Matches in Wikidata for { <> ?p ?o ?g. }
- Q583725 description "Amerika Birleşik Devletleri hükûmeti kamu sağlığı kurumu" @default.
- Q583725 description "Cơ quan thuộc Bộ Y tế Hoa Kỳ" @default.
- Q583725 description "United States government public health agency" @default.
- Q583725 description "Yhdysvaltain kansanterveysviranomainen, tartuntatautien tutkimuslaitos" @default.
- Q583725 description "agence fédérale de santé publique des États-Unis d'Amérique" @default.
- Q583725 description "agenzia nazionale della salute pubblica statunitense" @default.
- Q583725 description "agência de saúde pública do governo dos Estados Unidos" @default.
- Q583725 description "amerikansk føderal etat" @default.
- Q583725 description "dependencia gubernamental de Estados Unidos" @default.
- Q583725 description "federacia agentejo por publika sano en Usono" @default.
- Q583725 description "volksgezondheidsinstantie van de Verenigde Staten" @default.
- Q583725 description "zentrale Gesundheitsbehörde der USA" @default.
- Q583725 description "ústřední zdravotnický ústav USA" @default.
- Q583725 description "Структурное подразделение Минздрава США" @default.
- Q583725 description "סוכנות אמריקאית שתפקידה שמירה על בריאות הציבור" @default.
- Q583725 description "آژانس دولتی بهداشتی ایالات متحدۀ آمریکا" @default.
- Q583725 description "مؤسسة حكومية في الولايات المتحدة" @default.
- Q583725 description "அரசு முகமை" @default.
- Q583725 description "アメリカ合衆国保健福祉省所管の感染症対策の研究所" @default.
- Q583725 description "美利堅合眾國國家公共衛生研究所" @default.
- Q583725 description "美国卫生及公共服务部所属的一个机构" @default.
- Q583725 description "美國聯邦政府行政機構: 美國衛生及公共服務部所屬的一個機構,總部設在喬治亞州亞特蘭大。" @default.
- Q583725 description "美國聯邦政府行政機構: 美國衛生及公共服務部所屬的一個機構,總部設在喬治亞州亞特蘭大。" @default.
- Q583725 description "미국 보건복지부의 산하기관" @default.
- Q583725 name "ABD Hastalık Kontrol ve Korunma Merkezleri" @default.
- Q583725 name "Ammasen i wsenɣed d tesɣilt ɣef waṭṭanen" @default.
- Q583725 name "Bí-kok Chi̍t-pēⁿ Kóan-chè kah Ī-hông Tiong-sim" @default.
- Q583725 name "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 name "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 name "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 name "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 name "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 name "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 name "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 name "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 name "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 name "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 name "Centra pro Limitatio et Praeventio Morborum" @default.
- Q583725 name "Centres per al Control i Prevenció de Malalties" @default.
- Q583725 name "Centres pour le contrôle et la prévention des maladies" @default.
- Q583725 name "Centro de Controle e Prevenção de Doenças" @default.
- Q583725 name "Centroj por Kontrolo kaj Preventado de Malsanoj" @default.
- Q583725 name "Centros pal Control y Prevención d'Enfermedaes" @default.
- Q583725 name "Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades" @default.
- Q583725 name "Centrul pentru Prevenirea și Controlul Bolilor" @default.
- Q583725 name "Chhi̍t-phiang Khúng-chṳ lâu Yi-fòng Chûng-sîm" @default.
- Q583725 name "Haiguste Kontrolli ja Tõrje Keskus" @default.
- Q583725 name "Macluumaadka Dhibaatooyinka iyo Halista Sare ee Cudurada" @default.
- Q583725 name "Pusat Kawalan dan Pencegahan Penyakit" @default.
- Q583725 name "Pusat Pengendalian dan Pencegahan Penyakit" @default.
- Q583725 name "Trung tâm Kiểm soát và Phòng ngừa Dịch bệnh" @default.
- Q583725 name "Yhdysvaltain tautikeskus" @default.
- Q583725 name "Κέντρα Ελέγχου και Πρόληψης Ασθενειών" @default.
- Q583725 name "Центри з контролю та профілактики захворювань в США" @default.
- Q583725 name "Центры по контролю и профилактике заболеваний США" @default.
- Q583725 name "Център за контрол и превенция на заболяванията" @default.
- Q583725 name "המרכזים לבקרת מחלות ומניעתן" @default.
- Q583725 name "بیماریوں سے بچاؤ اور انسداد کے مرکز" @default.
- Q583725 name "مراكز مكافحة الأمراض واتقائها" @default.
- Q583725 name "مرکز کنترل و پیشگیری بیماری" @default.
- Q583725 name "நோய்த்தடுப்பு, கட்டுப்பாட்டிற்கான நடுவம்" @default.
- Q583725 name "സെന്റേർസ് ഫോർ ഡിസീസ് കൺട്രോൾ ആൻഡ് പ്രിവൻഷൻ" @default.
- Q583725 name "ศูนย์ควบคุมและป้องกันโรคแห่งชาติ สหรัฐอเมริกา" @default.
- Q583725 name "ရောဂါထိန်းချုပ်ရေးနှင့်ကာကွယ်ရေးစင်တာများ" @default.
- Q583725 name "アメリカ疾病予防管理センター" @default.
- Q583725 name "美国疾病控制与预防中心" @default.
- Q583725 name "美国疾病控制与预防中心" @default.
- Q583725 name "美國疾病控制及預防中心" @default.
- Q583725 name "美國疾病管制與預防中心" @default.
- Q583725 name "美國疾病管制與預防中心" @default.
- Q583725 name "질병 통제 예방 센터" @default.
- Q583725 type Item @default.
- Q583725 label "ABD Hastalık Kontrol ve Korunma Merkezleri" @default.
- Q583725 label "Ammasen i wsenɣed d tesɣilt ɣef waṭṭanen" @default.
- Q583725 label "Bí-kok Chi̍t-pēⁿ Kóan-chè kah Ī-hông Tiong-sim" @default.
- Q583725 label "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 label "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 label "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 label "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 label "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 label "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 label "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 label "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 label "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 label "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" @default.
- Q583725 label "Centra pro Limitatio et Praeventio Morborum" @default.
- Q583725 label "Centres per al Control i Prevenció de Malalties" @default.
- Q583725 label "Centres pour le contrôle et la prévention des maladies" @default.
- Q583725 label "Centro de Controle e Prevenção de Doenças" @default.
- Q583725 label "Centroj por Kontrolo kaj Preventado de Malsanoj" @default.
- Q583725 label "Centros pal Control y Prevención d'Enfermedaes" @default.
- Q583725 label "Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades" @default.
- Q583725 label "Centrul pentru Prevenirea și Controlul Bolilor" @default.
- Q583725 label "Chhi̍t-phiang Khúng-chṳ lâu Yi-fòng Chûng-sîm" @default.
- Q583725 label "Haiguste Kontrolli ja Tõrje Keskus" @default.
- Q583725 label "Macluumaadka Dhibaatooyinka iyo Halista Sare ee Cudurada" @default.
- Q583725 label "Pusat Kawalan dan Pencegahan Penyakit" @default.
- Q583725 label "Pusat Pengendalian dan Pencegahan Penyakit" @default.
- Q583725 label "Trung tâm Kiểm soát và Phòng ngừa Dịch bệnh" @default.
- Q583725 label "Yhdysvaltain tautikeskus" @default.