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- W2051440491 abstract "Previous articleNext article No AccessMaize of the Ancestors and Modern Varieties: The Microeconomics of High-Yielding Variety Adoption in MalawiMelinda Smale, Paul W. Heisey, and Howard D. LeathersMelinda Smale Search for more articles by this author , Paul W. Heisey Search for more articles by this author , and Howard D. Leathers Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Economic Development and Cultural Change Volume 43, Number 2Jan., 1995 Article DOI Views: 65Total views on this site Citations: 60Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1995 The University of ChicagoPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:William J. Burke, Thom S. Jayne, Sieglinde S. Snapp Nitrogen efficiency by soil quality and management regimes on Malawi farms: Can fertilizer use remain profitable?, World Development 152 (Apr 2022): 105792.ël Akimowicz, Jean-Pierre Del Corso, Nicola Gallai, Charilaos Képhaliacos Adopt to adapt? Farmers’ varietal innovation adoption in a context of climate change. The case of sunflower hybrids in France, Journal of Cleaner Production 279 (Jan 2021): 123654. L Sayekti, R A Nugrahapsari, A M Hasibuan Seasonal variation in hybrid seed adoption: The case of chilli in Indonesia, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 637, no.11 (Jan 2021): 012004. Mellon-Bedi, K. Descheemaeker, B. Hundie-Kotu, S. Frimpong, J.C.J. Groot Motivational factors influencing farming practices in northern Ghana, NJAS: Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 92, no.11 (Jun 2021): 1–13. Magnan, Abby M. Love, Fulgence J. Mishili, Ganna Sheremenko Husbands’ and wives’ risk preferences and improved maize adoption in Tanzania, Agricultural Economics 51, no.55 (Aug 2020): 743–758. Vandercasteelen, Mekdim Dereje, Bart Minten, and Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse From Agricultural Experiment Station to Farm: The Impact of the Promotion of a New Technology on Farmers’ Yields in Ethiopia, Economic Development and Cultural Change 68, no.33 (Mar 2020): 965–1007. S. Llewellyn, Brendan Brown Predicting Adoption of Innovations by Farmers: What is Different in Smallholder Agriculture?, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 42, no.11 (Feb 2020): 100–112. S. Alexander, Garry Greenhalgh, Magnus Moglia, Manithaythip Thephavanh, Phonevilay Sinavong, Silva Larson, Tom Jovanovic, Peter Case What is technology adoption? Exploring the agricultural research value chain for smallholder farmers in Lao PDR, Agriculture and Human Values 37, no.11 (Jun 2019): 17–32. Takahashi, Rie Muraoka, Keijiro Otsuka Technology adoption, impact, and extension in developing countries’ agriculture: A review of the recent literature, Agricultural Economics 51, no.11 (Dec 2019): 31–45. Varma Adoption and the impact of system of rice intensification on rice yields and household income: an analysis for India, Applied Economics 51, no.4545 (Apr 2019): 4956–4972. P. Katengeza, Stein T. Holden, Rodney W. Lunduka , Journal of Agricultural Economics 70, no.11 ( 2019): 198. J. Omotilewa, Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, John Herbert Ainembabazi, Gerald E. Shively Does improved storage technology promote modern input use and food security? Evidence from a randomized trial in Uganda, Journal of Development Economics 135 (Nov 2018): 176–198. Hurley, Jawoo Koo, Kindie Tesfaye Weather risk: how does it change the yield benefits of nitrogen fertilizer and improved maize varieties in sub-Saharan Africa?, Agricultural Economics 49, no.66 (Sep 2018): 711–723. Jelliffe, Boris Bravo-Ureta, C. 