Matches in Wikidata for { <> ?p ?o ?g. }
- P8297 description "New York Times web sitesinde bir yazarın tanımlayıcısı" @default.
- P8297 description "identifiant d'un auteur sur le site de The New York Times" @default.
- P8297 description "identifier of an author on the New York Times website" @default.
- P8297 description "identifikator för författare på New York Times" @default.
- P8297 description "pengenal seorang kontributor dalam situs web New York Times" @default.
- P8297 description "unik sæt af tegn, der indentificerer skribenter på New York Times' hjemmeside" @default.
- P8297 description "идентификатор автора на сайте New York Times" @default.
- P8297 description "ідентифікатор автора на вебсайті New York Times" @default.
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- P8297 name "New York Times contributor ID" @default.
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- P8297 name "identifiant The New York Times d'un contributeur" @default.
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- P8297 name "ідентифікатор автора New York Times" @default.
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- P8297 qualifierValueNormalized P8297 @default.
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- P8297 referenceValueNormalized P8297 @default.
- P8297 statementProperty P8297 @default.
- P8297 statementValue P8297 @default.
- P8297 statementValueNormalized P8297 @default.
- P8297 type Property @default.
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- P8297 altLabel "ID kontributor NY Times" @default.
- P8297 altLabel "ID kontributor NYT" @default.
- P8297 altLabel "NY Times contributor ID" @default.
- P8297 altLabel "NY Times katılımcı kimliği" @default.
- P8297 altLabel "NYT contributor ID" @default.
- P8297 altLabel "NYT katılımcı kimliği" @default.
- P8297 altLabel "NYTimes contributor ID" @default.
- P8297 altLabel "NYTimes katılımcı kimliği" @default.
- P8297 altLabel "New York Times ID (contributeur)" @default.
- P8297 altLabel "New York Times yazar kimliği" @default.
- P8297 altLabel "The New York Times ID (contributeur)" @default.
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- P8297 prefLabel "New York Times katılımcı kimliği" @default.
- P8297 prefLabel "New York Times skibent-ID" @default.
- P8297 prefLabel "New York Times-identificatiecode voor bijdrager" @default.
- P8297 prefLabel "bidragar-ID på New York Times" @default.
- P8297 prefLabel "identifiant The New York Times d'un contributeur" @default.
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- P8297 P3254 P8297-5b6fcb9b-4657-df6f-e0ab-6abbd29890fa @default.
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- P8297 P9073 P8297-9C5204C0-7C2C-42A9-942D-5F61FE810E08 @default.