "This class will be moved under Ca2+ once it has been imported from CHEBI" @default.
- FOODON_00003924 IAO_0000232 IAO_0000122 @default.
- IAO_0000009 IAO_0000232 "9/22/11 BP: changed the rdfs:label for this class from 'label' to 'datum label' to convey that this class is not intended to cover all kinds of labels (stickers, radiolabels, etc.), and not even all kind of textual labels, but rather the kind of labels occuring in a datum. " @default.
- IAO_0000009 IAO_0000232 "9/22/11 BP: changed the rdfs:label for this class from 'label' to 'datum label' to convey that this class is not intended to cover all kinds of labels (stickers, radiolabels, etc.), and not even all kind of textual labels, but rather the kind of labels occuring in a datum." @default.
- IAO_0000400 IAO_0000232 "AR notes: We need to discuss whether it should include site." @default.
- IAO_0000590 IAO_0000232 "The qualifier "written" is to set it apart from spoken names. Also, note the restrictions to particulars. We are not naming universals. We could however, be naming, attributive collections which are particulars, so "All people located in the boundaries of the city of Little Rock, AR on June 18, 2011 at 9:50a CDT" would be a name." @default.
- IAO_8000000 IAO_0000232 "This class and it's subclasses are applied to OWL ontologies. Using an rdf:type triple will result in problems with OWL-DL. I propose that dcterms:type is instead used to connect an ontology URI with a class from this hierarchy. The class hierarchy is not disjoint, so multiple assertions can be made about a single ontology." @default.
- OBI_0000010 IAO_0000232 "From the DT branch: This term and definition were originally submitted by the community to our branch, but we thought they best fit DENRIE. However we see several issues with this. First of all the name 'probe' might not be used in OBI. Instead we have a 'reporter' role. Also, albeit the term 'probe intensity' is often used in communities such as the microarray one, the name 'probe' is ambiguous (some use it to refer to what's on the array, some use it to refer to what's hybed to the array). Furthermore, this concept could possibly be encompassed by combining different OBI terms, such as the roles of analyte, detector and reporter (you need something hybed to a probe on the array to get an intensity) and maybe a more general term for 'measuring intensities'. We need to find the right balance between what is consistent with OBI and combinations of its terms and what is user-friendly. Finally, note that 'intensity' is already in the OBI .owl file and is also in PATO. Why didn't OBI import it from PATO? This might be a problem." @default.
- OBI_0000011 IAO_0000232 "6/11/9: Edited at workshop. Used to include: is initiated by an agent" @default.
- OBI_0000011 IAO_0000232 "This class merges the previously separated objective driven process and planned process, as they the separation proved hard to maintain. (1/22/09, branch call)" @default.
- OBI_0000017 IAO_0000232 "govt agents responsible for creating regulations; proxies for enforcing regulations. CDISC definition: regulatory authorities. Bodies having the power to regulate. NOTE: In the ICH GCP guideline the term includes the authorities that review submitted clinical data and those that conduct inspections. These bodies are sometimes referred to as competent" @default.
- OBI_0000029 IAO_0000232 "9Mar09 after discussion with process branch changed definition to include use of centrifuge;" @default.
- OBI_0000038 IAO_0000232 "open tracker" @default.
- OBI_0000045 IAO_0000232 "BP: I have doubts about the utility of this." @default.
- OBI_0000045 IAO_0000232 "We need a better handling/modeling of time (January 2008)" @default.
- OBI_0000048 IAO_0000232 "open tracker" @default.
- OBI_0000060 IAO_0000232 "CDISC definition: Person employed by the sponsor or CRO who is responsible for determining that a trial is being conducted in accordance with the protocol and GCP guidance. NOTE: A monitor's duties may include, but are not limited to, helping to plan and initiate a trial, assessing the conduct of trials, and assisting in data analysis, interpretation and extrapolation. Clinical Research Associate: Primary representative of the sponsor; monitors progress of investigator sites participating in a clinical study." @default.
