Matches in Ubergraph for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- AISM_0000140 comment "By chitin-based composition, this structure is considered as elastic cuticle" @default.
- AISM_0004306 comment "The region of the cuticle that bears an anatomical collection composed of cuticular carinae." @default.
- APOLLO_SV_00000522 comment "Refers to the stuff that lives on GitHub, not to GitHub or the git software on which it is based" @default.
- APOLLO_SV_00000524 comment "It's compiling "software" (scare quotes) and not "source code" because you can compile Java bytecode to machine code, and Java bytecode is not technically "source code". Compiling source code would be a subclass of this class (as would compiling Java bytecode, etc.)." @default.
- APOLLO_SV_00000524 comment "Source code can be automatically generated to some extent, but we're assuming humans still curate it minimally. Also, in the case of Java and its JVM, it's machine interpretable instructions, not directly executable. Ditto for other languages with intermediate form like Java byte code." @default.
- APO_0000016 comment "This term was made obsolete because there was overlap with another term unspecified. The term unspecified will be used in cases where a more appropriate descriptor cannot be identified." @default.
- APO_0000019 comment "This term was made obsolete as it is a compound term containing information on the both the scope of the experiment as well as the mutant type." @default.
- APO_0000067 comment "This term was made obsolete because it incorporates a temporal aspect (arrest), and will therefore be replaced by a combination of an analagous observable that does not contain temporal information and a temporal qualifier." @default.
- APO_0000068 comment "This term was made obsolete because it incorporates a temporal aspect (arrest), and will therefore be replaced by a combination of an analagous observable that does not contain temporal information and a temporal qualifier." @default.
- APO_0000069 comment "This term was made obsolete because it incorporates a temporal aspect (arrest), and will therefore be replaced by a combination of an analagous observable that does not contain temporal information and a temporal qualifier." @default.
- APO_0000070 comment "This term was made obsolete because it incorporates a temporal aspect (arrest), and will therefore be replaced by a combination of an analagous observable that does not contain temporal information and a temporal qualifier." @default.
- APO_0000088 comment "This term was made obsolete, as resistance to chemicals was deemed a better choice." @default.
- APO_0000115 comment "This term was made obsolete because it was a remnant of the original mutant types that has never been used. We will replace this using either a classical genetics or large-scale survey experiment type." @default.
- APO_0000116 comment "This term was made obsolete because it does not fit within the new descriptor terminology. In cases where a specific descriptor term cannot be identified use the term unspecified." @default.
- APO_0000122 comment "This term was made obsolete because it incorporates a temporal aspect (arrest), and will therefore be replaced by a combination of an analagous observable that does not contain temporal information and a temporal qualifier." @default.
- APO_0000133 comment "This term was made obsolete because it incorporates a temporal aspect (arrest), and will therefore be replaced by a combination of an analagous observable that does not contain temporal information and a temporal qualifier." @default.
- APO_0000134 comment "This term was made obsolete because it incorporates a temporal aspect (arrest), and will therefore be replaced by a combination of an analagous observable that does not contain temporal information and a temporal qualifier." @default.
- APO_0000135 comment "This term was made obsolete because it incorporates a temporal aspect (arrest), and will therefore be replaced by a combination of an analagous observable that does not contain temporal information and a temporal qualifier." @default.
- APO_0000136 comment "This term was made obsolete because it incorporates a temporal aspect (arrest), and will therefore be replaced by a combination of an analagous observable that does not contain temporal information and a temporal qualifier." @default.
- APO_0000137 comment "This term was made obsolete because it incorporates a temporal aspect (arrest), and will therefore be replaced by a combination of an analagous observable that does not contain temporal information and a temporal qualifier." @default.
- APO_0000138 comment "This term was made obsolete because it incorporates a temporal aspect (arrest), and will therefore be replaced by a combination of an analagous observable that does not contain temporal information and a temporal qualifier." @default.
- APO_0000139 comment "This term was made obsolete because it incorporates a temporal aspect (arrest), and will therefore be replaced by a combination of an analagous observable that does not contain temporal information and a temporal qualifier." @default.
- APO_0000140 comment "This term was made obsolete because it incorporates a temporal aspect (arrest), and will therefore be replaced by a combination of an analagous observable that does not contain temporal information and a temporal qualifier." @default.
- APO_0000146 comment "This term was made obsolete as it is a compound term containing information on both the scope of the experiment as well as the repressible nature of the mutant_type." @default.
- APO_0000150 comment "This term was made obsolete because it is a compound term, with plody related information captured through the experiment_type and null captured as a mutant_type." @default.
- APO_0000151 comment "This term was made obsolete because it is a compound term, with plody related information captured through the experiment_type and null captured as a mutant_type." @default.
- APO_0000161 comment "This term was made obsolete because it was a remnant of the original mutant types that does not fit within the new descriptor choices." @default.
