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- W2089700394 abstract "Previous article Next article Solution of the Equation $AX + XB = C$ by Inversion of an $M times M$ or $N times N$ MatrixAntony JamesonAntony Jameson ToolsAdd to favoritesExport CitationTrack CitationsEmail SectionsAbout[1] Joseph LaSalle and , Solomon Lefschetz, Stability by Liapunov's direct method, with applications, Mathematics in Science and Engineering, Vol. 4, Academic Press, New York, 1961vi+134 MR0132876 (24:A2712) 0098.06102 Google Scholar[2] R. A. Smith, Matrix calculations for Liapunov quadratic forms, J. Differential Equations, 2 (1966), 208–217 10.1016/0022-0396(66)90044-1 MR0188557 (32:5995) 0151.02206 CrossrefISIGoogle Scholar[3] S. Barnett and , C. Storey, Analysis and synthesis of stability matrices, J. Differential Equations, 3 (1967), 414–422 10.1016/0022-0396(67)90041-1 MR0210991 (35:1876) 0156.03601 CrossrefISIGoogle Scholar[4] Er-chieh Ma, A finite series solution of the matrix equation $AX-XB=C$, SIAM J. Appl. 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Hartwig12 July 2006 | SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 23, No. 1AbstractPDF (908 KB)A survey of some recent results in linear multivariable feedback theoryAutomatica, Vol. 8, No. 4 Cross Ref Numerical solution of ATS + SA + Q = 0Information Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 1 Cross Ref A computational method for parameter optimization problems arising in control†25 June 2007 | International Journal of Control, Vol. 14, No. 2 Cross Ref A direct approach to the design of asymptotically optimal control lers†22 October 2007 | International Journal of Control, Vol. 13, No. 6 Cross Ref Stability Cross Ref Explicit Solutions of Linear Matrix EquationsPeter Lancaster18 July 2006 | SIAM Review, Vol. 12, No. 4AbstractPDF (1752 KB)On a method of Porter in the eigenvalue assignment problem†International Journal of Control, Vol. 12, No. 3 Cross Ref Solution of the Matrix Equations $AX + XB = - Q$ and $S^T X + XS = - Q$P. Chr. Müller1 August 2006 | SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 18, No. 3AbstractPDF (362 KB)On Nonnegative Solutions of the Equation $AD + DA' = - C$J. Snyders and M. Zakai1 August 2006 | SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 18, No. 3AbstractPDF (997 KB)Comparison of four numerical algorithms for solving the Liapunov matrix equation†International Journal of Control, Vol. 11, No. 2 Cross Ref Exact noise analysis of 'ideal' SC networks Cross Ref Volume 16, Issue 5| 1968SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics History Submitted:07 March 1968Published online:28 July 2006 InformationCopyright © 1968 © Society for Industrial and Applied MathematicsPDF Download Article & Publication DataArticle DOI:10.1137/0116083Article page range:pp. 1020-1023ISSN (print):0036-1399ISSN (online):1095-712XPublisher:Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics" @default.
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