Matches in SemOpenAlex for { <> ?p ?o ?g. }
- W4387654189 endingPage "102216" @default.
- W4387654189 startingPage "102216" @default.
- W4387654189 abstract "Gas-bearing pulse tube cryocoolers (PTCs) are efficient and durable for the elimination of supporting and reciprocating parts of the compressor components. Compared with the leaf-spring-suspension compressors, the PTCs with the characteristics of high efficiency, lightweight, compactness, and considerable temperature regulation of PTCs have aroused wide concern but were rarely investigated. Here, we report the regenerative packing sections of two-stage PTCs under harsh working conditions (i.e., the hot-end temperatures of the compressor and cold finger were 333K and 313K, respectively), and the dimensions of pulse tubes (1st and 2nd) were systematically explored. The heat functional (sub)structures and obtained compressor curves coupling with the cold fingers showed an excellent cooling capacity of 0.05W@20K at the heat rejection temperature of 293K. The operating frequency is 52 Hz, which is far beyond the typical high-frequency 40Hz; and the input electric power is 450W. Gas-bearing PTCs can meet the requirements of space telescopes for 20K temperature regions. This study makes a difference in promoting the application of gas-bearing PTCs in cryogenic cooling and remote sensing for aerospace applications, which also provides a feasible way to realize the lightweight of space cryocoolers with considerable efficiency, high reliability, and durable lifespan." @default.
- W4387654189 created "2023-10-16" @default.
- W4387654189 creator A5003208728 @default.
- W4387654189 creator A5021508567 @default.
- W4387654189 creator A5031763658 @default.
- W4387654189 creator A5043823435 @default.
- W4387654189 creator A5047000623 @default.
- W4387654189 creator A5060037355 @default.
- W4387654189 creator A5067327701 @default.
- W4387654189 creator A5068320905 @default.
- W4387654189 creator A5072962412 @default.
- W4387654189 creator A5083848380 @default.
- W4387654189 date "2023-10-01" @default.
- W4387654189 modified "2023-10-16" @default.
- W4387654189 title "High-frequency two-stage gas-bearing pulse tube cryocoolers at 20K for space applications" @default.
- W4387654189 cites W110030795 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W1950977377 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W1965631461 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W1971221955 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2024256243 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2031006690 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2041560658 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2043177535 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2165297788 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2194937049 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2294937393 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2534759123 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2551716166 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2581138865 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2581753917 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2611231535 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2623289458 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2734424104 @default.
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- W4387654189 cites W2778088593 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2788406415 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2800505501 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2883639220 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2885665415 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2903381495 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2904824138 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2940329255 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2946332680 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2947631090 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W2972000618 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W3088376373 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W3099322661 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W3101674778 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W3102357339 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W3121599275 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W3198964168 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W3212918722 @default.
- W4387654189 cites W949902627 @default.
- W4387654189 doi "" @default.
- W4387654189 hasPublicationYear "2023" @default.
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- W4387654189 hasAuthorship W4387654189A5003208728 @default.
- W4387654189 hasAuthorship W4387654189A5021508567 @default.
- W4387654189 hasAuthorship W4387654189A5031763658 @default.
- W4387654189 hasAuthorship W4387654189A5043823435 @default.
- W4387654189 hasAuthorship W4387654189A5047000623 @default.
- W4387654189 hasAuthorship W4387654189A5060037355 @default.
- W4387654189 hasAuthorship W4387654189A5067327701 @default.
- W4387654189 hasAuthorship W4387654189A5068320905 @default.
- W4387654189 hasAuthorship W4387654189A5072962412 @default.
- W4387654189 hasAuthorship W4387654189A5083848380 @default.
- W4387654189 hasConcept C107706546 @default.
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