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- W4321385817 abstract "This study aimed to analyze the correlation between Human Capital Sustainability Leadership style and manager resilience through a pragmatic worldview. Using explanatory sequential mixed methods research design (QUAN→qual), respondents covered were managers from the Airline Operations Group of an AIRLINE Company with at least one year of managerial experience within the organization. In the quantitative phase, Human Capital Sustainability Leadership Scale by Di Fabio and Peiro (2018) and Domain-Specific Resilient Systems Scales (DRSSWork) by Maltby, Day, Hall, and Chivers (2019) were used for the online survey. Forty-five (45) eligible respondents have participated. Mean, standard deviation, and Spearman rank correlation coefficient were employed. To further explain the quantitative results, one-on-one qualitative interviews were done with eight (8) key informants, face-toface and online. Themes were identified. Results showed that Human Capital Sustainability Leadership style was exhibited by the Airline Operations Group managers to a very high degree while resilience was exhibited to a high degree. There was a linear, positive, and highly significant correlation between Human Capital Sustainability Leadership style and resilience. Each aspect of the Human Capital Sustainability Leadership style was positively, highly, and significantly correlated with manager resilience. Through triangulation, a model of leadership styles and manager resiliency was built. To implement the model, implications for a management development program were identified.ReferencesAcosta, H., Cruz-Ortiz, V., Salanova, M., & Llorens S. (2015). Healthy organization: Analysing its meaning based on the HERO model. Revista de Psicologia Social, 30 (2), 323-350., M. & Hashemi, E. (2019). The relationship of mindfulness with burnout & adaptive performance with the mediatory role of resilience among Iranian employees. 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