- APO_0000206 comment "This term was made obsolete because all ploidy related terms will be integrated into experiment_type terms." @default.
- APO_0000207 comment "This term was made obsolete because all ploidy related terms will be integrated into experiment_type terms." @default.
- APO_0000216 comment "This is a top-level term that is not to be used for curation." @default.
- APO_0000217 comment "This is a top-level term, not to be used for curation." @default.
- APO_0000227 comment "This term was made obsolete because it incorporates a temporal aspect (arrest), and will therefore be replaced by a combination of an analagous observable that does not contain temporal information and a temporal qualifier." @default.
- APO_0000238 comment "This term was made obsolete because it incorporates a temporal aspect (arrest), and will therefore be replaced by a combination of an analagous observable that does not contain temporal information and a temporal qualifier." @default.
- BFO_0000004 comment "A continuant that is a bearer of quality and realizable entity entities, in which other entities inhere and which itself cannot inhere in anything." @default.
- BFO_0000015 comment "An occurrent that has temporal proper parts and for some time t, p s-depends_on some material entity at t." @default.
- BFO_0000020 comment "A continuant that inheres in or is borne by other entities. Every instance of A requires some specific instance of B which must always be the same." @default.
- BFO_0000031 comment "A continuant that is dependent on one or other independent continuant bearers. For every instance of A requires some instance of (an independent continuant type) B but which instance of B serves can change from time to time." @default.
- BFO_0000054 comment "Paraphrase of elucidation: a relation between a realizable entity and a process, where there is some material entity that is bearer of the realizable entity and participates in the process, and the realizable entity comes to be realized in the course of the process" @default.
- BFO_0000055 comment "Paraphrase of elucidation: a relation between a process and a realizable entity, where there is some material entity that is bearer of the realizable entity and participates in the process, and the realizable entity comes to be realized in the course of the process" @default.
- BFO_0000060 comment "accidentally included in BFO 1.2 proposal - should have been BFO_0000062" @default.
- BFO_0000066 comment "Paraphrase of definition: a relation between a process and an independent continuant, in which the process takes place entirely within the independent continuant" @default.
- BFO_0000067 comment "Paraphrase of definition: a relation between an independent continuant and a process, in which the process takes place entirely within the independent continuant" @default.
- BSPO_0000001 comment "Consider merging with superior side." @default.
- BSPO_0000002 comment "Consider merging with inferior side." @default.
- BSPO_00000021 comment "was made obsolete because the ID had too many digits" @default.
- BSPO_0000005 comment "to be merged into CARO" @default.
- BSPO_0000009 comment "only in bilaterally symmetrical organisms" @default.
- BSPO_0000010 comment "Axis directions are defined in terms of axes." @default.
- BSPO_0000012 comment "Muscles are frequently categorized as 'deep', 'intermediate', and 'superficial'." @default.
- BSPO_0000013 comment "In sponges, AP is used to indicate the direction of movement [in larval stage] (as it is in other metazoans that move, e.g., the basal bilaterians). [PM]" @default.
- BSPO_0000015 comment "In some communities, proximal and distal are used when specifying the position of parts of elements that are contained within the body, such as gill arches or vertebral spines. In these cases, use of the classes medial-lateral axis or medial-external axis are more appropriate." @default.
- BSPO_0000058 comment "The part of the organism attached to a substrate. Axis of symmetry." @default.
- BSPO_0000059 comment "central is not an axis direction" @default.
- BSPO_0000060 comment "inherited from flybase cv. not clear how this would be used. Suggest we obsolete, and use the corresponding relation." @default.
- BSPO_0000065 comment "inherited from flybase cv. not clear how this would be used. Suggest we obsolete, and use the corresponding relation." @default.
- BSPO_0000067 comment "a point in the centre of the organism (where the left-right axis intersects the midsagittal plane)" @default.
- BSPO_0000070 comment "to be merged into CARO" @default.
- BSPO_0000076 comment "inherited from flybase cv. not clear how this would be used" @default.
- BSPO_0000085 comment "This is an example of a composition of two axis positions." @default.
- BSPO_0000086 comment "to be merged into CARO" @default.
- BSPO_0000092 comment "to be merged into CARO" @default.
- BSPO_0000100 comment "The elbow is proximal to the hand, but distal to the shoulder." @default.
- BSPO_0000196 comment "The medial-external axis could apply to a sphere-shaped body." @default.
- BSPO_0000197 comment "In plants, lateral growth ( run is along the medial/radial axis (from medial to radial) [RW]. Also applies to radially symmetrical animals such as sea urchins, cnidarians [PM] or applies to more-or-less cylindrical body parts in animals, like limbs." @default.
- BSPO_0000200 comment "Plant structures that do not grow from an apical meristem, such as vascular leaves or petals, should be described using the proximal-distal axis. The proximal-distal axis may also be used for branches or lateral roots, and, in those cases, is concordant with the apical-basal axis." @default.
