Matches in climatepub4-kg for { <> ?p ?o ?g. }
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with 100 items per page.
- 785f7c57-93c9-4fe0-8309-ff32aa59a637 TargetsLocation 41cd228c-4677-4900-9507-70144d8b50bc @default.
- 785f7c57-93c9-4fe0-8309-ff32aa59a637 TargetsLocation 4401ec0e-0d64-41d3-b4bd-2ff797865e83 @default.
- 785f7c57-93c9-4fe0-8309-ff32aa59a637 type Model @default.
- 785f7c57-93c9-4fe0-8309-ff32aa59a637 type Project @default.
- 785f7c57-93c9-4fe0-8309-ff32aa59a637 broader a31c2828-9b6d-44e9-b6ad-7ae81030f322 @default.
- 785f7c57-93c9-4fe0-8309-ff32aa59a637 broader fb0b9fcd-5c96-4989-8c64-a479bbed83ab @default.
- 785f7c57-93c9-4fe0-8309-ff32aa59a637 definition "The NeMO Project was conceived as a longterm study of theinteractions between geology chemistry and biology on a dynamic partof the midocean ridge system using stateof the art technology Thegoal is to make multiple observations at one location over severalyears to document changes in interrelated systems Hence the need fora multiyear seafloor observatoryThe site chosen for this observatory effort is called AxialSeamount Axial is an active volcano located on the Juan de FucaRidge about 250 miles off the coast of Oregon and Washington TheJuan de Fuca Ridge is a boundary where two of the Earths tectonicplates move slowly but episodically apart When the plates move theprocess is accompanied by small earthquakes and at some times bymagma intrusions and volcanic eruptionsAxial volcano is seamount at460N 1300W at the intersection of the Juan de Fuca Ridge and theCobb seamount chain It rises 1100 m above the surrounding ocean floorto a minimum depth of 1400 m below sea level The Axial volcano waschosen for the NeMO Project because it is the most volcanically activesite on the Juan de Fuca RidgeThe NeMO Project also is an opportunity to share this excitingscientific research with teachers students and the generalpublic The NeMO cruise will have a teacher at sea this summer andanother teacher working onshore to help make research resultsavailable via the web Daily updates are planned for thecalendar page describing life at sea and scientific results during theexpedition as well as answers to your questions during the cruiseA Bathymetric map of the NeMO Observatory at Axial Volcano can beviewed athttpnewportpmelnoaagovnemonemoobshtmlThe OregonWashington location map relative to Axial Volcano NeMO Sitecan be viewed at httpwwwpmelnoaagovventsgeologyImagesJdFRcolorgifRefer to the NeMO project web site for additional informationhttpnewportpmelnoaagovnemoprojecthtmlFor more information contactWebmasternemopmelnoaagovNeMO ProjectNOAAPMEL Vents Program2115 SE OSU DriveNewport OR 97365Phone 5418670275FAX 5418673907RevisionDate 19991222" @default.
- 785f7c57-93c9-4fe0-8309-ff32aa59a637 prefLabel "NEMO" @default.