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- W2152937744 abstract "present tesi doctoral: Cooperar per Aprendre/Aprendre a Cooperar. Avaluacio d'un programa didactic per ensenyar a aprendre de manera cooperativa, preten esser l'avaluacio d'un programa didactic per introduir a les aules ordinaries i comunes una proposta didactica basada en la cooperacio entre iguals, fruit d'un treball previ entorn l'aprenentatge cooperatiu promogut des d'un grup de professors de la Universitat de Vic, i vinculats al GRAD (Grup de Recerca sobre l'Atencio a la Diversitat).Aquest programa ha estat aplicat a una escola d'educacio infantil i primaria i concretament en el tercer i quart curs d'educacio primaria. Mes concretament els objectius de la tesi han estat: 1. L'analisi de la coherencia del programa. Pel que fa a la coherencia suposa analitzar: -La coherencia teorica del programa: es a dir fins a quin punt es coherent amb els principis psicopedagogics de l'aprenentatge que el sustenten. -La coherencia logica: fins a quin punt davant els antecedents o problematiques a les quals el programa en questio preten superar, portar a terme les actuacions previstes en el mateix, suposara aconseguir els efectes esperats o les noves situacions davant de les problematiques. - L'analisi de la coherencia entre la planificacio i la implementacio: fins a quin punt el que s'ha aplicat es el que s'havia planificat. 2. Analisi de la qualitat absoluta del programa: si es constata o verifica que s'han donat una serie de criteris (si ha millorat la cohesio del grup, la participacio activa de l'alumnat, el clima de l'aula i el rendiment academic dels alumnes). 3. Analisi del Grau de cooperativitat: Analitzar fins a quin punt el treball dels equips ha estat realment cooperatiu. Es a dir analitzar si els equips compleixen els factors que fan que un equip sigui realment cooperatiu: Interdependencia positiva, de rols i de tasques, interaccio cara a cara, habilitats socials basiques i autoavaluacio de l'equip. El grau de cooperativitat d'un equip vindra determinat, per tant, per dos elements: per la quantitat de temps que treballen en equip dins d'una unitat didactica (expressada pel % dels segments de l'activitat AA de tipus cooperatiu) i per la qualitat del treball cooperatiu (expressada per un index de qualitat, determinat per la constatacio del grau en el qual es donin uns determinats factors de cooperativitat que incrementen l'eficacia del treball en equip) i/o uns determinats contrafactors (que disminueixen l'eficacia del treball en equip). La metodologia utilitzada esta en la linia de la investigacio avaluativa desenvolupada per Robert Stake. One of the new educational challenges is to advance towards the inclusive education that has as basic aim, the attention of all the pupils (independently of your capacities, conditions of learning) in the group class and inside the ordinary classroom. For this question, it is necessary that the schools, the teachers and teachers check your habitual practices, in order to reach this aim, with the maximum guarantees of quality. This way so, it turns out indispensable to orientate the look towards the organizational and methodological formulae that have been developing during the last years in the centers and countries in which the inclusive education is already a reality. In this respect, though evidently it is a question of educational very different systems and very complex all of them - in which it becomes difficult to generalize the practices-, we must not forget that, adapted to our reality they us can be of great help to advance. Good example of it they turn out to be the multiple options of collaboration inside the classroom of the different professionals, in some cases as personnel of support, in others exclusively for the elaboration of material in other cases, to do direct and specific attention, etc. To sorrow that in many cases we cannot import everything all that we would like, if that many of these initiatives can serve us to incorporate small practical, small formats of work that can be of easy application in our day and to be able to improve someone of our practices. In this respect, one of the principal modals of our study son the considerations of international Organizaciones like the UNESCO (2001) - in the description of 9 rules of gold for the incorporation - or the European Agency for the attention of the educational special needs, who have analyzed the fundamental props that have made possible an inclusive education. Though it is obvious that in every country have been organized of a different form, also it is evident, that in order that the inclusive school is possible have given themselves a few conditions communes and indispensable. In the graph that follows us later, we are going to see these conditions synthesized. Departing from this premise, our project of research began during the year 2006/07 in which we receive a demand of collaboration and advice on the part of the team of orientation of a zone of the Central Catalonia. In this zone, one had given a punctual situation of school incorporation, since des of the 80s the pupils with educational special needs - some of them with severe disabilities - had been attended in the ordinary schools of the sector. Though in a few first moments this situation was answering to a question of geography (the school of special education was placing to approximately 45 minutes), later there was promoted of a form more direct des of the specific services, even des of the same educational inspection. This way so, the context was reflecting a situation of educational incorporation in which, in spite of the difficulties, it was splitting of a trivial condition: all the pupils of infantile education i primary - so much of the public as compound centers-, were in the ordinary classrooms. The aims of the thesis are: o 1.Analysis of the coherence of the program CA/AC o 2. Analysis of the quality of the program CA/AC: if performance of the pupils improves, if the climate of the classroom improves, if it improves the interactions between the student body and if it facilitates the participation of all the pupils, o 3.Analysis the cooperative degree of the teams and of the class in general. The phases of research: 1.PREPARATORY PHASE:Determination of the instruments for the analysis of the aims of the research. 2.APPLICATION OF THE PROGRAM: Application of the program CA/AC in two academic courses (the third course in 06/07 and fourth course in 07/08), in the areas of language and mathematical respectively. 3 and 4.Evaluation of the program: Analysis of the coherence, the quality and the cooperative degree and final conclusions. " @default.
- W2152937744 created "2016-06-24" @default.
- W2152937744 creator A5074754162 @default.
- W2152937744 date "2010-02-05" @default.
- W2152937744 modified "2023-09-27" @default.
- W2152937744 title "Cooperar per aprendre/Aprendre a cooperar(Programa CA/AC). Avaluació d'un programa didàctic per ensenyar a aprendre de manera cooperativa" @default.
- W2152937744 cites W1000837 @default.
- W2152937744 cites W100241620 @default.
- W2152937744 cites W101619069 @default.
- W2152937744 cites W1017368780 @default.
- W2152937744 cites W1027102180 @default.
- W2152937744 cites W1030133304 @default.
- W2152937744 cites W1042872455 @default.
- W2152937744 cites W112173610 @default.
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- W2152937744 cites W12192325 @default.
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- W2152937744 cites W1495515822 @default.
- W2152937744 cites W1496670570 @default.
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- W2152937744 cites W1523283460 @default.
- W2152937744 cites W1531190413 @default.
- W2152937744 cites W1531814423 @default.
- W2152937744 cites W1532659531 @default.
- W2152937744 cites W1540808441 @default.
- W2152937744 cites W1540985729 @default.
- W2152937744 cites W1544315507 @default.
- W2152937744 cites W1566748626 @default.
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- W2152937744 cites W1601333678 @default.
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- W2152937744 cites W165033595 @default.
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- W2152937744 cites W170748489 @default.
- W2152937744 cites W1744229416 @default.
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- W2152937744 cites W1801167950 @default.
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