Matches in climatepub4-kg for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- 5daa972e-b47c-4050-97f1-1e628401fb97 definition "The horizontal distance between two successive wave crests or troughs ina progressive wave" @default.
- 5debb283-51e4-435e-b2a2-e8e2a977220d definition "Pertains to all water present above the substrate or soil surface including water contained in an ocean river stream lake pond lagoon or impoundment reservoir" @default.
- 5e17145e-b1c9-473b-9e5e-7680c286c64a definition "Photoshop format PSD is the default file format and the only format besides the Large Document Format PSB that supports all Photoshop features Because of the tight integration between Adobe products other Adobe applications such as Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Premiere Adobe After Effects and Adobe GoLive can directly import PSD files and preserve many Photoshop features" @default.
- 5ec1bb9d-0efc-4099-9b31-ec791bbd8145 definition "The URL for accessing related data set documentation" @default.
- 5fea4160-25a7-44b5-bfba-ef140fdffaf4 definition "Created by an act of Congress in 1879 the USGS has evolved over the ensuing120 years matching its talent and knowledge to the progress of science andtechnology Today the USGS stands as the sole science agency for theDepartment of the Interior It is sought out by thousands of partners andcustomers for its natural science expertise and its vast earth and biologicaldata holdings The USGS is the science provider of choice in accessing theinformation and understanding to help resolve complex natural resource problemsacross the Nation and around the world Summary provided by USGS" @default.
- 6015ef7b-f3bd-49e1-9193-cc23db566b69 definition "Instruments that are mounted on platforms such as helicopters planes and satellites that make it possible for the sensors to observe the surface of the Earth from above Group InstrumentDetails EntryID Earth Remote Sensing Instruments Group InstrumentIdentification InstrumentCategory Earth Remote Sensing Instruments ShortName Earth Remote Sensing Instruments EndGroupEndGroup" @default.
- 6175c78e-432c-4254-b442-40d3cf0f6b34 definition "A device that consists of a central hub with radiating blades placed and twisted so that each forms part of a helical surface and that is used to propel a vehicle such as a ship" @default.
- 62019831-aaba-4d63-a5cd-73138ccfa5d0 definition "Dynamics and physics that underlie clouds" @default.
- 620a9e6c-5851-48b7-93c5-a1706546f5d1 definition "A natural flow of water from the subsurface to the surface Usually occurs when the water table intersects the Earths surface" @default.
- 63bc0693-52eb-4ebd-a39e-e77e96409072 definition "Study of the heat energy gains and losses of the oceans on global orregional scales Variables include the terms in the heat budget equation" @default.
- 640d703f-9312-4f11-8367-30a8bd8fc508 definition "Models relating to carbon cycle modeling that simulates over a given period oftime carbon interactions on the ecosphere" @default.
- 6444fc67-8cad-41c0-9ded-e93f604ba8b0 definition "Pertaining to the measurement and analysis of ancient tree rings to determine environmental conditions during that trees lifetime and extrapolate that to climatic conditions The study of tree rings related topast climate conditions is called dendroclimatology Variations in tree ring widths from year to year are recognized as an important source of chronological and climatic information The width of a tree ring is a function of many variables including tree species age availability of stored food within the tree soil nutrients and climatic factors such as precipitation sunshine temperature winds and humidity" @default.
- 64b3edd5-584f-407a-ba30-f6965a00fce3 definition "Delta CO2 Partial Pressure" @default.
- 64d17528-29b4-4e2e-843a-7f7035bb5717 definition "A gaseous compound of one nitrogen atom and three hydrogen atoms NH3 thatis highly watersoluble A dissolved form ammonium NH4 is a nutrientand is listed as a detailed variable under ammonia" @default.
- 652349bd-f6f9-4c8d-8573-d71e05ad1208 definition "The branch of soil science that deals with the chemical constitutionchemical properties and chemical reactions of soils" @default.
- 664e984c-b02d-4516-95b5-2afe0b56d7f7 definition "A platform that consists of a fleet of robotic instruments that drift with the ocean currents and move up and down between the surface and a midwater level supported by an international program Argo that collects ocean information" @default.
- 66caedf0-4390-4018-879b-69e8d2151638 definition "The Coral Reef Alliance CORAL promotes coral reef conservationaround the world by working with the dive industry governments localcommunities and other organizations to protect and manage coral reefsestablish marine parks fund conservation efforts and raise publicawareness with the mission to keep coral reefs alive for futuregenerationsFor more information link to httpwwwcoralreefallianceorgabout" @default.
- 672d6958-4bbc-4b33-adc8-927e4348908b definition "Coastal processes refers to the action of natural forces eg erosion deposition tectonic uplift on the shoreline and the nearshore seabed Some examples of landforms resulting from these processes are wavecut cliffs beaches and wavecut benches" @default.
- 676327f4-8354-4033-8081-9cab6651ac98 definition "The transport of a mass of sediment particles per unit area per unit time" @default.
- 676bb4aa-1452-4527-aa05-83233ad5d01d definition "Machine Learning training data is the input data necessary for running a machine learning model" @default.
