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- W4362508783 abstract "Free Access References Armelle Choplin, Armelle ChoplinSearch for more papers by this author Book Author(s):Armelle Choplin, Armelle ChoplinSearch for more papers by this author First published: 31 March 2023 AboutPDFPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare References Aalbers , M.B. ( 2016 ). The Financialization of Housing: A political economy approach . Routledge . . Acey , C. ( 2018 ). Rise of the synthetic city: Eko Atlantic and practices of dispossession and repossession in Nigeria . In: Disassembled Cities: Social and Spatial Strategies to Reassemble Communities (ed. E.L. Sweet ). Abingdon/New York : Routledge . Adama , O. ( 2018 ). Urban imaginaries: funding mega infrastructure projects in Lagos, Nigeria . GeoJournal 83 ( 2 ): 257 – 274 . . Adelekan , I.O. ( 2020 ). Urban dynamics, everyday hazards and disaster risks in Ibadan, Nigeria . Environment and Urbanization 32 ( 1 ): 213 – 232 . 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