Matches in Wikidata for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- P10108 P2559 "to find the "curid" of a given article, click on "Інформація про сторінку" on the left menu; the curid is given in the "'ID сторінки" field" @default.
- P1013 P2559 "Eigenschaft, durch die eine Unterscheidung oder Klassifizierung vorgenommen wird. (Als Qualifikationsmerkmal von P360, Verwendung für Kriterien, die zur Organisation der Liste verwendet werden, nicht für Kriterien, die die Listenzugehörigkeit bestimmen)." @default.
- P1013 P2559 "Property by which a distinction or classification is made. (As a qualifier of P360, use for criteria used to organize the list, not criteria which determine list membership.)" @default.
- P1013 P2559 "修飾子として、区別や分類を行うために使用します。これは「一覧の主題 (P360)」の修飾子として、一覧を構成する項目を決定する基準ではなく、一覧を編成するために用いられる基準に使用します。" @default.
- P10172 P2559 "to find the identifier of a page, replace "TITLE" in the following link "" by the name of the page; the identifier is indicated in the "Page ID" field" @default.
- P10198 P2559 "Download a zip from, there is a file STRASSE.CSV inside, the first number of each line is the street ID." @default.
- P10217 P2559 "To find, the ID, one can use this URL and replace TITLE by the name of the page ; then the id is in the field "Side-ID"." @default.
- P10231 P2559 "To find, the ID, one can use this URL and replace TITLE by the name of the page ; then the id is in the field "Side-ID"." @default.
- P1025 P2559 "For authority control (authors, works etc.) please use the property [ SUDOC authorities (P269)]" @default.
- P10260 P2559 "To find the ID, one can use the URL and replace TITLE by the name of the page. The ID is found in the field "Page ID"." @default.
- P10263 P2559 "Available in bulk through the IPEDS Data Center (select the "compare institutions" option). Available from individual institutions through the Common Data Set, item C1." @default.
- P1027 P2559 "Can be used as qualifier for \award received\" [[Property:P166]] for persons or organisation"" @default.
- P1027 P2559 "Can be used in statements on items that describe awards or titles" @default.
- P1027 P2559 "Kan brukes som påstand for egenskaper som beskriver utmerkelser eller titler" @default.
- P1027 P2559 "Kan brukes som kvalifikator for \tildelte utmerkelser\ i [[Egenskap:P166]] for personer eller organisasjoner" @default.
- P1027 P2559 "לשימוש בקביעות על פריטים המתארים פרס או תואר" @default.
- P1027 P2559 "לשימוש כמבחין במאפיין P166 - "מוענק על ידי" לאדם או לאירגון" @default.
- P10275 P2559 "To find the ID, one can use the URL and replace TITLE by the name of the page or click on "Page information" at the bottom of the page. The ID is found in the field "Page ID"." @default.
- P10278 P2559 "To find, the ID, one can use this URL and replace TITLE by the name of the page. The ID is found in the field "Идентификатор страницы"." @default.
- P10291 P2559 "To find the ID, one can use the URL and replace TITLE by the name of the page or click on "Page information" in the Tools box on the left column of any page. The ID is found in the field "Page ID"." @default.
- P1031 P2559 "Short legal citations, see examples. Items can have more than one value if more than one publisher included it." @default.
- P1031 P2559 "kısa hukuki alıntıların sayıları, örneklere bakınız. Birden fazla yayıncı dâhil etmişse, ögeler birden fazla değere sahip olabilir." @default.
- P1033 P2559 "use with items "warning" (Q15350847) and "danger" (Q15221217)" @default.
- P1033 P2559 "użyj elementów „uwaga” (Q15350847) lub „niebezpieczeństwo” (Q15221217)" @default.
- P10367 P2559 "Different values possible, with the correct qualifiers to tell if it's all the road, or at a certain point on the road, etc." @default.
- P10398 P2559 "To find the numeric ID, press Ctrl+U to view page source and use Ctrl+F to search for "game":{"id": or "element":{"id". The number that you will see after this string is the numeric identifier. To see how it works try this URL → and follow the instructions above." @default.
- P10398 P2559 "Чтобы найти числовой идентификатор, нажмите Ctrl+U для просмотра исходного кода страницы и при помощи Ctrl+F выполните поиск по запросу "game":{"id": или "element":{"id". Число, которое вы увидите после данной строки, является числовым идентификатором. Чтобы увидеть, как это работает, попробуйте перейти по данному URL-адресу → и следуйте приведённым выше инструкциям." @default.