- 67a21bdb-2f92-4692-96e7-6a27e95f8c55 definition "An action that occurs at some location during some time" @default.
- 67f93e65-5991-4ffa-85ec-a26bd324181e definition "Over a decade ago most countries joined an international treaty the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC to begin to consider what can be done to reduce global warming and to cope with whatever temperature increases are inevitable Recently a number of nations have approved an addition to the treaty the Kyoto Protocol which has more powerful and legally binding measures The UNFCCC secretariat supports all institutions involved in the climate change process particularly the COP the subsidiary bodies and their Bureau URL httpunfcccint2860php" @default.
- 6831004a-34d7-42f5-a903-6c84a5e7590f definition "Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Family Ursidae Bears are canivoran mammals with large bodies stocky legs log snouts small rounded ears shaggy hairs distinguished by plantigrade paw with five nonretractile claws and short tails" @default.
- 68772b70-e493-48d5-b063-00b9d2dd4078 definition "The zone of the ocean in which temperature decreases rapidly with depth" @default.
- 68885007-d975-4f24-bdd5-dd19b246bdf6 definition "Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment" @default.
- 68f7ba1b-a2f9-41b6-9bc1-fd187942fbed definition "A dissolved ion of carbonic acid with the chemical formula CO32 formedby dissolution of carbon dioxide in water Other forms of carbonate suchas bicarbonate HCO3 are included with this variable as detailedvariables" @default.
- 68f93a0c-1525-4f5a-9545-5d94191a3dbf definition "To measure sea surface height or surface topography scientists needto obtain the precise distance between the satellite and the center ofthe Earth and the precise distance between the satellite and the seasurface Sea surface height is then calculated by subtracting thedistance between the sea surface and the satellite from the distancebetween the center of the Earth and the satellite The distance betweenthe satellite and the center of the Earth is obtained by carefullymonitoring the satellite position at all times" @default.
- 694e18ec-ceaf-4070-9763-f3ee6dbd6b5b definition "An area of highland usually consisting of relatively flat terrain A highly eroded plateau is called a dissected plateau A volcanic plateau is a plateau produced by volcanic activity" @default.
- 6a2a2417-1a9c-4767-bffd-6b99f9747bab definition "Protists are of the Kingdom Protista and are one of the diverseeukaryotes singlecelled species of which may resemble the firsteukaryotic cells At the present they are categorized by what they arenot not bacteria fungi plants or animals" @default.
- 6a426480-c58f-4b6b-8e35-0975b7f6edb5 definition "Refers to the surface area and features on the surface of the Earth" @default.
- 6a7eed90-327a-4609-b952-c9617445a1d1 definition "A layer of soil or bedrock at a variable depth beneath the surface of the earth in which the temperature has been below freezing continuously from a few to several thousands of years" @default.
- 6af7a52e-094d-4ba7-9174-ed967260939c definition "The advanced Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite OMPS tracks the health of the ozone layer and measures the concentration of ozone in the Earths atmosphereOMPS consists of three spectrometers a downwardlooking nadir mapper nadir profiler and limb profiler The entire OMPS suite OMPSNadir OMPSN and OMPSLimb OMPSL currently fly on board the Suomi NPP spacecraft and are scheduled to fly on the JPSS2 satellite missionOMPSN will fly on the JPSS1 satellite mission and will be used to generate total column ozone measurementsMass 68 kilogramsAverage Power 108 WattsVendor Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp BATC Boulder COOMS Sensor Leads Scott Janz Goddard Space Flight Center Glen Jaross SSAIPurpose To measure the global distribution of O3 Ozone in the stratosphereMore Information httpswwwjpssnoaagovompshtmlGroup InstrumentDetails EntryID OMPS Group InstrumentIdentification InstrumentCategory Earth Remote Sensing Instruments InstrumentClass Passive Remote Sensing InstrumentType SpectrometersRadiometers InstrumentSubtype Spectrometers ShortName OMPS LongName Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite EndGroup Group AssociatedPlatforms ShortName JPSS1 EndGroup Group SpectralFrequencyInformation SpectralFrequencyCoverageRange 300 nm 380 nm SpectralFrequencyResolution 1 nm EndGroup Group SpectralFrequencyInformation SpectralFrequencyCoverageRange 250 nm 310 nm SpectralFrequencyResolution 119 nm EndGroup OnlineResource httpswwwjpssnoaagovompshtml CreationDate 20090317 Group InstrumentLogistics InstrumentOwner USANASA InstrumentOwner USANOAA EndGroupEndGroup" @default.
- 6bef0291-a9ca-4832-bbb4-80459dc1493f definition "Describes coupled dynamics of humanecological systems" @default.
- 6cca285c-edc4-4147-ba57-9cbbffbc0ae6 definition "The Advanced Land Observing Satellite ALOS was a Japanese Earthimaging satellite from JAXA that launched on 24 January 2006 and completed its operational phase on 12 May 2011 after failing due to a power anomalyALOS is part of ESAs Third Party Missions Programme in which ESA has an agreement with JAXA to distribute data products from the mission" @default.
