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- W2032790012 abstract "Previous articleNext article No AccessReview EssayCitizenship in a Woman-Friendly PolityKathleen B. JonesKathleen B. Jones Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Signs Volume 15, Number 4Summer, 1990 Article DOI Views: 28Total views on this site Citations: 92Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1990 The University of ChicagoPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Shiri Regev‐Messalem A new currency for paid care: Circles of reciprocity, Gender, Work & Organization 29, no.44 (Feb 2022): 1164–1177. Hearn, Barbara Hobson Gender, State, and Citizenships, (Mar 2020): 153–190. Maswikwa, Amanda Gouws, Sarah Frances Gordon Political Resistance and Citizenship Agency: Exploring the Experiences of Black African Zimbabwean and South African Women, Politeia 38, no.11 (Nov 2019). Maswikwa, Amanda Gouws, Sarah Frances Gordon Constructing Citizenship and Identity: Exploring Political Participation Amongst Black African Women from Zimbabwean and South African Townships, Politikon 45, no.33 (Dec 2017): 335–351. Gleeson A Woman’s Work is… Unfinished Business: Justice for the Disappeared Magdalen Women of Modern Ireland, Feminist Legal Studies 25, no.33 (Nov 2017): 291–312. Bibliography, (Sep 2017): 591–675. Carlson, Tuba Kanci The nationalised and gendered citizen in a global world – examples from textbooks, policy and steering documents in Turkey and Sweden, Gender and Education 29, no.33 (Feb 2016): 313–331. Staab Gender, Politics and Social Policy: An Institutionalist Perspective, (Feb 2017): 19–45. 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Riggs, Clemence Due Representations of reproductive citizenship and vulnerability in media reports of offshore surrogacy, Citizenship Studies 17, no.88 (Dec 2013): 956–969. Regev-Messalem Claiming Citizenship: The Political Dimension of Welfare Fraud, Law & Social Inquiry 38, no.44 (Jul 2013): 993–1018. Manning ‘I mainly look at things on an issue by issue basis’: Reflexivity and phronêsis in young people's political engagements, Journal of Youth Studies 16, no.11 (Feb 2013): 17–33. Triger Fear of the Wandering Gay: some reflections on citizenship, nationalism and recognition in same-sex relationships, International Journal of Law in Context 8, no.22 (Apr 2012): 268–282. References, (Jul 2012): 491–564. Nagatomo Japanese Single Mothers in Australia: Negotiation with Patriarchal Ideology and Stigma in the Homeland, (Jan 2012): 81–99. O’Rourke Transitioning to What? Transitional Justice and Gendered Citizenship in Chile and Colombia, (Jan 2012): 136–160. 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