- OBI_0000066 IAO_0000232 "Could add specific objective specification" @default.
- OBI_0000066 IAO_0000232 "Following OBI call November 2012,26th: it was decided there was no need for adding "achieves objective of drawing conclusion" as existing relations were providing equivalent ability. this note closes the issue and validates the class definition to be part of the OBI core editor = PRS" @default.
- OBI_0000067 IAO_0000232 "Feb 10, 2009. changes after discussion at OBI Consortium Workshop Feb 2-6, 2009. accepted as core term." @default.
- OBI_0000086 IAO_0000232 "Feb 10, 2009. changes after discussion at OBI Consortium Workshop Feb 2-6, 2009. accepted as core term. May 28 2013. Updated definition taken from ReO based on discussions initiated in Philly 2011 workshop. Former defnition described a narrower view of reagents in chemistry that restricts bearers of the role to be chemical entities ("a role played by a molecular entity used to produce a chemical reaction to detect, measure, or produce other substances"). Updated definition allows for broader view of reagents in the domain of biomedical research to include larger materials that have parts that participate chemically in a molecular reaction or interaction." @default.
- OBI_0000093 IAO_0000232 "CDISC definition: patient. Person under a physician's care for a particular disease or condition. NOTE: A subject in a clinical trial is not necessarily a patient, but a patient in a clinical trial is a subject. See also subject, trial subject, healthy volunteer. Often used interchangeably" @default.
- OBI_0000097 IAO_0000232 "Following OBI call November 2012,26th: 1. it was decided there was no need for moving the children class and making them siblings of study subject role. 2. it also settles the disambiguation about 'study subject'. This is about the individual participating in the investigation/study, Not the 'topic' (as in 'toxicity study') of the investigation/study This note closes the issue and validates the class definition to be part of the OBI core editor = PRS" @default.
- OBI_0000103 IAO_0000232 "CDISC definition: A person responsible for the conduct of the clinical trial at a trial site. If a trial is conducted by a team of individuals at a trial site, the investigator is the responsible leader of the team and may be called the principal investigator. 2. The individual principal investigator. 2. The individual under whose immediate direction the test article is administered or dispensed to, or used involving, a subject, or, in the event of an investigation conducted by a team of individuals, is See also sponsor-investigator.; Leiter der klinischen Prufung.Under the German Drug Law, the physician who is head of the clinical investigation (CDISC): coordinating investigator (CDISC) (also study coordinator, MUSC); sponsor-investigator. An individual who both initiates and conducts, alone or with others, a clinical trial, and under whose immediate direction the investigational product is administered to, dispensed to, or used by a subject.NOTE: The term does not include any person other than an individual, hence not a corporation, agency (CDISC)" @default.
- OBI_0000118 IAO_0000232 "kind of report. (alan) need to be careful to distinguish from output of a data transformation or calculation. A gene list is a report when it is published as such? Relates to question of whether report is a whole, or whether it can be a part of some other narrative object." @default.
- OBI_0000154 IAO_0000232 "CDISC definition: institutional review board; independent ethics committee (IEC). An independent body (a review board or a committee, institutional, regional, national, or supranational) constituted of medical/scientific professionals and non-scientific members, whose responsibility it is to ensure the protection of the rights, safety and well-being of human subjects involved in a trial." @default.
- OBI_0000164 IAO_0000232 "PRS: 22022008. class moved under population, modification of definition and replacement of biomaterials in previous definition with 'material' addition of has_role restriction" @default.
- OBI_0000169 IAO_0000232 "CDISC definition placebo. A pharmaceutical preparation that does not contain the investigational agent. In blinded studies, it is generally prepared to be physically indistinguishable from the preparation containing the investigational product." @default.
- OBI_0000181 IAO_0000232 "rem1: collection somehow always involve a selection process" @default.
- OBI_0000202 IAO_0000232 "Feb 10, 2009. changes after discussion at OBI Consortium Workshop Feb 2-6, 2009. accepted as core term." @default.
