Matches in Ubergraph for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- NCIT_C16240 NCIT_P101 "CSF1R/PDGFR Family" @default.
- NCIT_C18339 NCIT_P101 "Drosophila sevenless" @default.
- NCIT_C18348 NCIT_P101 "CSF1 receptor" @default.
- NCIT_C18348 NCIT_P101 "platelet-derived growth factor receptor" @default.
- NCIT_C49358 NCIT_P101 "MIAP, Murine" @default.
- NCIT_C49360 NCIT_P101 "BRUCE, Murine" @default.
- NCIT_C49407 NCIT_P101 "Oocyte Specific Helicase ME31, Drosophila melanogaster ; DEAD Box Helicase Family, DDX6/ME31B Subfamily" @default.
- NCIT_C49456 NCIT_P101 "CDC2/CDKX Family" @default.
- NCIT_C49543 NCIT_P101 "ADAM Family, Peptidase M12b Family" @default.
- NCIT_C49763 NCIT_P101 "CXC Family, GRO2, GRO3, MIP-2 (Mouse)" @default.
- NCIT_C49764 NCIT_P101 "CXC Family, GRO1, GRO3, MIP-2 (Mouse)" @default.
- NCIT_C49765 NCIT_P101 "CXC Family, GRO1, GRO2, MIP-2 (Mouse)" @default.
- NCIT_C50378 NCIT_P101 "C19 Peptidase Family" @default.
- NCIT_C50379 NCIT_P101 "TRE2, C19 Peptidase Family" @default.
- NCIT_C50380 NCIT_P101 "Serine Hydrolase Family" @default.
- NCIT_C50390 NCIT_P101 "F-Box Family, Cdc4 (S. cerevisiae), Archipelago (Drosophila), Met30p (S. cerevisiae)" @default.
- NCIT_C50396 NCIT_P101 "Class-I Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Family" @default.
- NCIT_C50812 NCIT_P101 "Similar to Rat Afar, Shaker-Related Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel, and Aldose Reductase" @default.
- NCIT_C50814 NCIT_P101 "Lipoxygenase Family" @default.
- NCIT_C50893 NCIT_P101 "MTHFR Family" @default.
- NCIT_C50900 NCIT_P101 "NQO Family" @default.
- NCIT_C50927 NCIT_P101 "RRM1 Family" @default.
- NCIT_C50932 NCIT_P101 "IL10 Family" @default.
- NCIT_C50957 NCIT_P101 "EXT Family" @default.
- NCIT_C50959 NCIT_P101 "EXT Family" @default.
- NCIT_C50977 NCIT_P101 "Escherichia coli exonuclease III Gene" @default.
- NCIT_C50980 NCIT_P101 "Mouse ERCC1 (LocusID: 13870)" @default.
- NCIT_C50980 NCIT_P101 "Yeast RAD10 (LocusID: 36654)" @default.
- NCIT_C50981 NCIT_P101 "Budding Yeast RAD3 (SwissProt: P06839)" @default.
- NCIT_C50981 NCIT_P101 "Fission Yeast Rad15+ (SwissProt: Q02099)" @default.
- NCIT_C50981 NCIT_P101 "Mouse ERCC2 (LocusID: 13871)" @default.
- NCIT_C50982 NCIT_P101 "Fruit Fly Hay (LocusID: 39202)" @default.
- NCIT_C50982 NCIT_P101 "Mouse ERCC3 (LocusID: 13872)" @default.
- NCIT_C50982 NCIT_P101 "Yeast RAD25 (GenBank_Accession_Number: X79207)" @default.
- NCIT_C50983 NCIT_P101 "Chinese hamster Ercc4 (GenBank_Accession_Number: AB017635)" @default.
- NCIT_C50984 NCIT_P101 "Mouse Ercc5 Gene (LocusID: 22592)" @default.
- NCIT_C50984 NCIT_P101 "Rat Ercc5 Gene (LocusID: 24901)" @default.
- NCIT_C50985 NCIT_P101 "SNF2/RAD54 Family" @default.
- NCIT_C50991 NCIT_P101 "MUTL/HEXB Family, mutL (Bacterial)" @default.
- NCIT_C50998 NCIT_P101 "MUTS Family, mutS (E. coli, S. cerevisiae), MSH2" @default.
- NCIT_C51002 NCIT_P101 "MUTL/HEXB Family, mutL (Bacterial), PMS1 (Yeast)" @default.