- P10403 P2559 "通过书籍的正题名或ISBN搜索,选择“字段名格式”中的“系统号”" @default.
- P10443 P2559 "To find, the ID, one can use this URL and replace TITLE by the name of the page ; then the id is in the field "Идентификатор страницы"." @default.
- P10463 P2559 "Use this property to link an item describing an item to the Dansk Navneleksikon entry. The value of this property should be the value "entry_id" from (replace $1 with given name). For example, for the URL the value of this property should be 923." @default.
- P10509 P2559 "To find the ID, one can use the URL and replace TITLE by the name of the page or click on "Page information" in the Tools box on the left column of any page. The ID is found in the field "Page ID"." @default.
- P10532 P2559 "Sayısal kimliği bulmak için, sayfa kaynağını görüntülemek üzere Ctrl+U'ya basın ve bu metinler arasında "hotelId"yi aramak için Ctrl+F'yi kullanın." @default.
- P10532 P2559 "To find the numeric ID, press Ctrl+U to view page source and use Ctrl+F to search for "hotelId"." @default.
- P10532 P2559 "Um die numerische ID zu finden, drücke Ctrl+U, um den Seiten-Quelltext anzusehen, und dann Ctrl+F, um nach "hotelId" zu suchen." @default.
- P10537 P2559 "Please search the film by Chinese-language titles" @default.
- P10537 P2559 "请使用中文标题进行搜索" @default.
- P10565 P2559 "注:中国大百科全书·第三版网络版分为专业板块、专题板块、大众板块,尽量只添加专业板块的内容(通过搜索界面进入条目,网址参数Type=bkzyb)" @default.
- P10577 P2559 "To find the ID, one can use the URL and replace TITLE by the name of the page or click on "Page information" in the Tools box on the left column of any page. The ID is found in the field "Page ID"." @default.
- P10593 P2559 "Im Seitenquelltext findet sich die Kennung hinter der Angabe "wgArticleId":" @default.
- P10593 P2559 "To find the ID, one can use the URL and replace TITLE by the name of the page or click on "Seiteninformationen" in the Tools box on the left column of any page. The ID is found in the field "Seitenkennnummer"." @default.
- P10621 P2559 "Please search with zh-hans/zh-cn label." @default.
- P10627 P2559 "Common values are GitHub and GitLab. Use 'no value' if the URL for the source code repository has no web interface (e.g. if it starts with git://)." @default.
- P1064 P2559 "Please never assign this property to any maglev-related items (neither maglev trains, nor maglev railways), use width (P2049) for maglevs when necessary." @default.
- P1064 P2559 "請永遠不要將該屬性分配給磁懸浮相關的項目(既不可用於磁懸浮列車,也不可用於磁懸浮鐵路),如有需要請使用寬度(P2049)" @default.
- P1064 P2559 "请永远不要将该属性分配给磁悬浮相关的数据项(既不可用于磁悬浮列车,也不可用于磁悬浮铁路),如有需要请使用宽度(P2049)" @default.
- P10660 P2559 "Use the numeric ID rather than alphanumeric string (e.g. 512345 not janedoe) - This Property will be replacing the numeric format P2190" @default.
- P10664 P2559 "Do not use this property on musical releases. Use tracklist (P658) instead" @default.
- P10668 P2559 "MediaWiki标识符(P9675)获取方法:点击页面左上角菜单栏,弹出左侧信息栏,点击“信息”,跳转到条目信息页,其中"页面ID"即MediaWiki标识符。" @default.
- P10668 P2559 "The way to find P9675: 1, click the left-up menu; 2, pop-up the leftmost infomation column; 3, click the "information", enter into the item information page; 4, select the "page id", namely MediaWiki page ID (P9675)" @default.
- P10672 P2559 "blanda inte ihop med P186" @default.
- P10689 P2559 "Hvis mulig, bruk "OSM relasjons-ID" (P402) i stedet." @default.
- P10689 P2559 "If possible, use "OpenStreetMap relation ID" (P402)" @default.
- P10689 P2559 "Jeśli to możliwe, użyj właściwości „identyfikator relacji OpenStreetMap” (P402)" @default.
- P10689 P2559 "Kung maaari, gamitin ang "ID ng kaugnayan sa OpenStreetMap" (P402)" @default.
- P10689 P2559 "Se possibile, usare "identificativo relazione OpenStreetMap" (P402)" @default.
- P10689 P2559 "Si es posible, use "identificador de relación OpenStreetMap" (P402)" @default.