- 6e4b29b7-a0c9-4e8e-b778-23b50cf8efb8 definition "Describes how ground water is measured and the various ground water processes throughout the ground water system" @default.
- 6eb3919b-85ce-4988-8b78-9d0018fd8089 definition "Scientific field of study pertaining to the composition and propertiesof seawater Variables include concentrations of seawaters constituentmaterials For variables pertaining to seawater salinity see the Terma hrefSALINITYDENSITYhtmlSalinityDensitya" @default.
- 6f6423e8-ab4e-4572-8982-d9c40f64e28b definition "Reconstruction of past climatic conditions using paleoclimate proxy records tree rings ice cores etc" @default.
- 6fce447f-7097-48ca-8094-60bc6ffc9eae definition "The MAM magnetic field instrument on EQUATORS consists of threeaxes fluxgatemagnetometers one mounted at the end of a 18m boom the other 50 cm furtherinboard to reduce and determine the amount of interference from thespacecraft The sampling rate is 128 vectorss when only one of themagnetometers is utilized and 64 vectorss when both are utilized Resolutionis 16 bits and ranges can be selected automatically or manually in steps of4 between 250 and 64000 nTSeehttpwwwmpegarchingmpgdeEQSeqsinstrumentshtml" @default.
- 71f69b1f-f00c-4303-809b-027d58ebacf5 definition "IPSLCM6ALR" @default.
- 734f8f27-6976-4b67-8794-c7fc79d6161e definition "Ground water in its broadest sense includes all subsurface water whether in itsliquid solid or gaseous state provided it is not chemically combined with theminerals present In practice it is all subsurface water that participates inthe hydrological cycle" @default.
- 7399f31c-18ba-4826-b392-0c31c125274e definition "The Carbon Project is pioneering innovative NET technologies that can handleincreasing amounts and types of complex dispersed geospatial information Bysimplifying this data across a broad spectrum of users we make the world ofgeospatial information accessible and usable to everyone everywhere Website httpwwwthecarbonprojectcomhomehtml" @default.
- 73f95799-e579-4a24-8e02-5c0a84271129 definition "Experiment Summary 1 Experiment Name First ISCCP Regional Experiment Cirrus IFO II 2 Dates Spanned 31 October 1991 07 December 1991 3 Location SouthCentral United States 4 Science Objective The goal of FIRE the First ISCCP International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project Regional Experiment is to understand the role of clouds in climate and climate change FIRE also seeks to improve our ability to remotely sense clouds from satellites aircraft and the surface FIRE focuses on two climatologically important and areally extensive cloud types cirrus and statocumulus 5 Spectral Band Configuration DATA CHANNEL MAS BAND CentralWavelength 50Bandwidth 01 bit bucket for 10bit data Channels 78910 02 NA 0680 0010 03 NA 1630 0050 04 NA 1930 0050 05 NA 2080 0050 06 NA 2130 0050 07 NA 3750 0150 08 NA 4650 0150 09 NA 4500 0150 10 NA 8800 0400 11 NA 10950 0500 12 NA 11950 0500 For more information link to httpmasarcnasagovdatadeployhtmlfirehomehtml" @default.
- 7406a787-6ab6-429f-bc09-9a86d393e114 definition "Reports providing information on changes in environmental factors includingwarnings of potential threat to life property agricultural resources andorthe environment arising from the cycling of water on and inside the Earth" @default.
- 74ad118c-2f18-40fb-a26e-092390f52c20 definition "Upwelling is an important process affecting plankton production off the Pacific Northwest The CUI is a measure of the volume of water that upwells along the coast it identifies the amount of offshore transport of surface waters due to geostrophic wind fields Indices are in units of cubic meters per second along each 100 meters of coastline Positive numbers indicate offshore transport for the upwelling index product and southward transport for the alongshore product The CUI was developed by Dr Andrew Bakun Bakun 1973 and is provided by the Pacific Fisheries Environmental Lab PFEL of NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service NMFS" @default.
- 74cf41a6-464f-44bf-ba05-1535200d6354 definition "A series of small ionospheric research satellites" @default.
- 74d079b5-9b36-45c9-9b09-7e3646b65a85 definition "The Gridded Species Distribution data collection contains richness grids for amphibian and mammal families and IUCN Red List Threat categories which include all species that are threatened All Threats Critically Endangered Endangered and Vulnerable The download facility allows for users to locate and download 30 arcsecond 1 kilometer resolution rasters of the species family and threat categories The grids are available in GeoTIFF format The grids are intended to be of assistance to researchers for modeling conservation and human dimensions research purposes This collection replaces the Gridded Species Distribution Version 1 collection which is no longer available for distribution" @default.
- 75ab3537-34b1-4025-b758-7296626079ba definition "The upward motion of seawater anywhere in the oceans" @default.
- 77397026-09c9-44e0-b85f-77b2bc9b1630 definition "The study of air pollutants in the atmosphere" @default.
