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- W4379114663 abstract "Chapter 11 L Book Editor(s):Victoria Emma Pagán, Victoria Emma PagánSearch for more papers by this author First published: 25 May 2023 Read the full textAboutPDFPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Further Reading Gallivan , P. 1978 . “ The Fasti of the Reign of Claudius .” Classical Quarterly 28 : 408, 414, 425 . Rutledge , Steven H. 2001 . Imperial Inquisitions: Prosecutors and Informants from Tiberius to Domitian . London : Routledge . 42, 101–102, 222, 242–243, 296 . Further Reading Astin , A. E. 1967 . Scipio Aemilianus . Oxford : Clarendon Press . Kennedy , George . 1972 . The Art of Rhetoric in the Roman World, 300 bc – ad 300 . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press . 60 – 71 . van den Berg , Christopher . 2014 . The World of Tacitus' Dialogus de Oratoribus . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . 180 . Further Reading “Statue of Trajan Uncovered in Turkey.” Archaeology . Wednesday, April 3, 2019. Accessed March 30, 2020. . Reference Syme , Ronald . 1958 . Tacitus . 2 vols. Oxford : Oxford University Press . Further Reading Rutledge , Steven H. 2001 . Imperial Inquisitions: Prosecutors and Informants from Tiberius to Domitian . London : Routledge . 144–145, 244–245 . Further Reading Syme , R. 1949 . “ Personal Names in Annals I–VI .” Journal of Roman Studies 39 : 6 – 18 . Further Reading Furneaux , Henry . 1896 . The Annals of Tacitus . 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press . R. Mayer , ed. 2001 . Tacitus Dialogus de Oratoribus . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Weidemann , T. E. J. 1996 . “ From Nero to Vespasian .” In The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume X: The Augustan Empire, 43 B.C.–A.D. 69 , edited by Alan K. Bowman , Edward Champlin , and Andrew Lintott . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Reference Meister , Jan B. 2014 . “ Lachen und Politik. Zur Funktion von Humor in der politischen Kommunikation .” Klio 96 : 26 – 48 . Further Reading Corbeill , Anthony . 1996 . Controlling Laughter: Political Humor in the Late Roman Republic . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press . Haynes , Holly . 2014 . “ The In- and Outside of History: Tacitus with Groucho Marx .” In Les opera minora et le développement de l'historiographie tacitéenne , edited by Olivier Devillers , 31 – 44 . Bordeaux : Ausonius . Plass , Paul . 1988 . Wit and the Writing of History. The Rhetoric of Historiography in Imperial Rome . Madison : University of Wisconsin Press . Further Reading Wieacker , Franz . 1988 . Römische Rechtsgeschichte: Quellenkunde, Rechtsbildung, Jurisprudenz und Rechtsliteratur . Vol. I . München : Beck . 388 – 428 . Woodman , A. J. , and R. M. Martin . 1996 . The Annals of Tacitus, Book 3 . Cambridge, UK and New York : Cambridge University Press . 233 – 261 . References Pagán , Victoria E. 2000 . “ Distant Voices of Freedom in the Annales of Tacitus .” Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History 10 : 358 – 369 . Wirszubski , C. 1960 . Libertas as a Political Idea at Rome during the Late Republic and Early Principate . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Further Reading Benario , H. W. 1964 . “ Tacitus and the Principate .” Classical Journal 60 : 97 – 106 . Cogitore , Isabelle . 2011 . Le doux nom de liberté . Bordeaux : Ausonius . Kapust , Daniel J. 2011 . Republicanism, Rhetoric, and Roman Political Thought: Sallust, Livy, and Tacitus . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Raaflaub , Kurt . 1984 . “ Freiheit in Athen und Rom: Ein Beispiel divergierender politischer begriffsentwicklung in der Antike .” Historische Zeitschrift 238 . 3 : 529 – 567 . Sailor , Dylan . 2008 . Writing and Empire in Tacitus . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Strunk , Thomas E. 2017 . History after Liberty: Tacitus on Tyrants, Sycophants, and Republicans . Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press . Reference Syme , Ronald . 