Matches in Wikidata for { <> ?p ?o ?g. }
- P9349 description "Identifikator eines Themas auf der arabischsprachigen Version der Website von France 24" @default.
- P9349 description "identifiant d'un sujet sur le site web de France 24 en arabe" @default.
- P9349 description "identifier of a topic on the Arabic version of the France 24 website" @default.
- P9349 description "identifier of a topic on the Arabic version of the France 24 website" @default.
- P9349 description "identifier of a topic on the Arabic version of the France24 website" @default.
- P9349 description "identifier of a topic on the Arabic version of the France24 website" @default.
- P9349 description "identyfikator tematu w France 24 (arabski)" @default.
- P9349 description "идентификатор темы в арабской версии сайта France24" @default.
- P9349 description "ідентифікатор теми в арабській версії вебсайту France24" @default.
- P9349 description "معرف الموضوع في النسخة العربية من موقع فرانس 24" @default.
- P9349 name "France 24 topic ID (Arabic)" @default.
- P9349 name "France 24 topic ID (Arabic)" @default.
- P9349 name "France 24 topic ID (Arabic)" @default.
- P9349 name "France 24 topic ID (Arabic)" @default.
- P9349 name "France 24 topic ID (Laribanchi)" @default.
- P9349 name "France 24-identificatiecode voor onderwerp in het Arabisch" @default.
- P9349 name "France-24-Themenkennung (ar)" @default.
- P9349 name "identifiant France 24 (arabe) d'un sujet" @default.
- P9349 name "identificador France 24 (àrab) de tema" @default.
- P9349 name "identigilo de arablingva temo ĉe France 24" @default.
- P9349 name "identyfikator tematu France 24 (arabski)" @default.
- P9349 name "код темы France 24 (араб.)" @default.
- P9349 name "ідентифікатор теми France 24 (араб.)" @default.
- P9349 name "ідэнтыфікатар тэмы France 24 (па-арабску)" @default.
- P9349 name "معرف فرانس 24 (العربية)" @default.
- P9349 claim P9349 @default.
- P9349 directClaim P9349 @default.
- P9349 directClaimNormalized P9349 @default.
- P9349 novalue P9349 @default.
- P9349 propertyType ExternalId @default.
- P9349 qualifier P9349 @default.
- P9349 qualifierValue P9349 @default.
- P9349 qualifierValueNormalized P9349 @default.
- P9349 reference P9349 @default.
- P9349 referenceValue P9349 @default.
- P9349 referenceValueNormalized P9349 @default.
- P9349 statementProperty P9349 @default.
- P9349 statementValue P9349 @default.
- P9349 statementValueNormalized P9349 @default.
- P9349 type P4354 @default.
- P9349 type Property @default.
- P9349 label "France 24 topic ID (Arabic)" @default.
- P9349 label "France 24 topic ID (Arabic)" @default.
- P9349 label "France 24 topic ID (Arabic)" @default.
- P9349 label "France 24 topic ID (Arabic)" @default.
- P9349 label "France 24 topic ID (Laribanchi)" @default.
- P9349 label "France 24-identificatiecode voor onderwerp in het Arabisch" @default.
- P9349 label "France-24-Themenkennung (ar)" @default.
- P9349 label "identifiant France 24 (arabe) d'un sujet" @default.
- P9349 label "identificador France 24 (àrab) de tema" @default.
- P9349 label "identigilo de arablingva temo ĉe France 24" @default.
- P9349 label "identyfikator tematu France 24 (arabski)" @default.
- P9349 label "код темы France 24 (араб.)" @default.
- P9349 label "ідентифікатор теми France 24 (араб.)" @default.
- P9349 label "ідэнтыфікатар тэмы France 24 (па-арабску)" @default.
- P9349 label "معرف فرانس 24 (العربية)" @default.
- P9349 altLabel "France 24 ID (sujet, arabe)" @default.
- P9349 altLabel "France 24 ID" @default.
- P9349 altLabel "France 24 ID" @default.
- P9349 altLabel "France 24 ID" @default.
- P9349 altLabel "France 24 ID" @default.
- P9349 altLabel "France-24-Themen-ID (ar)" @default.
- P9349 altLabel "ID France 24" @default.
- P9349 prefLabel "France 24 topic ID (Arabic)" @default.
- P9349 prefLabel "France 24 topic ID (Arabic)" @default.
- P9349 prefLabel "France 24 topic ID (Arabic)" @default.
- P9349 prefLabel "France 24 topic ID (Arabic)" @default.
- P9349 prefLabel "France 24 topic ID (Laribanchi)" @default.
- P9349 prefLabel "France 24-identificatiecode voor onderwerp in het Arabisch" @default.
- P9349 prefLabel "France-24-Themenkennung (ar)" @default.
- P9349 prefLabel "identifiant France 24 (arabe) d'un sujet" @default.
- P9349 prefLabel "identificador France 24 (àrab) de tema" @default.
- P9349 prefLabel "identigilo de arablingva temo ĉe France 24" @default.
- P9349 prefLabel "identyfikator tematu France 24 (arabski)" @default.
- P9349 prefLabel "код темы France 24 (араб.)" @default.
- P9349 prefLabel "ідентифікатор теми France 24 (араб.)" @default.
- P9349 prefLabel "ідэнтыфікатар тэмы France 24 (па-арабску)" @default.
- P9349 prefLabel "معرف فرانس 24 (العربية)" @default.
- P9349 P1630 P9349-000ed813-40a5-0d64-04a7-c4a644f78e6f @default.
- P9349 P1659 P9349-4a854390-4e03-03a6-8437-245b041e0273 @default.
- P9349 P1659 P9349-bf816edc-440b-464a-2576-634dab80c8bf @default.
- P9349 P1659 P9349-e112d2c3-4d51-0db8-7335-0ef578c95703 @default.
- P9349 P17 P9349-b78bd1a4-4afc-8730-cbf8-89cd3dd6b885 @default.
- P9349 P1855 P9349-59a18278-457b-6e5d-a17f-f106fb8e5220 @default.
- P9349 P1855 P9349-b2a85e51-4b61-faf3-977f-d95cae3dab36 @default.
- P9349 P1855 P9349-f01a852c-4826-275d-ad31-0111b54b8753 @default.
- P9349 P1896 P9349-450fdbaf-41e8-5af2-ced5-6c464d938c7c @default.
- P9349 P2302 P9349-9E2BA2E3-E45C-42E0-86E2-0E85C5957D07 @default.
- P9349 P2302 P9349-B8101C1B-0D54-474E-A895-AE6FE52FDBD0 @default.
- P9349 P2302 P9349-ce493615-4477-6e8a-51dc-78bb70100748 @default.
- P9349 P31 P9349-1A6AC1E5-5AB5-46B1-9210-58D5A471F250 @default.
- P9349 P3254 P9349-988b4fee-4e93-329a-11e7-87ba1e4d21e9 @default.
- P9349 P4354 P9349-86525C0C-1514-4D9A-807C-0A1CE19348DB @default.
- P9349 P6104 P9349-984467fc-42d2-e482-b27a-8366a557b518 @default.
- P9349 P9073 P9349-0798BB7C-D3F8-4A1D-9801-0736D53B64F4 @default.
- P9349 P1630 "$1/" @default.
- P9349 P1659 P9346 @default.
- P9349 P1659 P9347 @default.
- P9349 P1659 P9348 @default.
- P9349 P17 Q142 @default.