- 782b60de-9ac2-4e6c-9dfa-cd52c4cf1ea0 definition "Pertaining to electromagnetic radiation of shorter wavelength than visible radiation but longer than xrays at specific ranges" @default.
- 785f7c57-93c9-4fe0-8309-ff32aa59a637 definition "The NeMO Project was conceived as a longterm study of theinteractions between geology chemistry and biology on a dynamic partof the midocean ridge system using stateof the art technology Thegoal is to make multiple observations at one location over severalyears to document changes in interrelated systems Hence the need fora multiyear seafloor observatoryThe site chosen for this observatory effort is called AxialSeamount Axial is an active volcano located on the Juan de FucaRidge about 250 miles off the coast of Oregon and Washington TheJuan de Fuca Ridge is a boundary where two of the Earths tectonicplates move slowly but episodically apart When the plates move theprocess is accompanied by small earthquakes and at some times bymagma intrusions and volcanic eruptionsAxial volcano is seamount at460N 1300W at the intersection of the Juan de Fuca Ridge and theCobb seamount chain It rises 1100 m above the surrounding ocean floorto a minimum depth of 1400 m below sea level The Axial volcano waschosen for the NeMO Project because it is the most volcanically activesite on the Juan de Fuca RidgeThe NeMO Project also is an opportunity to share this excitingscientific research with teachers students and the generalpublic The NeMO cruise will have a teacher at sea this summer andanother teacher working onshore to help make research resultsavailable via the web Daily updates are planned for thecalendar page describing life at sea and scientific results during theexpedition as well as answers to your questions during the cruiseA Bathymetric map of the NeMO Observatory at Axial Volcano can beviewed athttpnewportpmelnoaagovnemonemoobshtmlThe OregonWashington location map relative to Axial Volcano NeMO Sitecan be viewed at httpwwwpmelnoaagovventsgeologyImagesJdFRcolorgifRefer to the NeMO project web site for additional informationhttpnewportpmelnoaagovnemoprojecthtmlFor more information contactWebmasternemopmelnoaagovNeMO ProjectNOAAPMEL Vents Program2115 SE OSU DriveNewport OR 97365Phone 5418670275FAX 5418673907RevisionDate 19991222" @default.
- 7906156a-dcf2-4078-b0fc-d4134eb08e87 definition "purpose of the Seaviewing Wide Fieldofview Sensor SeaWiFSProject is to provide quantitative data on global ocean bioopticalproperties to the Earth science community Subtle changes in oceancolor signify various types and quantities of marine phytoplanktonmicroscopic marine plants the knowledge of which has bothscientific and practical applications The SeaWiFS Project operates aresearch data system that processes calibrates validates archivesand distributes data received from SeaWiFS The SeaWiFS Mission is apart of NASAs Earth Science EnterpriseThe SeaStar spacecraft developed by OSC carries the SeaWiFSinstrument and was launched to low Earth orbit on board an extendedPegasus launch vehicle on August 1 1997The SeaWiFS data is procured as a data buy from a privatecontractor Orbital Sciences Corporation OSC which subcontractedwith the Hughes Santa Barbara Research Center SBRC as the builder ofthe SeaWiFS ocean color sensor OSC built launched and operates theSeaStar satellite carrying the sensorThe GSFC EOS DAAC has the responsibility for the permanent archivingand distribution of SeaWiFS data to all approved SeaWiFS datausers The SDPS provides processed data to the GSFC DAAC Authorizedusers may also request LAC data archived at NASAlicensed HRPTstations A consolidated online electronic catalog of all holdingsof SeaWiFS data at Goddard or NASAlicensed HRPT stations is availableto all authorized SeaWiFS research users Requests for data not heldby the GSFC DAAC will be directed to the LAC station that holds thedata Fees if any for copies of SeaWiFS data can be no higher thanthe nominal cost of reproduction of the requested data The EOS DAACwill support the distribution of data in its holdings throughelectronic means and on selected magnetic or optical media Standingorders for routine distribution of all or selected products as theybecome available are subject to approval by NASAFor further information on the SeaWiFS Project contactSeaWiFS Project Code 9702NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterGreenbelt Maryland 20771Telephone 301 2869676For more information on SeaWiFS seehttpsoceancolorgsfcnasagovSeaWiFS" @default.
- 79422e05-bf40-4e7f-9675-1cfcbf9053e8 definition "Transpiration" @default.
- 7995f479-ea09-43f2-b48f-a3ea7e9a8bcd definition "The action or process of calibrating an instrument or experimental readings For NSIDC the keyword represents calibration reports such as the ones produced for the IceBridge DMS camera" @default.
- 7a00c50c-827c-4012-9afe-20972e6a00c6 definition "A species that eats meat and flesh of animals" @default.
- 7a0bd777-be0d-43c8-80eb-5ac58f4832de definition "The temperature that an unsaturated parcel of dry air would have if brought adiabatically and reversibly from its initial state to a standard pressure p0 typically 100 kPa" @default.