1989 . The Augustan Aristocracy . Oxford : Clarendon Press . Further Reading O'Gorman , E. 2006 . “ Alternative Empires: Tacitus' Virtual History of the Pisonian Principate .” Arethusa 39 : 281 – 301 . Further Reading Syme , Ronald . 1986 . The Augustan Aristocracy . Oxford : Oxford University Press . Chapter XX, 270 – 283 . Reference Mayer , Roland . 2001 . Tacitus . Dialogus de Oratoribus. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Further Reading Kennedy , George . 1972 . The Art of Rhetoric in the Roman World, 300 BC-AD 300 . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press . 84 – 90 . Whitton , Christopher . 2019 . The Arts of Imitation in Latin Prose: Pliny's Epistles/Quintilian in Brief . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Further Reading Marshall , B. A. 1976 . Crassus: A Political Biography . Amsterdam : A. M. Hakkert . Ward , A. M. 1977 . Marcus Crassus and the Late Roman Republic . Columbia : University of Missouri Press . Further Reading Keaveney , Arthur . 1992 . Lucullus: A Life . New York : Routledge . References Ash , Rhiannon . 2007 . “ The Wonderful World of Mucianus .” In Vita Vigilia Est: Essays in Honour of Barbara Levick , edited by E. Bispham , 1 – 18 . London : Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 100 . De Kleijn , Gerda . 2013 . “ C. Licinius Mucianus, Vespasian's Co-ruler in Rome .” Mnemosyne 66 : 433 – 459 . Nicols , J. 1978 . Vespasian and the Partes Flavianae . Historia Einzelschriften 28. Wiesbaden : F. Steiner . Syme , Ronald . 1958 . Tacitus . 2 vols. Oxford : Oxford University Press . Further Reading De Kleijn , Gerda . 2009 . “ C. Licinius Mucianus, Leader in Time of Crisis .” Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte 58 : 311 – 324 . Rodgers , Perry M. 1980 . “ Titus, Berenice and Mucianus .” Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte 29 : 86 – 95 . Syme , Ronald . 1977 . “ The March of Mucianus .” Antichthon 11 : 78 – 92 . Stein , Arthur . 1924 . “ Licinius Proculus .” RE 23 : 457 . Further Reading Damon , Cynthia . 2003 . Tacitus Histories Book 1 . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Haynes , Holly . 2003 . The History of Make-believe. Tacitus on Imperial Rome . Berkeley : University of California Press . Morgan , Gwyn . 2007 . 69 A.D.: The Year of Four Emperors . Oxford : Oxford University Press . Reference De Marinis , Raffaele , and Giuseppina Spadea . 2004 . I Liguri: un antico popolo europeo tra Alpi e Mediterraneo . Milano : Skira . Further Reading Patterson , John , and Filippo Pengue . 1988 . Sanniti, Liguri e Romani . Circello : Comune di Circello . Further Reading Benario , Herbert W. 1988 . “ Tacitus, Trier and the Treveri .” Classical Journal 83 : 233 – 239 . Further Reading De Landtsheer , Jeanine . 2012 . “ Commentaries on Tacitus by Justus Lipsius. Their Editing and Printing History .” In The Unfolding of Words: Commentary in the Age of Erasmus , edited by Judith Rice Henderson and P. M. Swan , 188 – 242 . Toronto : University of Toronto Press . De Landtsheer , Jeanine . 2013 . “ Annotating Tacitus: The Case of Justus Lipsius .” In Transformations of the Classics via Early Modern Commentaries , edited by Karl Enenkel , Intersections 29, 279 – 326 . Leiden and Boston : Brill . IJsewijn , Jozef . 1998 . “ Marcantonio Mureto .” In The World of Justus Lipsius , edited by Marc Laureys et al., 71 – 80 . Brussels and Rome : Bulletin van het Belgisch Historisch Instituut te Rome 68 . Ruysschaert , José . 1947– 1948 . “ Le séjour de Juste Lipse à Rome (1568–1570) d'après ses Antiquae lectiones et sa correspondance .” Bulletin de l'Institut historique belge de Rome 24 : 139 – 192 . Ruysschaert , José . 1949 . Juste Lipse et les Annales de Tacite. Une méthode de critique textuelle au XVIe siècle, Recueil de Travaux d'Histoire et de Philologie, 3e série, fascicule 34 . Leuven : Bibliothèque de l'Université . References Barrett , Anthony A. 2002 . Livia: First Lady of Imperial Rome . New Haven, CT : Yale University Press . L'hoir , Francesca Santoro . 2006 . Tragedy, Rhetoric, and the Historiography of Tacitus' Annales . Ann Arbor, MI : University of Michigan Press . O'Gorman , Ellen . 2000 . Irony and Misreading in the Annals of Tacitus . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Further Reading Barrett , Anthony A. 2003 . “ Damned with Faint Praise: Tacitus' Obituary of Livia .” In Laurea internationalis: Festschrift für Jochen Bleicken zum 75. Geburtstag , edited by Theodora Hantos , 45 – 60 . Stuttgart : Steiner . Bartman , Elizabeth . 1999 . Portraits of Livia: Imaging the Imperial Woman in Augustan Rome . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Damon , Cynthia , and Sarolta Takács . 1999 . “ The Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone Patre .” Special issue, American Journal of Philology 120 . Flory , Marleen B. 1993 . “ Livia and the History of Public Honorific Statues for Women in Rome .” Transactions of the American Philological Association 123 : 287 – 308 . DOI: 10.2307/284333 . Edwards , Catharine . 1993 . The Politics of Immorality in Ancient Rome . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . L'hoir , Francesca Santoro . 1994 . “ Tacitus and Women's Usurpation of Power .” Classical World 88 : 5 – 25 . DOI: 10.2307/4351613 . Milnor , Kristina . 2005 . Gender, Domesticity, and the Age of Augustus . Oxford : Oxford University Press . Perkounig , Claudia-Martina . 1995 . Livia Drusilla – Iulia Augusta: das politische Porträt der ersten Kaiserin Roms . Vienna : Bölau . Purcell , Nicholas . 1986 . “ Livia and the Womanhood of Rome .” Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 32 : 78 – 105 . Rose , Charles Brian . 1997 . Dynastic Commemoration and Imperial Portraiture in the Julio-Claudian Period . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Rutland , Linda W. 1978 . “ Women as Makers of Kings in Tacitus' Annals .” Classical World 72 : 15 – 29 . DOI: 10.2307/4348970 . Severy , Beth . 2003 . Augustus and the Family at the Birth of the Roman Empire . London and New York : Routledge . Wood , Susan E. 1999 . Imperial Women: A Study of Public Images, 40 B.C. – A.D. 68 . Leiden : Brill . Reference Varner , Eric R. 2001 . “ Portraits, Plots, and Politics: Damnatio memoriae and the Images of Imperial Women .” Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 46 : 41 – 93 . Further Reading Flower , Harriet . 2011 . The Art of Forgetting: Disgrace and Oblivion in Roman Political Culture . Chapel Hill, NC . Sinclair , Patrick . 1990 . “ Tacitus' Presentation of Livia Julia, Wife of Tiberius' son Drusus .” American Journal of Philology 111 : 238 – 256 . DOI: 10.2307/294977 . Reference Syme , Ronald . 1981 . “ The Early Tiberian Consuls .” Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte 30 . 2 : 189 – 202 . Further Reading Moeller , Walter . 1970 . “ The Riot of A.D. 59 at Pompeii .” Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte 19 . 1 : 84 – 95 . Murgatroyd , Paul . 2006 . “ Tacitus, Annals 14, 17–19 .” Latomus 65 . 1 : 115 – 118 . Further Reading Dart , Christopher J. 2014 . The Social War, 91 to 88 BCE: A History of the Italian Insurgency against the Roman Republic . Farnham : Ashgate . 69 – 98 . Mouritsen , Henrik . 1998 . Italian Unification. A Study in Ancient and Modern Historiography . London : Institute of Classical Studies-School of Advanced Studies . 120 – 127 . References Andresen , G. 1916 . “ Tacitus und Livius .” Wochenschrift für klassische Philologie 33 : 210–214, 401–406, 758–766 . Ash , R. 1998 . “ Waving the White Flag: Surrender Scenes at Livy 9. 5–6 and Tacitus, Histories 3. 31 and 4. 62 .” Greece and Rome 45 : 27 – 44 . Fletcher , G. B. A. 1964 . Annotations on Tacitus (Collection Latomus LXXI) . Brussels and Berchem . Ginsburg , J. 1981 . Tradition and Theme in the Annals of Tacitus . New York : Arno Press . Goodyear , F. R. D. 1981 . The Annals of Tacitus . Vol. II . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Oakley , S. P. 1997– 2005 . A Commentary on Livy Books VI–X . Oxford : Oxford University Press . Woodman , A. J. 2006 . “ Mutiny and Madness: Tacitus Annals 1.16–49 .” Arethusa 39 : 303 – 329 . DOI: 10.1353/are.2006.0019 . Woodman , A. J. 2015 . “ Tacitus and Germanicus. Monuments and Models .” In Fame and Infamy: Essays on Characterization in Greek and Roman Biography and Historiography , edited by R. Ash , J. Mossman , and F. B. Tichener , 255 – 268 . Oxford : Oxford University Press . DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199662326.001.0001 . Woodman , A. J. , and C. S. Kraus . 