Matches in climatepub4-kg for { <> ?p ?o ?g. }
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- ba7cc1c1-c5ef-43ff-9a2e-84629f0a94fa type Model @default.
- ba7cc1c1-c5ef-43ff-9a2e-84629f0a94fa type Project @default.
- ba7cc1c1-c5ef-43ff-9a2e-84629f0a94fa broader 4eb1894b-35b4-406b-8864-944a42bc7702 @default.
- ba7cc1c1-c5ef-43ff-9a2e-84629f0a94fa broader fb0b9fcd-5c96-4989-8c64-a479bbed83ab @default.
- ba7cc1c1-c5ef-43ff-9a2e-84629f0a94fa definition "Following the encouraging results of the DIADEM MASTIII project TOPAZ aimsat providing realtime forecasts for both the physics and ecology of the NorthAtlantic ocean As its predecessor TOPAZ develops advanced data assimilation systems for acoupled primitive equation ocean circulation and marine ecosystem model for theNorth Atlantic and the Nordic Seas with enhanced resolution in the Europeancoastal zones assimilating satellite data available for real time operationaluseTOPAZ keeps improving the results obtained in DIADEM partly thanks to theincreased computer resources recently available Our strategy is to takeadvantage of the newly available CPU and memory space for upgrading both thecirculation and the ecological models and for increasing their resolutionBesides the efficiency of the various data assimilation schemes is improved Features of the new model system are the following The Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model MICOM is replaced by the HybridCoordinate Ocean Model HYCOM It adds a fixed vertical coordinate to theoriginal isopycnic coordinate and allows for a better description of thevertical movements of water masses The original ecological model by Fasham Ducklow and Mc Kelvie FDM model isimproved so that the phytoplankton can adapt to changes in the physical andbiogeochemical environment In particular the new model allows variable carbonto nitrogen CN and carbon to chlorphyll ratios CNREcoM CN RegulatedEcosystem Model An ice model is coupled to the physical model HYCOM and measurements of iceconcentration and ice thickness are assimilated The model grid resolution is increased 18 to 35 km and a commondiscretization for both the physics and biology is now possible whichsimplifies their couplingThe data assimilation schemes used in the TOPAZ project are The Ensemble Kalman Filter EnKF used in the realtime experiment The Singular Evolutive Extended Kalman Filter SEEK The Ensemble Optimal Interpolation EnOI schemeThe observations used are satellite observed Sea Level Anomaly SLA SeaSurface Temperature SST Seaice concentrations from SSMI and soon Coriolis insitu dataThe major outcomes in terms of products are short term forecasts issued weeklyopen for public access and end usersTOPAZ data in the North Atlantic Ocean are freely available from the MERSEA LASserver httpwwwmerseaeuorgTOPAZ Website httptopaznerscno" @default.
- ba7cc1c1-c5ef-43ff-9a2e-84629f0a94fa prefLabel "TOPAZ" @default.