- 7a33a978-8ef6-4313-b489-c06cfc6d9cec definition "Nutrient cycling is the repeated pathway of particular nutrients orelements from the environment through one or more organisms back to theenvironment Nutrient cycles include the carbon cycle the nitrogencycle the phosphorus cycle and so on" @default.
- 7b335954-929b-4568-a758-1640d15c2504 definition "The USGS in cooperation with more than 800 state local and other federal agencies operates approximately 7000 continuously active streamflow measurement and data collection sites called streamgages Almost 5000 of the USGSs approximately 7000 streamgages are equipped with telemetry that transmits a reading of stream depth stage to a district office via satellite or telephone This realtime data is used for a multiplicity of purposes including flood hazard mitigation by the National Weather Service the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Emergency Management Agency and for resource planning and infrastructure design of reservoirs and dams" @default.
- 7b36ad79-8cf3-46a9-b26c-52f3a0f1eac9 definition "IMP6 IMPI or Explorer 43 NSSDC ID 71019A was a 16sided drumshapedspacecraft of dimensions 18212 meter high and 13564 meter in diameterIts mass was 635 kg The spacecraft spin axis was perpendicular to theecliptic plane with a spin rate of 5 rpm giving it a spin period of12 seconds IMP6 continued the study begun by earlier IMPs of theinterplanetary and outer magnetospheric regions by measuring energeticparticles plasma and electric and magnetic fields A radio astronomyexperiment was also included in the spacecraft payload The initialapogee point was near the earthsun line The solarcell and chemicalbattery powered spacecraft carried two transmitters One continuouslytransmitted PCM encoder data at a 1600bps information bit rate Thesecond transmitter was used for transmission of VLF data and for ranginginformation Three orthogonal pairs of dipole antennas were used forthe electric fields experiments and one of these pairs was also usedfor the radio astronomy experiment The members of the antenna pairalong the spacecraft spin axis extended 29 meter the members of theantennal pair used in both the electric field and radio astronomyexperiments extended 455 meter and the members of the third pair wereslightly unbalanced extending 244 meter and 276 meter respectivelyAll four elements perpendicular to the spin axis were to have extended455 meter The spacecraft reentered the earths atmosphere on October 21974 after a highly successful mission The IMP InterplanetaryMonitoring Platform spacecraft exploration program was carried out bythe United StatesEntry taken from Hills H K R G Littlefield N J Schofield and J I Vette Data Catalog Series for Space Science and Applications Flight Missions Vol 3A NSSDCWDCA NASA Goddard Space Flight Center September 1982See also Fairfield D H Journal of Geophysical Research 79 1368 1974 Frank L A et al Journal of Geophysical Research 82 129 1977 Armstrong T and S M Krimigis Journal of Geophysical Research 81 677 1976 Williams D J NOAA Technical Report ERL 393SEL 40 US Department of Commerce Boulder Colorado USA October 1977" @default.
- 7b98fcc5-4465-45c8-a647-557432276844 definition "One of the three fundamental states of matter with distinctly different properties from the liquid and solid states" @default.
- 7c1f984a-f065-465e-a12d-f941b2296872 definition "Coupled Climate Carbon Cycle Model Intercomparison Project" @default.
- 7ce49fe7-db96-44cf-a242-fdfca6337087 definition "A BALANCE is a scale used for weighing" @default.
- 7d10a16f-ca01-4ea5-b842-24c889210ab5 definition "Northwest quadrant of the Pacific Ocean" @default.
- 7e304e75-b6b9-4e4b-bbaf-64a0a49d157d definition "Water ice which has formed by the freezing of sea water" @default.
- 7ff67c95-ba28-4c2e-833f-66c39aca0865 definition "Eastward NearSurface Wind" @default.
- 804fb334-1c74-4070-bd5f-848014a6e220 definition "The transport of mass by vertical motion within clouds Mass in thiscontext is defined as the mass of dry air plus the mass of water vaporexcluding the mass of any liquid water" @default.
- 81957191-3585-40a3-891b-bbd15e14a31d definition "HRPC Highresolution Panchromatic Camera HRPC is a new pushbroom camera on CBERS2B replacing the IRMSS instrumentGroup InstrumentDetails EntryID HRPC Group InstrumentIdentification InstrumentCategory Earth Remote Sensing Instruments InstrumentClass Passive Remote Sensing InstrumentType PhotonOptical Detectors InstrumentSubtype Cameras ShortName HRPC LongName High Resolution Panchromatic Camera EndGroup Group AssociatedPlatforms ShortName CBERS2B EndGroup Group SpectralFrequencyInformation WavelengthKeyword Visible SpectralFrequencyCoverageRange 050 μm 080 μm EndGroup OnlineResource httpwwwwmosatinfooscarinstrumentsview192 OnlineResource httpnssdcgsfcnasagovnmcspacecraftDisplaydoid2007042A SampleImage httpwwwcbersinpebrincludeimgilustra1lancamento2bjpg CreationDate 20080825 Group InstrumentLogistics DataRate 60 Mbits InstrumentOwner BrazilINPE InstrumentOwner ChinaCAST EndGroupEndGroup" @default.