- OBI_0000204 IAO_0000232 "19 Feb 2009; old def: A nutrient role is a role played by a substance used in an organism's metabolism which is taken in from the environment and provides nourishment." @default.
- OBI_0000224 IAO_0000232 "CDISC definition: Sub-investigator. Any member of the clinical trial team designated and supervised by the investigator at a trial site to perform critical trial-related procedures and/or to make important trial-related decisions (e.g., associates, residents, research fellows) [ICH] See associates, residents, research fellows" @default.
- OBI_0000227 IAO_0000232 "We (protocol application branch) placed this term because it kept getting bounced from data transformation and DENRIE" @default.
- OBI_0000234 IAO_0000232 "CDISC definition: trial statistician. A statistician who has a combination of education/training and experience sufficient to implement the principles in the ICH E9 guidance and who is responsible for the statistical aspects of the trial. [ICH E9]" @default.
- OBI_0000235 IAO_0000232 "see P-Value" @default.
- OBI_0000237 IAO_0000232 "9Mar09 waiting for discussion with immunology terms" @default.
- OBI_0000243 IAO_0000232 "CDISC definition: sponsor. 1. An individual, company, institution, or organization that takes responsibility for the initiation, management, and/or financing of a clinical trial. 2. A corporation or agency whose employees conduct the investigation is considered a sponsor; employees are considered investigators" @default.
- OBI_0000275 IAO_0000232 "Feb 10, 2009. changes after discussion at OBI Consortium Workshop Feb 2-6, 2009. accepted as core term." @default.
- OBI_0000319 IAO_0000232 "9 March 09 from discussion with PA branch" @default.
- OBI_0000417 IAO_0000232 "modified according to email thread from 1/23/09 in accordince with DT and PPPB branch" @default.
- OBI_0000463 IAO_0000232 "chromatography detector, defined class/xps" @default.
- OBI_0000467 IAO_0000232 "NMR instrument" @default.
- OBI_0000468 IAO_0000232 "refactor as defined class" @default.
- OBI_0000469 IAO_0000232 "check on definition !" @default.
- OBI_0000471 IAO_0000232 "6/11/9: edited at workshop. Used to be: study design execution is a process with the objective to generate data according to a concretized study design. The execution of a study design is part of an investigation, and minimally consists of an assay or data transformation." @default.
- OBI_0000473 IAO_0000232 "NMR instrument" @default.
- OBI_0000477 IAO_0000232 "NMR instrument" @default.
- OBI_0000478 IAO_0000232 "chromatography device" @default.
- OBI_0000479 IAO_0000232 "NMR device" @default.
- OBI_0000480 IAO_0000232 "NMR probe" @default.
- OBI_0000483 IAO_0000232 "NMR instrument/NMR console" @default.
- OBI_0000484 IAO_0000232 "NMR device" @default.
- OBI_0000485 IAO_0000232 "chromatography device, defined class?" @default.
- OBI_0000486 IAO_0000232 "NMR instrument" @default.
- OBI_0000487 IAO_0000232 "NMR instrument" @default.
- OBI_0000491 IAO_0000232 "NMR device" @default.
- OBI_0000492 IAO_0000232 "NMR instrument" @default.
- OBI_0000497 IAO_0000232 "chromatography device" @default.
- OBI_0000498 IAO_0000232 "NMR instrument" @default.
- OBI_0000499 IAO_0000232 "NMR instrument, TODO: same as or part of acquisition computer?" @default.
- OBI_0000503 IAO_0000232 "NMR instrument" @default.
- OBI_0000503 IAO_0000232 "hyphenated NMR instrument platform" @default.
- OBI_0000504 IAO_0000232 "chromatography device" @default.
- OBI_0000507 IAO_0000232 "gas chromatography equipment" @default.
- OBI_0000508 IAO_0000232 "chromatography device" @default.
- OBI_0000513 IAO_0000232 "NMR instrument/NMR console" @default.