- P10689 P2559 "Si possible, utilisez « identifiant OpenStreetMap d'une relation » (P402)" @default.
- P10689 P2559 "可能であれば、オープンストリートマップリレーション識別子(P402)を使用してください" @default.
- P10689 P2559 "如果可以的話,請還是用開放街圖關聯編號" @default.
- P10689 P2559 "如果可行,使用“OpenStreetMap 关系ID”(P402)" @default.
- P10694 P2559 "use as qualifier for monolingual text properties or as a main statement on forms" @default.
- P10696 P2559 "qualify with "determination method" (P459) to define the item for the set and "object has role" (P3831) with the part this depicts" @default.
- P10724 P2559 "Hmoegirl, or Hmoegirlpedia, is a wiki site based outside China, carrying articles, or part of articles, that the China-based moegirlpedia cannot carry" @default.
- P10726 P2559 "Use on properties that only accept values with a non-item datatype, to specify the class that those values should belong to. The class should only include acceptable values for the property; if no item exists for that class, either create one or set the value type of this property to "unknown value"." @default.
- P1074 P2559 "Use for fictional entities that do not actually exist, not for simply artificial entities." @default.
- P10858 P2559 ""@" simbols nav jāiekļauj" @default.
- P10858 P2559 ""@" চিহ্ন অন্তর্ভুক্ত করবেন না" @default.
- P10858 P2559 ""@" గుర్తును చేర్చకండి" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "@ ಚಿಹ್ನೆ ಬೇಕಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "Inkludera inte @-tecknet" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "bitte nicht das „@“-Zeichen einfügen" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "do not include the "@" symbol" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "jangan masukkan simbol “@”" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "jangan sertakan simbol "@"" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "ne pas inclure le symbole « @ »" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "ne uzu la @-simbolon" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "no incloure el caràcter «@»" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "no incluir el carácter «@»" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "não incluir @" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "voeg toe zonder het apenstaartje (@)" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "Не нужно добавлять @" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "جاڠن ماسوقکن سيمبول “@”" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "لا تقم بإضافة الرمز "@"" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "「@」は含まない" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "不要包含“@”符号" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "不要包含「@」符號" @default.
- P10858 P2559 "계정명에서 맨 앞의 "@"은 제외하세요." @default.
- P1104 P2559 ""Roman-numbered page" (Q56761382) can be used as unit for such pages." @default.
- P1109 P2559 "należy podać także temperaturę (P2076) i długość fali (P2808) jako kwalifikatory; zazwyczaj współczynnik załamania określa się dla temperatury 20 stopni Celsjusza i długości fali 589 nanometrów (linii D sodu)" @default.
- P11206 P2559 "do not include the "@" symbol which is often used as a prefixed indicator" @default.
- P11260 P2559 "Use as qualifier for P2737 and P2738 to identify constituent entities. (replaces P642 for this use)" @default.
- P11269 P2559 "should be used for references to version control changesets (where the source code repository that contains them is stated with P1324 for the subject of the statement)" @default.
- P11334 P2559 "Link only to preferentialEquivalent topics" @default.
- P11354 P2559 "IDs should be extracted from the code of the embedded widget. Or by searching for "item_id=" in the page code." @default.
- P11415 P2559 "It is valid to indicate systems located on the camera, on the lens or external, as Steadicam (Q744618), camera gimbal (Q110996874) or similar" @default.
- P1142 P2559 "P1387 (political alignment) indicates general position in the left-right political spectrum, whereas P1142 (political ideology) links to an arbitrary ideology which may be more specific." @default.
- P1144 P2559 "Alphabetic prefix: A possible prefix of 1 to 3 lower-case letters. (Bibliographic records after 2000 never have a prefix, but pre-2001 bibliographic records often do, and other kinds of LCCNs always do. Bibliographic records do not have prefixes n, nb, nr, ns, sh, sj, sn: use Property:P244 for those.)" @default.
- P1144 P2559 "An LCCN has three parts, as shown at (both left and right columns):" @default.
- P1144 P2559 "For records in Library of Congress Authorities (Q13219454), including titles of famous works, and names of people, use LCAuth identifier (Property:P244)." @default.
- P1144 P2559 "On Wikidata, an optional space or hyphen may appear before the year. An optional hyphen may appear before the serial number; if the serial number is typed as less than 6 digits, the hyphen is required. The preferred and best formatting now is to remove all hyphens and spaces and insure that the serial is always 6 digits, as shown in the right column of" @default.