- 82191e97-53ba-413d-9a08-acd8b848e0b0 definition "The top of the inversion layer in the upper stratosphere at an altitudeof about 50 kilometers 31 miles" @default.
- 82823ffa-e4d5-4877-bf0a-b9eb5b8c1108 definition "GHGSat satellites orbit the earth detecting methane emissions at a 25m resolution" @default.
- 83150c54-5da8-4ee8-9579-19b95a8dc10c definition "Refers to the study of spectroscopy remote sensing and imaging combustion and propulsion technology and the radiative transfer processes" @default.
- 83e9ddee-5887-4758-a3ba-5cb17a7d4ed5 definition "The simultaneous or sequential occurrence of multiple extremes at single or multiple locations" @default.
- 84614820-6ae3-4c24-aae2-92b010656305 definition "UKESM10N96ORCA1" @default.
- 8491e067-951e-4cba-9619-d376b5c628a0 definition "The rocket was launched from Plesetsk Space Center 800kilometers northeast of Moscow and successfully brought thesatellites on board including OHBs microsatelliteRUBIN4dsi into their respective orbits OHB via itssubsidiary COSMOS International Satellitenstart GmbH organizedand carried out the services associated with the launch of SouthKorean research satellite KAISTSAT4 which was also on boardThe orbital telematics experiment Rubin4dsi developed by OHGis located on the upper stage of the COSMOS and transmitsinformation on the rockets acceleration vibration load andposition Rubin will transmit this information to earth viaemail using the Orbcomm satellite communications system Inthis way it will be possible to track the rocket in orbitreliably and without any data lossRUBIN4dsi is the fourth microsatellite from the RUBIN seriesdeveloped and maintained by OHB The first was launched in July2000 and transmitted approximately 1600 emails with measuringdata from outer space RUBIN2 a much more complex followupmodel and RUBIN3 came at the end of 2002Among other things RUBIN communications technology can infuture be used for communicating with satellites orbiting closeto the earth without any data loss Moreover RUBIN can provideearly information on whether a satellite was successfully putinto orbitFor further information please contactDanela SellOHBSystem AGCommunication Public Relationsfon 494212020620fax 494212020700mail dsell64ohbsystemdeAdditional information available athttpwwwfuchsgruppecomohbsystemNewspresse270903html" @default.
- 84df34de-8d78-4f98-bdd3-475d34cb364c definition "Text from NASAs THEMIS home page httpwwwnasagovmissionpagesthemisspacecraftSCMhtml The Search Coil Magnetometer SCM measures low frequency magnetic field fluctuations and waves in three directions triaxial in the Earths magnetosphere Scientists believe that low frequency magnetic fluctuations and waves play an important role in triggering substorms Frequencies of the waves range from several octaves below the lowest key on the piano 01 Hz up to the top key on the piano 4 kHz The SCM will measure this range to identify the instability that triggers substorms Data from the SCM will be especially important in studying the waves in the current disruption region about 10 Earth Radii away from Earth in the magnetotail plasma sheet as well as at larger distances where neutral lines are expected to form Together with the other instruments of the THEMIS suite the SCM will reveal the link between waves and the locations where substorms begin thereby identifying the basic substorm mechanismGroup InstrumentDetails EntryID SCM Group InstrumentIdentification InstrumentCategory SolarSpace Observing Instruments InstrumentClass Magnetic FieldElectric Field Instruments ShortName SCM LongName SEARCH COIL MAGNETOMETERS EndGroup Group AssociatedPlatforms ShortName THEMIS EndGroup OnlineResource httpwwwnasagovmissionpagesthemisspacecraftSCMhtml OnlineResource httpthemissslberkeleyeduinstrumentscmshtml SampleImage httpwwwnasagovimagescontent168039mainSCMETU1medjpg CreationDate 20080718 Group InstrumentLogistics InstrumentOwner CETP France InstrumentOwner NASA USA EndGroupEndGroup" @default.
- 855c22f5-d1e0-4ccf-81bd-c8120e7c4055 definition "A sudden variation in the vector of wind flow that is especially dangerousto aircraft during takeoff and landing" @default.
- 860e2af9-ce29-4f3f-b027-ae3747eb3e01 definition "Pertaining to the study of frozen seawater over the ocean surface" @default.
- 8680cb49-1637-4a47-a5fd-f39d4e618e45 definition "Climate models also known as general circulation models or GCMs use mathematical equations to characterize how energy and matter interact in different parts of the ocean atmosphere land Building and running a climate model is complex process of identifying and quantifying Earth system processes representing them with mathematical equations setting variables to represent initial conditions and subsequent changes in climate forcing and repeatedly solving the equations using powerful supercomputers" @default.
- 87624706-e11f-4043-ac54-479ed94b8dac definition "A natural watercourse usually freshwater flowing towards an ocean a lake a sea or another river" @default.
- 878e70de-f929-4d2f-9325-145ca95787e9 definition "gridded product generated from a model reanalysis based on insitu instruments and possibly satellite measurements" @default.