- NCIT_C51003 NCIT_P101 "MUTL/HEXB Family, mutL (Bacterial and Yeast)" @default.
- NCIT_C51005 NCIT_P101 "RECA Family, RAD51 Subfamily" @default.
- NCIT_C51012 NCIT_P101 "C. elegans F55C5.8" @default.
- NCIT_C51012 NCIT_P101 "Mouse Xrcc1" @default.
- NCIT_C51026 NCIT_P101 "GST Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51028 NCIT_P101 "GST Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51048 NCIT_P101 "NAT Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51078 NCIT_P101 "SRC Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51088 NCIT_P101 "CLCA Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51097 NCIT_P101 "CT Family, Sp32 (Pig, Mouse, Guinea Pig)" @default.
- NCIT_C51117 NCIT_P101 "SRC Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51119 NCIT_P101 "SRC Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51122 NCIT_P101 "SRC Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51148 NCIT_P101 "CDH Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51151 NCIT_P101 "CDH Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51152 NCIT_P101 "CDH Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51153 NCIT_P101 "CDH Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51181 NCIT_P101 "TM4SF Family, Leukocyte Surface Antigen R2 (Mouse), CD37, CD53" @default.
- NCIT_C51182 NCIT_P101 "v-AKT Oncogene (Retrovirus AKT8), RAC Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51185 NCIT_P101 "v-AKT Oncogene (Retrovirus AKT8), RAC Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51190 NCIT_P101 "MIL/RAF Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51192 NCIT_P101 "Budding Yeast TEL1 gene" @default.
- NCIT_C51192 NCIT_P101 "Drosophila m. lok gene" @default.
- NCIT_C51192 NCIT_P101 "Drosophila m. mei-41 gene" @default.
- NCIT_C51192 NCIT_P101 "Fission Yeast rad3+ gene" @default.
- NCIT_C51192 NCIT_P101 "Fission Yeast tel1+ gene" @default.
- NCIT_C51192 NCIT_P101 "Human TRRAP gene" @default.
- NCIT_C51192 NCIT_P101 "Mouse Atm gene" @default.
- NCIT_C51192 NCIT_P101 "PI3/PI4 Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51192 NCIT_P101 "Rat Atm gene" @default.
- NCIT_C51192 NCIT_P101 "Saccharomyces c. ESR1/MEC1 gene" @default.
- NCIT_C51192 NCIT_P101 "Schizosaccharomyces p. rad3 gene" @default.
- NCIT_C51192 NCIT_P101 "Yeast MEC1 gene" @default.
- NCIT_C51193 NCIT_P101 "ABR (Human), Rotund (Drosophila), GAP Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51194 NCIT_P101 "c-Rmil Proto-Oncogene (Aves), MIL/RAF Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51227 NCIT_P101 "Serpin Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51239 NCIT_P101 "TET Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51242 NCIT_P101 "FABP/P2/CRBP/CRABP Transporter Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51283 NCIT_P101 "MDM2/MDM4 Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51285 NCIT_P101 "Ig Binding Factor Family, Beta-Microseminoprotein Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51288 NCIT_P101 "CCN Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51290 NCIT_P101 "NOVA Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51386 NCIT_P101 "IL12RB2, Tccr (Mouse)" @default.
- NCIT_C51387 NCIT_P101 "GPCR Family 1, RBS11 Receptor , MIP1-alpha/RANTES Receptor" @default.
- NCIT_C51389 NCIT_P101 "ERBB Family , v-erbB Oncogene (Avian Erythoblastosis Retrovirus)" @default.
- NCIT_C51413 NCIT_P101 "WAP Family, Prostate Stromal Protein ps20 (Rat and Mouse)" @default.
- NCIT_C51473 NCIT_P101 "SMOH" @default.
- NCIT_C51482 NCIT_P101 "GPCR Family 2" @default.
- NCIT_C51494 NCIT_P101 "FGF Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51495 NCIT_P101 "FGF Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51498 NCIT_P101 "FGF Family, Int2 (Mouse)" @default.
- NCIT_C51500 NCIT_P101 "FGF Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51501 NCIT_P101 "FGF Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51502 NCIT_P101 "FGF Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51509 NCIT_P101 "TNF Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51511 NCIT_P101 "TNF Family, CD40 Ligand" @default.
- NCIT_C51514 NCIT_P101 "NRG Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51526 NCIT_P101 "TNF Family" @default.
- NCIT_C51542 NCIT_P101 "FGFR Family" @default.