Matches in Wikidata for { <> ?p ?o ?g. }
- P4014 description "Avustralya İstatistiksel Coğrafya Standardı 2011'de tanımlanan bir coğrafi bölgenin tanımlayıcısı" @default.
- P4014 description "Identifikator für ein Gebiet, das Im „Australian Statistical Geography Standard“ für 2011 festgelegt wurde" @default.
- P4014 description "identifiant d'une région géographique définit l'Australian Statistical Geography Standard 2011" @default.
- P4014 description "identifier of a geographic region defined in the Australian Statistical Geography Standard 2011" @default.
- P4014 description "propiedad Wikidata para un control de autoría de una subdivisión administrativa australiana" @default.
- P4014 description "ідентифікатор для географічного регіону, визначений у Статистичному географічному стандарті Австралії 2011" @default.
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- P4014 name "Australian Statistical Geography 2011 ID" @default.
- P4014 name "Australian Statistical Geography 2011 ID" @default.
- P4014 name "Australian Statistical Geography 2011 identifikation" @default.
- P4014 name "Australian Statistical Geography 2011-identificatiecode" @default.
- P4014 name "Avustralya İstatistiksel Coğrafya 2011 kimliği" @default.
- P4014 name "Gebietskennung Australian Statistical Geography (2011)" @default.
- P4014 name "identifiant Australian Statistical Geography 2011" @default.
- P4014 name "identificador Australian Statistical Geography 2011" @default.
- P4014 name "identificador Australian Statistical Geography 2011" @default.
- P4014 name "identificador del Australian Statistical Geography 2011" @default.
- P4014 name "ідентифікатор Australian Statistical Geography 2011" @default.
- P4014 name "ідэнтыфікатар Статыстычнай геаграфіі Аўстраліі-2011" @default.
- P4014 name "معرف الجغرافيا الإحصائية الأسترالية 2011" @default.
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- P4014 qualifierValueNormalized P4014 @default.
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- P4014 referenceValueNormalized P4014 @default.
- P4014 statementProperty P4014 @default.
- P4014 statementValue P4014 @default.
- P4014 statementValueNormalized P4014 @default.
- P4014 type Property @default.
- P4014 label "Australian Statistical Geography 2011 ID" @default.
- P4014 label "Australian Statistical Geography 2011 ID" @default.
- P4014 label "Australian Statistical Geography 2011 ID" @default.
- P4014 label "Australian Statistical Geography 2011 identifikation" @default.
- P4014 label "Australian Statistical Geography 2011-identificatiecode" @default.
- P4014 label "Avustralya İstatistiksel Coğrafya 2011 kimliği" @default.
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- P4014 label "identifiant Australian Statistical Geography 2011" @default.
- P4014 label "identificador Australian Statistical Geography 2011" @default.
- P4014 label "identificador Australian Statistical Geography 2011" @default.
- P4014 label "identificador del Australian Statistical Geography 2011" @default.
- P4014 label "ідентифікатор Australian Statistical Geography 2011" @default.
- P4014 label "ідэнтыфікатар Статыстычнай геаграфіі Аўстраліі-2011" @default.
- P4014 label "معرف الجغرافيا الإحصائية الأسترالية 2011" @default.
- P4014 altLabel "ASGS 2011" @default.
- P4014 altLabel "ASGS 2011" @default.
- P4014 altLabel "ASGS2011" @default.
- P4014 altLabel "ASGS2011" @default.
- P4014 altLabel "Australian Bureau of Statistics Geography 2011 ID" @default.
- P4014 altLabel "الجغرافيا الإحصائية الأسترالية 2011" @default.
- P4014 prefLabel "Australian Statistical Geography 2011 ID" @default.
- P4014 prefLabel "Australian Statistical Geography 2011 ID" @default.
- P4014 prefLabel "Australian Statistical Geography 2011 ID" @default.
- P4014 prefLabel "Australian Statistical Geography 2011 identifikation" @default.
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- P4014 prefLabel "Avustralya İstatistiksel Coğrafya 2011 kimliği" @default.
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- P4014 prefLabel "identifiant Australian Statistical Geography 2011" @default.
- P4014 prefLabel "identificador Australian Statistical Geography 2011" @default.
- P4014 prefLabel "identificador Australian Statistical Geography 2011" @default.
- P4014 prefLabel "identificador del Australian Statistical Geography 2011" @default.
- P4014 prefLabel "ідентифікатор Australian Statistical Geography 2011" @default.
- P4014 prefLabel "ідэнтыфікатар Статыстычнай геаграфіі Аўстраліі-2011" @default.
- P4014 prefLabel "معرف الجغرافيا الإحصائية الأسترالية 2011" @default.
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