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- W2106029867 abstract "Journal of Integrative NeuroscienceVol. 04, No. 01, pp. 123-144 (2005) No AccessTHE DOSE-DEPENDENT EFFECT OF METHYLPHENIDATE ON PERFORMANCE, COGNITION AND PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGYNICHOLAS J. COOPER, HANNAH KEAGE, DANIEL HERMENS, LEANNE M. WILLIAMS, DAVID DEBROTA, C. RICHARD CLARK, and EVIAN GORDONNICHOLAS J. COOPERThe Brain Resource Company and the Brain Resource International Database, Ultimo, NSW 2007, AustraliaCorresponding author. Search for more papers by this author , HANNAH KEAGEFlinders University, Bedford Park, SA 5001, Australia Search for more papers by this author , DANIEL HERMENSThe Brain Dynamics Center, University of Sydney and Westmead Hospital, NSW 2145, AustraliaDiscipline of Psychological Medicine, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia Search for more papers by this author , LEANNE M. WILLIAMSThe Brain Dynamics Center, University of Sydney and Westmead Hospital, Westmead, NSW 2145, AustraliaDiscipline of Psychological Medicine, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia Search for more papers by this author , DAVID DEBROTALilly Research Laboratories, Eli Lilly & Company, Indianapolis, IN 46285, USA Search for more papers by this author , C. RICHARD CLARKCognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Flinders University, Bedford Park, SA 5001, Australia Search for more papers by this author , and EVIAN GORDONThe Brain Resource Company and the Brain Resource International Database, Ultimo, NSW 2007, AustraliaConvenor, Integrative Neuroscience, Brain Dynamics Center, University of Sydney and Westmead Hospital, NSW 2145, AustraliaDiscipline of Psychological Medicine, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia Search for more papers by this author by:36 PreviousNext AboutSectionsPDF/EPUB ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsRecommend to Library ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditEmail AbstractThe effects of methylphenidate (MPH) on 32 healthy human male volunteers (aged 18 to 25 years, mean age = 22.26) were examined using a within-subject design. Each participant attended six testing periods, held once per week. Within each testing period, three repeat testing sessions were undertaken: pre-medication, on-medication and two hours post-medication. In these sessions, dose was manipulated (placebo, 5 mg, 15 mg or 45 mg) according a double-blind placebo design. In this report, we focus on behavioral, autonomic arousal (heart rate, skin conductance) and psychophysiological (ERP) data acquired during the working memory task. We found increased autonomic arousal (heart rate, skin conductance and blood pressure) with MPH. A linear reduction in reaction time, omission errors and target P3 latency, and a corresponding increase in background P3 amplitude was observed with increased MPH dose. The relationship between these measures supported an increase in performance and underlying brain function with MPH. 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