Matches in Wikidata for { <> ?p ?o ?g. }
- P8618 description "2020 itibariyle Uluslararası Tenis Federasyonu (ITF) web sitesinde bir tenis oyuncusu için tanımlayıcı" @default.
- P8618 description "ITF spiller identifikation, siden 2020" @default.
- P8618 description "ITF-identificatienummer voor tennissers (m/v) sinds 2020" @default.
- P8618 description "Kennung eines Tennisspielers auf der ITF-Webseite seit 2020" @default.
- P8618 description "identifiant des joueurs de tennis depuis 2020" @default.
- P8618 description "identificador de tenistas desde 2020" @default.
- P8618 description "identificativo per un tennista per ITF da 2020" @default.
- P8618 description "identifier for a tennis player at the International Tennis Federation (ITF) website as of 2020" @default.
- P8618 description "identifier for a tennis player at the International Tennis Federation (ITF) website as of 2020" @default.
- P8618 description "identifier for a tennis player at the International Tennis Federation (ITF) website as of 2020" @default.
- P8618 description "identifier for a tennis player at the International Tennis Federation (ITF) website as of 2020" @default.
- P8618 description "identifikator teniškega igralca na spletnem mestu Mednarodne teniške zveze (ITF) leta 2020" @default.
- P8618 description "identifikátor tenisty na webu Mezinárodní tenisové federace ve verzi od roku 2020" @default.
- P8618 description "identyfikator International Tennis Federation (ITF) 2020" @default.
- P8618 description "ідентифікатор тенісиста на вебсайті Міжнародної федерації тенісу (ITF) станом на 2020 рік" @default.
- P8618 description "ідэнтыфікатар тэніснага гульца на бачыне Міжнароднай тэніснай фэдэрацыі з 2020 року" @default.
- P8618 description "مُعرِّف خاص بلاعبي كرة المضرب في موقع الاتحاد الدولي لكرة المضرب بدايةً من سنة 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "ID ITF de zugador 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "ID tenisty podle ITF 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "ITF ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "ITF player ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "ITF player ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "ITF player ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "ITF player ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "ITF spiller-ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "ITF 選手ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "ITF-Spieler-ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "ITF-Spieler-ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "ITF-Spieler-ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "ITF-Spieler-ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "ITF-Spieler-ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "ITF-identificatiecode voor speler sinds 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "ITF-pelaajatunniste 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "Uluslararası Tenis Federasyonu 2020 kimliği" @default.
- P8618 name "identifiant Fédération internationale de tennis 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "identificador ITF 2020 de tennista" @default.
- P8618 name "identificador ITF 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "identificador ITF 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "identificativo ITF 2020 di un tennista" @default.
- P8618 name "identyfikator ITF 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "oznaka igralca ITF 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "ідентифікатор гравця ITF 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "ідэнтыфікатар гульца МТФ-2010" @default.
- P8618 name "מזהה ITF 2020" @default.
- P8618 name "مُعرِّف لاعب في الاتحاد الدولي لكرة المضرب 2020" @default.
- P8618 claim P8618 @default.
- P8618 directClaim P8618 @default.
- P8618 directClaimNormalized P8618 @default.
- P8618 novalue P8618 @default.
- P8618 propertyType ExternalId @default.
- P8618 qualifier P8618 @default.
- P8618 qualifierValue P8618 @default.
- P8618 qualifierValueNormalized P8618 @default.
- P8618 reference P8618 @default.
- P8618 referenceValue P8618 @default.
- P8618 referenceValueNormalized P8618 @default.
- P8618 statementProperty P8618 @default.
- P8618 statementValue P8618 @default.
- P8618 statementValueNormalized P8618 @default.
- P8618 type Property @default.
- P8618 label "ID ITF de zugador 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "ID tenisty podle ITF 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "ITF ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "ITF player ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "ITF player ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "ITF player ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "ITF player ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "ITF spiller-ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "ITF 選手ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "ITF-Spieler-ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "ITF-Spieler-ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "ITF-Spieler-ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "ITF-Spieler-ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "ITF-Spieler-ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "ITF-identificatiecode voor speler sinds 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "ITF-pelaajatunniste 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "Uluslararası Tenis Federasyonu 2020 kimliği" @default.
- P8618 label "identifiant Fédération internationale de tennis 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "identificador ITF 2020 de tennista" @default.
- P8618 label "identificador ITF 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "identificador ITF 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "identificativo ITF 2020 di un tennista" @default.
- P8618 label "identyfikator ITF 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "oznaka igralca ITF 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "ідентифікатор гравця ITF 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "ідэнтыфікатар гульца МТФ-2010" @default.
- P8618 label "מזהה ITF 2020" @default.
- P8618 label "مُعرِّف لاعب في الاتحاد الدولي لكرة المضرب 2020" @default.
- P8618 altLabel "ID ITF 2020" @default.
- P8618 altLabel "ID igralca ITF 2020" @default.
- P8618 altLabel "ITF 2020 ID tenisty" @default.
- P8618 altLabel "ITF ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 altLabel "ITF ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 altLabel "ITF ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 altLabel "ITF ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 altLabel "ITF ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 altLabel "ITF ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 altLabel "ITF ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 altLabel "ITF ID 2020" @default.
- P8618 altLabel "ITF ID 2020" @default.