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Mahon, Shawn McGuire, Md. Mofakkarul Islam Why bother with Bere? An investigation into the drivers behind the cultivation of a landrace barley, Journal of Rural Studies 45 (Jun 2016): 54–65. Arndt, Karl Pauw, James Thurlow The Economy‐wide Impacts and Risks of Malawi's Farm Input Subsidy Program, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98, no.33 (Aug 2015): 962–980. Kathage, Menale Kassie, Bekele Shiferaw, Matin Qaim Big Constraints or Small Returns? Explaining Nonadoption of Hybrid Maize in Tanzania, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 38, no.11 (Apr 2015): 113–131. Manda, Arega D. Alene, Cornelis Gardebroek, Menale Kassie, Gelson Tembo Adoption and Impacts of Sustainable Agricultural Practices on Maize Yields and Incomes: Evidence from Rural Zambia, Journal of Agricultural Economics 67, no.11 (Aug 2015): 130–153. Jones, Corinne Alexander, Nicole Olynk Widmar, Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, Jess M. Lowenberg-DeBoer Do Insect and Mold Damage Affect Maize Prices in Africa? Evidence from Malawi, Modern Economy 07, no.1111 (Jan 2016): 1168–1185. M. Dzanku, Magnus Jirström, Håkan Marstorp Yield Gap-Based Poverty Gaps in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa, World Development 67 (Mar 2015): 336–362. Ricker-Gilbert, Michael Jones Does storage technology affect adoption of improved maize varieties in Africa? Insights from Malawi’s input subsidy program, Food Policy 50 (Jan 2015): 92–105. Smale, John Olwande Demand for maize hybrids and hybrid change on smallholder farms in Kenya, Agricultural Economics 45, no.44 (Dec 2013): 409–420. Smale, Nicole Mason Hybrid Seed and the Economic Well-Being of Smallholder Maize Farmers in Zambia, The Journal of Development Studies 50, no.55 (Mar 2014): 680–695. Bulte, Gonne Beekman, Salvatore Di Falco, Joseph Hella, Pan Lei Behavioral Responses and the Impact of New Agricultural Technologies: Evidence from a Double‐blind Field Experiment in Tanzania, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96, no.33 (Apr 2014): 813–830. Zant Do Organic Inputs in African Subsistence Agriculture Raise Productivity? Evidence from Plot Data of Malawi Household Surveys, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 2014). Nordhagen, Unai Pascual The Impact of Climate Shocks on Seed Purchase Decisions in Malawi: Implications for Climate Change Adaptation, World Development 43 (Mar 2013): 238–251. Noltze, Stefan Schwarze, Matin Qaim Understanding the adoption of system technologies in smallholder agriculture: The system of rice intensification (SRI) in Timor Leste, Agricultural Systems 108 (Apr 2012): 64–73. Cavatassi, Leslie Lipper, Ulf Narloch Modern variety adoption and risk management in drought prone areas: insights from the sorghum farmers of eastern Ethiopia, Agricultural Economics 42, no.33 (Nov 2010): 279–292. Wale How do Farmers Allocate Land for Coffee Trees? Implications for On-Farm Conservation and Seed Technology Adoption in Ethiopia, Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 34, no.33 (Mar 2010): 270–291. Hoffmann What You Don't Know Can Hurt You: Micronutrient Content and Fungal Contamination of Foods in Developing Countries, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 38, no.0202 (Sep 2016): 100–108. Edmeades, Marianne Bänziger, Hugo Campos, Jeffrey Schussler Improving Tolerance to Abiotic Stresses in Staple Crops: A Random or Planned Process?, (Feb 2008): 293–309. S. Virk, J. R. Witcombe Trade-offs between on-farm varietal diversity and highly client-oriented breeding — a case study of upland rice in India, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 54, no.44 (Dec 2006): 823–835. Mekbib Farmer and formal breeding of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and the implications for integrated plant breeding, Euphytica 152, no.22 (Sep 2006): 163–176. Kimhi Plot size and maize productivity in Zambia: is there an inverse relationship?, Agricultural Economics 35, no.11 (Jul 2006): 1–9. Simtowe ., John Mduma ., Alexander Phiri ., Alban Thomas ., Manfred Zeller . 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Joyce Ogwu, Olubunmi Abayomi Omotesho, Abdulazeez Muhammad-Lawal Economics of Soil Fertility Management Practices in Nigeria, (): 236–263." @default.
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