- 879cccd4-d375-40f6-8bee-6f58efd2dd61 definition "Also called Mesoscale Convective System A cloud system that occurs in connection with an ensemble of thunderstorms and produces a contiguous precipitation area on the order of 100 km or more in horizontal scale in at least one direction" @default.
- 879d286b-9ea6-4e4d-bdd1-56a4c7ca1531 definition "Pertaining to shallow bodies of water partially or completely separated from the open ocean by barriers of sand or coral" @default.
- 88313530-42b7-4c5b-a5d9-412534c63ef4 definition "The CETA program Distribution des cétacés en Terre Adélie was launched by the French Polar Institute IPEV in 2009 to carry out a first pilot study on cetacean distribution off Adelie Land IWC Area V An opportunistic survey conducted in January 2010 allowed the collection of 38 sightings on the continental shelf off the Adélie Land coastline totalising a minimum of 84 individuals True blue whales Balaenoptera musculus and humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae were identified for the first time in the Adélie Land region Sightings of antarctic minke whale Balaenoptera bonaerensis and killer whale Orcinus orca type A and C confirmed the presence of both species in this area PhotoID were realised on three blue whales and two humpback whales One of the two humpback was previously photoID in Hervey Bay East Australia in 2002 A biopsy was collected on one humpback whale The presence of great whales 8 individuals of blue and humpback whales in the Adélie Depression raised the issue of the importance of this area for such endangered species The second year of this pilot study will be conducted in January 2011 after which data will combined to evaluate relative abundance of cetaceans in the region This work is a part of the Southern Ocean Research Partnerships SORP on nonlethal whale research" @default.
- 885735f3-121e-4ca0-ac8b-f37dbc972f03 definition "Terrestrial related to the Earth A hydrosphere is the total amount of water on a planet The hydrosphere includes water that is on the surface of the planet underground and in the air A planets hydrosphere can be liquid vapor or iceOn Earth liquid water exists on the surface in the form of oceans lakes and rivers It also exists below groundas groundwater in wells and aquifers Water vapor is most visible as clouds and fogThe frozen part of Earths hydrosphere is made of ice glaciers ice caps and icebergs The frozen part of the hydrosphere has its own name the cryosphere Water moves through the hydrosphere in a cycle Water collects in clouds then falls to Earth in the form of rain or snow This water collects in rivers lakes and oceans Then it evaporates into the atmosphere to start the cycle all over again This is called the water cycle" @default.
- 88bf6e0c-3c8c-4493-a543-78d8b4f308ac definition "Total Runoff" @default.
- 894f9116-ae3c-40b6-981d-5113de961710 definition "A collection of software tools models and other services that can be used to analyze process and model Earth science data" @default.
- 89554e78-d69d-4a38-b7f1-78d9e1e4aa57 definition "Reports providing information on changes in environmental factors includingwarnings of potential threat to life property agricultural resources andorthe environment arising from atmospheric conditions and phenomena" @default.
- 89d5144f-b4b4-443a-a990-bc080e0ee7de definition "Climate Change is a global issue and the Met Office Hadley Centre is leading international research into what could happen under climate change and the impacts on current and future generationsSummary Provided Byhttpwwwmetofficegovukresearchhadleycentre" @default.
- 89e5b8c9-ef72-4e21-83c8-a7552f6871a4 definition "Reconstruction of past air temperatures using paleoclimate proxy records" @default.
- 8a22b941-dc2d-4fa8-b1d9-a7882c8bc40e definition "Water that is found on the surface of an astronomical object" @default.
- 8ad656db-1324-4e92-8273-5a765ca29282 definition "The current incarnation of the GISS series of coupled atmosphereocean models is available here Called ModelE it provides the ability to simulate many different configurations of Earth System Models including interactive atmospheric chemistry aerosols carbon cycle and other tracers as well as the standard atmosphere ocean sea ice and land surface components" @default.
- 8b7f66ea-d481-4641-9dbf-da90ca3ad9c9 definition "A large landform that stretches above the surrounding land in a limited area usually in the form of a peak A mountain is generally steeper than a hill The adjective montane is used to describe mountainous areas and things associated with them" @default.
- 8c02f5d1-ce86-4bf5-84d5-b3496cdba6ad definition "Water quality refers to the physical chemical and biological characteristics of water with respect to its suitability for a particular use Water chemistry refers to the chemical characteristics of water" @default.
