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- W2554828628 abstract "The temporal pole (TP) is an association cortex capable of multisen-sory integration and participates in various high-ordercognitive func-tions. However, an accepted parcellation of the human TP and itsconnectivity patterns have not yet been well established. Here, wesought to present a scheme for the parcellation of human TP basedon anatomical connectivity and to reveal its subregional connectivitypatterns. Three distinct subregions with characteristic fiber path-ways were identified, including the dorsal (TAr), the medial (TGm),and lateral (TGl) subregions, which are located ventrally. Accordingto the connectivity patterns, a dorsal/ventral sensory segregation ofauditoryand visual processing and the medial TGm involved in the ol-factory processing were observed. Combined with the complemen-tary resting-state functional connectivity analysis, the connectionsof the TGm with the orbitofrontal cortex and other emotion-relatedareas, the TGl connections with the MPFC and major default modenetwork regions, and the TAr connections with the perisylvianlanguage areas were observed. To the best of our knowledge, thepresent study represents the first attempt to parcel the human TPbased on its anatomical connectivity features, which may help toimprove our understanding of its connectional anatomy and toextend the available knowledge in TP-related clinical research.Keywords: connectivity, diffusion tensor imaging,parcellation, resting-statefMRI, temporal poleIntroductionCovering the anterior portion of the human temporal lobe (TP),the TP not only has been regarded as a structural uniform areainearlierbrainatlases(Brodmann1909;EconomoandKoskinas1925),butalsohasbeenproposedasafunctionalhomogeneousregion in previous literatures (Patterson et al. 2007; Simmonset al. 2010). Because little is known regarding human TP con-nectivity and function, it has been referred to as “the enigmaticTP” (Olson et al. 2007). However, anatomical tracer studies innonhuman primates have revealed its rich connections in bothcortical and subcortical structures, although such studies wereusually confined to specificareas(Markowitsch et al. 1985 ;Moran et al. 1987; Kondo et al. 2003). Furthermore, numerousanimalexperimentsaswell asclinicaland neuroimagingstudieshave demonstrated that the TP is an association cortex that notonly is involved in multimodal sensory integration (Kondo et al.2003;Poremba et al. 2003 ;Olsonetal.2007; Skipperetal. 2011;Visseret al. 2012), but also has been implicated in various high-order cognitive functions, including memory (Schacter andWagner 1999 ; Munoz-Lopez et al. 2010), name and face recog-nition (Olson et al. 2007), emotion (Royet et al. 2000), empathicbehavior (Rankin etal. 2006),social cognition (Zahn et al. 2007,2009; Green et al. 2010; Olsonetal.2012), and higher-orderaspects of language, such as sentence processing (Hickok andPoeppel 2007) and semantic memory (Binney et al. 2010). Thediversity of its functions and connections suggests the presenceofsubregionswithinthisareaandtheirparticipationindifferentfunctionalnetworks.However, there has been much debate regarding how theTP should be partitioned on the basis of various criteria fromobserver-dependent histological studies. Although it has beenpreviously described as a uniform area in earlier cytoarchitec-tonic or myeloarchitectonic atlases (see SupplementaryFig. 1A,B), different views on TP parcellation also exist. Ac-cording to fiber myelogenesis, Flechsig (1920) differentiatedthe anterior polar region with its dorsal part as Feld 13, itsmedial part as Feld 13b, and its ventral part as Feld 18b in hismyelogenetic map (see Supplementary Fig. 1C). Moreover,one myeloarchitectonic parcellation study demonstrated 5 sub-regions in this area (Hopf 1954). Furthermore, 2 recent post-mortem studies using different histological criteria found thatthe TP could be separated into different cytoarchitectonic sub-fields (Ding et al. 2009; Blaizot et al. 2010). Although potentialexplanations for inconsistent TP parcellation may be the vari-able extents of the human TP and the different methodologiesused and their inherent limitations, because of the lack of anaccepted description of the TP subregions, further understand-ing of TP function in vivo has been overlooked and even dis-puted in relevant studies. Moreover, given that TP dysfunctionhas also been associated with multiple neurological disorders,including schizophrenia (Gur et al. 2000; Crespo-Facorro et al.2004), semantic dementia (Olson et al. 2007; Patterson et al.2007), epilepsy (Semah 2002; Chabardes et al. 2005), Alzhei-mer ’s disease, and Pick s disease (Arnold et al. 1994), an estab-lished parcellation frame with a systematic connectivityanalysis for the human TP in vivo would be helpful for furtherunderstanding the malfunctions induced bysuch diseases.Previous studies have suggested that the functional and/orstructural heterogeneity of a brain region correlates with itsconnectivity pattern; thus, the patterns of its anatomical con-nectivity reflect the segregation of distinct areas (Passinghamet al. 2002; Averbeck et al. 2009; Eickhoff et al. 2010; Caspers" @default.
- W2554828628 created "2016-11-30" @default.
- W2554828628 creator A5004981927 @default.
- W2554828628 creator A5030433990 @default.
- W2554828628 creator A5050597833 @default.
- W2554828628 creator A5060635963 @default.
- W2554828628 creator A5063939728 @default.
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- W2554828628 date "2013-01-01" @default.
- W2554828628 modified "2023-09-22" @default.
- W2554828628 title "Connectivity-Based Parcellation of the Human Temporal Pole Using Diffusion" @default.
- W2554828628 cites W1508054049 @default.
- W2554828628 cites W1524726623 @default.
- W2554828628 cites W1577528636 @default.
- W2554828628 cites W1582697909 @default.
- W2554828628 cites W1586007354 @default.
- W2554828628 cites W1760829075 @default.
- W2554828628 cites W1964233116 @default.
- W2554828628 cites W1965248225 @default.
- W2554828628 cites W1968770448 @default.
- W2554828628 cites W1968913378 @default.
- W2554828628 cites W1969533226 @default.
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