- BSPO_0000201 comment "Need to add logical definitions." @default.
- BSPO_0000202 comment "Need to add logical definitions." @default.
- BSPO_0000400 comment "These anatomical sections are applicable to most bilaterally symmetrical animals, but bipedal animals such as humans have more complex usage of these terms. For example, in post-embryonic humans a coronal plane is vertical and a transverse plane is horizontal, but for embryos and quadrupeds a coronal plane is horizontal and a transverse plane is vertical." @default.
- BSPO_0000685 comment "This is an example of a composition of two axis positions" @default.
- BSPO_0001001 comment "Properly, the ML axis is a half axis; practically, its usage is less clumsy and less linguistically biased than "left-right". The terms may still be used relatively to describe locations along the LR axis. The gills are medial to the operculum, but lateral to the heart." @default.
- BSPO_0015001 comment "A directional axis can be divided by a plane. Following Allen Interval Algebra terminology we say that the side on which the axis initiates starts the axis, with the other side finishing the axis. If s finishes axis x, and x has end point p, then x overlaps p" @default.
- BSPO_0015004 comment "Axes can be defined in a given species by subtyping the relevant axis type and stating a end and end point" @default.
- BSPO_0015007 comment "A directional axis can be divided by a plane. Following Allen Interval Algebra terminology we say that the side on which the axis initiates starts the axis, with the other side finishing the axis. . If s starts axis x, and x has start point p, then x overlaps p" @default.
- BSPO_0015008 comment "placeholder. used for relation between anatomical surface and an anatomical side." @default.
- BSPO_0020002 comment "Axes can be defined in a given species by subtyping the relevant axis type and stating a start and end point." @default.
- CARO_0000000 comment "Following BFO, material anatomical entities may have immaterial parts (the lumen of your stomach is part of your stomach). The granularity limit follows the limits set by the Gene Ontology on the granularity limit for GO:cellular_component. Note that substances produced by an organism (sweat, feaces, urine) do not need to be part of an organism to qualify as an anatomical structure." @default.
- CARO_0000003 comment "Note that the definition does not say 'generated exclusively by the co-ordinated expression of the organism's own genome', so this is still valid for cases where normal morphogenesis requires the actions of a facultative symbiont, or some looser dependency such as the a requirement for the presence of gut flora for normal gut development." @default.
- CARO_0000012 comment "MH: Can't define this class based on 2 or more cells because most multi cellular organisms (if not all) have only a single cell at some point in life history." @default.
- CARO_0000012 comment "MH: sexual subtypes should probably be logically defined based on sexual processes or sex qualities." @default.
- CARO_0010004 comment "A general term for organism that is agnostic about single cell vs multi-cellular. Note that this is a subclass of 'anatomical structure', meaning that an organism must be a connected structure. So, if I take one plant and make a rooted cutting from a it, I now have two (clonally related) organisms." @default.
- CLAO_0000010 comment "This is a synonym of eye patch" @default.
- CLAO_0000042 comment "Blanke & Machida (2015) stated that the term "endsternite" is not correct and it is interpreted as a tendon" @default.
- CLAO_0000044 comment "the position of sclerite depend if the head is hypognathus or prognathus" @default.
- CLAO_0000048 comment "View Manton and Harding, 1964" @default.
- CLAO_0000050 comment "This term could be synonym of apodeme." @default.
- CLAO_0000051 comment "The frontal sclerite is named by Blanke et al (2015) as clypeus." @default.
- CLAO_0000064 comment "suggest subapical sensillum" @default.
- CLAO_0000079 comment "According to Bretfeld (1963), this muscle is found in the embryo and correspond in the adult to dorsolongitudinal muscle I (I dlm, apparently) and to the I dlm1 sensu Panina et al. (2019)" @default.
- CLAO_0000089 comment "The term could be obsolete." @default.
- CLAO_0000090 comment "The term could be obsolete." @default.
- CLAO_0000091 comment "The term could be obsolete." @default.
- CLAO_0000096 comment "This a muscle recognized by Adams & Salmon (1972), whis is attached to the hypopharynx." @default.
- CLAO_0000099 comment "View Manton and Harding, 1964" @default.
- CLAO_0000100 comment "A muscle is named in the collophore." @default.
- CLAO_0000100 comment "View Manton and Harding, 1964" @default.
- CLAO_0000106 comment "This a synonym of ventral longitudinal muscle" @default.
- CLAO_0000111 comment "Denis (1928) recognized this nerve on the "segmentation" of the nervous system and not in the embryo." @default.
- CLAO_0000116 comment "View Hopkin, 1997" @default.
- CLAO_0000118 comment "This nerve was named by Denis (1928) as nervus parallelus and apparently correspond to the corpus cardiacum nerves by Cassagnau & Juberthie (1967)." @default.
- CLAO_0000123 comment "This term refers to the tiny hairlike appareance of the nerves." @default.