- 8de2a7c3-1e66-4946-a8b3-9a2f79a3086c definition "The Global Ocean Observing System GOOS is an international effort tocoordinate and foster longterm routine globallyrelevantscientificallybased and systematic ocean observations andapplicationsGOOS is built upon research and provides data for research but isnot itself a research program Rather it is focussed on making useof research of applying knowledge for the public good and ofmotivating basic and applied research in topical areasGuided by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission IOC theWorld Meteorological Organization WMO the International Council ofScientific Unions ICSU and the United Nations Environment ProgrammeUNEP the planning for GOOS is taking place within five specificareas Climate Monitoring Assessment and Prediction Monitoring and Assessment of Living Marine Resources Monitoring of the Coastal Zone Environment and its Changes Assessment and Prediction of the Health of the Ocean Marine Meteorological and Operational Oceanographic ServicesUS GOOS activities are contained within many US agencies includingNOAA NSF NASA Navy Office of Oceanographer and ONR DOE DOIEPA and State A US GOOS Interagency Working Group coordinatesthese activitiesThe climate module is the leading candidate for implementationby US GOOS because it is the most welldeveloped in terms ofstrategy applications and technology The highest prioritywithin the climate module is the continuation of the TOGA ObservingSystem beyond its research phase 19841994 and into an operationalstatus for longterm provision of the data needed for forecasting ofEl NinoSouthern Oscillation ENSO events Economic studies haveshown that the investment to obtain such observations and make suchpredictions is returned many times over in benefits to theagricultural sector in the US plus additional benefits to othersectors At a lower priority within the climate module are thelongterm observations needed for the detection of climate changeThe second US GOOS urgency is the development of an interagencyCoastal GOOS Program including those aspects of all the GOOS modulesthat are relevant near the coast The coastal zone is underincreasing stress through population growth and landuse policies yetis also the region of major seaborne commerce and living marineresources Balancing resources against development requires a stronginformation base and predictive capability GOOS is dedicated tomaking this happen in a timely affordable and customerorientedmannerFor further information contactUS GOOS Interagency Working Groupco NOAANOSOES SSMC41305 EastWest HwySilver Spring MD 209103281USA30171329813017134392 FAXInternet usgoosnoaagovWWW httpwwwusgoosnoaagovgooshtmlThis information is condensed from the US GOOS World Wide Web pagesFor further information visit the international Global OceanObserving System Home Page athttpiocunescoorggoosDefaulthtmand the GOOS Project OfficehttpiocunescoorggoosgooshtmIDNNode USANASA" @default.
- 8e6ac9fb-b2a0-4547-915d-15b4e0df7d4a definition "The Convection and PrecipitationElectrification Experiment CaPEtook place in central Florida with a latitude range of 43N to 255Nwesternmost longitude of 86W and easternmost longitude of 69W TheCaPE Flight Activity began on July 18 1991 and ended on Aug 171991 Making use of the Advanced Microwave Precipitation RadiometerAMPR on board on a NASA ER2 aircraft flying at a nominal 20kmaltitude passive microwave measurements were made of convectiveactivity The purpose of the experiment was to collect precipitationdata in tropical convective storm cells over both water and land Datareturned included icewater concentrations and amounts and thestructure of the convective cells" @default.
- 8e89d525-161c-4e02-8ef8-4868e0cf8c57 definition "The degree and rate at which a substance is absorbed into a living system oris made available at the site of physiological activity" @default.
- 8e8b7689-0a8e-47a4-9c68-5f6a207104d5 definition "Satellites that observe the Earths sun and the physical universe beyond the Earths atmosphere" @default.
- 8f528b66-670d-4198-b014-7fdc9e1f6890 definition "CMIP the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project is the analog of AMIPfor global coupled oceanatmosphere general circulation models CMIPbegan in 1995 under the auspices of the Numerical ExperimentationGroup 2 NEG2 of CLIVAR The PCMDI supports CMIP in much the sameway that it supports AMIP by helping NEG2 to determine the scope ofthe project by maintaining the projects data base and byparticipating in data analysis CMIP has received model output frompreindustrial climate simulations control runs of 18 coupledGCMs A new phase of CMIP CMIP2 will examine model responses toanthropogenic climate forcingThe second phase of the project CMIP2 began in January 1997 Thisphase will examine model responses to an idealized scenario ofanthropogenic climate forcing a 1 per year increase in atmosphericcarbon dioxide Diagnosis of the model output will produce the firstcomprehensive data base on model predictions of future climaticchangesMore CMIP information is available on the World Wide WebLink to httpwwwpcmdillnlgovcmip" @default.
- 906e647b-2683-4ae7-9986-1aea15582b52 definition "Pertaining to the study of the chemical composition of the various phases of the earth and the physical and chemical processes which have produced the observed distribution of the elements and the nuclides in these phases" @default.
- 90aa8838-79bd-4b28-b518-8217e863c385 definition "A colorless odorless gaseous element constituting 21 percent of thevolume of the atmsophere and essential for aerobic forms of life Gaseousoxygen has a chemical forumla of O2 Dissolved oxygen is included as adetailed variable under Oxygen" @default.
- 90e7fd13-2da2-4ba6-9e0c-dbecdf7c2215 definition "Electromagnetic radiation of shorter wavelength than visible radiation but longer than xrays Radiation in the interval 10 to 4000 angstroms UV radiation from the sun is responsible for many photochemical ractionsin the upper atmosphere especially the formation of ozone UVB radiation in the range 280320 nm can possibly have serious health effects on humans and animals" @default.
- 910013d7-1e6a-4d1a-9921-be32d792a290 definition "The magnetism of the earth Also known as terrestrial magnetism" @default.