2014 . Tacitus Agricola . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Further Reading Ginsburg , J. 1993 . “ In maiores certamina : Past and Present in the Annals .” In Tacitus and the Tacitean Tradition , edited by T. J. Luce and A. J. Woodman , 86 – 103 . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press . B. Mineo , ed. 2015 . A Companion to Livy . Malden, MA : Wiley Blackwell . Syme , Ronald . 1958 . Tacitus . 2 vols. Oxford : Oxford University Press (especially pp. 733–734). Walsh , P. G. 1961 . Livy: His Historical Aims and Methods . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Reference Barrett , Anthony . 1996 . Agrippina: Sex, Power and Politics in the Early Empire . New Haven, CT : Yale University Press . Further Reading Syme , Ronald . 1986 . The Augustan Aristocracy . Oxford : Oxford University Press . 176–177, 184–186 . Further Reading Syme , Ronald . 1986 . The Augustan Aristocracy . Oxford : Clarendon Press . References Claassen , Jo-Marie . 2013 . N.P. Van Wyk Louw: Germanicus Translated and with an Introduction . London : Dragonfly eBooks . Accessed June 5, 2020. ; . Louw , N. P. Van Wyk . 1956 . [Frequent reprints 1957–1975]. Germanicus . Cape Town : Tafelberg . Further Reading Claassen , Jo-Marie . 2017 . “ 'n Klassikus se ontleding van N.P. Van Wyk Louw se Germanicus : 'n Beeld van Mag en Onmag ” ( = “A Classicist's analyis of the verse drama Germanicus by Afrikaans poet N.P. Van Wyk Louw: An Image of Power and Powerlessness,” with a 3-page English summary). Litnet Akademies 14 . 3 : 417 – 455 . Accessed June 5, 2020. . Steyn , J. C. 1998 . Van Wyk Louw: 'n Lewensverhaal (= “Van Wyk Louw a Life Story”) . Vols. 1 & 2 . Cape Town : Tafelberg . References Ash , Rhiannon . 2018 . Tacitus, Annals. Book XV . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Fantham , Elaine . 2011 . “ A Controversial Life .” In Brill's Companion to Lucan , edited by Paolo Asso , 3 – 20 . Leiden and Boston : Brill . Hosius , Carolus . 1913 . M. Annaei Lucani De Bello Civili libri decem . Lipsiae : Teubner . Hunink , Vincent Jan Christian . 1992 . “ Lucan's Last Words, VI .” In Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History , edited by Carl Deroux , 390 – 407 . Brussels : Latomus . Joseph , Timothy A. 2012 . Tacitus the Epic Successor: Virgil, Lucan and the Narrative of Civil War in the Histories . Leiden and Boston : Brill . O'Gorman , Ellen . 1995 . “ Shifting Ground: Lucan, Tacitus and the Landscape of Civil War .” Hermathena: A Trinity College Dublin Review 158 : 117 – 131 . Rostagni , Augusto . 1944 . Svetonio, De Poetis e biografi minori . Torino : Chiantore . Rudich , Vasily . 1997 . Dissidence and Literature under Nero: The Price of Rhetoricization . London : Routledge . Further Reading Daly , Megan M. 2020 . “Seeing the Caesar in Germanicus: Reading Tacitus' Annals with Lucan's Bellum Civile .” Journal of Ancient History 8.1 : 103 – 126 . Narducci , Emanuele . 2002 . Lucano. Un'epica contro l'impero . Roma and Bari : Laterza . Wilson , Joseph P. 1990 . “ The Death of Lucan: Suicide and Execution in Tacitus .” Latomus 49 : 458 – 463 . Further Reading Bradley , G. , and G. Farney 2017 . The Peoples of Ancient Italy . Boston : De Gruyter . Convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia . 1974 . Le genti non greche della Magna Grecia: atti dell'undicesimo Convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia: Taranto, 10–15 ottobre 1971 . Naples : L'arte tipografica . Further Reading Rhiannon Ash , ed. 2007 . Tacitus, Histories II . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . ad 2.58–9. Guy E. F. Chilver , ed. 1979 . A Historical Commentary on Tacitus' Histories I and II . Oxford : Oxford University Press . ad 2.58–9. Steve Mason , ed. 2008 . Flavius Josephus: Translation and Commentary, Volume 1B: Judean War 2 . Leiden : Brill . ad 2.272–6. Reference Kajanto , Iiro . 1982 . The Latin Cognomina . Rome : G. Bretschneider Editore . References Cosme , Pierre . 