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- W4211229771 abstract "Free Access Bibliography Jérôme Dinet, Jérôme DinetSearch for more papers by this author Book Author(s):Jérôme Dinet, Jérôme DinetSearch for more papers by this author First published: 10 July 2014 AboutPDFPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShareShare a linkShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditWechat References AFNOR, Vocabulaire de la documentation, AFNOR, Paris, 1993. AHUJA J.S., WEBSTER J., “Perceived disorientation: an examination of a new measure to assess web design effectiveness”, Interacting with Computers, vol. 14, pp. 15– 29, 2001. ANDREWS T.J., COPPOLA D.M., “Idiosyncratic characteristics of saccadic eye movements when viewing different visual environments”, Vision Research, vol. 39, pp. 2947– 2953, 1999. 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