2015 . L'anno dei quattro imperatori . Palermo : 21 Editore . Houston , George W. 1977 . “ Vespasian's Adlection of Men in the Senate .” American Journal of Philology 98 : 35 – 63 . Roxan , Margaret M. 1996 . “ An Emperor Rewards His Supporters: The Earliest Extant Diploma Issued by Vespasian .” Journal of Roman Archaeology 9 : 247 – 256 . Further Reading Demougin , Ségolène . 1992 . Prosopographie des chevaliers romains julio-claudiens . Rome : Publications de l'École Française de Rome (especially pp. 590–592). Further Reading Dalla Rosa , Alberto . 2017 . “ Propriété familiale, pouvoir impérial: origine et gestion du patrimonium d'Auguste en Asie mineure .” In Auguste et l'Asie mineure , edited by Laurence Cavalier , Marie-Claire Ferriès , and Fabrice Delrieux , 101 – 116 . Bordeaux : Ausonius Éditions . Syme , Ronald . 1958 . “ Obituaries in Tacitus .” American Journal of Philology 79 : 18 – 31 . Further Reading Jones , T. 2018 . A Mere Equestrian? Sejanus and The Succession to Tiberius in Its Augustan Context . (Doctor of Philosophy). Macquarie University . Levick , B. 2010 . Augustus: Image and Substance . Harlow : Longman . Swan , P. M. 2004 . The Augustan Succession: An Historical Commentary on Cassius Dio's Roman History, Books 55–56 (9 B.C.-A.D. 14) . Oxford : Oxford University Press . D. Wardle , ed. 2014 . Life of Augustus = Vita divi Augusti . 1st ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press . Further Reading Cleary , Simon Esmonde . 2008 . Rome in the Pyrenees: Lugdunum (Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges) and the Convenae from the First Century B.C. to the Seventh Century A.D . New York and Oxford : Routledge Press . Morgan , M. Gwyn . 2006 . 69 A.D.: The Year of Four Emperors . Oxford : Oxford University Press . 149 – 151 . Further Reading Poignault , R. 2001 . “ Les fleuves dans le récit militaire tacitéen .” Latomus 60 . 2 : 414 – 432 . References Bleicken , Jochen . 1962 . Senatsgericht und Kaisergericht . Göttingen : Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht . Gallivan , Paul . 1974 . “ Some Comments on the Fasti for the Reign of Nero .” Classical Quarterly 24 : 290 – 311 . Further Reading Brunt , Peter . 1961 . “ Charges of Provincial Maladministration under the Early Principate .” Historia 10 : 189 – 227 . Further Reading Alarcão , Jorge de . 1988 . Roman Portugal . 3 vols. Warminster : Aris & Phillips . Edmondson , J. C. 1990 . “ Romanization and Urban Development in Lusitania .” In The Early Roman Empire in the West , edited by T. Blagg and M. Millett , 151 – 178 . Oxford : Oxbow . Mantas , Vasco Gil . 2004 . “ A Lusitânia e o Mediterrâneo: identidade e diversidade numa província romana .” Conimbriga 43 : 63 – 83 . DOI: 10.14195/1647-8657_43_3 . Reference Demougin , S. 1992 . Prosopographie des chevaliers romains julio-claudiens (43 av. J.-C. - 70 ap. J.-C.) . Rome : École Française de Rome . Further Reading Bastianini , G. 1975 . “ Lista dei prefetti d'Egitto da 30a- al 299p .” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 17 : 263 – 328 . Malfugeon , M. 2008 . “ Les impératrices et les préfets du prétoire: un partage du pouvoir? ” Latomus 67 : 399 – 413 . Reference Biesinger , Benjamin . 2016 . Römische Dekadenzdiskurse: Untersuchungen zur römischen Geschichtsschreibung und ihren Kontexten (2. Jahrhundert v. Chr. bis 2. Jahrhundert n. Chr.) . Stuttgart : Steiner . Further Reading Boatwright , Mary T. 1980 . Tacitus and the Wealth, Enrichment, and Impoverishment of the Roman Upper Class . PhD, University of Michigan . Marshall , Adam R. 2008 . “ Law and Luxury in Augustan Rome (Tacitus, Annals 3.53–4) .” Journal of Ancient Civilizations 23 : 97 – 117 . Further Reading Bennett , Julian . 2011 . “ Why Did Claudius Annex Lycia? ” Adalya XIV : 119 – 134 . Further Reading Payne , Annick , and Jorit Wintjes . 2016 . Lords of Asia Minor: An Introduction to the Lydians . Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag . Further Reading Woodman , A. J. 2018 . Annals of Tacitus Book 4 . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . 100 – 115 . The Tacitus Encyclopedia, First ReferencesRelatedInformation" @default.
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